Chagina E.M..
The rights and obligations of the owner of the aggregator of information about goods and services in relations with the consumer
// Legal Studies.
2025. № 1.
P. 1-13.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2025.1.72691 EDN: PYYTAZ URL:
The development of digital technologies and the emergence of large Internet platforms that allow consumers to choose and purchase goods and services, aggregators of information about goods and (or) services, makes the issue of regulating the activities of these entities relevant precisely in terms of their interaction with consumers. It is no secret that when making a purchase and sale agreement or providing paid services through an information aggregator, the consumer does not interact directly with the seller or contractor, relying only on the information about the counterparty or the product (service) provided by the information aggregator, which inevitably raises the question of the role of the owner of such an aggregator in legal relations with consumers, his rights and obligations, as well as the limits of his liability for violation of consumer rights. The author of the work has chosen a formal legal method, as well as a method of analysis and interpretation of normative legal acts as the basis of the research methodology. As a result of the research, the author concludes that despite the fact that currently the legislation in the field of consumer protection contains a number of norms regulating the rights and obligations of the owner of the aggregator of information on goods and services in relations with the participation of consumer citizens, the current legal regulation in this area is not without gaps. Thus, attention is drawn to the fact that the existing limitation of liability of the owner of the aggregator of information about goods and services for providing the consumer with false information about the counterparty or about the product or service leads to a violation of the balance in his legal relations with the consumer and insufficient protection of the latter's rights. In this regard, the author makes suggestions for improving the legal regulation.
distant contracts, balance of interests, seller, electronic commerce, consumer rights, consumer protection, legal liability, owner of the aggregator, consumer, civil law
Milchakova O.V..
Features of foreign investment in business companies that occupy a dominant position in the commodity market
// Legal Studies.
2024. № 10.
P. 1-14.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2024.10.72160 EDN: CIXVPF URL:
The object of the study is certain issues of the procedure for foreign investments in strategic sectors of the economy. The subject of the study is devoted to the procedure for making foreign investments in business entities that occupy a dominant position in the commodity market. The dominant economic entity has market power, which provides an opportunity to shape the economic environment by determining the number of market participants, the behavior of suppliers of goods (works, services) and their consumers. The author examines the issues of necessary regulatory approvals of transactions of foreign investors for the acquisition of assets of dominant entities, as well as general antitrust and special rules for determining the existence of a dominant position in business entities operating in various sectors of the economy. The methodological basis of the study was based on systematic and formal legal methods, as well as the method of technical and legal analysis. The conclusions of the study are based on the constitutionally significant goals of ensuring national defense and state security, Russian legislation provides for the need to obtain additional regulatory approvals for foreign participation in business entities that occupy a dominant position on the market. At the same time, the book value of assets and the amount of revenue of a foreign investor does not matter, a group of persons to which he belongs, as well as a business entity whose assets are planned to be acquired by a foreign investor (a group of persons to which a foreign investor belongs), unlike transactions subject to approval within the framework of antimonopoly control. In some cases, the control of foreign investments applies special rules for determining the fact of market dominance for some business entities, which differ from the rules of antimonopoly legislation.
antimonopoly legislation, commodity market, dominant position, state security, national defense, strategic sectors of the economy, foreign investor, foreign investments, regulatory approvals, Government Commission
Ibragimov K.Y..
The problem of non-proprietary legal entities in the light of the theory of separate property
// Legal Studies.
2024. № 7.
P. 29-41.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2024.7.71353 EDN: QUSIFI URL:
The subject of the study is the problem of legal entities for which property is secured not on the right of ownership, but on a limited proprietary right (the right of operational management or the right of economic management), in the light of the theory of separate property. The theory of separate property is understood as the idea of the independence of the phenomenon of legal separation of property associated with giving a certain technically separate property a specific legal status, which is primarily manifested in the order of responsibility to creditors (priority of creditors' claims in relation to certain property). The main attention is paid to the problem of simultaneous separation of property through two structures: (1) a separate legal entity, (2) a limited proprietary right. The study evaluates the validity of this approach and the need for the existence of such limited property rights. The analysis of these problems is carried out by applying the theoretical categories of protective and confirmatory separation, with the help of which the degree and nature of the separation of property of unitary enterprises and institutions is assessed. According to the results of the study, it is concluded that the right of operational management and economic management does not in any way affect the degree of isolation of the property of unitary enterprises and institutions, and also does not perform any other independent function. The conclusion is substantiated that the existence of such limited proprietary rights represents a lack of legal technique. In addition, a general conclusion is drawn that in order to achieve any degree and nature of the property isolation of a certain property, the construction of a legal entity is sufficient, since the rule of law is able to do this by direct prescription of the law for the appropriate organizational and legal form. At the same time, it is noted that limited property rights can be used to separate property within the separate property of a legal entity, but not to separate the property of the latter as such. The scientific novelty of this study has two aspects. Firstly, it demonstrates the prospects of using the categories of protective and confirmatory property separation as a tool for analyzing the practical and theoretical validity of legislative decisions, which is new for the domestic doctrine. Secondly, this article for the first time analyzes the correlation of various ways of legal separation of property.
legal entities, limited real rights, institutions, unitary enterprises, legal capacity, legal partitioning, operational administration, economic management, legal personality, asset partitioning
Chizhov A.V..
Some problems of correlation of the categories "contract modification" and "contract termination" with related categories of civil law
// Legal Studies.
2024. № 7.
P. 1-12.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2024.7.40974 EDN: WZWKQE URL:
The subject of this study is legal relations related to some features of the amendment and termination of the contract from related categories of civil law. The analysis of legislation, scientific materials and law enforcement practice allowed the author to formulate questions related to the qualification of such legal phenomena as "contract modification" and "contract termination". The researcher pays special attention to the possibility of improper interpretation of a legal fact by individuals and legal entities within the framework of contractual legal relations instead of "modification" and "termination of the contract". To the categories, the nature of which may be similar to the legal nature of the amendment and termination of the contract, the author refers to such phenomena as the conclusion of an additional agreement, the termination of contractual relations due to the expiration and invalidity of the contract. In the course of the research, the author used universal dialectical, logical, formal-legal, hermeneutic research methods. The relevance of the chosen topic lies in the modernization and development of the institution of modification and termination of civil contracts due to the dynamics of changes in economic and social aspects and interests of participants in legal relations. The legal aspects of the problems of the correlation of the categories "contract modification" and "contract termination" are considered in the works of such researchers as M.I. Braginsky, V.V. Vitryansky, I.V. Ginzburg and others. Based on the analysis of Russian legislation and the practice of implementing the categories of "modification" and "termination" of the contract, the author concludes that a more detailed and in-depth study of the terms of contractual relations is prioritized for their further proper qualification by both the parties to contractual relations and judicial authorities in the direct application of substantive law. The conclusions formulated based on the results of the work carried out can be used for further scientific research in the field of civil law and form the basis of future regulatory legal acts.
concludent actions, dispositive fact, civil law, contract law, supplementary agreement, termination of the contract, invalidity of the contract, contract change, contract cancelation, contract
Kiseleva E..
Features of regulation of the institution of inheritance agreement in Russian law
// Legal Studies.
2024. № 7.
P. 70-78.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2024.7.68696 EDN: MWSJRC URL:
The subject of the study are the key features of the inheritance contract as an instrument of legal regulation of the relations of the testator and heirs, as well as its specifics in the Russian civil legislation. The provisions of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation devoted to the analysis of the relationship between the rights and obligations of the parties to this contract, the procedure for its conclusion and termination are analyzed in sufficient detail, and the main problematic issues accompanying the procedure for using inheritance contracts in domestic practice are identified. In this context, the importance of further improvement of the legal framework governing the procedure for using the inheritance contract in legal practice is determined. It should be noted that the legislative consolidation of the institution of an inheritance contract provides the testator with the opportunity not only to dispose of his property, but also the right to burden the heir to perform certain actions. However, the model of the relationship between the parties to the inheritance contract in domestic legislation not places them in equal position. Such a circumstance, as well as a number of legally ambiguous points noted in this article, necessitate further improvement of the domestic regulatory legal framework governing various aspects of the conclusion and execution of an inheritance contract.
testamentary disposition, contractual obligation, heir, testator, inheritance contract, grounds of inheritance, inheritance, legacy, unworthy heirs, Civil Code
Lyapustina N.A., Rybka O.S..
Perspectives for the application of the provisions on indemnity established by FIDIC Silver Book in the field of construction contracts in Russia
// Legal Studies.
2024. № 6.
P. 1-14.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2024.6.70982 EDN: KVGVKK URL:
The object of the study is the institute of compensation for property losses, fixed in one of the standard contracts of the International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC) – the Silver Book. The FIDIC Silver Book is the most interesting for providing a universal contract base in Russia, as a task set by the Government of the Russian Federation in the Strategy for Exporting Services until 2025. It is in this proforma that the main conditions of the EPC are reflected: design work, purchase of materials, construction work. One of the tools common in the Anglo-Saxon legal system is indemnity, which has appeared relatively recently in domestic civil law. By allowing you to manage the risks of construction projects, this institution is attractive to investors and parties to a construction contract. The authors investigate the provisions on indemnity, fixed in the FIDIC Silver Book, to establish the possibility of their application in the field of construction contracts in the territory of the Russian Federation. The authors used such methods as: analysis, synthesis, comparative law, deduction, induction. The scientific novelty of the study is due to the fact that there are few works devoted to the applicability of the terms of FIDIC contracts in Russia, and there are practically no studies on the applicability of the conditions for compensation of losses fixed in them. However, in order to achieve the goals set by the Service Export Strategy until 2025, it is necessary to find out whether there are significant contradictions between the terms of FIDIC contracts and the norms of national legislation that prevent their application in Russia. The most interesting are the prospects for applying the provisions on compensation for property losses fixed in standard contracts, which are quite attractive both for the parties to the contract and for investors. In this regard, a special contribution of the authors to the study of the topic is the establishment of the applicability in Russia of the provisions on compensation for property losses fixed in the FIDIC Silver Book. Within the framework of this scientific work, it was revealed that most of the analyzed provisions do not contradict the mandatory norms of Russian law.
risk management tool, strategy for developing exports, Civil Code of Russia, FIDIC, proformas, model contracts, construction contract, indemnity, Silver Book, anglo-saxon legal system
Titorenko S.K..
Legal regulation of the trade secret regime in corporate conflicts
// Legal Studies.
2024. № 6.
P. 30-43.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2024.6.70723 EDN: JZKBEV URL:
The author examines the features of the legal regulation of the trade secret regime in corporate conflicts between participants of business entities (limited liability companies, joint-stock companies). A study of the legal regulation of the Russian Federation, in terms of the legal regulation of the trade secret regime, has been conducted, and the judicial practice of applying the trade secret regime has been analyzed. Scientific works in the field of legal regulation of the trade secret regime in the Russian Federation, the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States and the United States of America are also analyzed. As a result of the research, the author highlights a gap in the legal regulation of the trade secret regime in corporate conflicts. The problem is that despite the existence of a system of legal regulation of the trade secret regime, the share of trade secret leaks continues to grow. Previously, no research has been conducted in the field of legal regulation of the trade secret regime in the presence of corporate conflicts. Public relations arising in connection with the application of the commercial secret regime are regulated by the Law on Commercial Secrets, certain issues are explained in the information letter of the Presidium of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation dated 01/18/2011 No. 144 "On some issues of the practice of arbitration courts considering disputes on the provision of information to participants in business companies", while the share of leaks of commercial secrets is constantly growing. In this regard, it is necessary to identify ways to improve legal regulation in the field of legal regulation of the trade secret regime in corporate conflicts. To investigate the legal regulation of the Russian Federation, judicial practice, scientific work and identify problems of legal regulation of the trade secret regime in corporate conflicts between participants of business entities (limited liability companies, joint-stock companies).
corporate culture, trade secret regime, confidentiality agreement, joint stock company, share of participation, business company, corporate conflict, confidential information, state secret, Commercial secret
Trukhan R.P..
