Law and order
Shamsutdinov, M.M. (2022). Experience in regulating the examination in the criminal process of Germany and Switzerland. Legal Studies, 5, 1–12.
The article aims to highlight the experience of individual foreign countries (Germany and Switzerland) in the legal regulation of such a specific institution of criminal procedure law as examination. The object of this study is criminal procedural legal relations arising during the production of a visual examination of a living person's body in order to obtain information relevant to a criminal case. The subject of the study is the norms of the criminal procedure legislation of Russia, Germany and Switzerland, regulating the grounds and procedure for the production of this investigative action, as well as the works of individual scientists devoted to the investigative action under study. The main method of cognition in the course of the study was the comparative legal method, methods of analysis, synthesis, system-structural method and modeling method were also used. The novelty of the study was that the author critically examined the norms of the criminal procedure legislation of certain foreign states from the Romano-German legal family on examination, both in comparison with each other and with a similar institution of the Russian criminal process. As a result of comparing the norms of the legislation of Germany and Switzerland, the peculiarities of the legal nature and legislative regulation of the institute of examination in these states were revealed. The result of the research was the original author's proposals and recommendations on using the experience of certain norms of foreign legislation to make appropriate changes to domestic criminal procedure legislation.
pre-trial proceedings, medical examination, investigator, inspection, the victim, witness, force, preliminary investigation, investigative actions, court
International law
Egorova, A.K. (2022). Activities of private military and security companies: issues of legitimacy and law. Legal Studies, 5, 13–22.
The article examines the assessment of the activities of private military and security companies through the prism of the legitimacy of their activities, the legitimacy of the decisions of the authorities on the basis of which they act and the legal norms regulating these relationships. An important issue is the difference in the legitimacy of state institutions, such as the army and the police, which traditionally implement the functions of the state associated with the monopoly on the use of force and private military and security companies, historically dating back to mercenary groups. The author touches upon the role of various national approaches to the regulation of PMSCs and their impact on public perception of their activities. The main conclusions of this study are to highlight the importance of the issue of the legitimacy of the activities of private military and security companies and the legitimacy of government orders for a balanced legal assessment of existing legislation, its problems and prospects for development. The philosophical and political dimension of the legitimacy problem makes it possible to expand the view of the situation for political actors and legislators in order to be able not only to create retrospective norms that can only respond to crisis situations in a limited way and not keep up with the development of the industry, but also to establish promising parameters that form the legal basis for the activities of private military and security companies.
privatization of security, state institutions, armed conflicts, mercenaries, monopoly on violence, functions of the state, legitimacy, private security companies, private military companies, outsourcing
International law
Malichenko, V.S. (2022). Convergence of legal regulation of circulation of healthcare technologies in international law. Legal Studies, 5, 23–33.
The subject of the research is the legal regulation of public relations in the process of circulation of healthcare technologies. The purpose of the research is to analyze the features of convergence of legal regulation of the circulation of healthcare technologies in order to develop theoretical and practical proposals to counter modern challenges and threats in this area. The article is prepared using general scientific methods of cognition, including formal-logical and situational, and private-legal methods, such as comparative-legal, historical-legal and formal-legal. The novelty of the research lies in revelation of legal convergence in the system of international law as an important mechanism for the formation of access to safe, high-quality and effective technologies for healthcare and human security. The article summarizes the main threats in the sphere of circulation of healthcare technologies that require the introduction of uniform regulatory standards. The author analyzes the features of the harmonization and integration on the example of the activities of regional integration associations in order to form recommendations for the development of legal regulation of the circulation of healthcare technologies within the common market of the EAEU countries. The novelty of the article lies in the systematic consideration of legal convergence in the system of international law as an important mechanism for the formation of access to safe, high-quality and effective healthcare technologies and ensuring human safety. Justifying the lack of a systematic approach to the convergence of international legal regulation of the circulation of healthcare technologies, the author suggests considering the possibility of preparing a normative legal act of a universal nature in this area, by analogy with codifying conventions in other branches of international law. The author analyzes the features of the harmonization and integration on the example of the activities of regional integration associations in order to form recommendations for the development of legal regulation of the circulation of healthcare technologies within the framework of the common market of the EAEU countries
eu, The EAEU, regional integration, single market, the right to health, international health law, healthcare technologies, harmonization, convergence, human security
Questions of current interest
Ostroushko, A.V. (2022). Problems of legal support of the process of introducing a digital profile of a citizen. Legal Studies, 5, 34–47.
