Dimitrov, N.S. (2020). Topical issues of the European Civil Procedure. International Law and International Organizations, 4, 1–10.
The object of the study is issues related to: a/ admission and consideration of civil and commercial cases by EU Member States in the Republic of Bulgaria and b/ recognition and enforcement in a Member State of judicial decisions rendered in another EU Member State. The subject of the study is the differences between national norms applicable to jurisdiction and recognition of judgments rendered in other Member States, as well as the extent to which these differences hinder the functioning of the internal market in the EU. The research methodology includes: analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, observation, analogy, systematic approach and comparative legal method. The emphasis is on an in-depth study of the court's practice in Bulgaria on the acceptance and consideration of civil and commercial cases with an international element. The main conclusion of the conducted research is the statement that the norms of international civil procedure are game.t plays a primary role in the civil process. In each specific case, the norms of international civil procedure determine the court that will protect the violated right, define formal rules, etc. The author's special contribution is the recommendation to improve legal regulation and the adoption of the same conditions for the execution of foreign and national court decisions within all EU states.
cross-border cases, execution of court decisions, recognition of court decisions, regulations, European Civil Procedure, international civil procedure, international element, European Union, foreign court decision, conflict of laws rules
Rednikova, T.V. (2020). Formation of unified approaches towards legal protection of biological diversity and its components in the Arctic: to articulation of the problem . International Law and International Organizations, 4, 11–20.
This article examines the questions associated with protection of Arctic biodiversity, framework international legal documents, and documents of strategic planning of the Arctic countries. It is underlined that despite the unique ability to adapt to the severe climatic conditions, the ability of Arctic ecosystems and their components to self-restoration is significantly lower, which indicates the need to minimize the negative impact of various factors, as well as ensure the maximum level of ecosystem protection, including legal remedies. At the same time, considering the uniformity of natural environment of the Arctic region and ongoing processes, the peak efficiency in environmental protection of the Arctic can be achieved only by pooling and coordinating the efforts of all Arctic countries. The data on the state of Arctic environment allows determining major threats to the state of biological diversity of the region. In this regard, special role is played by climatic changes, which create a number of global challenges. Climate warming inevitably initiates ice melting in the Arctic, shrinkage or total deglaciation of certain areas, which leads to such consequences as decrease in abundance of species, namely aquatic mammals, the life cycle of which directly depends on the existence of ice. Global warming is inextricably linked with the process of displacement of latitudinal boundaries of the Arctic ecosystems towards north, which poses a risk for penetration of biological species that traditionally dwell to the south. This can lead dysfunction of ecosystems due to the dominance of alien species over the indigenous species.
Arctic region, biodiversity, ecosystems, marine mamals, legal protection, legal regime, nature environment, environment, climate, pollution
Artem'eva, Y.S., Borneman, E.P. (2020). International system of certification of hotel services in Russia: problematic of implementation and development prospects. International Law and International Organizations, 4, 21–28.
The object of this research is the “Hotel Industry and Hospitality”, while the subject is the international system of certification of hotel services. The article reviews the evolution of hotel industry in Russia and the application of such tools as standardization, certification, and compliance evaluation from the perspective of quality improvement. Current trends and approaches towards the problems of certification of hotel services with consideration of the international and regional aspects are described. The authors explore the types of certification of hotel services in the Russian Federation and their peculiarities, key characteristics and tools that allow analyzing, systematizing, controlling, improving and adapting the quality standards of rendered services. The author elucidates the primary causes of low interest of the hotels in certification; outlines the prospects for the development of international system of certification of hotel services in Russia. The conclusion is made that despite the worldwide fame and popularity of hotel services certification system, including ISO standards, the prospects for implementation and advancement of the current system in the Russian hotel industry are not too encouraging due to multiple reasons discusses in the article. However, it would not be fair to deny the clear benefits of such certification. Therefore, taking into consideration the desire of hotel business and state standardization and certification authorities to establish a harmonious system of rendering hotel services of such level and quality of service that would not only meet the demands of visitors, but also promote the domestic tourism market on the international platforms of tourism industry, presses the need for popularization of certification system, as well as full state support of the business that would maintain high standards of rendered services in the international certification systems.
standardization, training of personnel, спрос, competitiveness, improving the quality of service, service quality, hotel, hospitality industry, certification system, local standards
Pustovalov, E.V. (2020). Model of administrative cooperation of competent authorities that ensures functionality of the single market for services of the EAEU. International Law and International Organizations, 4, 29–40.
