Tkachenko, S.V. (2014). Elements of information psychological warfare. Security Issues, 2, 1–46.
Information psychological warfare gained a new meaning as a result of the downfall of the global colonial system. As a result the "Westernization" model was formed for the modernization of these states. The main facilitator of this model is the reception of the Western legal tradition, declaring and providing for the dependent position of the third states from the Western states. The author understand reception of law as borrowing and introduction of ideas, legal institutions, norms, terminology of foreign law for the purpose of modernization of the legal system, gaining international authority, or supporting political and economical dependency on other states. The methodological basis for the study was formed by the general scientific cognition methods (dialectics, analysis, synthesis, analogy, functional, systemic and structural approaches, abstraction and specification, linguistic analysis, as well as specific scientific and legal methods of studies: formal legal, comparative legal, technical legal methods, legal modeling, and special methods (sociological, psychological, anthropological, historical). The combined use of various methods of studies and the latest achievements in the sphere of social science allowed to reveal object and immediate object of studies within the general patterns of their existence and development, and facilitated achieving the goal and immediate targets of the studies. The theoretical and methodological basis for the studies was formed by the scientific works of Russian and foreign scientists in the spheres of jurisprudence, philosophy, political studies, geopolitics, history on general problems of nature and use of reception of law, its political and legal nature, general issues on legal reforms based upon the full-scale reception of law, specific problems regarding use of the borrowed legal ideas, principles, institutions, terminology. Its scientific novelty is due to the theoretical and methodological substantiation of the elements of information psychological warfare, substantiation of the existence of the independent process of legal reception within the area of the Russian system of law and legal conscience. The scientific novelty of the article in general is due to the analysis of the reception of law, its goals, functions and system of principles from the general theoretical standpoint, which was not done before. The author offers an original vision of the reception of the Western law within the Russian legal system, explicating its definition, specific features and prerequisites. The scientific novelty is also due to the development of the main directions for the optimization of the phenomenon of reception of the Western law and defining the perspectives for its use in various branches of Russian law.
information warfare, psychology, reception, law, Western legal tradition, modernization, the USSR, Russia, West, westernization