Informational support of national security
Karpov, G. (2018). Identity of Migrants as the National Security Factor (the Case Study of Africans Residing in the Great Britain). Security Issues, 5, 1–24.
Today's West is facing transformation of migrants' identity as part of migration processes and socio-political changes. Incomers often develop identity that do not correspond or even contradict to the rules and traditions of the host society. Over the last decade the Great Britain has been encountering the problem of migrants' identification as a nettlesome and important issue for both indoor and outdoor security of the country. In this article Karpov analyzes the identify of Africans who migrated to and reside in the Great Britain today. He focuses on historical prerequisites of their identity, ideological and philosophical basis thereof, common features of all African migrants and specific features of individual African diaspores. The main research method used by the author is the historical review. Karpov has also applied analytical, statistical and comparative methods combined with the elements of synthesis and value-based approach. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the coverage and depth of the research. The key features of British Africans' identity include collegiality, religiousity, aloofness and desire to preserve languages and culture of their motherland. African diaspores living in the Great Britain have their own opinion on what is legal or illegal, right or wrong, appropriate or inappropriate. Some communities may be even hostile towards one another and the English community. According to the author, the British government themselves created conditions for the development of such specific features of migrants in the colonial and post-colonial eras. Taking into account the reducing number of the native population, the Great Britain is now facing a serious challenge.
Diaspora, Crime, Multiculturalism, Africans, Security, United Kingdom, Identity, Migration, Community, Religion
Reliability factor in security systems
Korotkiy, A.A., Pavlenko, A.N., Kinzhibalov, A.A., Kinzhibalov, A.V. (2018). Tower Crane Safety Systems as the Preventive Measures of Industrial Accidents and Injures. Security Issues, 5, 25–34.
Technical progress and modern legislation impose new requirements on the security systems of tower cranes. Nevertheless, the accident rate of tower cranes remains at a high level and in 90% of cases associated with the human factor. The aim of the study is to improve modern security systems for tower cranes based on digital technologies in terms of risk-based supervision. The authors set such tasks as analyzing the accident rate of tower cranes and studying and improving the main modern security systems of tower cranes. They apply the methods of statistical information processing and the main provisions of the theory of risk. A unique system of independent remote monitoring of the safety of tower cranes on the basis of digital technologies using a linguistic assessment of the main parameters of the crane. The authors of the article put forward and prove a hypothesis about reducing the risk of an accident while improving the quality of the implementation of production control at the enterprise. The system was tested on a demonstration model and in production conditions. The use of the proposed system under risk-based supervision entails a reduction in the burden on the business and an increase in the efficiency of production control.
remote control, hazardous production facility, human factor, risk-oriented supervision, production control, tower cranes, accident rate, industrial safety, safety devices, risk indicators
Technologies and methodology of security systems
Belozerov, V.V. (2018). About the Cognitive Model of Managing Safety of Heavily Trafficked Facilities (the Results of Investigation of the Fire that Happened at Turgenevsky Shopping Center in Cherkessk). Security Issues, 5, 35–62.
In his article Belozerov presents the results of a comprehensive expert audit of the fire that happened at Turgenevsky Shopping Center in Cherkessk and resulted in over 1.5 billion roubles of damage. The researcher underlines that the safety levels of heavily trafficked facilities (HTFs) are set in the design and checked by the state or non-state expertise that issues a construction permission. In the course of construction, functioning and modernization of HTFs the observance of safety requirements is controlled by different supervisory agencies (architectural, fire-protection, energy agencies, etc.) and this is the very point when the safety level is often reduced significantly. Thus, Belozerov offers the concept of cognitive synergetic system of HTF safety management under the aegis of Russia's Prosecution Office. The results of analyzing violations of safety requirements committed by both HTF heads and supervisory agencies demonstrate that the main causes of such violations are, firstly, the variety of supervisory agencies and the absence of interaction between them; secondly, a great number of contradictory requirements, guidelines and rules regarding the matter, and the fact that regional governments try to set forth individual regulations and mandatory requirements in addition to standard Technical Regulations.
synergetic, norms and rules, technical regulations, laws, supervisory authorities, management, safety, an object with mass stay of people, cognitive model, public prosecutor's supervision
Reliability factor in security systems
Tikhanychev, O.V. (2018). Once Again about the Challenges of Using Battle Robot Systems. Security Issues, 5, 63–72.
The scope of the research is the use of robots in the military. The object of the research is the moral, ethical and legal challenges that may arise in this sphere, first of all, in the use of automated battle robots. One of the revolutionary aspects in the military today is the robotization of the battle field. This trend creates certain technological, legal and humanitarian problems. Like any other weapons, robots may be used with crucial errors that experts divide into the errors of the first andn the second kinds. While consequences of such errors are quite predictable for usual weapons and it is no problem who bears a responsibility in case of errors being made, the situation is much more difficult for the use of military robots. The author of the article analyzes the main aspects of the matter using general research methods such as analysis and synthesis. Bsed on the review of legal, moral and aesthetical challenges of using automated military robots, possible consequences and errors of the first and the second kinds that may arise, the author of the article emphasizes the need to differentiate between responsibility of designers and responsibility of users.
erroneous decisions, moral and ethical problems of robotics, use of weapons, legal problems of robotics, the emergence of LARs, legal relations with robots, lethal autonomous robotics, robotics battlefield, errors of the second kind, sharing responsibility in robotics
Economical support of national security
Chernogor, I.A. (2018). Modern Economic Problems of the Human Right to Food in Russia. Security Issues, 5, 73–85.
Food provision is the most important purposeful activity of each country and society in general. In his research Chernogor offers a definition of food security as the basis of state independence. The matter under research is the concept of food security in terms of Russia and the global society. The researcher offers his own definition of food security and explains the theoretical grounds for giving such a definition. The subject of the research is particular economic relations that arise in the process of solving food security issues. The object of the research is the industry in Russia and world countries. The research methods and methodologies include comparison, observation, analogy, calculation, analysis and synthesis, statistical methods and modelling. The practical importance of the research is that the author makes conclusions and gives suggestions that may be promising for food security and independence of Russia. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the following. The author clarifies a definition of food security and food independence of the Russian Federation and world countries. The author analyzes the dependence of the welfare of the Russians on the comsuption of the main food products. The author outlines the challenges of physical and economic access of the population to imported food products, and the author gives recommendations that would guarantee the food security and food independence of the Russian Federation and other countries of the world.
physical availability, economic availability, FAO, Russia, national security, economic security, food security, import substitution, food product, import and export