Lisauskaite, V.V. (2018). World Meteorological Organization and decrease of the danger of disasters: activity and cooperation . International Law and International Organizations, 1, 1–8.
The subject of this research is the activity of the World Meteorological Organization in the area of forecasting the hazardous natural occurrences, and preparation of the states and people to their potential consequences and decrease. The author examines the development of this vector in terms of the World Meteorological Organization and the existing problems of effectiveness. The article analyzes the diverse programs of the Organization aimed at prevention of the hazardous natural occurrences and the disasters caused by them. The author explores the peculiarities of functioning of the Global Framework for Climate Services and the experienced issues in the process of its establishment. Attention is given to the activity of the World Meteorological Organization specifically in the area of prevention of disasters, which is rarely an object of research for scientific publications regarding this international institution. The conducted analysis allowed giving an accurate characteristic to the work of the World Meteorological Organization and its collaboration with the member-states in the field of forecasting of hazardous natural occurrences. The current issues and prospects of the acting international system are determined.
forecasting of disasters, natural hazards, international cooperation, disaster reduction, Global Framework for Climate Services , World Meteorological Organization, research activity of WMO, international organization, risk of disaster, reduction of the risk of disaster
Zimina, K.I. (2018). International police collaboration as the foundation for efficient counteraction to illegal trafficking of medical products. International Law and International Organizations, 1, 9–15.
This article examines the key directions in the work of the International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol) in the area of counteracting the illegal trafficking of medical products. Special attention is given to the increased social danger of the indicated type of crime, as well as the need for development of the active international cooperation in the area of counteraction to such social phenomenon, which in the author’s opinion implies the interaction of the states in terms of international police organizations. The author underlines the substantial role of Interpol in joint activity of the states aimed at overcoming the current global health crisis. The following conclusions are made: 1) the transnational character of pharmaceutical crime and its scale justify the need for development of the active intergovernmental cooperation on this matter, which most efficient form lies in international police collaboration with the key role of Interpol; 2) based on the analysis of statistical data with regards to falsification of medical products confiscated in the course of such operations, the author notes that the main objects of falsification is the most popular and frequently purchased medications, as well as the priciest medical supplies necessary for life sustaining purposes.
international cooperation, pharmaceutical crime, illicit trafficking, counterfeit drugs, INTERPOL, international police organizations, international law, law enforcement operations, Pangea, medical products
Labut, D.A. (2018). Role of recommendations of the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf in delimitation of marine spaces. International Law and International Organizations, 1, 16–29.
The subject of this research is the debatable question regarding the role of recommendations of the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf in delimitation of marine spaces. The specificity of continental shelf lies in the fact that in delineation of its boundaries (beyond the 200-mile distance of the initial lines) is involved the established in accordance with the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea of 1982 – the Commission. The work of the Commission, concerning the demarcation of shelf from the area, does not cause damage to delimitation of shelf between the neighboring states; however, assigning a special status to the boundaries of the shelf alongside the complexity of regulations of the Convention encourage many authors to determine the possible differences between delimitation within the 200 of sea miles and beyond. The problem becomes more relevant due to the constantly emerging conflict of claims of the neighboring states upon the same parts of the shelf beyond the 200-mile limit. The materials for this research contain the regulations of the Convention, practice of international courts and arbitrations, works of the Russian and foreign scholars. The research demonstrated that the regulations of 1982 Convention ensure the apartness of the process of demarcation and delimitation of the shelf, as well as the lack of temporal relationship between them; the disputing parties on delimitation should not await for the Commission’s recommendations in order to proceed with its settlement. The decision of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea contributed to the clarification of multiple contradictory moments; although some questions on demarcation beyond the 200-mile distance and the role of Commission remain disputable. The judicial and arbitration practice along with the agreement-based activity of the littoral states will encourage filling of the remaining “gaps”.
delineation of the continental shelf, maritime delimitation, delimitation of the continental shelf, the legal regime of the continental shelf, UNCLOS, the limits of the continental shelf, the settlement of maritime disputes, law of the sea, maritime boundaries, public international law
Bezborodov, J.R. (2018). New stage in development of legislation on the transboundary securities turnover. The Hague Convention on “Certain Rights in Respect of Securities held with an Intermediary” came into force. International Law and International Organizations, 1, 30–39.
This article directs attention to the gaps in legal regulation of transboundary securities transactions in light on enactment of the Hague Convention on “Certain Rights in Respect of Securities held with an Intermediary”. The author examines the prerequisites for creating such document that emphasize its importance and relevance for the stock market participant, as well as describes the key features of the proposed by Convention legal regulation with examples. Analysis of applicability of the document for the Russian legal reality and prospects of potential implementation is provided. The scientific novelty lies in the insufficient familiarization with the topic of transboundary securities turnover in the Russian Federation. Using the practical examples, the author demonstrates the applicability and relevance of the new approaches suggested by the Convention, as well as analyzes their strong and weak aspects. The article also depicts the problems emerging in foreign countries in terms of the transboundary securities turnover and their causes. A conclusion is made on the possibilities of implementation of Convention regulations in the Russian Federation.
intermediated securities, conflict of law rule, Hague Securities Convention, indirect holding system, securities market, depositary, securities, holding system, Conflict of law, Private International Law
Zaborovskaia, I. (2018). Impact of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities upon Russia’s penal policy and correction of the disabled convicts. International Law and International Organizations, 1, 40–46.
Russian Federation’s ratification of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities allowed distributing the implementation of the state program “Accessible Environment” into the penal facilities that affected the efficiency of correction of the disabled convicts and improvement of psychological climate in the units. The author examines the practice on increasing the indexes of accessibility of the object of penal system with regards to persons with disabilities in several subjects of the Russian Federation. The article analyzes the problems of application of correctional methods, realization of individual rehabilitation program, problems of employment and receiving education in the penal facilities, considering the international standards. In the course of this research, the author analyzes the implementation of the internal code of conduct in penal facilities with regards to the disabled convicts (Section 192-199), as well as analysis of the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights (violation of the Article of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms pertinent to the disabled convicts). As a result, the author suggest the measures encouraging the correction of the disabled convicts, as well as the methods for preventing crimes among them (receiving distance education, acquiring profession, and employment in the penal facilities). A conclusion is made that the correctional impact with regards to the disabled convicts must be based on the need for providing help in the conditions of isolation and after discharge for preventing recurrent crime.
individual means of rehabilitation, discrimination, work of convicts, imprisonment, the available circle, the condemned disabled people, medical care, human dignity, inhuman treatment, correction of convicts