Tolpegin P.V..
Comprehensible government as a new format for the dialogue between the citizens and the government.
// Legal Studies.
2013. № 12.
P. 11-22.
DOI: 10.7256/2305-9699.2013.12.1000 URL:
The article concerns "comprehensible government" as an "open government" project, which is one of the instruments for the open state bodies, municipal bodies and their officials. "Comprehensible government" presupposes choice of measures for the legislatively and procedurally guaranteed provision of accessible information by the federal executive bodies to the general public. The topicality of the project is due to the lack of understanding of the modern government actions and its policy by the general public, which in combination with the "legal nihilism" phenomenon has a negative impact upon the reforms by the state. The incorrect interpretation of the state policy measures by the citizens makes the people vulnerable to protest attitudes, rumors, and it also supports false social stereotypes of totally corrupt and non-transparent government. The article describes the approach towards implementation of the "comprehensible government" project, as well as some topical problems in this sphere. In addition to being highly politically and socially topical, the author provides a skeptical evaluation of full-scale implementation of this project.
open government, comprehensible government, state and society, state, society, dialogue with the government, guidelines, petitions of citizens, generally accessible information, domestic policy
Bronnikov I.A..
Political communication and modern time
// Legal Studies.
2013. № 4.
P. 66-88.
DOI: 10.7256/2305-9699.2013.4.702 URL:
The article includes analysis of political communications in early XXI century. It is shown that the Internet has changed the political communications, and it currently serves as a fundamental area, based upon which mutual adaptation of off-line and on-line political actors take place. Transformation of political communication facilitates the transfer from the paternalist power relations to the political pluralism. The author provides the hypothesis that it is by the political communication that the legitimate political discourse between society and government may take place. Within the context of the modern Russian reality political communication serves as means of existence and translation of political culture, which may serve as a basis for the democratization of the relations between the state and the civil society. Transformation of the political communication facilitates the transfer from the paternalist government relations, and the etatist model of government, clientalism in the system "power and society" towards the political pluralism. Therefore, the politics in its ideal understanding is an activity aimed at the general organization of the society, bringing into accord various interests and goals, finding agreement and compromises.
political communication, Internet technologies, virtual politics, electronic government, civil society
Zaitsev A.V..
The New Аgora: civil dialogue in the European Union.
// Legal Studies.
2012. № 2.
P. 62-89.
DOI: 10.7256/2305-9699.2012.2.123 URL:
This article describes the establishment of institutional structured civil dialogue between the EU institutions and civil society at the European, national and local levels. This process is seen as part of the legimization of the emerging political system of the EU under the Lisbon Treaty. The process of institutionalization of civil dialogue in the EU is compared with the process of dialogization of the interaction between state and civil society in modern Russia.
state, civil law, institutionalization, dialogue, interaction