On the individual properties of the accessory nature of the arbitration clause
// Legal Studies.
2024. № 4.
P. 124-134.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2024.4.70266 EDN: XJECAM URL:
The regulation of the application of an arbitration clause as a type of arbitration agreement is based on the dual nature of this legal category, which determines the specifics of the relationship between material and procedural legal relations when the latter arises within the parameters established by the arbitration clause. In such cases, a significant simplification of legal regulation is not excluded, when it is possible to recognize signs of accessory in such relationships. According to the results of the study, the author proves that the interrelationships of material and procedural legal relations arising from the application of the arbitration clause have accessory characteristics according to eight criteria usually highlighted in the literature. It is proposed not only to establish such an approach to defining the features of accessory in this particular case in the doctrine, but also to improve the current legislation and practice of its application. In the work, the practical consequences of the author's conclusions are shown by the example of simplifying the procedure for verifying the possibility of applying for enforcement of decisions on interim measures taken by a court of another jurisdiction (international arbitration court) under an agreement containing an appropriate arbitration clause, "recognized" by national jurisdiction, where enforcement of a decision on interim measures is assumed. The work is based on the application of a whole range of general and private scientific research methods and techniques, the main of which were the method of system analysis and the method of formal logic in the form of deduction and induction. Accessory relationships remain a little-studied legal phenomenon, both in the theory of law and in branches of legal science. The most in-depth and consistent studies of this issue are present in substantive law, where they relate mainly to the problems of establishing the presence or absence of an accessory relationship between contractual obligations and ways to ensure the fulfillment of obligations. In procedural law, accessory as an independent legal category is not studied, although certain institutions of procedural law, for example, interim measures in civil proceedings, clearly have separate signs of accessory in their regulation. It seems that the establishment of the properties of accessory in the relationship between substantive and procedural legal relations, when the parameters of the latter are determined by an arbitration clause, will have important theoretical and practical significance.
arbitration clause, court, material legal relations, arbitration, basic and additional, interim measures, arbitration agreement, accessory connections, accessory, procedural legal relations
Kolesnichenko O.V..
Health damage caused as a result of adverse environmental impacts: civil compensation mechanisms
// Legal Studies.
2024. № 3.
P. 115-126.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2024.3.70234 EDN: CGJRIZ URL:
The subject of research in this article is the regulations and theoretical ideas about compensation for harm caused to a citizen’s health as a result of adverse environmental impacts. The purpose of the study is to create doctrinal conditions and develop proposals for the development of civil legislation aimed at ensuring compensation for harm caused by damage to health in the environmental sphere. As a result of the study, it was proved that in order to ensure real compensability of harm to health in the environmental sphere, the presumption of environmental danger of certain types of economic activity should be accompanied by the legal establishment of an irrefutable presumption of the origin of physical harm from adverse environmental impacts, based on available knowledge about the causes and symptoms of environmentally caused diseases (medical criterion), whether the victim belongs to a risk group based on living or working in the contaminated area (legal criterion). However, the author does not limit himself to justifying the need to introduce this presumption, but proposes a set of measures for the accompanying development of legislation. It is noted that the irrefutable presumption of the origin of physical harm from adverse environmental impacts must be accompanied by the establishment of an obligation of business entities to create conditions for the implementation of non-tort forms of compensation, alternative to insurance compensation within the framework of liability insurance. In this capacity, agreements on the distribution of risks can act, the terms of which provide for the creation of a quasi-insurance public benefit fund, payments from which will repay obligations to victims in an amount that allows taking into account the loss of ability to do paid work, the need for outside care, etc.
tortious obligations, compensation mechanism, risk sharing, compensation for harm, adverse environmental impact, environmental damage, tortious liability, harm to health, alternative compensation mechanisms, victim
Kuznetsova A.R..
Modern Problems of Void Transactions in the Civil Law of the Russian Federation
// Legal Studies.
2024. № 2.
P. 1-11.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2024.2.39743 EDN: JHJLNI URL:
The article examines the legal, organizational foundations and a number of topical problems of insignificant transactions in Russian legislation with an indication of the origins of these norms in ancient Roman jurisprudence. The subject of the study is the problems caused by the recognition of transactions as insignificant in modern Russia. The object of the study is the legal provisions of civil law that carry out the legal regulation of void transactions. The purpose of the work is to form proposals that contribute to their leveling by identifying and analyzing the actual problems of the insignificance of transactions. The methods used are dialectical-materialistic, historical, a system of empirical research methods (analogy, modeling) and special methods (formal-logical, system-analytical), etc. The author examines in detail the signs of void transactions, the problems of recognizing the nullity of the transaction; the subject of which is property, with respect to the disposal of which there is an imperative prohibition, restriction. Particular attention is paid to the problems of the insignificance of the part of the transaction. The main conclusions of this study are the following: it is justified to bring into compliance with Article 12 of the Civil Code and the legal position of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation (Resolution of the Plenum of June 23, 2015 No. 25) with respect to the method of protecting civil rights ("application of the consequences of the invalidity of an insignificant transaction"); to formulate Article 169 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation in a new edition reflecting the concept of "public interest". A special contribution of the author to the study of the topic is the proposal to specify Article 180 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation in terms of indicating exceptions to the general rule of invalidation of part of the transaction. The results of the article can be used in improving civil legislation, in law enforcement, in further scientific research. Conclusions: despite the improvement of the norms of civil law, the massive nature of the recognition of transactions as void indicates significant problems, as insignificant transactions in general, as well as parts of these transactions (in practical and scientific-theoretical contexts), requiring optimal solutions.
nullity of a part of a transaction, void transaction, classification of invalid transactions, part of an invalid transaction, invalid transaction, part of a transaction, transaction, public interest, civil law, prohibition
Kulichev R.B..
Seizure of the property as a measure to ensure the fulfillment of civil law obligations
// Legal Studies.
2023. № 10.
P. 1-13.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2023.10.40768 EDN: VCEVOA URL:
The subject of this article is the consideration of the seizure of property as a measure applied by the authorized body to ensure the fulfillment of the debtor's civil obligations. The purpose of the research is to study the legal institution of property seizure as a measure to ensure the fulfillment of the debtor's obligations, to identify legal problems in the law enforcement of this instrument, and to propose ways to resolve them. To achieve this goal, the author analyzes the normative legal acts of the Russian Federation regulating the procedure for the application of seizure, explores the legal essence of seizure in civil law relations, identifies the signs of arrest and the differences between arrest and the prohibition of registration actions, considers the legal problems arising from its application. In the research, the author uses such methods as analysis, synthesis, deduction and comparison. The relevance of the article lies in the fact that the use of arrest as a measure to ensure the fulfillment of the debtor's obligations entails restrictions in the exercise of property rights. The unjustified application of property seizure that does not belong to the debtor, creates legal difficulties for a bona fide acquirer in the exercise of property rights, which entails an appeal to the court for the protection of the violated right. Despite the widespread use of seizure as a measure aimed at ensuring the fulfillment of the debtor's obligations, there is no legal concept of this type of security in the legislation of the Russian Federation. The consequence of this circumstance is the application under the guise of seizure of other measures related to the limitation of the of property rights, entailing the incorrect application of the norms of substantive and procedural law. Based on the results of the study, the author forms the doctrinal concept of seizure as a measure to ensure the fulfillment of obligations and makes proposals to protect the rights of bona fide property owners.
debtor, recoverer, deal, bailiff, registration actions, inventory, turnover, a bona fide acquirer, property, arrest
Topilin I.V..
Comparative legal analysis of consumer protection in the field of trade in the post-Soviet countries
// Legal Studies.
2023. № 7.
P. 12-24.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2023.7.39119 EDN: DOXAIE URL:
The subject of the study is the legal regulation of consumer protection in the field of trade in the post-Soviet countries. The object of the study is the social relations arising from the protection of consumer rights in the field of trade. The author examines in detail the civil law regulation of consumer protection in the field of trade in the post-Soviet countries. Particular attention is paid to the subject matter, subject matter, form, essential terms of the retail sale contract, as well as the seller's pre-contractual obligation, the right to exchange goods of proper quality, unilateral termination of the contract, penalty, etc. When writing the work, the following methods were used: universal systematic method of cognition, comparative legal, formal legal methods, as well as the method of logical analysis of normative legal acts. The analysis of the legislation of the post-Soviet countries shows that the deviation from the principle of equality of participants in relations and freedom of contract on the issue of concluding a retail sale contract was carried out in favor of the consumer by establishing additional guarantees. The degree of deviation from the principle of equality of participants in relations and freedom of contract on the issue of concluding a retail sale contract in favor of the consumer in the post-Soviet countries differs. The legislation of the Russian Federation, to a greater extent than in other post-Soviet countries, establishes guarantees for consumers: the pre-contractual obligation of the seller to provide the necessary and reliable information about the product, the right to exchange non-food goods of proper quality, the right to unilateral termination of the retail sale agreement in the event of the purchase of goods of inadequate quality, the right to a legal penalty, the right to compulsory compensation for moral damage, the establishment of a limited period for satisfying the consumer's requirements by the seller, exemption from payment of state duty and alternative jurisdiction over consumer protection claims, a fine for non-fulfillment of the consumer's requirements on a voluntary basis.
legal penalty, product information, pre-contractual obligation, public contract, post-Soviet space, exchange of goods, comparative law, consumer, retail sales contract, consumer rights Protection
Zatonov R.I..
Conscientiousness and reasonableness in resolving the issue of releasing a citizen from debts in the bankruptcy procedure (statement of the problem)
// Legal Studies.
2023. № 7.
P. 43-53.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2023.7.43506 EDN: SPZKLY URL:
The article is devoted to finding an answer to the question of what criteria of good faith and reasonableness the behavior of a citizen-debtor must meet in order for him to be released from fulfilling his obligations upon completion of the consumer bankruptcy procedure. The article attempts to answer questions about what conscientiousness and reasonableness are; whether there are clear standards for recognizing a debtor in good faith in a consumer bankruptcy proceeding; what problems does law enforcement practice face after the formulation by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of the position that the unreasonableness of the debtor does not mean his bad faith in resolving the issue of releasing him from debts upon completion of the bankruptcy procedure, expressed in the Ruling of the Judicial Board for Economic Disputes of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated 06/03/2019 № 305-ES18-26429 in case № A41-20557/2016. In particular, the author analyzes extremely topical issues related to the release of a citizen debtor from debts arising from a guarantee for business loans, as well as an assessment of the purpose of attracting credit funds as a tool for analyzing the debtor's good faith.
good faith criteria, standards of good faith, conscientiousness, reasonableness, consumer bankruptcy, completion of bankruptcy proceedings, debt cancellation, debt relief, bankruptcy of individuals, debtor citizen
Filatova E..
Anti-Corruption Clause in Civil Law Contracts: Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Use
// Legal Studies.
2023. № 6.
P. 56-65.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2023.6.39418 EDN: CPGBZU URL:
The purpose of the article is to analyze the essential content and features of the practical use of such a tool for countering corruption manifestations at the level of organizations as an anti-corruption clause included in the text of civil law contracts concluded by it with its counterparties. In this context, the subject of the research conducted in the framework of the article is a set of key characteristics inherent in the anti-corruption clause, legal norms governing its use in civil law contracts, as well as forms of practical use of this tool in the practical activities of modern organizations. At the same time, a set of general scientific methods of comparative analysis and synthesis of the main approaches to the study of the issues under consideration, outlined by the predecessors, is used. Also, within the framework of achieving the research goal, a comprehensive use of formal legal and comparative legal methods is provided. On this basis, the main approaches to the formulation of the essential content of the category "anti-corruption clause", the features of its use in the process of regulation of anti-corruption at the level of organizations, the problematic aspects accompanying the use of this tool are considered. Special attention is paid to the use of an anti-corruption clause in the text of employment contracts concluded by an organization with its employees. The necessity of fixing the mandatory nature of the inclusion of an anti-corruption clause in the text of an employment contract concluded with persons holding corrupt (corruption-dangerous) positions is substantiated.
counterparty, employment contract, organization, corruption risks, business reputation, civil law contract, anti-corruption, anti-corruption clause, corruption-related positions, company
Kilinkarov V.V., Ponomarev B.A..
