Human and state
Shikhovtsova, A.O. (2021). Some aspects of the evolution of the legal regulation of the right of citizens (population) to participate in the administration of justice in Russia. Legal Studies, 3, 1–8.
The article considers the evolutionary transformation of securing the right of citizens to participate in the administration of justice. The author has carried out a detailed analysis of the origins of the birth of the right of citizens to participate in the administration of justice and formulated the main results of the development of the legislative consolidation of this right by referring to the analysis of legal acts of various historical stages and a comparative legal study of the experience of regulating this issue. In the course of the research, the author focuses on the evolution of the forms of citizens' participation in the administration of justice, the understanding of the citizen's competence in this area, the relationship with other political rights and freedoms of citizens. The author comes to the conclusion that the legislative consolidation of this right has a direct relationship with the social standards of a certain historical stage. The key aspects of the historical and legal development of the institution of citizens' participation in the activities of the courts can rightly be considered: - recognition of the fact of society's participation in the implementation of justice; - recognition of the institution of citizens' participation in the activities of the courts as a component of society; - registration of the institution of citizens' participation in the activities of the courts from the institution of society to a full-fledged component as part of state power;<- complication of the configuration of the circle of subjects of legal proceedings from the involvement of individuals as assessors directly in the court to the establishment of the right of these subjects to participate directly in the administration of justice. The author's approach to highlighting the forms of evolution of the legal regulation of the right of citizens to participate in the work of the judicial system seems to be original.
historical stage, legislation, courts, evolution, constitution, citizen, freedom, rights, justice, implementation of the right
Questions of current interest
Dudin, P.N. (2021). The mechanism for performing tax function of the state and its reflection in the legal norms of the People’s Republic of China and the Japanese satellites in the late 1920s – mid 1930s. Legal Studies, 3, 9–24.
The subject of this research is the social relations arising in the context of performing tax function in the People’s Republic of China in the late 1920s – mid 1930s and their impact upon similar relations formed in the Chinese territories controlled by Japan in the 1930s: Manchukuo and Mengjiang. The object of this research is the tax system of the People’s Republic of China during the so-called “Nanjing decade” (1927-1937), when the Kuomintang Party headed by Chiang Kai-shek in a short time establishes control over a great part of modern China and begins the centralized policy, including in the area of tax legislation. Special attention is given to the key normative legal acts and government branches, which on the national and provincial levels perform tax function of the state. The article is the sequence of research dedicated to tax system and tax law of East Asian countries. The provisions of tax legislation of both the People’s Republic of China and Manchukuo, are introduced into the scientific discourse of legal science for the first time. The scientific novelty also consists in the comparison of legal systems of China and the Japanese satellites with regards to tax legislation and regulation of tax relations. The author comes to the conclusion that with active implementation of the Japanese model, the regulatory framework of Manchukuo and Mengjiang retained the key features of the Chinese law; but unlike the Chinese model, it was more effective.
History of Chinese law, Tax policy, Tax legislation, Republic of China, The sign of the state, The tax function of the State, East Asia, Japanese satellites, Manchukuo, Mengjiang
Questions of current interest
Isaeva, K.V., Kuznetsov, A.A., Zalesny, Y., Goncharov, V.V. (2021). On some questions of the composition analysis of municipal property in the Russian Federation . Legal Studies, 3, 25–39.
This article is dedicated to the composition analysis of municipal property in the Russian Federation. Being the grassroots of the system of administrative-territorial division of the country, the municipalities in the Russian Federation have a considerable number of the objects of municipal property. Therefore, it requires effective administration and appropriation in full accordance with the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of the citizens residing on the territory of these municipalities. The article provides the original definition of municipal property, which implies property complex of the municipality, including items of property owned by municipalities. The authors explore the composition of municipal property in the Russian Federation analyzing the legal consolidation of the key types of its items, as well as the practice of exercising the right to municipal property by municipalities with regards to certain items of municipal property. The article formulates and substantiates the recommendations for improving the legislation of the Russian Federation that regulates the questions of municipal property. The authors believe that the implementation of such proposals would enable effective administration and appropriation of municipal property in the interests of citizens of the Russian Federation.
municipal unitary enterprises, movable property, real estate, Civil code, local taxes, legal analysis, Russian Federation, municipal property, municipal institutions, local budget
Questions of current interest
Lipinsky, D.A., Popov, I.E. (2021). On the concept and signs of procedural misconduct. Legal Studies, 3, 40–48.