The subject of this research is the model of administrative cooperation of competent authorities of the EAEU member-states in the context of isolated sectors of services market with the single market regime. The author explores the functionality of the single market for services, as well as the occurred situation of absence of the single competent authority (supranational body or nongovernmental organization granted with the corresponding competence), which ensures cross-jurisdictional regulation and control within the framework of the single interstate market. Based on the fact that administrative cooperation of the national competent authorities was selected as the instrument for overcoming the indicated problem in the EAEU, the author analyzes the principles and mechanisms of such cooperation, as well as the concepts and draft agreements between the competent authorities. Assessment is conducted on reasonableness of the used (proposed to use) mechanisms. As a result of analysis of legal norms of the EAEU dedicated to the single market for services, it is concluded that these norms of can be applied directly without implementation into the national legislation, which presses the need for interstate regulation and control. At the same time, in the current realities of integration processes, the coordinated administrative-procedural and control-supervisory measures should be realized not via transferring additional competencies to the supranational level, but through administrative cooperation of the competent authorities. The author notes that the existing model of administrative cooperation of competent authorities is currently under development, and due to extended time of coordination of the draft interdepartmental agreements, it is beneficial to conclude the interstate agreement, which would fill the gap of legal regulation in the absence of specific agreements between the competent authorities by the sectors. Examination of the EU experience on creation of information resources for supporting cooperation of the competent authorities allows concluding on the crucial importance of such instrument and the need for the development of its analogues in the EAEU, the normative prerequisites for which are reflected in the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union.
competent authority, EU, information exchange, administrative cooperation, trade in services, integration association, Eurasian Economic Union, single market, EAEU, information system
Sources used
Gainetdinov, R.N., Tahirov, Z.I. (2020). GTI and TESAT Anti-Terrorism Reports for 2020: the results of a comparative analysis . International Law and International Organizations, 4, 41–55.
The subject of this research is the content and methodology of the relevant and informative public international anti-terrorism reports – the Global Terrorism Index (GTI) and the European Union Terrorism Situation and Trend Report (TESAT) for 2020. The goal of this article consists in examination of applicability of analogous methodologies of socio-legal scientific research dedicated to the phenomenon of terrorism in the national strategic anti-terrorist law enforcement and law protection activities. The research task is to give a general overview to GTI and TESAT anti-terrorism reports for 2020, explore their structure and content, analyze the statistical data on international terrorism and terrorism in the EU member-states for 2019. The object of this article is the strategic data on the criminalized phenomenon of terrorism from the perspective of international law. The scientific information analysis of statistical data on terrorism allows differentiating terrorism by the subjective aspect of this act, view it in space and time for developing a deeper understanding on the factors and conditions of its proliferation, determine the strategies on counteraction. The conclusion is formulated that in the international scientific research terrorism is viewed as a sociological phenomenon, and rather than cumulative unlawful acts alone; the international community converge the approaches towards understanding and criminalization of terrorism (coordinate the lists of terrorist organizations and suspected individuals). The novelty of this work consists in the description of modern scientific methods of information analysis of the data on terrorism in the European Union and worldwide – trends, indicators, geoinformation representation and data analysis, as well as other relevant methods of statistical data analysis. The author’s special contribution is the comparison of methodological approaches of the two anti-terrorism research, as well as in publication of relevant information from foreign sources
statistics, index, trends, anti-terror, counterterror, European Union, data, report, strategy, terrorists