The civil Nature of public-private Partnership Agreements
// Legal Studies.
2023. № 2.
P. 44-54.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2023.2.38640 EDN: IPLGBH URL:
The subject of the research is the legislation and law enforcement practice regarding the legal nature of the public-private partnership agreement and the concession agreement. The authors intend to prove the civil law nature of these agreements; therefore, they review dominant theories on the relevant issue in the doctrine of legal science. The first group of scientists refers these agreements to private-public contracts, the second - to administrative, the third - to private law. The analysis of the legislation confirms the validity of the third group’s point of view. The paper also examines the practice of judicial and administrative authorities, which testifies to the dispositive nature of legal relations arising between private and public partners.
infrastructure project, private law, judicial practice, legal nature, concession agreement, concession, SGCHP, PPP agreement, PPP, public-private partnership
Абдулин Р.Р..
Features of legal procedures in the consideration of disputes related to contractual relations
// Legal Studies.
2023. № 1.
P. 65-73.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2023.1.38430 EDN: BRGFDU URL:
The subject of the study is the peculiarities of legal procedures in the consideration of disputes related to contractual relations. The author of the article, by analyzing and summarizing scientific materials, materials of judicial practice, comes to the conclusion that in recent years, in the consideration of disputes related to contractual relations, the search for alternative ways to resolve emerging conflicts has been actualized. The author notes that legal procedures in the implementation of reconciliation of the parties in pre-trial, judicial and other alternative methods of dispute settlement are contractual in nature, that is, contractual legal procedures are used to settle a dispute (conflict) at any stage of contractual relations, which is not typical for other types of civil relations. Meanwhile, from the standpoint of a functional approach, extrajudicial, judicial and other methods of protecting the rights of participants in contractual relations can act as an effective tool for resolving conflicts arising between the parties. In the work, the author creatively used general scientific and private scientific methods in cognitively significant unity and in a complex combination, including: analysis and synthesis, abstraction, system-structural, comparative legal, etc. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the fact that the article is a comprehensive study that examines the regulatory and security functions provided to the parties in contractual relations aimed at establishing (arising) a contractual legal relationship, changing the content and termination of contractual relations, changing the subject matter of the contract, recognizing and confirming the right, as well as eliminating disputability (conflict) in contractual relations. The key to this maxim is that the parties, as carriers of a subjective right or legal obligation, in the event of a dispute (conflict), have the opportunity to choose the method provided for by law or a reasonable model of behavior for its settlement, as well as the procedure for its implementation.
side, contract, reconciliation, practice, dispute, conflict, procedures, legal, right, plenum
Vronskaya M.V., Pavlova A.D..
Criteria of Integrity of the Sole Executive Body: Problem Statement
// Legal Studies.
2022. № 12.
P. 19-31.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2022.12.39370 EDN: WGIGAX URL:
The subject of the study is the legal relations related to the implementation of the principle of good faith by the participants of corporate law. The author examines the acts of interpretation that reveal the essence of good faith behavior in corporate legal relations. Sets itself the following questions based on the analysis of legislation, scientific materials and law enforcement practice, related to the definition of legal problems related to the implementation of the principle of good faith. Particular attention is paid to the integrity of the sole body of a legal entity, the current state of legislation and law enforcement practice is investigated, in terms of specifying the integrity of behavior. The authors establish their insufficiency, the need for additional doctrinal research in the context of an innovative revision taking into account modern civilizational (political) risks and threats. Based on the study of Russian legislation and the practice of implementing the principle of good faith in corporate legal relations, the authors conclude that their doctrinal rethinking is necessary, only judicial clarification of the criteria of good faith of the executive body of a legal entity is established, their insufficiency is determined in the context of the actual civilizational and political-legal situation in the country. The results of the scientific research are the establishment of the insufficiency of the application of the criteria for determining the integrity of the executive bodies of a legal entity, defined by the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation dated 30.07.2013 No. 62 "On certain issues of compensation for damages by persons who are part of the bodies of a legal entity". The authors raise the question of the need to rethink the criteria of good faith, taking into account civilizational (political) risks and threats.
civilizational risks, prospects for improvement, civil legislation, legal problems, corporate relations, law enforcement practice, criteria, abuse of right, director, conscientiousness
Davtyan T.A..
The ratio of will and expression of will in the issue of determining pre-contractual liability.
// Legal Studies.
2022. № 9.
P. 62-79.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2022.9.37973 EDN: RCRNZC URL:
The subject of the study is aspects of the institute culpa in contrahendo, embodied in the novels of the Gc 2015. The main purpose is to demonstrate the significance of the correlation of the will and the will of the parties (the object of the study) in determining pre-contractual liability (PO) in cases where the contract remains valid; an appropriate legal technique is given to explain the restoration of the legal situation in accordance with the concept of the desired agreement, understood as a coincidence of wills (common will). In this regard, it turns out that the norms of the domestic Civil Code, defining the responsibility of the party for culpa in contrahendo while maintaining the validity of the contract, are insufficiently elaborated. In this situation, the theoretical construction of the software turns out to be so similar to the liability caused by a legal relationship from a specific contract that it is possible to determine both the independent position of this institution and within the framework of contractual liability, but not tort. One of the conclusions to which this study comes is the assertion that the nature of the agreement is bound by the will of the parties until the framework of the contract-transaction, at the request of one of the parties (termination of the contract, invalidation of the transaction) is not disclosed in order to legally fix the agreement itself as a single legal relationship linking the pre-contractual and contractual stages of commitment. The article also provides specific proposals for unifying the scope of liability in the form of losses caused by unfair actions at the negotiation stage, in particular, in the case when the concluded contract is not disputed by the injured party (that is, when the norms of Articles 178 and 179 do not apply).
compensation of losses, positive interest, contract-transaction, contract-agreement, the desired agreement, common will, expression of will, volition, negative interest, pre-contractual liability
Murdalov D.R..
Comparative analysis of an option to conclude an agreement and an option agreement
// Legal Studies.
2022. № 3.
P. 1-8.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2022.3.37590 URL:
In this paper, an option to conclude a contract and an option contract are considered in a comparative aspect. The object of the study is an option relationship or a relationship that develops as a result of the application of the norms of civil legislation on options. The subject of the study is the norms of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation governing the conclusion of an agreement on the granting of an option to conclude a contract and an option contract. The main purpose of the work is to compare the option to conclude an agreement and an option agreement, to identify common and distinctive features of the mechanisms under Articles 429.2 and 429.3 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. В В В The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that in this paper a comparative analysis of the option to conclude a contract and an option contract is carried out. The norms governing the options constructions under consideration have been subjected to a detailed study and analysis. The results of the study, which reflect the scientific novelty of the work, are manifested in the differentiation of two adjacent options as common constructions. The paper considers the option to conclude a contract and an option contract in a comparative aspect, highlights the adjacent and distinctive features of both designs, concludes about the common purpose of option designs, about the features of mechanisms, as well as the need to improve Articles 429.2 and 429.3 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
corporate law, civil law, contract, offer, irrevocable offer, option agreement, option agreement, option, organizational agreement, to choose
Vronskaya M.V., Maslyuk P.M..
The prospects for regulating superficies in modern civil legislation of the Russian Federation
// Legal Studies.
2021. № 12.
P. 33-41.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2021.12.37062 URL:
The need for the reform of civil legislation and, namely, the real right, is a frequently discussed and valid problem of the Russian civil law. The solutions this problem have been devised for over a decade, which resulted in the Concept of the Development of Legislation on Real Right that presents the fundamentally new system of limited real rights, particularly the superficies. The subject of this article is the institution of superficies, the establishment of the real right essence of which comprises the hypothesis of scientific research. The authors examine the doctrinal provisions that regulate the legal nature and essence of this phenomenon, outline the advantages of the right of superficies with regards to the practice of application of lease obligations under the condition of superficies, analyze the foreign experience of exercising the right of superficies for its implementation by the Russian legislator within the framework of finalizing the Concept of the Development of Legislation on Real Right. The conclusion is made on the prospects for regulating superficies as the real right due to the existence of reasonable advantages with regards to tenancy, as well as on establishment of possibility of abusing such right by the developers (tenants) in the context of application of the provisions of the Article 39.20 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation – benefits in acquisition of the right to public land; feasibility of consolidation of the nature of the right of superficies in the aspect of using proprietary methods of protection (including the claims of the owner) that would ensure and guarantee the holder of the right of superficies the protection against claims of third parties, including landowner; finding compromise solution with regards to securing guarantees for compensation payment to the superficiary for the build real estate object if the right of superficies is terminated. This would allow retaining the principle superficies solo cedit and enhancing the proprietary nature of the right of superficies.
reform, land plot, lease obligations, superficies, building right, Concept, real right, doctrine, Foreign experience, legal guarantees
Purge A.R..
On the property responsibility of genetic parents under the surrogacy agreement: experience of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tajikistan
// Legal Studies.
2021. № 9.
P. 218-227.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2021.9.35923 URL:
The object of this research is the institution of property responsibility of genetic parents under the surrogacy agreement established in legislation of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tajikistan, as well as the problematic of practical implementation of the surrogacy agreement. The subject of this research is the legislative norms that regulate the procedure of bringing genetic parents under the surrogacy agreement to property responsibility in the territory of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tajikistan; corresponding materials of law enforcement practice; statistical data and reports published in the official mass media. The scientific novelty of consists in analysis of the problems of property responsibility of genetic parents under the surrogacy agreement, which was concluded in the territory of the Republic of Tajikistan. The main research results lies in the development of the original pointwise proposals on the long-term solution to these issues (it is worth noting that such proposals have not been previously expressed in the context of legal experience of the Republic of Tajikistan).
causing harm, bringing to justice, genetic parents-customers, property liability, surrogate motherhood agreement, surrogacy, moral damage, illegal behavior, the fault, law enforcement practice
Gorokhova S.S..
On certain organizational-legal aspects on the market of state (municipal) and corporate procurement in the Russian Federation
// Legal Studies.
2021. № 8.
P. 11-27.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2021.8.36143 URL:
The subject of this research is the relevant situation on the market of state (municipal) and corporate procurement, including the key indicators in the sphere planning government orders, stages of selecting suppliers (contractor or executive), conclusion and execution of contracts, as well as monitoring all stages of procurement procedures and detection of legislative violations. Attention is given to the specificity of application of certain provisions of the Federal Law “On the Contractual System of Procurement of Goods and Services for Fulfilling the Needs of the Country” and Federal Law No. 223-FZ “On Procurement of Goods and Services by Certain Types of Legal Entities". The conclusion is made that the sector of state and corporate procurements involves the budgetary funds of all levels, which are about 1/3 of the country’s GDP. At the same time, the current of system of state and corporate procurement is characterized by prevalence of noncompetitive procurement; consistent level of competition; low level of confidence of the marker actors in the system of state and corporate procurement. As a result, the contractual system does not fully contribute to ensuring the economic growth of the country. One of the deterrents for enhancing the functionality of the state and corporate procurement system is the concentration of efforts on improving the contractual system of procurement procedures, rather than achieving the effectiveness of procurement and ensuring due quality of goods and services, as well as the complexity and instability of legislation on procurement.
corporate procurement, electronic auction, electronic trading platform, state order, state contract, customer, purchase, the level of competition, participant of the procurement procedure, budget funds
Mazepov P.E..
The problems of regulation of social franchising in the Russian legislation
// Legal Studies.
2021. № 5.