The purpose of the work is to study the process of conducting an experiment to improve the quality and connectivity of data contained in state information resources within the framework of creating a digital profile of a citizen of the Russian Federation, identifying problems of legal regulation and risks accompanying its creation.To conduct the study, a methodology was used, including an analytical review of the regulatory legal and regulatory-technical base and scientific literature on the subject of the study, a sociological survey of citizens, generalization and systematization of data, the formation of proposals to resolve the identified problems. The novelty of this scientific work is due to the application of an integrated approach to the study of the features and possibilities of developing and using a digital profile of a citizen of the Russian Federation, taking into account current global trends and best practices in this field. The results of this work can be used in the implementation of initiatives to create and develop a "Digital profile of a citizen of the Russian Federation". In addition, this material may be in demand by the scientific and expert communities for a deeper analysis and research of the prospects for the development and application of the digital profile of a citizen in Russia. The analysis showed that, in general, the legal support of the process of introducing a digital profile of a citizen contributes to the achievement of the national goal "Digital Transformation", in terms of creating an identification platform that includes digital profiles of a citizen and a legal entity. However, the complexity and novelty of the tasks set causes some shortcomings of the legal regulation of private digital issues. Effective and timely activity of the state in the identified areas in the field of administration of the processes of creating and implementing a digital profile of a citizen will ensure significant minimization of most of the existing risks, as well as their consequences.
human rights, identification and authentication, personal data, creature, problems, legal regulation, digital profile, information security, risks, sanctions
Seleznev, A.V., Lyutykh, O.Y. (2022). Ensuring the rights of citizens to judicial protection and fair trial with the help of the state automated system "Justice". Legal Studies, 5, 48–60.
In the article, the authors consider the issue of the introduction of electronic justice services in the Russian Federation and the development of recommendations for improving the mechanisms for the implementation of the rights of Russian citizens to judicial protection with the help of the SAS "Justice".The object of this study is the procedural legal relations arising during the use of the SAS "Justice" in the conduct of legal proceedings in the Russian Federation. The subject of the study are the norms of substantive and procedural law regulating the activities of courts and judicial bodies, ensuring the realization of citizens' rights to judicial protection through the use of the SAS "Justice" and law enforcement practice for organizing access to legal proceedings using automated information systems. The novelty of the study was that the authors critically analyzed the norms of substantive and procedural law of the Russian Federation regulating the functioning of the SAS "Justice". As a result of the study the authors formulated the recommendations for improving Russian legislation. The authors came to the conclusion that the SAS "Justice" allows the implementation of certain procedural rights of the parties and other participants in the trial. At the same time, the main purpose of creating this system is to provide informatization, electronic and digital support of administrative and basic processes of the judicial system. The realization of citizens' rights to access justice in electronic and digital form through the SAS "Justice" is largely a secondary service that is developing as a by-product of the overall digital transformation of the judicial system. To ensure the rights of citizens to access to electronic and digital justice, it is necessary to improve the norms of substantive and procedural law.
socially significant information, personal account, law, access, information and communication technologies, Internet, procedural law, substantive law, automated system, electronic justice
Human and state
Proniakina, S. (2022). Dual citizenship in the context of the interaction of international and national public law. Legal Studies, 5, 61–75.
