Grigor'eva O.G..
The system of principles of international legal cooperation of the Soviet Union
// Legal Studies.
2016. № 5.
P. 9-23.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7136.2016.5.19075 URL:
The research subject is the system of principles of international legal cooperation of the Soviet Union with foreign states. The author notes that this system had been forming steadily and was influenced by the state of international relations in general, by the internal socio-political processes, and the development of the Soviet legislation. The author comes to the conclusion that the system of principles of international legal cooperation of the Soviet Union included the following structural elements: the general legal principles of the Soviet law, the principles of particular branches of the Soviet law (civil, procedural, family law, consular law, etc.), and the principles of international law. The research methodology is based on the dialectical method of cognition of phenomena in their interrelation and interdependence, and the set of general scientific and special methods of cognition. The author reconstructs the historical picture of the formation of the system of principles of legal cooperation of the Soviet Union with foreign states in the field of civil law as a unique instrument of public protection of civil and related rights of Soviet and foreign citizens in the context of the closed nature of the Soviet society and the tense international relations. The research is based on the unique archive materials of the State Archive of the Russian Federation and the Foreign Policy Archive of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation which haven’t been studied and used so far.
principles of international law, general legal principles, Soviet Union, convention, bilateral agreement, legal force, international legal cooperation, history of international law, foreign policy, international law
Inshakova A.O..
The program unification as the basis for the development of standard competition policy of the Southern region according to the WTO standards.
// Legal Studies.
2013. № 5.
P. 108-134.
DOI: 10.7256/2305-9699.2013.5.736 URL:
The article is devoted to the study of priority goals and perspective vectors for the development of the national legislation in the sphere of sub-federal competition regulation in the conditions of innovative economy taking into account the need for their transformation under the influence of Russia joining the WTO. A competent national competition policy, which is capable of guaranteeing support and development of an adequate anti-monopoly environment for the formation of fully-fledged competition of national economic innovative subjects, including those with foreign participation, is among the primary goals, which need to be achieved in order to guarantee the process of positive effect generation after the long-awaited joining of Russia into the WTO. The study is based on the key standard to the WTO anti-monopoly regulation, which are aimed to even out the national legislation towards the level of competitive interaction. It is noted that correspondence of normative legal regulation of innovative economic activities in the conditions of healthy competitive environment may only be implemented in accordance with the international treaties to which Russia is a party, the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, and the laws and other normative acts adopted in accordance to them, but also with the laws and normative acts of the constituent subjects of the Russian Federation. The issues of legal guarantees of competitiveness of Russian goods and services, as well as those of state support of national and regional economic subjects in the sphere of innovations are studied based upon the example of a competitive environment and sub-federal legislation of the Volgograd region as an element of the forming global legal system, presupposing normative unity of all of its structural elements.
the WTO, competition policy, competition law, unification of law, innovative activity, competitive environment, innovative economics, the Southern Federal District, the Volgograd region
Sazonova K.L..
The institution of state responsibility of for the use of force: present stage and perspectives of development.
// Legal Studies.
2012. № 3.
P. 78-91.
DOI: 10.7256/2305-9699.2012.3.255 URL:
The article describes the main international legal issues associated with the problem of state responsibility for the use of force as an institution of responsibility in the international law. The author focuses on the lack of unity between the theoretical and practical aspects of the use of force, as well as on the role the institution plays in progressive development of law. The article also highlights the current issues related to change of the paradigm of modern international law because of the trend of recent years like the use of force in circumvention of the UN Charter. The author proves the gradual formation of a "parallel" legal regimes, which are based on the rule of military force factors. The author focuses on the problem of conflicts in the Middle East, the problems associated with the current concept of the UN peacekeeping conception and its reformation.The author gives a number of recommendations for the development of the institute of state responsibility in international law.
international law, force, responsibility, state, peace-making, conflicts