P. 16-23.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2021.5.35742 URL:
The subject of this research is the legal regime of social franchising in the Russian Federation. The object of this research is the social emerging between the actors of social franchising. The article outlines the essential characteristics of social franchising on the basis of existing research and effective legislation of the foreign countries. Attention is given to the role of the phenomenon under review within the franchising system and its related to the concession agreement. The article explores the existing legal regulation of social franchising in the Russian Federation and formulates the conclusion on purposefulness of its improvement. The scientific novelty consists in comprehensive examination of social franchising from the legal perspective, determination of its role within the system of the types of franchising, and recommendations for the improvement of the corresponding legal regime. The conclusion is made that social franchising represents the system of relations that are based on the contract on the exercise of exclusive rights. Similar to commercial franchising, the central place is held by the intellectual-legal and obligatory aspect of relations, but the fundamental difference lies is the vector towards fulfillment of the socially useful functions, alleviation of social problems, and rendering aid to vulnerable population. The development of this institution requires elaboration of the special legislation, since the norms of the Chapter 54 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation do not correspond with the established practice of social franchising.
trademark, exclusive rights complex, social enterpreneurship, business model, regulation, franchisor, agreement, franchisee, commercial concession, social franchising
Murdalov D.R..
Relevant issues of responsibility of the members of the board of directors
// Legal Studies.
2020. № 6.
P. 47-55.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2020.6.33455 URL:
This article explores most relevant issues of responsibility of the members of the board of directors in corporations, limited liability companies and joint-stock companies. The object of this research is the relations formed as a result of violations by the members of the board of directors of fiduciary duties imposed upon them. The subject is the norms that regulate responsibility of the members of the oversight council of corporations in civil law, related law enforcement practice, as well as the theoretical provisions of various experts. The main goal of this work consists in determination of relevant problems of the institution of responsibility in form of losses of the members of the board of directors in public and private companies. The scientific novelty lies in the analysis of relevant issues pertinent to responsibility of the members of the board of directors. Detailed analysis is conducted on case law of the courts of superior jurisdiction on the matter. The scientific novelty lies in identification of most urgent problems associated with exercising of authorities of the members of the board of directors and proposal of the mechanisms for improvement of their responsibility in the current legislation, namely with regards to allocation of responsibility for the decisions of higher authorities. The conclusion is made that the development of the institution of responsibility of the board of directors should correspond with the modern requirements, stimulate economic development, entrepreneurial initiative, allow the subjects of responsibility to predict the consequences of their actions (or inaction), and contribute to efficient fulfillment of their responsibilities.
management body, JSC, competence, supervisory board, corporation, Board of Directors, abuse of right, legal entity, director, management
Murdalov D.R..
Vertical deadlock in public corporations
// Legal Studies.
2020. № 6.
P. 56-64.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2020.6.33454 URL:
This work explores the problem of directorial board execution of the competency of voiding a contract with the registrar in public commercial corporate legal entities. The author provides a number of arguments that allow designating the aforementioned authority of the public joint-stock company as a deadlock situation. Based on the latter, classification is carried out on the deadlocks by level of their emergence into horizontal and vertical, describing characteristic traits of the vertical deadlock. The subject of this research is comprised on the norms that regulate the competence of the members of the oversight committee of corporations in civil law, pertinent law enforcement practice, as well as theoretical positions of various experts. The scientific novelty of this research consists in the analysis of the relevant practical issues associated with emergence of deadlock situations due to the activity of the directorial board. Detailed study and analysis is conducted on the case law of the courts dealing the problems of horizontal deadlock situations. The results of this work include proposed classification of deadlocks by the level of their emergence into horizontal and vertical; definitions of the horizontal and vertical deadlocks; examination of the mechanisms of resolution of horizontal deadlocks.
deadlock, vertical deadlock, dead-lock, right on shares, termination of the contract, board competency, corporate conflict, abuse of right, corporation, corporate dead end
Egorova O.A..
To the question on “necessary” evidence in consideration of requirements on seeking insurance reimbursement in accordance with an automobile insurance policy
// Legal Studies.
2020. № 3.
P. 25-35.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2020.3.32395 URL:
This publication discusses the question on “necessary” evidence assessable by the court in consideration of requirements of the consumer of financial services to insurance company regarding the seeking reimbursement of property damages resulting from an automobile accident. The author examines the question on recognition as “necessary” evidence a decision of a financial officer made after examination of the claim of a financial service consumer on violation of insurance policy obligations by the insurer, as well as materials obtained by the financial officer in examination of such claim. The theoretical research is based on application of the following scientific methods: systemic-structural analysis, synthesis, and comparative-legal analysis. The research substantiates the position that recognition as “necessary” evidence of materials collected by the financial officer in examination of a claim of a consumer of financial services on violation of obligation by a financial organization would contribute to a proper examination of an insurance dispute, as well as meet the goals of the procedural efficiency of the judicial process, since the requirement of these materials from the financial officer by the court will exclude the need for repeated submission of these materials during a hearing.
CTR contract, insurance disputes, defense, motor insurance, judge, financial ombudsman, policyholder, insurer, subject of proof, competence
Aisner L.Y., Sochneva E.N., Chervyakov M.E..
Legal framework for functioning of collaborations
// Legal Studies.
2020. № 3.
P. 36-47.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2020.3.32438 URL:
The subject of this research is the legal framework for functioning of collaborations. The object of this research is collaboration as the integration of economic actors for the purpose of achieving peak efficiency. The authors examine the distinctive characteristics of collaboration and standard organization, since collaborations are the representative of highly intelligent capital, which is efficient if managed properly, or may lead to destructive consequences otherwise. Special attention is given to such question as the impact of legal factors and their role in activity of collaborations. In the course of this research, the authors applied the methods of analysis, synthesis, comparative analogy, logical research, and institutional analysis. The following conclusions were made: - there are fundamental differences between a collaboration and a classical organization, which makes collaboration more flexible and efficient under the current circumstances; - from the legal perspective, collaborations can function in form of unincorporated joint venture. The novelty consists in the original approach towards determination of distinctive characteristics of a collaboration and a standard organization.
legal framework, innovation, efficiency, resources, intellectual human capital, association, collaboration, distribution, state, business
Sorokina I..
Estoppel and failure to exercise a right
// Legal Studies.
2020. № 3.
P. 1-10.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2020.3.32645 URL:
The subject of this research is legal relations emerging as a result of unlawful, inconsistent and contradictory behavior of one of the parties. As one of the most common version of such behavior cited the temporary failure of one of the sides in the situation to exercise the right, while the other side reasonably relies on permanent failure to exercise the right. The article examines the examples of unlawful irregular and contradictory behavior that can be observed in the general and special parts of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, as well as Russian case law and legal doctrine. Analysis is conducted on the position of foreign research on estoppel as a principle of law. A conclusion is made that in the Russian law estoppel represents prohibition of unlawful, inconsistent and contradictory behavior, being a private case of prohibition for unscrupulous behavior. Such approach allows applying the rule of “estoppel” to a situation that is not directly designated in legislation, which can be observed in case law. It is substantiated that the rule of “estoppel” is also contained in the Part 3 of the Article 1044 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Correspondingly, this rule is also applied in a case where one of the parties acted without proper right, while the other party reasonably expected its presence.
inconsistent behavior, transaction, principle of law, non-exercise right, unfair behavior, contradictory behavior, estoppel, waiver, abuse of right, sanction
Dobrynina L.Y..
Bank deposit agreement in the Russian Federation: combination of private and public interests therein
// Legal Studies.
2020. № 1.
P. 20-35.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2020.1.30291 URL:
The object of this scientific-theoretical research consists in public relations emerging during investment of finances into bank deposit from the perspective of profitability factors, security and liquidity. The author analyzes the novelties introduced into the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, including those pertinent to new types of bank deposits. The work discussed all-round state control over the movement of finances in bank deposits, justifying the examination of a number of responsibilities of public commercial banks. The article analyzes legislative regulating relations by bank deposit agreement, which includes not only norms of private law, but public law as well. Research is carried out on the legal problems associated with the changes and termination of bank deposit agreement. The legislative array regulating these relations, is being examined as a complex legal institution, combining norms of civil, financial, and administrative law. The legislator protects not only the rights of investors, but also performs a supervisory and stimulating policy in the financial market, ensuring stability of the entire economic space of the Russian Federation. The article makes a number of recommendations on improving civil legislation aimed at protection of the rights of bank investors.
deposit insurance, investment security, liquidity, interest rates, contract form, Civil Code, metal deposits, bank deposit, financial ombudsman, customer identification
Mukhin I.V., Malykh I.V..
Legal Forms of Funding Maintenance of Private Roads Designated for Public Use
// Legal Studies.
2019. № 8.
P. 25-36.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2019.8.29492 URL:
Within the framework of the article, the authors analyzes the main issues related to legal regulation of financing of costs for maintenance of private roads designated for public use that arise in the Russian Federation. The authors take into account the special status of these elements of public infrastructure as private property that can be used by an unlimited number of individuals. The authors try to analyze the sources of coverage of such costs such as funds collected when serviceability of roads is set; payments from a concession granter under public private partnership agreement; payments from public servitude authority when public servitude fee is set; and tax savings when associated rebates are set by the legislation. The authors have used general research methods (induction, deduction, analysis and synthesis) and special science methods (formal law analysis and logical approach). They have analyzed legislation, legal doctrine and judicial practice and approaches to finding the balance between public and private interests. As a result of their research, the authors conclude that current legislation obliges owners of car roads for public use to bear their maintenance costs on theirown. However, there is still an efficient mechanism of co-funding and coverage of owner's expenses. These are important issues for economic development, thus there is a need to improve relevant legislation.
expenses, road maintenance, servitude fee, public easement, public private partnership, concession agreement, private roads, car roads, private property, tax rebate
Belikova K.M., Kanatov R.K..
Definition, Legal Nature, Types and Contents of Agreements that Make Broker Activity Possible in the EAEU Countries
// Legal Studies.
2019. № 8.
P. 37-50.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2019.8.30582 URL:
The authors of this article analyze definition, legal nature, types and contents of agreements that make broker activity possible in the EAEU countries from the point of view of legislation (civil codes, etc.) and judicial and other practice. In particular, they analyze contract of assignment, commission agreement and agency agreement. This is the first research in Russian academic literature to give an insight into practical use of such agreements in the EAEU countries (the case study of the Republic of Kazakhstan). In their research the authros have used such research methods as dialectical analysis, historical and comparative law analysis. The authors base their research on the idea of subjective-objective predetermination of processes and phenomena. The novelty of the research is caused by the authors' complex analysis of aforesaid issues based on the case study fo EAEU countries. One of the conclusions of the research is that brokerage agreement is not a type of contract of assignment, commissino agreement or agency agreement. This is a combined, framed, mutual, bee-based and consensual contract of adhesion that have two types, brokerage agreement on intermediary services and brokerage agreement on intermediary and representative services.
Republic of Kazakhstan, agency agreement, commission agreement, contract of assignment, brokerage agreements, brokers, EAEU, Russian Federation, brokerage, provision of services
Goncharova V.A..
System and Classificatin of Legal Remedies and Legally Protected Interests of Ivalid Bargain Participants
// Legal Studies.
2019. № 7.
P. 68-79.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2019.7.30255 URL:
The subject of this research is the combination of legal remedies and legally protected interests of invalid bargain participants as set forth by the civil law of the Russian Federatoion. Articles 166, 167 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation describe such remedies as declaration of invalid bargain, restitution and compensation of damages. At the same time, Clause 3 of Article 431.1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation provides opportunity for voidable bargain participants acting as entrepreneurs to expect other consequences of its invalidity. These consequences as well as remedies of a different kind must be discovered and fixed in the system and classification of legal remedies and legally protected interests of invalid bargain participants. The methodology of the research implies the method of materialistic dialectics, formal law and logical analysis methods. To create a classification and systems of aforesaid remedies, Goncharova has also used the systems approach and such research methods as analysis and synthesis, deduction and induction. As a result of the research, the author has created a multi-component system of legal remedies and legally protected interests of invalid bargain participants. She has also offered their classification depending on 1) functions they perform, 2)scope of application, 3)nature, 4)bases for the origin. The conclusions made by the author as a result of her research is of scientific novelty and importance and can be used in further research of civil remedies and bargain invalidity.
consequences of invalid bargain, invalidity of bargains, restitution, types of remedies, system of remedies, participants of invalid bargain, compensation of damages, remedy, Law and Economics, enterprise
Guselnikova N.G..