The subject of the study is international legal conventions and agreements concluded in the XX-XXI centuries on issues of dual citizenship. The methodological basis of the research consists of the following methods of cognition: system legal analysis, comparative legal and formal legal analysis. The purpose of the work is to compare international legal norms that consolidate the legal status of persons with dual citizenship. The article examines the issues of military duty and tax payment by bipatrides, as well as the constitutional and legal regulation of legal relations related to citizenship, analyzes the institution of dual citizenship in the context of the protection of state sovereignty. The author considers bilateral international legal agreements concluded on issues of dual citizenship. The author concludes that the adopted international acts are mainly aimed at reducing the occurrence of dual citizenship, which indicates the unwillingness of countries to openly recognize this legal institution. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that the author proposes the inclusion in international legal acts on the avoidance of double taxation of additional criteria for determining the status of tax residence of bipatrids. In order to develop international cooperation with the Republic of Belarus, the author proposes the adoption of a single Union normative legal act in the field of citizenship, which enshrines the rights and obligations of citizens of the Union State and establishes that citizens of the Union State are not persons with dual citizenship.
unified union citizenship, Union State, international standards, international conventions, international treaties, state, bipatrides, citizenship, dual citizenship, double taxation
Fedorova, A.P. (2022). On the correlation of the rules on tribunal jurisdiction and exhaustion of means of appeal of judicial Acts in the civil process. Legal Studies, 5, 76–87.
The general condition for a consistent appeal is that the legislator has established a strict order of consideration of the complaint submitted by the courts of various judicial instances. When applying to the court of the relevant instance in order to challenge the issued judicial act, it is necessary to fulfill a certain condition of the exhaustion of the previous stage of the judicial decision review. The article discusses the sequence of actions of participants in the proceedings to appeal a judicial act, depending on the stage of the case. It is indicated that the judicial system is not built on the relationship of subordination between the courts of lower and higher levels. The history of the emergence of competing concepts in the appeal of judicial acts is studied. Arguments are given in favor of distinguishing the concepts of instantiation, consistent appeal and exhaustion of other methods of appeal, which determines the novelty of the study. In the course of the work, general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis were used, as well as a comparative legal private scientific method. The author comes to the conclusion that it is necessary to find a positive correlation between these competing concepts, as well as their uniform consolidation in the procedural codes – CPC and APC. The tendency of convergence of the rules of exhaustion of appeal methods in civil and arbitration proceedings on the way to the emerging standardization and unification of procedural norms is indicated.
sequence, appeal, civil procedure, supervisory proceedings, instantiation, methods of appeal, the rule of sequential appeal, appeal proceedings, cassation proceedings, right to appeal
Теория и философия права
Zozulia, A. (2022). Legal worldview as an attribute and component of legal consciousness. Legal Studies, 5, 88–96.
The object of the study is legal awareness as a phenomenon of the sphere of positive law. The subject of the research is the legal worldview as a legal category and a phenomenon of legal reality. The author examines in detail the terminological aspect, analyzes various approaches and formulates an integrative definition of the legal worldview. Special attention is paid to the modern determinants of the formation of a legal worldview and the definition of key criteria for a socially acceptable legal worldview. The theoretical basis of the research is post-non-classical concepts of legal understanding, considering law as a means of social communication. The system, axiological and formal legal methods were used. The purpose of the study is to develop directions for the formation of a socially acceptable legal worldview.The approach applied by the author to the study of legal consciousness through the prism of the legal worldview, taking into account the determinants of legal reality, ensures the novelty of the research results. The author, in line with a broad understanding of the legal worldview, suggests considering it as a dominant value-normative component of legal consciousness, examines the factors of state-legal reality that influence public legal consciousness, among which he highlights the diversification of modern legal understanding, crisis phenomena in the field of positive law, the actualization of self-regulation in the legal sphere. On this basis, the key features of a socially acceptable legal worldview are formulated and a conclusion is made about the need to modernize the legal component of educational programs at various levels.
positive law, legal reality, moral, social regulation, legal regulation, normativity, morality, legal understanding, legal worldview, legal awareness