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«International Law and International Organizations»
About the journal

Quarterly online publication. It is included in the List of peer-reviewed publications of the Higher Attestation Commission. Indexed in the RSCI. Double-blind peer review. Articles are assigned DOI.

ISSN 2454-0633

Published since 2010.

Editor-in-Chief:  Shinkaretskaya Galina Georgievna, Doctor of Law, g.shinkaretskaya@yandex.ru

Editorial office address: 115114. Moscow, Paveletskaya embankment 6A-211.

E-mail: w.danilenko@gmail.com


The main purpose of the journal is academic research of the law of international organizations, first of all, the United Nations and its main bodies, and thereby contribute to an even greater increase in the importance of the UN in the development of the modern world.

Modern systems of national law are inextricably linked with a relatively new, rapidly developing and extremely significant phenomenon of international law and order - the law of international organizations.

Until now, international legal periodicals have not known a publication devoted to academic research of international organizations, primarily the United Nations and its main bodies – the Security Council, the General Assembly, the Economic and Social Council, the International Court of Justice, as well as subsidiary bodies and specialized agencies of the United Nations.

The Editorial Board of the periodical “International Law and International Organizations” sees its task in filling this gap in the systematic normative analysis of this institutional core of the system of modern international public law and, thereby, contribute to further increasing the importance of the UN in the conditions of modern world development.

Moreover, the journal will not leave out of sight the publication of theoretical and practical studies of the international legal organization and activities of regional associations and unions (the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, the Council of Europe, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Eurasian Economic Community, the African Union, the Organization of American States, the North American Free Trade Association Regional military and military-political blocs will also inevitably attract the attention of the authors of the publication.

A significant part of the published research is aimed at studying the peculiarities of the legal foundations of the European Communities and the European Union, the system of their bodies and institutions, as well as the mechanisms of interstate cooperation of the EU member States. This legal system is considered, first of all, in a comparative perspective in relation to other regional organizations that set tasks for the development of integration in their regions.

The international community of international lawyers pays more and more attention to international judicial bodies - the International Court of Justice, the International Criminal Court, the International Court of the Law of the Sea, the International Tribunals for the Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda, courts of special competence of regional organizations, mixed or “hybrid” courts, international arbitration courts. This topic is also covered by the new edition in terms of identifying positive and negative elements in order to further improve the system of comprehensive, objective, fair and independent international justice.

The influence of international organizations is becoming more and more noticeable in relation to the formation of such branches of public international law as international economic, transport, financial, investment, banking, tax law, as well as private international law as a conflict of laws. It is natural in this section to pay attention to the status and classification of transnational corporations, which have become a real element of the international economic order, and their relations with international organizations.

A number of international non–governmental organizations - the International Committee of the Red Cross, the International Olympic Committee, the World Council of Churches, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, the Helsinki Committee, etc. They will also become the field of research of the author's team, including legal practitioners from the institutions themselves being studied. The nature and place of these associations related to both national and international law systems will be analyzed.

The Editorial Board proceeds from the fact that the mission of the journal is to overcome the wall of disunity among the studies of international lawyers of the East and West, North and South and promote mutual enrichment.

Without denying the value of interdisciplinary studies such as those published in the journal International Organizations, we still believe that they cannot replace the very essence of the view of international organizations through the prism of the methodology of public international law.