Weak Party of the Contractual Relationship: Problems of Identification
// Legal Studies.
2019. № 5.
P. 36-45.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2019.5.29568 URL:
The article is devoted to the study of the problem of identification of a weak party of the contractual relationship. The author deals with the weak party of the contractual relationship through the perspective of the interdisciplinary principle of defense of a weak party. The author analyzes the foreign regulations, including the German and French ones. The article analyzes the regulations of the current legislation of the Russian Federation, juridical literature, and judicial practice. Various approaches are given regarding the determination of signs of a weak party of the contract. The article deals with the possibility of acknowledging the subject of entrepreneurial activity as a weak party of the contract. The author applies the general scientific and special juridical methods. The general scientific methods include the comparison, as well as the method of rising from the abstract to the concrete. The special juridical methods include technical and dogmatic methods. One can view the concept of a weak subject in the contractual relationship through the perspective of the interdisciplinary principle of defense of a weak party. The author suggests that both the subject of entrepreneurial activity and the government can serve as a weak party of the contract in the contractual relationship. The conclusion is drawn that there is no framed approach in determining the weak party of the contract. There is a need for further development of this concept and its criteria.
the immorality of the contract, unequal bargaining position, subject of protection, unfair contract terms, principle of proportionality, differential application of the law, onerous contract terms, weak party of the contract, subject of the contract, signs of a weak participant
Guselnikova N.G..
Consumer in a Contractual Relationship: the Problem of Identification in the Civil Law of the Russian Federation
// Legal Studies.
2019. № 5.
P. 46-54.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2019.5.29641 URL:
The subject of the study is the problem of the identification of a consumer in a contractual relationship. The author emphasizes the fact that although there is a great number of research studies, there is no single strategy of identification of a consumer in a contractual relationship. The identification of a consumer in a contractual relationship is of great importance in the civil circulation, as a lawmaker associates specifically this status with the emergence of appendant rights. The article also examines the issue of the legal body's possibility to serve as a consumer. The study investigates the concept of consumer interest. The author provides an analysis of the key dogmatic approaches to the identification of a consumer in a contractual relationship. Also, she analyses the concepts given by the lawmaker and strategies developed under judicial practice. The article analyzes the emerging of an individual legal regulation of the contracts involving the participation of a consumer within a historical context. The author applies such methodological methods as analysis, synthesis, comparative and legal, technical, and logical methods. The author uses both general scientific and special-judicial research methods. The author draws a reasonable conclusion that a lawmaker has poorly observed the concept of a consumer. Judicial practice and the doctrine do not have a single approach to the criteria of identification of a consumer in a contractual relationship. The author suggests developing the concept of consumer interest as a possible criterion of identification of a consumer in a contractual relationship. Moreover, the author suggests introducing an additional feature of a consumer into the law.
withdrawal from an agreement, weak subject, consumer protection, consumer contract, weak side protection, weak side, contract, consumer, responsibility, penalty
Belikova K.M..
Organisational Legal Forms of Investment Activity in the Republic of Korea in Terms of Legal Definitions of Foreign Investor and Foreign Investment (Some Aspects)
// Legal Studies.
2019. № 3.
P. 27-38.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2019.3.29198 URL:
The subject of the research is the definitions of terms 'investor' and 'investment' and their relation to forms of business entities that perform investment activity, from the one hand, and forms of business entities that perform capital investment (companies, partnerships, non-public unions, etc.) allowable by the law of South Korea as part of The Law on Trade (1962, version of 2011) and Law to Promote Foreign Investments of September 16, 1998 (FIPA). Belikova carries out their comparative analysis in terms of investment activity. She focuses on the legal regime of their activity and underlines their peculiarities. In the course of her research the author of the article has used such research methods as general dialectics, historical method and comparative law analysis. The author bases her research on the idea of subjective and objective predetermination of processes and phenoma. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author analyzes forms of entities that perform investment in Korea in relation to terms 'investor' and 'investment'. As a result of the research, the author concludes that taking into account that national peculiarities, the main legal terms for attracting foreign investments into South Korea are different from traditional legal terms used by other countries. For example, Korean companies deal only with those partners which reputation has been proved by other Korean companies, and so on. Moreover, even though the greater part of capital investments are made by foreign investors as joint-stock companies, the Korean legislation offers a wide range of business entities for investing.
loans, undisclosed association, partnerships, companies, investment activities, foreign investor, foreign investments, South Korea, Commercial Act, FIPA
Bronnikov A.M..
New Mechanism of Sale of Particular Types of Pledged Property Through a Bidding Process
// Legal Studies.
2019. № 2.
P. 28-33.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2019.2.27516 URL:
In his research Bronnikov suggests a new mechanism of sale of particular types of pledged property through a bidding process. These types include goods that lose their consumer attributes in a short period of time (perishable goods) as well as slow stock assets or assets which liquidity may be reduced sharply under the influence of certain factors (for example, some kinds of securities). This mechanism includes the need to arrange and conduct bidding even if there is only one appeal for participation; and conclusion of the purchase/sale agreement with a single participant even if there is no competition or demand instead of declaring such a bidding as void. The methodological grounds of the research include a combination of general research methods such as systems analysis, summary of research concepts and manuals. In addition, the author has also applied special research methods such as formal law, technical law methods and legal modelling methods. The research results allow to conclude that implementation of the purchase/sale agreement with a single bidding participant will allow to avoid a whole number of problems and additional risks while promoting the sale of slow stock pledged property and, consequently, having good effect on adaptation of a bidding process to pledge legal relationship as well as use of pledge as a security deposit in general.
bidding, law theory, business law, entrepreneurship, security of obligations, pledge legal relationships, pledge, security deposit, bidding mechanism, sale of property
Kuznetsova N.G..
The Grounds for the Creation of Pre-Contractual Information Legal Relations Involving Consumers
// Legal Studies.
2019. № 1.
P. 1-7.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2019.1.28610 URL:
This research is devoted to the grounds for the creation of pre-contractual information legal relations arising between enterpreneurs and consumers. In her article Kuznetsova discusses the idea offered by several experts dealing with the pre-contractual legal relations. This is the idea to view negotiations before signing a contract as a legal fact that creates pre-contractual legal relations. In her research Kuznetsova discusses whether such negotiations may be the basis for the creation of pre-contractual information legal relations that involve consumers. She analyzes individual legal facts and set of facts that may trigger the creation of such legal relations. The author has used such research methods as analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, and formal law method, analysis and generalisation of legal sources. As a result of the research, Kuznetsova concludes that contract-related negotiations should be considered as the basis for the creation of pre-contractual legal relations. However, parties' entering into negotiations does not necessarily create pre-contractual information legal relations. These relations arise when three sets of facts are present. The first set of facts includes the following elements: public offer (or invitation to make offers) and consumer actions aimed at receiving pre-contractual information (for example, request for information). The second set of facts include an invitation to make an offer and consumer offer. The third set of facts include public offer and actions that express a consumer intent to enter into an agreement (for example, entering a building, openning a website of an enterpreneur, manipulation with vending machines).
pre-contractual information legal relations, pre-contractual exchange of information, consumers, negotiations, consumer offer, intent to enter into an agreement, invitation to make offers, public offer, beginning, legal fact
Shukhareva A.V..
Bad Faith and Awareness as the Proving Circumstances During Ivalid Transactions
// Legal Studies.
2018. № 12.
P. 30-35.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2018.12.27400 URL:
The subject of the research is the most recent trends in the court interpretation of the concepts of good faith during challenging of transactions. Shukhareva analyzes the correspondence of the concept of good faith to the definition of awareness. She also analyzes different types of invalid transactions that imply the awareness fact as the proving circumstance. The author examines consequences of invalid transactions when it has been proved that the counteragent was aware of the bad transaction. The author also analyzes the practice of challenging the transaction during bankruptcy, in particular, transaction with unfair preference as the type of invalid transaction when a counteragent was aware of the bad transaction. In the course of the research the author has applied the following research methods: analysis and synthesis, systems approach, structural functional and formal law methods. The results of the research prove that the awareness of the bad transaction is often identified as the bad faith of a party and incurs associated legal consequences. The author of the article concludes that awareness may be also the ground for 'tightening' civil responsibility of the 'aware' party. The author also states that sometimes courts need to establish objective good faith as the criterion of awareness, the latter being an element of subjective good faith.
will, rationality, awareness, transaction, bad faith, good faith, insignificant transaction, invalid transaction, transaction defect, deal with preference
Lukoianov N.V..
Legal Aspects of Concluding, Amending or Terminating Smart Contracts
// Legal Studies.
2018. № 11.
P. 28-35.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2018.11.28115 URL:
The subject of the research is the practical issues that may arise in the process of concluding, performing or terminating smart-contracts, i.e. forms of automated performance of contractual terms performed via the distributed ledger. Lukoyanov compares approaches to conslusion of smart contracts to the current methods of conclusion of contracts used in Roman-German and English-American laws. The author analyzes how smart contracts can be modified or amended as well as opportunities of control over stages of contract performance and methods of performance of obligations. The author pays special attention to the question of self-regulation and restriction of the scope of application for the state mechanism of dispute resolution when disputes result from smart contracts. The methodological basis of the research involves general and special research methods including dialectical method and methods of categorial and logical analysis as well as the method of comparative law studies. Analysis of new technological solutions that can be used in law is important for the development of modern digital economy in Russia. The author concludes that smart contract should be deemed concluded at the moment when a record about acceptance of a smart contract is made in a certain blockchain. Execution of a smart contract deployed in the deterministic space of a distributed registry is possible by obtaining information from the external environment from special programs called oracles. The state mechanism for enforcement and dispute resolution of smart contracts seems to be ineffective, and therefore, adequate regulation of the emerging relations can be carried out only on the basis of the principle of autonomy of the will of participants, self-regulation, separated from the national law of the lex electronica system.
modification of contract, performance of contract, formation of contract, Blockchain, obligations, Contracts, Smart Contracts, termination of contract, lex electronica, Internet
Andryushchenko A.V..
Features and System of Organizational Contracts
// Legal Studies.
2018. № 10.
P. 30-42.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2018.10.21315 URL:
The subject of the research is the organizational contracts' system that has been developing as part of the civil law contracts. The objectives of the research is to classify and systematize the variety of organizational contracts. Andryuschenko pays special attention to classification criteria as well as analysis of organizational contracts that can be defined based on these criteria. The author examines such aspects of the topic as general and specific functions of organizational contracts that are viewed by the author as one of possible criteria for organizational contracts. The methodological basis of the research involves dialectical, systems, inductive and deductive research methods as well as functional and formal law methods. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author uses the functional criterion to define organizational preliminary contracts and organizational optimizing contracts. Preliminary contracts create the legal bond between the parties while optimizing contracts either change or eliminate the legal bond. The author concludes that the structure of the organizational contract system depends on the relation of the organizational contract to special contractual structures. The organizational contract system is represented by accessory organizational contracts created using special contractual structures, of the one part, and self-sufficient organizational contracts that are not based on any legislative models, of the other part.
memorandum of association, corporate contract, preliminary agreement, frame contract, self-sufficient organizational contracts, accessory organizational contracts, organizational contract's system, organizational contracts, contract features, inter-creditor agreement
Avdeeva N.I..
Responsibility for a Failure to Pay Aliment
// Legal Studies.
2018. № 10.
