Kaldyshev, A.N. (2020). The work of the Council of Border Troops' Commanders on combating illegal migration at the external borders of the CIS member-states. International Law and International Organizations, 1, 1–11.
The subject of this research is the work of the Council of Border Troops' Commanders on combating illegal migration at the external borders of the CIS member-states. The conducted analysis determines the practical components of main efforts and separate results of the activity of the Council of Border Troops' Commanders. However, the dynamic changes in situation and forms of illegal activity at the external borders of CIS member-states obligates the border and law enforcement authorities to act using the advanced technologies. Research methodology includes the combination of general scientific methods, such as systemic analysis and summarization of scientific concepts. The main conclusions consists in recommendations of improvement of the system of information exchange between the bodies of sectoral cooperation on combatting illegal migration at the external borders of CIS member-states, with consideration of the existing experience of the bodies of sectoral cooperation, as well as the experience of other international organizations and foreign countries.
information interaction, external borders, Border troops, Council of Commanders, illegal migration, Commonwealth of Independent States, Information system, countering illegal migration, migration processes, Concept
Guliyeva, M.E. (2020). Military and political aspects of cooperation of Caspian states as the main guaranteed of ensuring regional security. International Law and International Organizations, 1, 12–19.
Caspian region has always been a point of intersection of interests for multiple states. Throughout all historical periods, the presence of influential states in the Caspian Sea coast led to escalation of tension in the region. Such factors as heterogenic population of littoral states and differences in mentality further aggravated the situation. Thus, the military-political activity of the Caspian states has always been of paramount importance. The significance of military-political activity for the countries of Caspian Basin was substantiated by the following key factors: concentration of the majority of explored hydrocarbon deposits of these countries on its continental shelf; presence of substantial reserves of various biological resources in the waters of Caspian Sea; location of the region on the junction of important geopolitical paths; largely populated coastal regions. After the collapse of the Soviet Union and formation of new states in the region, this activity acquired a special character.
coastal states, terrorism, security, the Caspian states, the Caspian Sea, the Caspian region, military and political cooperation, coast, states of the Caspian basin, hydrocarbon reserves
International courts
Meziaev, A.B. (2020). International “mechanisms” in modern criminal justice. International Law and International Organizations, 1, 20–28.
This article reviews the new international criminal justice agencies jointly falling under the term “international mechanisms”: International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals, Residual Mechanism of Special Court for Sierra Leone, International Investigative Mechanism for Syria, and International Investigative Mechanism for Myanmar. Analysis is conducted on the legal nature of these institutions, primarily from the legal grounds of their establishment, competence, and some aspects of activity. Particular attention is paid to the legal position of the Russian Federation with regards to the indicated agencies. The research is carried out on the basis of analysis of constitutional documents of international mechanisms, resolutions of international organizations within the framework of which are created the corresponding institutions of international justice. The following conclusions were made: all “mechanisms” that are currently in force within international justice experience the deficit of legitimacy: methods and circumstances of their formation to one or another degree do not align with the existing norms of international law; there is a tendency to go beyond its scope of competence; the concept of the indicated mechanisms consists in the activity, which in essence represents a judicial and/or investigative activity implemented in both, “preceding” and “residual” forms. All of the aforementioned peculiarities do not deprive the indicated agencies of their judicial and investigative nature.
UN Charter, United Nations, international legal position of Russia, violations of human rights, legitimacy of international courts, international mechanisms, criminal justice, international justice, UN Security Council, UN General Assembly
Ryzhov, V.B. (2020). Dialectics of globalization and regionalization in legal space of the state and international organizations. International Law and International Organizations, 1, 29–44.
The current stage of development of international relations marks the two fundamental processes: globalization and regionalization. They coexist in a dialectical unity. The article explores some important aspects of this process: conflict of legal values, reflected in the contradictory law enforcement practice; peculiarities of globalization in context of law of international organizations; globalization and regionalization in the activity of transnational corporations. It is noted that the establishment of global market requires a clear legal formalization. Research methodology is based on the general methods of cognition: dialectical, logical, systemic, functional; as well as the methods common to the science of international law: systemic-legal, comparative-legal, and interpretation of law. The thesis is substantiated that globalization and regionalization are the revolutionizing phenomena with regards to social life and world politics. The author determines the patterns of these political-legal occurrences in the modern world. A thought is highlighted that we are the witnesses of the formation of a new and interdependent world, which implements the principle of supremacy of law in the international relations.
interstate disputes, conflicts of law, transnational corporations, states, international courts, UN, international organizations, regionalization, globalization, international law
Sultanova, N.T. (2020). Year 2019 and international agenda of the European Council. International Law and International Organizations, 1, 45–51.
The European Council represents the supreme level of political cooperation between the EU member-states. Diverse questions pertaining to international politics are discusses on the various levels: summits (in 2019 EU – League of Arab States summit, EU –China summit, EU – Ukraine summit in Kyiv, EU – Canada summit in Montreal, G7 summit); conferences and informal meetings; council boards on foreign affairs; joint conferences; association councils, etc. A new strategic agenda 2019-2024 adopted by the European Council determines he priority areas that guide the work of the European Special Councils and other EU institutions. Transatlantic relations, crises in Syria, Ukraine and other parts of the world, relations with Russia, Iran nuclear deal, and other question remain on the agenda of the European Council. The article explores the legal framework of the actions of European Council in the area of foreign policy. The overview of foreign policy agenda of the European Council allows analyzing the role of the European Union on the international arena.
politics, European Community, international agenda, Presidency, Summit, foreign policy, European Council, international law, strategy, political cooperation