Договор и обязательства
Murdalov, D.R. (2022). Comparative analysis of an option to conclude an agreement and an option agreement . Legal Studies, 3, 1–8. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-7136.2022.3.37590
In this paper, an option to conclude a contract and an option contract are considered in a comparative aspect. The object of the study is an option relationship or a relationship that develops as a result of the application of the norms of civil legislation on options. The subject of the study is the norms of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation governing the conclusion of an agreement on the granting of an option to conclude a contract and an option contract. The main purpose of the work is to compare the option to conclude an agreement and an option agreement, to identify common and distinctive features of the mechanisms under Articles 429.2 and 429.3 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. В В В The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that in this paper a comparative analysis of the option to conclude a contract and an option contract is carried out. The norms governing the options constructions under consideration have been subjected to a detailed study and analysis. The results of the study, which reflect the scientific novelty of the work, are manifested in the differentiation of two adjacent options as common constructions. The paper considers the option to conclude a contract and an option contract in a comparative aspect, highlights the adjacent and distinctive features of both designs, concludes about the common purpose of option designs, about the features of mechanisms, as well as the need to improve Articles 429.2 and 429.3 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
corporate law, civil law, contract, offer, irrevocable offer, option agreement, option agreement, option, organizational agreement, to choose
Теория и философия права
Savenkov, D.A. (2022). A. Hagerstrem's Legal Views: the Conflict of Idealistic Objectivism and Psychologism . Legal Studies, 3, 9–18. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-7136.2022.3.37632
The subject of the study is the legal views of A. Hagerstrem, a Swedish philosopher, lawyer, founder of the intellectual trend in European legal science and epistemology, which has received the name of Scandinavian legal realism. The positions of this scientist constitute a significant milestone in the history of the philosophy of law of the twentieth century. At the same time, they remain poorly studied, both in Russian and in European literature. Among the few studies devoted to the study of the content and specifics of A. Hagerstrem's legal views, the similarities of his main positions with the ideas of phenomenological teaching are mostly uncritically reproduced, parallels are drawn with those movements in jurisprudence and philosophy that declared a struggle against metaphysics. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the nature of the conflict of principles of the concept of objective cognition and psychologism in law. The article presents brief results of the analysis of both the principles of the epistemological teaching of A. Hagerstrem, and provides a deeper analysis of the content of legal representations in comparison with traditional interpretations of his views. Moreover, the study demonstrated that the principles of the epistemological teaching of this scientist significantly contradicted the ideas of his so-called practical philosophy in the field of the study of law. The nature of the relevant conflict can be explained by an attempt to combine idealistic objectivism with a psychological approach to understanding law. The study contains the results of the analysis of A. Hagerstrem's legal ideas, which allow us to significantly clarify the nature and content of the views of this scientist in the recent history of legal thought.
legal sense, criticism of metaphysics, psychological theories of law, legal reality, phenomenology, Scandinavian legal realism, Hagerstrem, the scientific nature of jurisprudence, psychology of law, history of legal thought
Law and order
Bakradze, A.A., Belov, D.O., Kalinin, A.N. (2022). On the constitutionality of the ban on the use of the Internet by a suspect or accused. Legal Studies, 3, 19–32. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-7136.2022.3.37644
The article examines the theoretical and applied problems of the prohibition of the use of the information and telecommunications network "Internet" by a suspect or accused when choosing a preventive measure in the form of a ban on certain actions, bail or house arrest; analyzes, in connection with the fundamental rights and freedoms of man and citizen, the changes introduced by Federal Law No. 72-FZ of 18.04.2018 changes in The Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation; thematic judicial practice is given; legal solutions aimed at optimizing the current legislation and the practice of its application are proposed, while legal issues are correlated with the role of the Internet in modern society and human life. According to the results of the study, the authors come to the conclusion that the legal stereotypes that have existed for a long time about the inseparable connection of the restriction of the constitutional right to freedom when placed under house arrest with other restrictions of constitutional rights, although not explicitly specified in the law, are actually applied to a suspect or accused under house arrest. Among such restrictions, we will find, for example, a ban on performing labor (official) duties, searching for and receiving information, various types of creative activity (literature, painting, science, technology, etc.). These restrictions could have been formed only in a "pre-digital" society and therefore require revision.
criminal proceedings, freedom, rights, the accused, suspect, digitalization, The Internet, house arrest, deposit, prohibition of certain actions
Questions of current interest
Kalyuzhny, Y.N. (2022). Artificial intelligence technologies in the field of road safety: problems and prospects. Legal Studies, 3, 33–41. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-7136.2022.3.35828
The subject of the study is the norms of law and scientific sources characterizing the use of artificial intelligence technologies in the field of road safety. The object of the study is social relations that determine the basis for the use of artificial intelligence technologies in the field of road safety. As a result of studying normative legal acts, scientific literature, the author conducts a comprehensive analysis of the directions of the introduction and development of artificial intelligence technologies in the field of road safety, identifies individual scientific problems of legislative regulation of the sphere under consideration. The methodological basis of the study was a complex of general scientific and private scientific methods of cognition (formal legal, analytical, system method, analysis, synthesis, modeling, comparison, etc.). As a result, the author concludes that it is necessary to create comfortable organizational and legal conditions that allow, on the one hand, to ensure the further progressive introduction and development of artificial intelligence in the field of traffic and ensuring its safety, and on the other hand, to ensure the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of road users from possible threats to its use. The general conclusion of the author is the statement that the active development and introduction of artificial intelligence technologies in the field under consideration is the very tool that allows for the successful implementation of strategic objectives of socio-economic development of our country. The novelty of the research consists in a comprehensive analysis of theoretical legal and organizational aspects characterizing the use of artificial intelligence technologies in the field of road safety, identifying individual problems of legislative regulation and prospects for the implementation of strategic objectives of socio-economic development of our country in this area.
public relations, state, ensuring security, road safety, artificial intelligence technologies, artificial intelligence, road traffic, electronic vision, legislative regulation, legal relations
Трудовое право
Filyushchenko, L.I. (2022). Balance of interests of the parties to labor relations in the introduction of digital technologies . Legal Studies, 3, 42–51. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-7136.2022.3.37469
The subject of the study is labor relations undergoing significant changes due to the digitalization of the economy and public life. The object of the study is the norms of labor legislation regulating the use of digital technologies in the field of labor relations, as well as the emerging practice of their application. The norms are analyzed from the point of view of ensuring a balance of rights and interests of the parties to labor relations. Attention is paid to the new rules for the introduction of electronic document management, the transition to accounting of information about work in electronic form, the implementation of remote work. General and private scientific research methods (formal legal, interpretation, comparison, mental modeling) were used. The main conclusion is the revealed imbalance of individual norms regulating the digital space in the field of labor relations. In some cases, the balance is violated in favor of employers, and the rights of employees are infringed. It was found ineffective to transfer the issue of providing labor means or payment of compensation for the use of their equipment to the discretion of social partners. It is proposed to legislate the provision of equipment and other means of labor by the employer if the initiative in remote work comes from him, as well as to limit the possibility of remote monitoring (supervision) of employees in the performance of their work duties. The use of electronic signatures requires a uniform approach that excludes the multiplicity of electronic signatures.
psychosocial risks, encumbrance of employers, contractual regulation, interest, remote monitoring, electronic document management, personal life, violation of rights, balance, guarantees