The subject of this research is the conflictual social relations in the area of administration of justice, as well as the concept and signs of procedural misconduct. Analysis is conducted on the general signs of offense applicable to procedural misconduct. The author reveals the peculiarities of manifestation of signs of offense: wrongdoing, unlawfulness, fault, penalty. It is noted that public danger is characteristic to any offense, thus is attributed as a sign of procedural misconduct. The author underlines that there are no precise wording in the legislation, which does not allow carrying out accurate qualification of procedural offenses (for example, the term “contempt of court”). The conclusion is formulated that the procedural offense is a socially dangerous, faulty, and unlawful act, the commission of which implies procedural liability. It is substantiated that procedural misconduct has most universal (common to all types of offenses) signs. At the same time, the aforementioned signs are often difficult to determine, since the wording of the legislator is quite vague. The author recommends to include into the legislation the definition of procedural misconduct and its varieties, which would allow clearly differentiating the procedural misconduct from all other types of offences.
guilt, legal responsibility, social danger, types of offenses, procedural offender, offense, procedural offense, subject, object, subjective side
Practical law manual
Kocheva, D.V. (2021). On interaction between prosecutors and specialists in the exercise of powers to detect violations of laws outside the criminal law sphere. Legal Studies, 3, 49–57.
The subject of this research is the public relations established in exercising of such a power by the prosecutor on detection of violations of laws outside the criminal law sphere as the right to demand from the policy makers and other officials “supervised” to the prosecutor's office the allocation of specialists. Findings of the experts in the material form are in demand among the law enforcement officers in different spheres of social life, including due to their evidentiary potential. The relevance of this research is defined by the fact that the scholars and practicing legal experts have accumulated a range of questions to the legal status of a specialist in the Russian legislation, which also pertains to the prosecutor's activity. The novelty consists in the author’s substantiation of the need to improve legal regulation of the corresponding legal relations based on comparison of the norms that regulate the mechanism of cooperation between specialists and prosecutors in supervision by the latter of compliance with laws, rights and freedoms of human and citizens, analysis of theoretical groundwork on the topic, and personal practical experience in the prosecutor's office. The article reveals the gaps in the existing legal regulation. This work may be valuable for the practitioners of the prosecutor's office, as well as bodies “supervised” to the prosecutor's office, scholars in the area of prosecutor's activity, legal experts, students, and postgraduates.
specialists, the supervisory powers of the prosecutor, the powers of the prosecutor, general supervision, bodies supervised by the prosecutor's office, the prosecutor, the prosecutor's office, bodies of the prosecutor's office, selection of specialists, identification of offenses by the prosecutor
Law and order
Titov, S.N. (2021). On implementation of the Institution of criminal misconduct and the prospects for its extension to offences against intellectual property . Legal Studies, 3, 58–64.
This article analyzes the draft law on implementation of the institution of criminal misconduct into the criminal legislation that was submitted to the State Duma upon the initiative of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. The author traces the history of the problem, difference between the new and the previous draft law, which has received a negative response from the Government of the Russian Federation, and thus has not been implemented. The newly introduced institution viewed from the perspective of cross-sectoral competition, systematicity of criminal legislation, terminological accuracy, adequacy of sanctions for different types of offenses, correlation between the institution of criminal misconduct and the institution of exemption from criminal liability. The author also raises the question on the impact of implementation of the new institution upon the workload of law enforcement and judicial branches. The following conclusions were made: the institution of criminal misconduct would extend the chain of concepts that cannot be clearly defined: crime – minor misconduct – criminal misconduct – administrative offence; such institution violates the system of sanctions for unlawful acts, as the sanctions for most criminal misconducts are milder than for administrative offenses. The authors of the draft law underline the effectiveness of the norms on minor misconduct, administrative prejudice, and exemption from criminal liability, without clarifying the goals that cannot be achieved by these existing instruments. Most likely, the new institution would require increasing the workload of judges. The draft law violates the systematicity in establishing liability for infringement of intellectual property rights. It is recommended to include in the draft Paragraph 4 of the Article 15.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation reference to the Part I and Part II of the Article 146, and Part I of Article the 147 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The conducted research allows concluding that the draft law does not have sufficient criminological and criminal-legal scientific substantiation.
intellectual property infringement, consistency of criminal law, bills, crown law, criminal law, intellectual property, criminal liability, criminal offense, exemption from liability, humanization of criminal law