P. 43-50.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2018.10.27951 URL:
The article is devoted to the main kinds of responsibility for non-performance or improper performance of aliment payment. Avdeeva emphasizes the social important of aliment, especially those payable for underaged children and disabled parents, for this purpose not only private law (civil and family law) but also public law (criminal, administrative law) responsibility is being imposed. The public responsibility is caused, first of all, by the special nature of aliment relations and enforcement of certain aliment responsibilities in the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Special social importance of these aliment responsibilities create direct criminal and administrative responsibility for their non-performance. However, based on the author, enforcement of Article 157 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for non-payment of aliment for underaged children may have negative consequences for a child if it creates a criminal record of a parent, therefore the researcher suggests to view this crime as a private charge. Private responsibility for non-performance or improper performance of aliment payment in this case is payable as a forfeit based on the law or aliment agreement or as a recovery of damage that is left uncovered by a forfeit. The author of the article underlines that only actual damage incured by an aliment receiver is payable. Considering the great social importance of aliment payments, especially for underaged children, the researcher emphasizes the need to legally enforce a compensation for moral harm for non-payment or improper payment of aliment.
family, pay, children, aliment, parents, responsibility, duty, failure, maintenance obligations, criminal
Ul'yanishchev V.G., Badaeva N..
The Good Faith Principle and the Idea of Justice in Civil Law
// Legal Studies.
2018. № 9.
P. 30-46.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2018.9.27240 URL:
This study is methodological in nature since it is devoted to the fundamental problem, the formation of a national civil law and order. The essence of the problem is: whether it is possible to create a rule of law by declaring several “catchy” ideas that supposedly justify it, or it is necessary to painstakingly build norms and institutions in which those ideas (of different levels) that fill the system with necessary life force are manifested. The immediate reason for the formulation of the problem was the appearance in 2012 in Art. 1 of the Civil Code wording on the need to "act in good faith" in the "establishment, implementation and protection of civil rights and in the performance of civil duties." There was a need to identify the scientific and socio-economic substantiations of this novel and, most importantly, the prospects for its value (axiological) manifestation in the law and order of the Russian Federation. To achieve the validity of the generalizations, the authors turned to a comparative legal study of the problems (appeal to Federal Civil Code of 1804, Civil Code of 1896, Swiss Civil Code of 1912; civil legislation of Italy 1942 and civil legislation of the Kingdom of the Netherlands 1994). It turned out that all the current civil codes of the continental legal system to some extent follow the direction of combining "moral and legal", the roots of which go back to Roman law. The final part of the work contains conclusions from the conducted historical and comparative legal research of the topic. According to the authors, the combination of specific rules on the application of moral concepts (“good faith”, “justice”) with the professional and responsible behavior of the legal (judicial, first of all) community can ensure an adequate level of “good faith” of participants in civil turnover.
morality, law and order bases, continental law, roman law, conscientiousness, justice, judicial discretion, law principle, valuable criteria of law, yuridization of moral concepts
Vronskaya M.V., Amaryan L.A..
Form and State Registration of the Commercial Concession Contract Pursuant to the Law of the Russian Federation: Actual Issues of Law Enforcement
// Legal Studies.
2018. № 9.
P. 47-55.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2018.9.27244 URL:
The article is devoted to the study of the nature of the form of expression of the participants in civil turnover, and the problems of its enforcement in concluding franchise agreements, referred to in Russia as a contract of commercial concession. The urgency of the problems raised by the authors is directly related to the growing rates of growth of franchises in Russia. According to the Russian Franchise Association, Russia is the world leader in the growth of franchise companies and in 2018 in Russia 1050 franchise brands were recorded, 60% of which are brands of Russian companies. The subject of the research is the civil concession agreement as an institution of contract law in the context of identifying topical problems of law enforcement in terms of its form and validity, and in connection with this, proposals for improving civil legislation. To write this article, the authors have used general research methods (analysis and synthesis, generalization, deduction, comparison, analogy) and special research methods (comparative law and structured systems analysis). As a result of their research, the authors identify three topical problems of law enforcement including the lack of state registration of a commercial concession contract while the contract is actually executed by both parties. Particular attention is paid to the study of the legal nature of the state registration of a commercial concession contract in relation to the general requirements of its form, since the authors found that the courts in different ways qualify non-compliance with the requirements of state registration of a contract of commercial concession: in some cases the contract is null and void, others are considered valid. The novelty of the research is caused by the development of legislative proposals aimed at elimination of the the problems identified.
state registration of, intellectual property, form of contract, the will of the parties, the user, the right holder, the contract of the commercial concession, transfer of rights of use, the invalidity of the transaction, arbitration practice
Belikova K.M., Akhmadova M.A..
Equity and Cooperative Joint-Ventures in China as the Form of Performance of the Investment Activity: Comparative Law Analysis
// Legal Studies.
2018. № 8.
P. 17-30.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2018.8.27102 URL:
This article is the continuation of the authors' analysis of the legal forms of investment activity in China. The authors analyze activities of equity and cooperative joint-ventures. The subject of the research is the common features of joint ventures and specific features of each kind in particular. The analysis is illustrated by the examples from the legal practice. The article containts scientific data and information that have never been mentioned in the academic literature before. In the course of the research the authors have used such methods as general dialectical method, historical analysis, comparative law analysis. The authors base their research on the subjective-objective predetermiined outcome of processes and phenomena. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors define advantages and disadvantages of EJVs and CJVs in comparison and describe how they function based on particular examples of such compaies. The results of the research demonstrate that even though the role and significance of joint-ventures have been decreasing lately, they may be quite helpful to foreign investors while Chinese partners have the support of the central and local government, brand credibility, land, license, distribution and access to suppliers which decreases initial expenditures and improves changes of a foreign investor for success.
EJVs disadvantages, EJVs advantages, China, cooperative joint-ventures, equity joint-ventures, joint-ventures, investments, CJVs advantages, CJVs disadvantages, case study
Shvyrev G.S..
The Concept of Subscriber in Civil Law
// Legal Studies.
2018. № 7.
P. 42-47.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2018.7.26184 URL:
The subject of this research is the concept of 'subscriber' that is widely used in civil law. Based on the analysis of the subscribtion services, the researcher describes different kinds of relations with the subscriber on the one part. The author carries out a historical analysis of the aforesaid term that was well known in the XIXth century already, and defines essential features of subscription relations. Shvyrev also covers the main legal and judicial acts that contain definitions of subscriber. The methodological basis of the research is the recent findings of civil law. In the course of his research Shvyrev has used general research methods such as dialectical method that implies objectivity and in-depth analysis of phenomena, as well asl historical and systems analysis. The researcher has analyzed the term 'subscriber' in civil law, has desribed distinguished features attributable to the subscriber's agreement and allowing to differentiate the subscriber's agreement from the paid service contract. As a result of the analysis of associated legal acts and judicial practice, the author offers his own definition of subscriber.
civil law, contractual construction, the concept of the subscriber, the consumer, subscriber's agreement, subscriber, execution, contract, performer, contract law
Makushkin V.O..
Kinds of Special Bank Accounts and Grounds for their Classification
// Legal Studies.
2018. № 7.
P. 48-55.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2018.7.26233 URL:
Despite a common use of special bank accounts in the Russian Federation legislation, they are rarely studied by experts in civil law and banking law. The science lacks in-depth researches of special bank accounts, in particular, there is still a need to clarify their kinds, features and peculiarities of the legal regime. There are some researches on the matter but, as a rule, they are devoted to particular kinds of special bank accounts. However, the quality of the legal regulation of the bank account institution in many ways depend on the theoretical concept of special bank accounts in general. The author of the article analyzes current approaches to classification of bank accounts and special bank accounts and describes the grounds for these classifications as well as defines essential features of particular kinds of special bank accounts. The author suggests his own approach to the grounds of classification of special bank accounts depending on intended use of a corresponding group of accounts. Based on these grounds, the author suggests to define three kinds of special bank accounts: special accounts containing monetary funds that do not belong to the owner, special accounts that perform transactions taking into account interests of the third parties, and special accounts that are used for public control over expenditure of monetary funds. The use of the author's classification will allow to differentiate between homogeneous kinds of special bank accounts and to establish a complex approach to developing their legal regime.
civil law, banking law, escrow account, pledge account, classifications of special accounts, types of bank accounts, special bank account, bank account, account, banks
Lukoianov N.V..
Legal Tech: Smart Contracts in Terms of Contemporary Private Law
// Legal Studies.
2018. № 7.
P. 56-63.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2018.7.26782 URL:
The subject of the research is the smart contracts, i.e. the systems of automated performance of contractual obligations as part of distributed ledgers. The author examines the phenomenon of smart contracts in terms of their historical development, conceptual description and comparison of smart contracts to generalized definitions of the contract existing in contintental and Anglo-Saxon legal systems. Lukoyanov pays special attention to current restrictions of smart contracts, their possible classifications, peculiarities of the parties' statuses, content and interpretation of the term. The author also touche upon the question about the relationship between the programming code, legal regulation and regulation on the basis of developing lex electronica. The methodological basis of the research includes general, private and special research methods such as dialectical analysis, methods of categorical, logical analysis, comparative law method, etc. The use of new technological solutions used in the legal practice becomes very important in the process of development of the modern digital economy in Russia. At the end of the article the author concludes that being the combination of protocols, user interfaces and obligations expressed in the form of a programming code, smart contracts are meant for formalisation and guarantee of reliability of digital legal relations. Smart contracts are more functional than their paper analogies. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author gives a legal qualification of smart contracts.
lex electronica, lex mercatoria, Blockchain, Contract interpretation, Contract performance, Obligation, Contract, Smart Contract, Legal tech, Internet
Farkhutdinova Y.A..
Peculiarities of Concluding a Public Contract with a Single Supplier, Subcontractor or Performer
// Legal Studies.
2018. № 5.
P. 7-13.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2018.5.26176 URL:
The article is devoted to the analysis of Russia's laws that regulate peculiarities of concluding a public contract with a single supplier, subcontractor or performer. In the course of her analysis Farkhutdinova discovers that verbal form of a public contract is allowed; she also describes peculiarities of contract price formulation using a formula or maximum contract price instead of fixed price. The author also describes particularities of contract price formulation in case of a single supplier, subcontractor or performer (individual or physical entity). The author has used practical methods such as analysis and description, theoretical methods of formal and dialectical logic, special research methods such as legal dogmatic method and interpretation of law principles. As the main outcome of the research, the author describes peculiarities of the legal regulation of concluding a public contract with a single supplier, subcontractor or performer as follows: 1. In some cases, public contract for single-source procurement may be concluded verbally; 2. it is allowed to agree on a contract price by setting formula or maximum amount instead of a fixed amount; 3. In all cases of concluding a contract for single-source procurement with a physical entity, a contract price must be reduced by tax payment amount (Part 13 of Article 34 of the Procurement Law) disregarding the fact that Part 15 of Article 34 of the Procurement Law provides an opportunity not to do it. This is explained by the fact that in these legal relations a customer acts as a tax agent of a supplier, contractor or performer.
contract price, peculiarities of concluding a contract, public contract, single-source procurement, public procurement, purchase, contract price formulation, an individual, tax agent, tax
Makushkin V.O..
Bank Account Pledge of Rights and Pledge Account: Current Status and Development Prospects
// Legal Studies.
2018. № 4.
P. 21-31.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2018.4.26026 URL:
The article is devoted to the ways of improving the institution of bank account pledge of rights and legal regime of pledge account. In particular, the author analyzes opportunities of overcoming the collisions of civil and financial laws arising as a result of pledge accounts, procedures of openning and closing pledge accounts, and reduction of depositing burden on possible loan losses that may be incurred by banks when enabling credit organisation clients to pledge their rights based on a bank account contract. The methodological basis of the research includes general research method (analysis, synthesis, analogy) and special research methods (formal law method and systems approach). The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that that there are certain problems of the legal regulation and lack of the integral approach to solving them. The following conclusions have been made by the author on the basis of the research results: 1. At the present time there is no clear system of recording bank account pledge of rights which disturbs the right of non-pledge pledgor creditors to judicial defence. 2. Prior to the moment when the bank account pledge of rights occur, the bank must have all necessary information about the pledgee and grounds of his or her participation in the pledge relations. 3. To provide banks with an opportunity to execute rights set forth by the AML/CFT laws, there should be a balance between private pledge account laws and public laws being achieved. 4. In order to reduce the depositing burden on banks, the author suggests to view the bank account pledge of rights as the first type of collateral.
pledge account, anti-money laundering, unsecured creditors, banks, loan-loss provisions, pledge of rights, special bank account, bank account, guarantee deposit, bankruptcy
Mel'nichenko S.V..
