Question at hand
Savryga, K.P. (2013). Private military and security companies in accordance
with the international law. International Law and International Organizations, 4, 456–464.
In the last 20 years since the Cold War has ended the organization of armed forces around the
world changed considerably. One of such changes includes privatization of part of the functions, which
were earlier recognized as purely military ones. Currently the status of private military and security
companies is the “black hole” in the international law. The article concerns the issue of the status of the
PMSC staff in the armed conflict and their correlation with those of mercenary. When evaluating this issue
we can draw a conclusion that these two types are not identical. The author comes to a conclusion that
while the PMSC staff may gain the combatant status, in most cases they fail to meet the requirements of
the Geneva Conventions for this status. Therefore, the primary status of the PMSC staff during an armed
conflict is that of civilian persons.
private military companies, international law, international humanitarian law, law of the armed conflicts, combatants, non-combatants, mercenary, prisoners of war, PMSC, the Geneva Conventions.
Ganyushkina, E.B. (2013). Influence of globalization on the formation
of the international economic law. International Law and International Organizations, 4, 465–475.
The article concerns the very definition of “globalization”, its nature and elements, as well as the factors
influencing the formation of this objectively lasting process from the points of view of various authors. The author
points out the lack of uniform definition of the term “globalization”, analyzing the elements of globalization showing
themselves within the international legal order, and, more specifically, in the international trade system, currency
and finances system and investment system. The author uncovers the ways for the development of international
economic legal order under the influence of globalization processes. The author shows positive and negative features
of the globalization process. Globalization is compared with the regional integration processes. It is proven,
that the modern civilization is capable of implementing the globalization ideas in some time, in spite of the existing
difficulties. The author studied the works of Russian and foreign scientists on globalization problems, analyzing the
decisions of international organizations and international conference materials regarding the globalization process.
The author uses systemic analysis, comparative legal, historical and logical methods. Among the many dimensions
of globalization, the author chose those influencing the formation of the international economic order. The author
also singles out the definitions of globalization, which are the most suitable from the standpoint of international
economic law. The article reflects the factors influencing the development of the international trade system, serving
as basis for the sustainability of the currency and financial system, as well as for the stability of foreign investment.
Globalization processes have more positive features, than negative ones. Globalization is also closely connected with the problem of liquidation of the gap between the industrially developed and developing state, especially in the
sphere of finances and technology transfer. The regional integration of states on various levels should be capable of
overcoming disproportions and implementing globalization ideas in the opinion of the author.
globalization, the Golden Billion, international economic legal order, international trade system, international currency and financial system, regional integration, sustainable development, transnational corporations, brain drain, the Okinawa Charter.
Dubinkina, S.N. (2013). Regulation of international trade in service within
the framework of the World Trade Organization. International Law and International Organizations, 4, 476–487.
The World Trade Organization together with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fun
form the modern institutional structure for international economic cooperation. All of the activities of this
organization are aimed at liberalization of trade. The basis for the WTO system is mostly formed by the unified
global legal platform. Legally speaking the WTO treaties serve as multilateral trade agreements, and joining
these agreements considerably lowers the need to conclude bilateral treaties. At the same time, the WTO organizes
both bilateral and multilateral treaties among its Member States. The General Agreement on Trade in
Services (GATS) being part of the WTO law is the first code of multilateral legally binding norms, regulating
international trade in services. The article concerns forms of international trade in services, as well as the
key provisions of the GATS, the principles of the international trade in services. Attention is also paid to the
measures aimed to protect national interests of the Treaty members.
the World Trade Organization, liberalization of trade in services, the GATS, principles, mutual obligations, exceptions to the obligations, access to the markets, quantity limitations, the most favored nation treatment, national regime.
Polubinskaya, S.V. (2013). International legal guarantee of rights of persons
suffering mental disorders. International Law and International Organizations, 4, 488–497.
The article contains an overview of the main international legal documents of the UN and the Council
of Europe concerning the guarantees of rights of persons suffering from the mental disorders. Millions of people
around the world suffer from mental disorders. In accordance with the evaluation provided by the World Health
Organization (WHO) by 2004 13 per cent of all illnesses were mental disorders. At the same time the persons suffering
from mental disorders are often discriminated and their rights are violated, while the social and psychiatric
aid to them often fails to meet the modern standards. These circumstances substantiate the interest towards the
rights of such persons at the international level. All of the international legal documents in the sphere of human
rights may be divided into two categories: those legally binding for the states, which have ratified such an international
legal act and the so-called international human rights standards, serving as directives, and guidelines,
which may be found in international declarations, resolutions and recommendations, and such acts are mostly
adopted by the international organizations. In accordance to the sphere of their application international legal
instruments in the sphere of human rights may be divided into universal and regional ones. The former include
international legal acts of the UN and its specialized institutions, such as the WHO, and the latter ones are initiated
by the regional international organizations. Additionally, the European Court of Human Rights, acting
based upon the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, makes decisions on
specific cases regarding rights of persons suffering from mental disorder, and, therefore, it forms precedents in
this sphere. These precedents may be used together with the international legal acts in order to draft or amend
national laws in the sphere of mental health and practice of their application.
