Семейное право
Purge, A.R. (2022). Cryopreservation of embryos: on the question of the concept. Legal Studies, 9, 1–9. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-7136.2022.9.38707
The scientific novelty of this study consists in conducting an in-depth comparative legal analysis of the features of the legislative regulation of the essence of the embryo cryopreservation procedure as one of the methods of assisted reproductive technology (using the example of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Russian Federation), as well as formulating the author's own definition of the legal relationship under study. The main methods of this scientific research were the method of comparative analysis (also known as the comparative legal method), as well as the formal legal method. In addition, the methods of scientific cognition of objective legal reality used by the author also include the logical method, system-structural analysis, and the method of legal modeling. The object of this scientific research is the concept and essence of the embryo cryopreservation procedure in accordance with the current legislation of Russia and the Republic of Tajikistan. In turn, the subject of this study was the norms of Russian and Tajik legislation defining the concept and procedure for cryopreservation of embryos, relevant materials of legal practice (statistical data and data from medical websites); scientific works of domestic scientists devoted to the development of the chosen topic. As the main result of this study, the author has developed a proposal on the possible prospective consolidation of the legal definition of the concept of "cryopreservation of embryos" in the provisions of the current legislation of Russia and the Republic of Tajikistan.
conception, genetic material, ART method, Republic of Tajikistan, russian federation, infertility of citizens, family institute, demographic policy, the concept of embryo cryopreservation, childbearing
Transformation of legal systems
Aganina, R.N. (2022). Modern Format of Audit Activity Regulation. Legal Studies, 9, 10–24. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-7136.2022.9.38731
The focus of this article is the paradigm of regulation of auditing activities at the present stage. The subject of the study is a number of provisions of the Concept of development of auditing activities until 2024. This program document determined the further vector of development of state regulation and self-regulation of auditing activities. The separate novelties of the legislation in the context of the modern format of regulation of audit activity are analyzed. The article summarizes the emergence of a "regulatory triangle" in the audit services market in connection with the granting of control powers to the Bank of Russia, which leads to excessive regulation of auditing activities. The main changes in the institute of self-regulation of auditing activities are noted: updating the conceptual apparatus, abandoning standardization and the numerical composition of the self-regulating organization. The article provides an assessment of a two-level system of requirements imposed on the subjects of audit activity. Positively assessing the institution of mandatory requirements, the author of the article is skeptical about the second direction of regulation - recommendations. Consideration of the recommendations as a prototype of the standards of a self-regulatory organization is not reflected in the legislation on auditing. The problems of excessive regulation of the audit services market due to the granting of control powers to the Bank of Russia are outlined. The author sees an opportunity to improve the quality of audit services provided in the form of a return to the practice of issuing qualification certificates in certain areas, in particular, in the direction of "audit of credit institutions". Thus, strict filtering of subjects should be carried out at the stage of access to the audit market, and control powers under this model should remain with the Federal Treasury and the self-regulatory organization. The refusal to standardize auditing activities, the functioning of only one self-regulating auditing organization devalues the very idea of self-regulation. Under such conditions, self-regulation of audit activity does not act as a worthy alternative or continuation of state regulation.
certificate, Bank of Russia, self-regulating organization, standards, recommendations, mandatory requirements, self-regulation, state regulation, audit activity, audit
Теория и философия права
Magushov, S.V. (2022). Individual Сontract as a Form of Law and its Normativity. Legal Studies, 9, 25–39. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-7136.2022.9.38750
Modern society cannot be imagined without the institution of individual contractual regulation – our daily life is surrounded by a large number of contractual legal relations. In this regard, it is relevant to consider such a controversial topic as the recognition of the status of a form of law for an individual contract. The object of the study is social relations related to the conclusion, modification and termination of an individual contract. The empirical base consists of labor and civil law contracts. Based on this, the article has an interdisciplinary character – therefore, the subject is in the field of development of three legal sciences at once – the theory of state and law, civil and labor law. The science of the theory of state and law acts as a methodological basis necessary for evaluating the obtained industry data. General scientific methods are used – structural and functional method, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, analogy. Both private scientific methods are used – a formal dogmatic method necessary for the study of law, and a retrospective (historical) method for looking at the problem not in statics, but in dynamics. The novelty is expressed in the substantiation of the normativity of an individual contract and the recognition of its status as a form of law not only within the existing paradigm, but also by offering a different view of the very concept of normativity. The analysis of contracts is proposed to be carried out with the hypothesis of the presence of regulatory regulation in them as well. This approach allows us to talk about contracts that were previously recognized as containing only individual regulation, at least partially normative and, as a result, to see them as a right. As the main conclusion, it should be noted that a significant number of individual contracts contain not only individual, but also regulatory regulation. It also seems reasonable to talk about the existence of individual contracts consisting entirely of regulatory regulation.