Problems of Applying Bank Guarantee and Penalty Under Contractual Obligation
// Legal Studies.
2018. № 1.
P. 71-77.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2018.1.25136 URL:
The article is devoted to the problem of realizing the rights of the creditor that is based on the requirement of the beneficiary to pay out money on a bank guarantee and forfeit if the principal obligation is violated. The author investigates the rules of law governing the procedure for securing contractual obligations with the help of penalty and bank guarantee as well as their correlation in the implementation of the claims of the creditor (beneficiary). In the author's opinion, the bank guarantee can not be a measure of property liability, therefore, it is a way of compensation for losses, and the amount collected at the request of the beneficiary can not be changed and depends on the amount of the penalty to be paid. The article also considers the problem of the impact of penalty and bank guarantee on the rights of the beneficiary to demand the fulfillment of the main obligation after satisfying the requirement under the bank guarantee. The scientific novelty of the research is that the author first identified the problem of the ratio of forfeit and bank guarantee in contractual obligations and their impact on the fate of the main obligation. The author comes to the conclusion about fundamentally different legal relations that arise when forfeit and bank guarantee are simultaneously used as well as the rights and obligations of the creditor (beneficiary) arising on their basis.
default of obligations, damages, civil responsibility, actual performance of obligations, improper performance of obligations, forfeit, bank guarantee, guarantee, law of obligations, beneficiary
Makushkin V.O..
On the pledge of bank account contract rights on the ground of attachment
// Legal Studies.
2017. № 9.
P. 49-59.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2017.9.23606 URL:
The research subject is the problem of application of the “court bail” concept to cash in banks. The author considers the problem in the context of the correlation of the doctrine novels and law enforcement practice with the current normative procedure and the established approaches of the doctrine to the institutions of pledge and bank account. The author gives general characteristics of a “court bail”, describes the legal nature of attachment and pledge of bank accounts, compares the subjects of attachment and pledge and reveals the problems of application of a “court bail” to cash in banks. The research methodology is based on general scientific methods of cognition: analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, and specific methods: system-structural, formal-logical, comparative-legal analysis. The scientific novelty and topicality of the study is determined by the scientific discussion about the application of the “court bail” concept and by the absence of law enforcement practice. A “court bail” is a means of securing pledgees’ interests, but its unconditional application, based on the private nature of pledge relations, can lead to the infringement of public rights. It is especially important in relation to attachment of bank accounts of economic entities, which are used for payment for labour or compensation of damage. The results of the study can be used for further development of the “court bail” concept and changing the current legislation.
attachment and pledge, pledge account, rights of the pledgee, pledge, bank account, attachment of funds, pledge of rights, court bail, novels of judicial practice, bankruptcy
Sagdeeva L.V..
Free use as a limitation of exclusive rights
// Legal Studies.
2017. № 9.
P. 1-13.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2017.9.23950 URL:
The idea of limitation immanently exists within law as one of social regulators of relations within society. The very fact that people should coexist, presupposes the necessity to take into account mutual interests, therefore dialectical categories of freedom and necessity and the related manifestations of freedom and limitations in law were studied by philosophers and legal theorists. The research subject of the present article is free use as an example of the institution of limitations of subjective civil rights with respect to exclusive right. The author considers the current legislation of the Russian Federation and foreign countries, legal positions of Russian courts and courts of foreign jurisdictions. The author considers the scholars’ positions on the issues of limitations of rights and title encumbrance. The research methodology is determined by the specificity of the research subject. It includes the set of general scientific research methods (analysis, synthesis, comparison). The author concludes that an exclusive right is always seen as limitless, and any limitations of right and title encumbrances (free use, exhaustion, compulsory license, prior user right and right of use after patent expiration) should be proved and can’t be interpreted broadly. Free use understanding in the legislation of the countries of Continental Europe differs from understanding in the countries of common law containing the “fair dealing” and “fair use” doctrines. However, the “fair dealing” doctrine, acting in Great Britain, Australia and Canada, presupposes the formalized list of actions, which are classified as faithful (free) use of objects of exclusive rights without author’s (or another rightholder’s) permission. To certain extent, it is akin to free use understanding within the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and legislation of other countries of Continental Europe. Besides, there’s a similarity of free use within the intellectual property institution with public easement as a limitation of property right. In this context, free use is considered by the author as a limitation of right rather than title encumbrance.
fair dealing doctrine, fair use doctrine, free use, title encumbrance, limitation of right, intellectual property, property right, exclusive right, public easement, three-step test
Purge A.R..
Permanent rent in law enforcement
// Legal Studies.
2017. № 8.
P. 80-88.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2017.8.23709 URL:
This article studies the practice of application of legal provisions in settlement of disputes arising from a permanent rent contract. The object of this study is the civil and procedural relations connected with the consideration and settlement of disputes arising from a permanent rent contract. The subject of study is the provisions of Russian civil legislation regulating the relations connected with the conclusion, modification and termination of a permanent rent contract, and also law enforcement practice of courts of general jurisdiction consisting in consideration and resolution of disputes connected with a permanent rent contract. The author applies general scientific and special methods of cognition: comparative-legal method is used for the analysis of new and old civil rules. The author also applies the formal-legal method. With regard to the specificity of permanent rent, significant scope of judicial practice in recent years has been connected with entering into and participation in rental commitments of the successors (heirs) of the original recipients. The current judicial practice helps describe the nature and the content of the most common disputes arising from a permanent rent contract, and detect and analyze the problems of law enforcement.
rental commitment, decision of court, recipient of rent, rent payer, redemption price, permanent rent, rent, life annuity, property, contract
Bogdan V.V., Alymov A.A..
Problems of implementation of consumers’ rights to fair conditions of credit contracts: the insurance term
// Legal Studies.
2017. № 5.
P. 93-99.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2017.5.19089 URL:
The authors give special attention to the problem of imposition of insurance services on consumers in credit contracts. The inclusion of a borrower into the insurance program together with the conclusion of a credit contract is a wide-spread practice of imposition of a hidden financial burden on a borrower, since such insurance services are fee-based. Banks, which have no right to provide insurance, act as mediators. The authors consider the procedure of conclusion of credit contracts containing the insurance term, and the judicial practice in this field of civil law. The authors use the methods of analysis, abstraction and specification, and define the conditions of effective law enforcement for contestation of credit contracts containing the insurance term. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the proposed ways to solve the problem of illegal imposition of insurance services on a consumer when concluding a credit contract. The authors conclude that the analysis and the proposals, formulated in this paper, can be used for further improvement of the legislation on consumer’ rights and citizens’ rights protection.
consumer's rights protection, lender, borrower, Bank, consumer, insurance, service, credit contract, solicitation, responsibility
Churilov A.Y..
Analysis of the models of a third party’s impact on the dynamics of a civil debt according to Russian legislation
// Legal Studies.
2017. № 5.
P. 63-70.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7136.2017.5.22906 URL:
The paper considers the main models of a third party’s impact on the dynamics of a civil debt and classifies them. The classification is based on a combined criterion including two elements: the first element consists in the third party of the debt; the second element reflects the peculiarities of the interests of the participants to the debt relationship, which is implemented with the involvement of the third party to the dynamics of the civil debt. The author detects two basic models of the third party’s impact on the dynamics of the civil debt: I model – the participation of the third party in performing the obligation on the side of the debtor; II model – the participation of the third party on the side of the lender. The research methodology is based on general scientific (descriptive, logical, system-structural, historical, linguistic methods, analysis and synthesis) and specific methods of jurisprudence (historical-legal, formal-legal, comparative-legal and technical-legal methods). The author concludes that the involvement of a third party usually leads to the transformation of some attribute of the proper performance of the obligation, for example, a place, a person, a subject or a time period. Thus, a contract, based on the model with the benefit of a third party, contains the transformation of such attributes of the proper performance as a proper person and a proper place. The peculiarities of involvement of a third person in the dynamics of an obligation depend on the character of the obligation: the third person can participate in the dynamics of both contractual and non-contractual obligations, including improper profit, delict and maintenance obligation. It’s important to understand that the involvement of the third party on the side of a debtor or a lender doesn’t form active or passive plurality of persons in an obligation.
debtor, interest, performance of an obligation, party to a contract, obligation, contract, Third party, lender, the dynamics of an obligation, model
Andryushchenko A.V..
Organizational agreement as a general contractual construction
// Legal Studies.
2017. № 5.
P. 71-84.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7136.2017.5.22926 URL:
The research object is the category of organizational agreements in Russian civil law. The research subject includes certain problems of the theory of organizational agreements. Special attention is paid to the problem of defining the legal nature of organizational agreements and the feature distinguishing them from other civil contracts. The author reveals particular shortcomings of one of the classifications of civil agreements, developed by civil law, which is represented by organizational and property agreements. The author considers such aspects of the issue as the possibility to apply general obligatory provisions to organizational contractual relations with particular emphasis on the possibility to use various ways of protection of contractual rights. The research methodology is based on general scientific methods (dialectical, system, inductive, deductive) and specific methods of jurisprudence (functional, system, formal-logical). The author concludes that an organizational agreement is not a contractual type of agreement; it should be considered as a general contractual construction based on one feature, distinguishing organizational agreements from other civil agreements. The criterion for distinction is the presence of organizational legal relationship as a qualifying relationship (i.e. responsible for the qualification of the agreement). The author substantiates the necessity to formalize the general contractual construction of an organizational agreement and to formulate the common rule of protection of organizational rights, which can be applied to any agreement based on the organizational agreement model.
agreement, commitments, organizational relations, contract classification, property agreements, obligational agreements, organizational agreements, general contractual construction, preliminary agreement, protection of rights
Zimneva S.V..
Agreements on responsibility elimination or limitation for intentional breach of obligations: theory and law enforcement practice
// Legal Studies.
2017. № 3.
P. 39-51.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7136.2017.3.21760 URL:
The research subject includes the problems of conclusion and delivery of agreements on civil responsibility elimination or limitation. The author considers the legal nature and the conditions of conclusion of such agreements. Special attention is paid to the limits of terms of agreement on elimination or limitation of responsibility in accordance with the freedom of contracting principle. In order to reveal the essence of agreements on elimination or limitation of responsibility for intentional breach of obligations and to detect the factors conditioning the nullity of an agreement, the author analyzes the judicial practice of dealing with disputes deriving from agreements. The author applies general scientific and special research methods: formal logical, comparative-legal and technical legal methods. The author concludes that civil legislation doesn’t define the form of guilt, doesn’t formalize the signs of criminal intent or negligence. These circumstances complicate application of clause 4 article 401 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The author formulates the conditions taken into account by courts considering nullity of agreements on elimination or limitation of responsibility. The author formulates the proposals for the purpose of judicial practice improvement.
exclusion of liability, agreement, civil responsibility, guilt, freedom of contract, negligence, breach of obligation, criminal intent, indemnification, limitation of responsibility
Vasilchenko D.D..
Corporate agreement with third parties according to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation
// Legal Studies.
2017. № 3.