mental health, mental disorder, human rights, psychiatric aid, international law, international legal documents, mental illnesses, the Convention, the European Court of Human Rights, health care improvement.
Erpyleva, N.Y., Maksimov, D.M. (2013). Legal regulation of international combined transport
of goods, passengers and luggage. International Law and International Organizations, 4, 498–524.
This article is devoted to the modern tendencies in the sphere of legal regulation of international
combined transport of goods, passengers and luggage in the international traffic. Development of a wide rage of
transportation and the need to rationalize the transportation of goods, passengers and luggage in the international
traffic require use of various types of transportation in the international transportation of goods. Such types
of transportation are called combined. A combined transportation is a consecutive use of two or more types of
transport in international goods or passengers transport, and they recognize indirect combined transportation
(by an expeditor) and direct combined transportation (by the combined transportation operator). The direct
combined transportation is registered by the single (turnaround) transportation document, covering all of the
types of participating transportation vehicles. Using the comparative legal analysis, the authors provide detailed
evaluation of the norms of the key international treaty in the sphere of combined transportation of goods, which
is the Geneva Convention of 1980 of the UNCTAD on international combined transportation of goods. The authors
provide consecutive analysis of international norms regulating the substantial elements of contracts for the transportation of goods, responsibility of combined transportation operator for the loss or harm to the goods, the
complaint procedure for dispute settlement, the limitation period and the bases for claims in court or arbitration
institution for dispute resolution. This article also contains the detailed study of the Draft of the Federal Law “On
Direct Mixed (Combined) Transportation”, which was provided by the Government of the Russian Federation,
and which is aimed to serve as an instrument for the national legal regulation of this type of transportation. Its
significant difference from the Geneva Convention of 1980 is a wider range of application, covering combined
transportation of passengers and luggage in addition to combined transportation of goods.
international private law, international transportation law, international transportation, combined transportation, combined transportation operator, expeditors, transportation contract, status of a carrier, responsibility of a carrier, international treaty.
Babin, B.V. (2013). International legal standards for collective negotiations
with the foreign shipowners. International Law and International Organizations, 4, 525–533.
It is proven that in the sphere of labor relations in the modern global maritime transportation the choice
of legislation regulating labor relations between the shipowner and the crew is almost unlimited. It makes the issues
of bringing these legal processes into compliance with the international labor law especially topical. The goal of the
article is to establish the forms of involvement of international legal standards into the national practice of collective
negotiations between the maritime trade unions and shipowners and conclusion of collective agreements with foreign
shipowners. The article achieves the following goals: the analysis of international legal requirements to collective
negotiation and collective agreements in the maritime sphere, its correspondence with the current practice and possible
means to improve the practical situation. The object of studies includes the norms of international law, regulating
the processes of collective negotiations with the foreign shipowners and practice of their national application in the post-Soviet states. The article applies formal legal and comparative methods, the author uses statistical, political
scientific and forecast-based methods with the use of normative and doctrinal information, as well as the personal
experience of the author in the sphere of trade union work. It is established that these issues become especially topical
when the shipowners and trade unions fail to act in accordance with the legislation, or when the legislation of the
post-Soviet states is partially incompliant with the requirements of international labor and maritime law, and when
the governments fail to pay necessary attention to these issues. The author offers the following measures in order to
facilitate the application of international norms in the sphere of protection of labor and social rights of mariners when
the collective agreements are made with the foreign shipowners. It is necessary to bring national legislations and
by-laws in the sphere of labor and employment in accordance with the requirements of the Ukrainian Independent
Maritime Trade Union (KPMS), including development of the new license conditions and new forms of control over
the obligatory presence of collective agreements, covering all of the concluded labor contracts of foreign employment
of mariners. It also includes the obligation of filing public registers of such agreements with due mention of its parties
for the bodies registering such collective agreements, establishing responsibility for the employers, trade unions and
associations for the failure to register collective treaties, which were concluded by them. It also includes control
over the competent state bodies, when citizens of these states are employed in the foreign ships, over the actions of
the ITF and the ITF trade unions within the context of protection of the rights of mariners to be protected against
discrimination in their employment.
mariner employment, the ILO Conventions, the ILO guidelines, the collective treaties, collective negotiations, maritime trade unions, foreign shipowners, ITF, ITF trade unions, labor legislation.
