Strategy of national security
bartosh, a.a. (2018). Transformation of Modern Conflicts. Security Issues, 1, 1–18.
This paper investigates the determinants of change in modern conflicts in the transition from linear to non-linear models of war. The rationale of the research is caused by the growing tendency of modern warfare to the asymmetric strategies of indirect actions, based on a combination of military efforts with political, economic and informational methods of influence on the enemy for solving problems that were mostly resolved by military means. The methodology is based on a comparative analysis of the strategies of modern war as well as on the analysis of the genesis and evolution of contemporary conflicts. The scientific novelty of research is caused by the fact that work represents one of the first attempts to study the evolution of modern warfare with the involvement of categories of the determinants. The author analyzes two kinds of conflicts, hybrid war and a color revolution as the most prominent examples of the Genesis of war in the era of globalization and information technology revolution. The author gives the detailed analysis of the main components of a hybrid war: the military-political, socio-economic and information. It is shown that in the beginning of the XXI century, with special strength evident by a number of factors contributing to a radical transformation of the meaning and purpose of contemporary conflicts, due to a noticeable shift in the balance of military and non-military forms, means, methods, and technologies not in the power part of the spectrum. The indicated trend is an important factor leading to high-quality modification of indicators determining the conflicts of the new generation of hybrid war and a color revolution. Thus, the transition of contemporary conflicts from the classical linear paradigm to non-linear wars of a new type and the highest form of modern war is a war of civilizations, a war of meanings of their existence. The winner of the war of the senses wins not a space and not even the right to control the resources of the defeated States, but gaining the right to determine its future. This necessitates the development of new strategies to protect the state from a hybrid aggression, which needs to incorporate the non-linear configuration of strategic forces and capabilities.
conventional warfare, hybrid warfare, color revolution, nonlinear, linear, paradigm, determinant, information warfare, national security, friction of war
System and interaction
Eremina, N. (2018). The Concept of Security in BRICS in Terms of the English School of International Relations. Security Issues, 1, 19–31.
The subject of the research is the general concepts of BRICS member-states on security and security means. The author of the article examines the grounds for cooperation between BRICS member-states in the field of security, describes common interests and goals of BRICS countries, current experience in cooperation between BRICS states in the field of security and recommendations on how to increase their efficiency, cooperation of BRICS with other internatinal organizations in the field of security to raise their potential, bilateral cooperation between BRICS member-states in the process of accomplishment of security objectives. The methodology of the research is based on the findings of the English School of International Relations. These findings allow to define not only positions and interests of particular states but also their status within interstate unions at several levels. The key concept in these findings is the concept of the regional security complex which is a union of states that have a similar idea of security and thus are able to cooperate in order to accomplish their security objectives. The conclusions of the research are the following: being a new actor of international relations, BRICS have proved its readiness to set not only local (regional) goals but also those of the global nature; initially, BRICS was created as an international structure based on the compromise and equal partnership which necessarily implies conclusion of a treaty that would satisfy all parties; solving security issues at different levels and in different regions, BRICS paves the way for a multipolar world. The author's contribution to the topic is that the author studies BRICS from the point of view of the English School of International Relations approach. The novelty of the research is caused by the author's choice of a research approach to analyzing BRICS, in particular, from the point of view of the principles of states and regional security complexes positioning.
core states, Eurasian cooperation, multipolar world, SCO, cooperation levels, BRICS, integration union, regional security complex, security, Hierarchy of states
Administration and maintenance of security systems
Pashayev, A.M., Nabiyev, R.N., Nagiyev, N.T., Velieva, Q.D., Rustamov, R.R. (2018). Particularities of Designing Automated Distance Security Unit. Security Issues, 1, 32–51.
The subject of the research is the modern security units that protect from terrorism and unlawful interference. The authors of the article examine modern security systems that are used to protect facilities against terrorism and unlawful interference. Studying perspectives for developing domestic and foreign means of security systems, the authors state that full safety and security of life supporting strategic facilities is possible only by combining several systems, i.e. video surveillance, access control, and security and fire alarm in natural sequence based on a single software and hardware system. Such intergrated security systems allow to provide security of major, minor and highly dangerous strategic facilities and life supporting facilities with a quality satisfying all modern requirements. The authors also provide a comparative analysis of the main technical characteristics of current security systems that protect especially important facilities as well as description of requirements for designing integrated security systems taking into account modern requirements. As a result, the authors of the article define technical requirements for creating improved automated remotely operated integrated security systems taking into account the requirements for operational efficiency, reliability and ergonomics of protection of strategically important facilities. Remote control feature is one of the main advantanges of the aforesaid system. The remote control is enabled through a digital network. This is what allows the aforesaid system to create monitoring connected points located in different parts of a facility at a long distance from one another.
system, video surveillance, security, protection, integration, perimeter, facility, strategic, capacity, sensors
Rapid response and tactics
Tatarinov, R.A. (2018). Regarding Some Aspects of Activity Performed by Internal Affairs Security Departments of the Penitentiary System for Corruption Suppression. Security Issues, 1, 52–59.