P. 52-60.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7136.2017.3.22154 URL:
The research subject is the key peculiarities of corporate agreement with third parties stipulated by clause 9, article 67.2 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (part one). Special attention is given to the differences between a corporate agreement between the members of a company and a corporate agreement between the members of a company and third parties. The author considers the similarities and differences between a corporate agreement and covenants. The author applies general scientific methods (analysis and synthesis) and special methods (formal legal and logical). The author reveals the main differences between a corporate agreement between the members of the company and an agreement between the members of a company and third parties. Firstly, a corporate agreement is a multilateral agreement, and a corporate agreement with third parties is a bilateral agreement between the members of a company as a unit and a third party. Secondly, a corporate agreement initiates an organizational relation, and a corporate agreement with a third party initiates a binding relation. Thirdly, the conclusion of a corporate agreement is conditioned by the common interests of the parties, and the conclusion of a corporate agreement with a third party is conditioned by the interest of the third party, i.e. the decrease of the risk of obligation breach by the members of a company which are a party to the agreement.
corporate law, civil law, topic, third parties, lender, covenant, shareholders' agreement, parties, quasi-corporate agreement, corporate agreement
Nikitina V.A..
Information obligations of parties to a tenancy agreement in Russian and German law
// Legal Studies.
2017. № 3.
P. 61-71.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7136.2017.3.22218 URL:
The research subject is information obligations of parties to a tenancy agreement in Russian and German law. They consist in the information exchange between the parties to the agreement in various issues of tenancy relations including gaining the counterparty approval of certain declarations of will of another party. Special attention is given to the requirements to the form and the terms of submitting legally material messages and parties’ responsibilities for information obligations breach. To study legal regulation of information obligations of parties to a tenancy agreement and law enforcement practice in this field in Russia and Germany, the author applies the comparative-legal method. The author attempts to consider a tenancy agreement parties’ obligations to bring the legally material information to another party’s notice, to compare these obligations in German law, and to define the extent of their legal regulation. The author concludes that, compared with the rules in Germany, in Russia the requirements in this field are not detailed enough, and therefore are double-edged. The author offers the measures to eliminate these legal gaps.
notice of a contracting party, approval of a contracting party, tenant, lender, information obligations, legally material information, tenancy agreement, termination of tenancy, tenancy in Germany, priority right of a tenant
Platonova N..
A car parking space as an object of civil rights
// Legal Studies.
2017. № 2.
P. 44-50.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7136.2017.2.21779 URL:
The paper studies the legal status of car parking spaces. The research subject is legal regulation of a parking space as a real thing. The research object is social relations emerging in the process of civil and legal regulation of car parking spaces in the Russian Federation. The author considers such aspects of the topic as the characteristics of parking spaces as real estate items. Special attention is given to the study of the peculiarities of state cadastral registration and state registration of property rights to this type of estate property. The research methodology is based on modern general scientific and specific research methods: system-structural, formal-legal, analysis and interpretation. For the interpretation of particular legal constructs and provisions the author applies the methods of formal logic and lexical and grammatical analysis. The novelty of the study is linked with analysis and systematization of legal provisions aimed at the regulation of the turnover of parking spaces. The special contribution of the author is the analysis of the concept of a parking space and its features as a real estate item. The study demonstrates that the amendments to the legislation are not sufficient, since they don’t regulate the problem of the legal status of parking spaces.
specified thing, room, estate property, state registration of rights, state cadastral registration, building plan, parking space, shared ownership, property right, car parking space
Vasilchenko D.D..
On the influence of a corporate agreement on the will of the association
// Legal Studies.
2016. № 10.
P. 10-21.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7136.2016.10.1999 URL:
The research subject is the definition of the notion and the meaning of a corporate agreement concluded for the purpose of influencing the formation of the will of the association. The author defines the notion of a corporate agreement and points at the theoretical aspects of understanding of a legal entity’s will and the process of its formation. The research is aimed at the analysis of the possibilities which are provided by this agreement by means of application of corporate and non-corporate rights (acquisition or carve-out of shares or forgoing the carve-out) in this sphere. The author applies general scientific (analysis and synthesis) and special scientific (formal-legal and logical) research methods. The author comes to the following conclusions: Firstly, from the position of the subject matter, a corporate agreement is a bilateral or a multilateral deal, which: 1. either is a beforehand defined way of influencing the process of the association’s will formation, if it is not concluded by all the members of the association; 2. or contains the “quasi will” of the association if, firstly, the association is not public, secondly, all its members are the parties to the agreement. It is necessary to take into consideration that if in the first case the relations are regulated only by means of binding provisions, in the second case corporate legislation is also involved. But at the same time, in both cases the legally established procedures should be taken into account. Secondly, the author considers the provisions of an agreement, connected with the acquisition or carve-out of shares, as aimed at destabilizing relations between the parties to the agreement and supporting particular positions. The author notes that this agreement can be used for other purposes, not connected with the subject matter.
non-corporate rights, corporate rights, development concept, Civil Code, private association, public association, quasi will , legal entity, will, corporate agreement
Vagonova A.S..
Modern models of consumer lending legal regulation
// Legal Studies.
2016. № 7.
P. 1-6.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7136.2016.7.19526 URL:
The author examines three dominant models of consumer lending legal regulation: paternalism, neoliberalism and consumerism. The article analyzes their main provisions and identifies their features based on the of comparison of the instruments of legal regulation of contractual relations, the availability of means of protection of the rights of a consumer-borrower, the observance of the principle of freedom of contract, the operational impact measures and the liability for the violation of rights of a consumer-borrower. The study is based on the comparative-legal and historical methods, which help identify the differences between the models. The author outlines the peculiarities of paternalism, neoliberalism and consumerism related to the interrelations between the parts of consumer lending agreements, which are reflected in the legislative consolidation of special provisions aimed at the protection of rights of borrowers.The author concludes about the compliance of the Russian legislation on consumer credit (loan) with the paternalistic model of legal regulation.
access to credit, effective interest rate, models of legal regulation, consumerism, neoliberalism, paternalism, consumer credit, contractual freedom restriction, borrower's awareness, borrowers' rights protection
Churilov A.Y..
Legal problems of discharge of an obligation by a third party when placing a discharge
// Legal Studies.
2016. № 6.
P. 12-22.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7136.2016.6.18413 URL:
Due to the numerous problems related to the discharge of an obligation by a third party, carried out when placing a discharge, there is a need for the development of a civil theory of discharge of obligations by a third party. The author considers discharge of an obligation by a third party in the context of relations of a debtor and a third party. The author studies the problems of a third party's responsibility to a creditor for an improper discharge of a non-monetary obligation. The paper studies the problem of a creditor’s right to make sure of placing a discharge on a third party. The research methodology includes the methods of abstraction, classification, the dialectical, historical, system, inductive and deductive methods of cognition, and the formal-legal method. The author expresses a reasonable doubt in a justifiability of a legislative construction stipulating the transition of the creditor’s rights to the third party, who has discharged an obligation, provided by the clause 5, article 313 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Besides, the author expresses doubt in the possibility to place on a third party a responsibility to a creditor for an improper discharge of a non-monetary obligation.
responsibility, judicial practice, placing a discharge, authority, obligation, debtor, creditor , Civil Code, third party, treaty
Bondarenko D.V..
Legal nature of a factoring agreement
// Legal Studies.
2016. № 2.
P. 1-14.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7136.2016.2.18023 URL:
The research subject is the theoretical problem of defining the legal nature of a factoring agreement. The article is aimed at forming the sufficient approach to the understanding of the legal nature of a factoring agreement. The author studies the particular constructions of a factoring agreement to analyze the essence of this phenomenon. Special attention is paid to the issue of complexity of the factoring agreement model. The research methodology includes the dialectical method, the system method, the methods of induction, deduction, abstraction, and the technical method. The author concludes that the mutual direction and the equality of assignment of a financial agent and a client in the factoring agreement determine its “credit-exchange” nature: monetary resources are replaced by financial claims. Provision of funds and financial claims assignment are the two main procedures defining the essence of the civil construction of factoring. The author reasons the opinion about the complex nature of a factoring agreement, based on the understanding of a complex agreement as a multicomponent agreement legislated as an independent form of a civil law contract. The conclusion about the complexity of the agreement, and the identification of the elements of combination can be applied in practice when considering the situation of a regulatory vacuum which can be overcome not only with the help of the provisions of law of obligation, but also using the provisions regulating the “primary” agreement.
factoring contract, the legal nature of the contract, financing, cession, loans, a security factoring, settlement factoring, a comprehensive agreement, mixed agreement, sui generis
Kolieva A.E..
Experience of fiduciary legal relationship development
// Legal Studies.
2015. № 12.
P. 52-71.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2015.12.16587 URL:
The article considers the grounds of trust relationships in foreign and Russian legislation in the sphere of estate administration and commercial representation, describes the evolution of Russian law in relation to ownership, use and disposal of state property, and demonstrates the difference between the classical property rights and the right of operative management and management of affairs. The article characterizes some models of fiduciary legal relationships in various legal systems; particularly, the author considers the models of fiduciary legal relationships in the continental and Anglo-Saxon legal systems. The author applies the methods of abstraction, synthesis, analysis, induction, deduction and formalization. The author concludes that the models of fiduciary legal relationships in the continental and Anglo-Saxon legal systems demonstrate their conformity to the main principle: the divergence between their outward form and the real economic content. The analysis of the historical experience of fiduciary legal relationship development allows, on the one hand, making sure of the difficulty of the legislation development, and of the closeness of the relation between the economic structure of the society and the policy of the state in the sphere of economic management. On the other hand, despite the relative stability of legal regulation of these relations, ensured by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, it’s hard to affirm that these relations have formed once and for all.
the confidential relations, the legal systems, trust, the institute of representation, the confidential property, the committent, the commission agent, the operational management, the contract of an assignment, the commission agreement
Bogdan V.V..
Current Problems of Agreement-Based Regulation of Legal Relationship with Consumers
// Legal Studies.
2014. № 11.
P. 26-35.
DOI: 10.7256/2305-9699.2014.11.1335 URL:
Currently, agreement-based regulation of relationships with consumers cases in practice significant difficulties which are expressed in the growing number of legal cases of this category. Such problems are due to the practice of including in the contracts of bad-faith provisions by the consumers’ counterparties. In this article, the author considers this problem, for the ultimate purpose of solving the question of effectiveness of agreement-based regulation, through the lens of Article 16 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Protection of Consumers' Rights”. It examines the possibility for the consumers to challenge in court certain provisions of contracts which infringe their rights. In this article, the author uses the methods of analysis, abstraction and specification, as a result of their application the author defined the conditions for effective agreement-based regulation of relationship with consumers. The scientific novelty of this work lies in the fact that this is one of the first works in which an attempt is made to substantiate the insignificant role of the contract as a regulator of relationships with consumers. During this research, the author draws the conclusions that the analysis and successions offered in this article may be used in further work aimed to improve the laws on the protection of consumers’ rights.
responsibility, entreprenuer, legal practitioner, regulation, contract, Russian Federation, protection of rights, consumer, law, bad-faith terms
Tokareva K.G., Almaeva Y.O..
Legal nature of public enterprises.
// Legal Studies.
2014. № 8.
P. 48-59.
DOI: 10.7256/2305-9699.2014.8.12911 URL:
The article concerns norms of current Russian civil and corporate legislation regulating specific features of legal status of open and close joint stock companies and joint stock companies of workers (public enterprises), producing co-operatives, legal practice regarding application of the Federal Law of December 26, 1995 N. 208-FZ "On Joint Stock Companies", Federal Law of July 19, 1998 "On Specific Features of Joint Stock Companies of Workers (Public Enterprises)", as well as the positions of legal scholars on these issues. The article involved comparative legal, logical and descriptive methods, as well as the method of systemic structural analysis. It is well-known that public enterprises are regulated by the current Russian legislation regarding close joint stock companies .However, over-regulated nature of many issues and legal dubiousness of some provisions of the Law on Public Enterprises cause criticism of the legal construction of public enterprise in specialized legal literature, raising the issues of legal nature of these enterprises. The intermediary position between a joint stock company and producing co-operative call for the studies of this organizational legal form of a commercial organizations and questionning of its independence.
public enterprise, joint stock company, legal nature, close joint stock company, open joint stock company, independent type, joint stock company of workers, type of joint stock company, co-operative form, construction of the legal entity