Zenkovich, D.I. (2013). Asymmetrical arbitration agreements in Russia and abroad. International Law and International Organizations, 4, 534–549.
The article is devoted to the foreign experience of using asymmetric arbitration clauses, providing
only one of the parties to an arbitration agreement the right to choose between arbitration and the state court.
The goal of the study is to analyze the modern tendencies in the practice of application of such clauses. This
issue is topical due to the Decision of the Presidium of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation
of 2011 in the dispute between the ZAO “Russian Telephone Company” and the OOO “Sony-Ericsson Mobile
Communications Rus”, where asymmetric arbitration clauses were struck down in Russia. The article is based
upon the wide range of foreign arbitration practice, as well as topical foreign doctrinal sources. Special attention
is paid to the legislative regulation and legal practice in the states, such as the USA, Bulgaria, Poland,
etc., where in some situations or by direct legislative provision asymmetrical arbitration clauses may be recognized
as invalid clauses. The article includes analysis of the typical bases for the courts in a number of states
to recognize asymmetric arbitration clauses invalid. Based upon the study the author makes a conclusion that
currently there is no unified approach towards this type of arbitration clauses in various jurisdictions.
international commercial arbitration, asymmetric arbitration clause, alternative arbitration clause, optional jurisdiction clause, optional arbitration clause, reciprocity principle, bad faith doctrine, invalidity of an arbitration clause, potestative deal, arbitration agreement.
Scherbovich, A.A. (2013). On the issue of procedural bases for the activities
of the specialized UN Agencies. International Law and International Organizations, 4, 550–559.
This article concerns history of formation and procedural fundamentals of the activities of the specialized
institutions (agencies) of the UNO. The author describes institutional provisions for the specialized UN
institutions, regulating their plenary, executive and subsidiary bodies, as well as the most significant conditions
for decision-making in each of the specialized UN institutions. The author analyzes specific procedural provisions
regulating the decision-making practice on various issues in the sphere of competence of such UN institutions. The
author applies the methods of comparative legal studies, procedural modeling, procedural schemes (the schemes
are not included into the article). Any procedure is aimed at making certain decisions. Therefore, it would be viable
to classify the decisions and decision-making subjects, rather than dividing the procedures into decision-making
and other procedures. Then one could state that both the procedural norms and functions and structures of the
bodies predefine the decision-making practice and influence the nature of these decisions.
the UNO, specialized institutions, procedural rules, Secretariat, plenary bodies, executive bodies, subsidiary bodies, the ITU, the UNESCO, the ILO.
Kostenko, N.I. (2013). Role of the United Nations Organization in solving
the problems of justice of transitional period
and support of supremacy of law in conflict
and post-conflict subjects. International Law and International Organizations, 4, 560–571.
The goal of this article is to draw attention to the key issues regarding the activities of the United
Nations Organization in the sphere of solving the problems of justice of transitional period and support
of supremacy of law in conflict and post-conflict subjects in the last two decades. In order to achieve this
goal the author uses critical and comparative analysis of the legal basis and doctrine in the sphere of
fundamental values, which the international community now faces: reform and support of administering
justice and the principle of supremacy of law. The analysis shows that compliance to lawfulness in the
sphere of support of justice and supremacy of law in the conflict and post-conflict is fundamental for the
guarantees of sustainable peace after resolving a conflict, and also for the efficient protection of human
rights, sustainable economic progress and development. This experience shows that protection of peace both
in the short-term perspective in the post-conflict period and in the long-term perspective are impossible,
unless the population of the states become assured that they can achieve compensation of the harm caused
to them via the legitimate structures for peaceful dispute settlement and fair administration of justice.
problems of justice, support of justice, reform of justice, administration of justice, the principle of supremacy of law, the UN standards, support of the supremacy of law, peace-making operations, justice in the transitional period, the International Criminal Court.
Rednikova, T.V. (2013). Protection of the biological variety components
and legal regulation of equal access to benefits from them:
implementation of the provisions
of the Biodiversity Convention. International Law and International Organizations, 4, 572–577.
