Ursul, A.D. (2014). Problems of security and sustainable development: an evolution approach and interdisciplinary perspectives. Security Issues, 5, 1–62.
The problem of the mankind survival and biosphere preservation reveals the content of a new concept of civilizational development and a related to it problem of security. Sustainable development is considered as a guided global civilizational process and socio-natural co-evolution, which doesn’t destroy the environment and ensures survival and safe, indefinitely long existence of the mankind. The article considers the conceptual-theoretical issues of security and sustainable development, the difference of the modern model of civilizational process from the society of a sustainable future aimed at the establishment of noosphere (the sphere of intellect). The author uses the interdisciplinary, historical-evolutionary, global, prognostic, system, science of science and other approaches towards the problems of the concept of sustainable development formation analysis and the security issues study. The author emphasizes the necessity to broaden the definition of this type of development and the notion of security, their expansion on new directions and spheres of life activity. The article considers the global dimension of a “sustainable” type of evolution, the problem of demographic sustainability and the interpretation of “sustainability” on the base of a notion of security. Special attention is paid to the nature of ecologic security and the relation between security and development as fundamental categories of a modern science. The author points out the necessity of broadening of the interpretation of the concept and the notion of sustainable development and outlines the main areas of scientific search and the directions of this broadening; it can allow a more effective realization of an adequate strategy in practice in the national and the global scale. The author suggests understanding of sustainable development as a non-regressive, i.e. the most secure type of evolution, directed at the preservation of civilization and biosphere, their coexistence and co-evolution.
Globalization and national security
Rabkin, S.V. (2014). Economic security as an institutional base for modernization of strategic sectors of economics of Russia and China. Security Issues, 5, 63–74.
Creation of an effective model of modernization of national economy is one of the key prerequisites of the formation of modern guarantees of economic security provision. State regulation of the strategic sectors of economics becomes one of the terms of creation of an integrated model of modernization. The experience of reforms in Russia and China indicates the necessity of a distinct definition and realization of the national priorities of sectoral development. Thereby the modern challenges and threats to the national economic systems can be neutralized by the advance development of the key sectors of economics. Such actions destroy the unipolar model of the world economic relations and create the grounds for a new economic system of mutually beneficial cooperation. On the base of the general methodology of the institution analysis the author comes to the conclusion about a possibility of the transition from the catching-up model of modernization to the integrated one, which is based on the strategic sectors of economics as a “new industry”. The realization of this approach can be considered within the creation of intergovernmental economic alliances, promoting the development of the corresponding sectoral groupings. Grouping of the strategic sectors of economics can be variable and consisting of different combinations of sectors. So from the viewpoint of economic security provision and the national priorities of development realization, the cooperation between Russia and China in aircraft and infrastructural objects building can be one of the most important areas of this alliance development.
national priorities of development, aircraft building , institutional theory, sectoral development, state regulation, China, Russia, modernization, strategic sectors, economic security
Legal support of national security
Chirkov, D.K., Korchagin, O.N. (2014). Crimes in the sphere of illegal drugs trafficking: the modern criminological view. Security Issues, 5, 75–114.
The article considers the criminological characteristic of the modern tendencies in the sphere of narcotic drugs and psychotropic agents trafficking. The research object is illegal trafficking of drugs as a negative social phenomenon, and the state and society activities directed at an effective struggle against narcotization of population and combating drugs trafficking. The research is aimed at studying and defining of the main characteristics of crimes in the sphere of drugs trafficking. The research subject includes the cultural heritage, the existing penal legislation, statistical data and scientific and educational literature on the issue of the study. Alongside with the general scientific methods the author uses the logical, historical, comparative-legal, system-structural, statistical, sociological (questioning, interview) and other methods. The methodology of the research is based on fundamental categories of dialectical materialism – the negation of the negation, the transition of quantitative into qualitative changes, and the philosophical categories of the general, the peculiar and the singular, the cause and the consequence, and some others. The scientific originality of the research consists of the fact that the work considers the peculiarities of crimes in the sphere of illegal drugs trafficking, their heaviness and consequences. Moreover, the article describes these crimes specificity and dynamics. The research reveals the new data about the criminological determinants of the crimes considered. On the base of the results of the experts interviewing the author makes the conclusions about the efficiency of preventive activities.
criminal dynamics, precursor, psychotropic agents, narcotic drugs, modern tendencies of crimes, illegal drugs trafficking, crime monitoring, regional aspect, narcotization of population, crime determinants
Internal threats and countermeasures
Vasnetsova, A.S. (2014). Armed criminal action: evaluations, characteristics and the questions of prevention. Security Issues, 5, 115–136.
The article considers the issue of armed criminal actions and their prevention. The author informs about a wide range of problems which the theorists and practical persons face with in the sphere if armed criminal actions prevention. This kind of crime is considered by the author as a distinct and the most dangerous one, with its own specificity. The author suggests the classification of kinds of armed criminal actions. Special attention is paid to the issues of armed crimes prevention and the legal regime of weapons trafficking. The author uses the results of study of criminal cases on armed criminal actions. The methodology of the research is based on the methods of transition from abstract to concrete, construction of hypothesis, the system-structural analysis, the historical method, comparison and dynamical and statistical methods. The scientific originality of the research consists of the fact that armed criminal action is presented as a detached system-structural phenomenon. The author singles out its types and groups in a certain historical situation. The research provides the most probable variants of development of the criminal situation connected with armed crimes. It suggests preventive measures against armed crimes and weapons trafficking.
armed criminal action, formes of armed criminal action, armed crimes prevention, characteristics of armed crimes, weapon, extremism, terrorism, armed criminal groupings, organized crime, regional specificity
Economical support of national security
Anikin, V.I., Surma, I.V. (2014). International aspects and strategic evaluation of Russia’s economic security in the conditions of geopolitical instability. Security Issues, 5, 137–174.
The research subject includes the key international aspects of Russia’s economic security. The authors consider the problem of security provision which is very important in the modern conditions of geopolitical and geoeconomic instability. The article presents multidirectional aspects of both national and international issues of economic security of the states-participants of economic processes, first of all, in the segments of finances and energy. The authors touch upon three major international aspects of economic security: the import of “essential” goods – food, energy resources, and “strategic raw materials”; the import of advanced technology products and progressive technologies; military goods and armaments. The methodology is based on the comparative analysis of different approaches towards the provision of external economic security, including the satellite, autonomous, and situational approaches. The authors use the range of key figures, including competitiveness and economic sovereignty. The authors conclude that the solution of the problems of the financial and energy sectors of Russia’s economy depends on a system work of the state and a permanent interaction with the main participants of these segments of market. It is noted that the existing problem of economic security provision remains unsolved from the viewpoints of multidirectional trends of both national and international aspects of economic security of the states-participants of economic processes. The authors note that the influence of the Western actions on the economic security of Russia is the hardest in the spheres of finances and energy. The authors emphasize the urgency of development and interrelation of the economics of different countries and regions evaluation.