The article is devoted to certain issues that may arise in the process of operational search activity performed by internal affairs security departments of Russia's penitentiary system for detection, prevention, suprresion and disclosure of corruption as well as identification of persons involved. The rationale of the research is caused by the constructin of a constitutional democracy state and Russia's anticorruption policy at this stage of Russia's development. Corruption in state agencies including penitentiary agencies undermines their authority and compromises its public image and creates a threat for the national security of Russia in general. To write this research article, the author has used such methods as analysis and synthesis, deduction and induction, generalisation, observation, description, comparison, and classificatino of applicable operational search, criminal and penal laws and regulations of Russia and particular types of corruption crimes that can be met in the penitentiary system of Russia. Based on the analysis of corruption risks, the author describes types and categories of corruption crimes that are most frequently committed by the penitentiary system officers as well as operational search methods to detect and prevent them. The author also focuses on the issues of anti-corruption education and prevention, causes and conditions of corruption crimes in the penitentiary system. The author emphasizes the need to increase the level of the legal awareness of officers and workers of the department dealing with bribery. To achieve a positive result and increase the efficiency of suppression of corruption crimes, the author offers a list of measures to be undertaken by officers of the internal affairs security department of Russia's penitentiary system.
suppression of crimes, prevention of crimes, detection of crimes, corruption crimes, operatively-search actions, departments of own safety, penal system, operational search activity, disclosure of crimes, bribery
Legal support of national security
Savchenko, D.A. (2018). Political and Legal Nature and Customs of War in Ancient Rus. Security Issues, 1, 60–70.
The subject of the research is the judicial description of the war as a social phenomenon that has been widely spread since the medieval Rus of the 9th - 13th centuries. The aim of the research is to define ideas of the Ancient Rus' society on the political and legal nature of the war, factual and formal grounds thereof, rules for starting and stopping a war. Savchenko analyzes traditional treatment of the conquered and captives, safety measures undertaken during negotiations or conclusion of peace treaties. The author pays special attention to the regulation of relations in military teams and attitude to treachery. The methodology of the research is based on a combined use of dialectical, functional and historical research methods. The source of information is the Ancient Rus annals as well as medieval chronicles. As a result of the research, the author concludes that in the Ancient Rus the war (rat') was thought to be a common forced means of legal defense of political actors' interests. The war was considered to be 'fair' when it was started as a response to the violation committed by the other party and certain rituals of starting and stopping a war were observed. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author considers this matter for the first time in the academic literature on history, law and national security.
negotiations, tribute, prisoners, the enemy, political relations, Ancient Rus, legal means, War, security, military collective
Legal support of national security
Litvinov, I.M. (2018). Legal Regulation of Using Technical Intelligence Equipment in France. Security Issues, 1, 71–78.
In 2015 - 2017 the French Republic was shaken by a series of terrorist attacks and hundreds of deaths. Of course, those crimes happened for many reasons including imperfection of the national security system. One of the steps towards improving the national security system was the expansion of competences of the French police and internal intelligence agencies to restrict a constitutional right to personal privacy in France. The methodological basis of the research implies the dialectical research method, systems analysis, formal law and comparative law methods, etc. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author describes a French model of restriction of rights to negotiation secrecy as well as particularities of control over activity performed by special services and law-enforcement agencies in this sphere. The author concludes that presently France practices two mechanisms of restriction of the right to personal privacy, administrative mechanism (interceptions administratives, interceptions de sécurité) and criminal procedure (interceptions judiciaires). Noteworthy that the procedure of administrative seizure and the mechanism of control over using technical intelligence equipment for administrative purposes create grounds for abuse of the law by French law-enforcement agencies and special services because they could interefere with negotiations or talks of any individual disregarding the fact whether there is a proof of his or her implication in a crime.
administrative interception, French Republic, technical intelligence, internal intelligence, counteraction to terrorism, terrorism, national security, national commission, restriction of rights, supervisory authority