Form of law, Normativity, Source of law, Regulatory regulation, Regulatory agreement, Individual regulation, Individual contract, Contract, Civil law contract, Employment contract
State institutions and legal systems
Vronskaya, M.V., Gomzyakova, E.M. (2022). The Use of Digital Tools in Assessing Intuition as a Means of Making Legally Significant Decisions. Legal Studies, 9, 40–51. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-7136.2022.9.38711
The subject of the study is to establish the relationship between the cognitive properties of persons authorized to accept legally significant decisions and the results of their activities. The possibility of measuring the instantaneous level of intuitive abilities in representatives of legal professions has been empirically proven. The authors consider in detail the possibilities of using digital tools to create tools that allow quantifying the level of physical intuition in various focus groups. The target audience was employees of the investigative committee, lawyers and civil servants of the supervisory authority. Special attention is paid to the identification of indicators - criteria of intuition, depending on the direction of activity, work experience and gender identity of respondents, determining the result of a legal decision made by the subjects of professional activity. The main conclusion of the authors is the necessity and possibility of developing a program for measuring intuition and testing it among officials who make legally significant decisions, which made it possible to establish the influence of cognitive abilities on the result of this activity, determine the mechanism of intuition, predict the effectiveness of legal decisions. A special contribution of the author to the research of the topic is the development of digital tools (on the example of databases), which forms the basis of empirical testing of theoretical hypotheses that the quantitative measurement of the average level of instant intuitive abilities using digital technologies is important in assessing the adoption of a legally significant decision. The scientific novelty of the research is determined by the lack of scientific and evidentiary developments devoted to the study of intuition and the mechanism of its influence on the subjects of legal activity.
legal mechanism, public service, Rospatent, databases, legally significant decision, digital legal resource, artificial intelligence, insight, Digital technologies, intuition
Ostroushko, A.V. (2022). On the Need to Improve the Conceptual Apparatus in the Field of Information Infrastructure Regulation. Legal Studies, 9, 52–61. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-7136.2022.9.38806
The subject of the study is the existing conceptual apparatus related to the issues of legal regulation of the processes of creation and functioning of a stable and secure information infrastructure in the Russian Federation. It is revealed that there is an insatiable need to analyze the existing legislative innovations in order to improve and develop a comprehensive mechanism for regulating the studied relations. The current normative acts were analyzed for identification of: the presence of a legal interpretation of the terms available in them; consistency of definitions available in different branches of law; correlation of legal definitions with established concepts in the technical sciences; accessibility of understanding of terms for the law enforcer in order to exclude heterogeneous law enforcement. The main conclusions of the study are: improving the mechanism of legislative regulation of activities is an important direction for the creation of a stable and secure information and telecommunications infrastructure; there is no strictly coordinated conceptual apparatus of information and telecommunications infrastructure in Russia; legislative allocation of a single information space of the Russian Federation is overdue, for which criteria have been developed that can be used by the legislator; a proposal has been put forward on the need to adopt a special federal law regulating information and telecommunications infrastructure.
The Internet, improvement, inconsistency, absence, legal definitions, terminology, legal regulation, telecommunication information structure, problems, information infrastructure
Договор и обязательства
Davtyan, T.A. (2022). The ratio of will and expression of will in the issue of determining pre-contractual liability. Legal Studies, 9, 62–79. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-7136.2022.9.37973
The subject of the study is aspects of the institute culpa in contrahendo, embodied in the novels of the Gc 2015. The main purpose is to demonstrate the significance of the correlation of the will and the will of the parties (the object of the study) in determining pre-contractual liability (PO) in cases where the contract remains valid; an appropriate legal technique is given to explain the restoration of the legal situation in accordance with the concept of the desired agreement, understood as a coincidence of wills (common will). In this regard, it turns out that the norms of the domestic Civil Code, defining the responsibility of the party for culpa in contrahendo while maintaining the validity of the contract, are insufficiently elaborated. In this situation, the theoretical construction of the software turns out to be so similar to the liability caused by a legal relationship from a specific contract that it is possible to determine both the independent position of this institution and within the framework of contractual liability, but not tort. One of the conclusions to which this study comes is the assertion that the nature of the agreement is bound by the will of the parties until the framework of the contract-transaction, at the request of one of the parties (termination of the contract, invalidation of the transaction) is not disclosed in order to legally fix the agreement itself as a single legal relationship linking the pre-contractual and contractual stages of commitment. The article also provides specific proposals for unifying the scope of liability in the form of losses caused by unfair actions at the negotiation stage, in particular, in the case when the concluded contract is not disputed by the injured party (that is, when the norms of Articles 178 and 179 do not apply).
compensation of losses, positive interest, contract-transaction, contract-agreement, the desired agreement, common will, expression of will, volition, negative interest, pre-contractual liability