The goal of this article is to provide characteristics of the implementation of the main goals of the
Biodiversity Convention, preservation of biodiversity, sustainable use of its components and joint use of benefits
from genetic resources on just and fair basis. The article provides characteristic features of the key measures
in the national legislation, which are aimed to achieve these goals. Special attention is paid to the problem of
implementation of the goal of provision of equal access to genetic resources and fair distribution of benefits
from them. The author provides an overview of the provision of the Nagoya Protocol to the Convention, which
is fully devoted to the legal regulation of the above-mentioned problem. One of its novelties includes detailed
provisions on the possible benefits from exploitation of genetic resources. The author provides characteristics
of the Russian Federation being the state with vast natural resources, including diverse animals and plants,
which allows to treat it as a state providing genetic resources. At the same time in order to develop science and
the modern production technologies it is necessary to use genetic resources from other regions of the planet.
The author substantiates the need for the Russian Federation to join the Nagoya Protocol.
environmental law, biodiversity, genetic resources, guarantees of access, fair distribution, convention, protocol, benefits, natural resources, sustainable development.
Kudelkin, N.S. (2013). Definition of “pollution of marine environment”
in Russian and international law. International Law and International Organizations, 4, 578–582.
The article concerns the definition of “pollution of marine environment”, which is extremely
topical for the modern law, since the threshold of protection of the World ocean to a considerable extend
depends on its elements. The author characterizes this term from the standpoints of natural sciences and
jurisprudence. He studies definitions of this term in international and Russian law (including international
treaties and Federal Laws of the Russian Federation). The author then analyzes the position of Russian
and foreign legal scholars and environmental specialists on this issue. The author used general and specific
scientific cognition methods, including logical, systemic and structural analysis, comparative legal
studies, analysis and synthesis, formal legal approach, etc. The article includes an interdisciplinary study
of the definition of “pollution of marine environment” in Russian and international law, and he provides
propositions for its improvement, especially concerning widening the scope of this term in part of types
and methods of committing “pollution of marine environment”.
marine environment, pollution, definition apparatus, environmental protection, the World ocean, pollution agent, environment, dump, disposal, invasion.
Mozhuga, V.V. (2013). The WTO standards and legal regulation within
the framework of the Customs Union of the EurAsEC:
the correspondence issues. International Law and International Organizations, 4, 583–588.
This article concerns correspondence between the legal regulation standards in the Customs Union
of the EurAsEC and the WTO standards. Special attention is paid to the norms of the Customs Code of the
Customs Union in correlation with the provisions of the International Convention on the simplification and
harmonization of Customs procedures .Additionally, the author provides a classification of regional trade
agreements depending on economic and economically related integration of the states. The author discusses
legal issues regarding the need to follow legal obligations imposed upon the states by various international
legal documents. The author draws the following conclusions: 1. The normative legal basis of the Russian
Federation is based upon the WTO standards and it generally corresponds to their requirements. The presence
of the bilateral treaties between Russia and the third party states is legislatively required and it does
not contradict to the WTO requirements. 2. There is need to bring the terminological basis of the Customs
Union into correspondence with the requirements of the Kyoto Protocol, first of all, in the sphere of provisions
of the Chapter 3 of the General Annex. 3. Improvement of some procedural norms of the Customs Code of
the Customs Union based upon the general principles and standards of the Kyoto Convention is one of the
priority vectors of its development.
the Customs Union, the Kyoto Convention, regional trade agreements, integration, international convention, economic integration theory, preferential trade and tariff treaties, the Economic Union, the EurAsEC, the Customs Code.
Stepanenko, V.S. (2013). Principles of the environmental law
of the European Union. International Law and International Organizations, 4, 589–601.
The environmental legal literature provides detailed analysis of the definition, key directions and
tendencies of the European environmental policy, as well as its basic (fundamental) principles, their influence
upon the contents of normative legal acts of the European Union and its Member States, judicial practice of
the EU and the supranational courts. Based upon the main goal of environmental law and policy national environmental
legal systems of some states have developed a broader approach to understanding the nature of
environmental principle, while not departing from the general principles. In a number of cases formulation of
environmental principles is not limited to those mentioned in the Treaty establishing the European Community.
As the studies of foreign specialists have shown, the environmental principles form its own real legal field where
such principles are transferred into more detailed national legislation or political documents. Topical disputes
arise regarding whether the system of principles of this legal branch should be classified within an open or
a closed system, and the same is true towards the principles of environmental policy of the European Union.
the European Union, the environmental policy, the environmental law, environmental principles, environmental legal system, environmental law, environment, treaties, classification, the European Parliament.