Zhmud Vadim Arkadievich – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Docent, Head of the department of Automation Engineering, Novosibirsk State Technical University; Deputy Director of Research, Novosibirsk Institute of Software Systems, PJSC; Member of IEEE (personal account 95001934); 630073, Russia, Novosibirsk, Prospekt Karla Marksa 20, Novosibirsk State Technical University; e-mail: zhmud@corp.nstu.ru, oao_nips@bk.ru
Editorial board:
Burkov Aleksandr Anatolievich – Ph.D. in Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Senior Scientific Associate, Institute of Materials Science of Khabarovsk Scientific Center of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences; 680042, Russia, Khabarovsk, Tikhookeanskaya Street 153
Markov Vladimir Anatolievich – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the department of Reciprocating Engines, Bauman Moscow State Technical University; 105005, Russia, Moscow, 2-ya Baumanskaya Street 5/1; e-mail: vladimir.markov58@yandex.ru
Arkharov Ivan Alekseevich – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Bauman Moscow State Technical University; 105005, Russia, Moscow, 2-ya Baumanskaya Street 5/1; e-mail: ivanarkharov@yahoo.com
Parshin Sergei Georgievich – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Docent, Professor, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University; 195251, Russia, Saint Petersburg, Politekhnicheskaya Street 29; e-mail: parshin@spbstu.ru
Timofeyev Gennady Alekseevich – Doctor of Technical Sciences; Professor, Bauman Moscow State Technical University; e-mail: timga@bmstu.ru
Zhmud Vadim Arkadievich – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Docent, Head of the department of Automation Engineering, Novosibirsk State Technical University; Deputy Director of Research, Novosibirsk Institute of Software Systems, PJSC; Member of IEEE (personal account 95001934); 630073, Russia, Novosibirsk, Prospekt Karla Marksa 20, Novosibirsk State Technical University; e-mail: zhmud@corp.nstu.ru, oao_nips@bk.ru
Munts Vladimir Aleksandrovich – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the department of Thermal Energy and Engineering, Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin; 620002, Russia, Yekaterinburg, Mira Street 19; e-mail: v.a.munts@urfu.ru
Brodov Yuriy Mironovich – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the department of Turbines and Engines; Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin; 620002, Russia, Yekaterinburg, Mira Street 19; e-mail: turbine66@mail.ru
Kuznetsov Viktor Pavlovich – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Docent, Professor, the departments of Heat Treatment and Physics of Metals. Metal-Cutting Machines and Instruments, Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin; 620002, Russia, Yekaterinburg, Mira Street 19; e-mail: v.p.kuznetcov@urfu.ru
Antimonov Aleksey Mikhaylovich – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, the department of Mechanical Engineering Technology, Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin; 620002, Russia, Yekaterinburg, Mira Street 19; e-mail: u11446@mail.ru, a.m.antimonov@urfu.ru