Anthropology of law
Popova, I. (2021). The phenomenon of the legal archetype of equivalence and its reflection in the Russian folk tales . Legal Studies, 11, 1–14.
The object of this research is the ordinary legal consciousness in the Russian folk tales. The subject of this research is the phenomenon of legal archetype of equivalence in the Russian folk tales. The author analyzes the key approaches towards studying the legal archetype, and provides definition to this phenomenon. Analysis is conducted on the attributes and varieties of the legal archetype, legal aspects of social existence and ordinary legal consciousness reflected in the Russian folk tales. Special attention is given to the clear elements of manifestation of legal consciousness: knowledge, values, attitudes, and motives. The archetype of equivalence in the Russian folk tales is viewed through the prism of retribution, reward for service, help, and exchange. The conclusion is made on the existence of basic attributes of legal archetypes, such as generic nature, frequency, and universality. It is stated that the legal archetype of equivalence is reflected in the representations of personal or property retribution, reward for good conduct of actions, fair exchange of things, magic objects, and symbols. The article advances a thought that the legal archetype of equivalence is a universal archetype, which is reflected in not only the representations of justice, but also the norm and measure, wrongdoing, retribution, agreement, etc. This is why it has fundamental meaning for other legal archetypes.
legal consciousness, folk tales, early legal ideas, collective unconscious, equivalence, Jung, law archetype, everyday legal consciousness, repeatability of plots, law culture
Теория и философия права
Belikova, K.M. (2021). Theoretical issues of qualification of knowledge as scientific information and the criteria of its objectness for falling under legal regulation and grants for science in BRICS countries (case study in the military sphere) as one of the method of financing of scientific research. Legal Studies, 11, 15–29.
The subject of this research is the qualification of knowledge as scientific information and criteria for its objectness for falling under legal regulation, as well as certain aspects of grants for science in BRICS countries (case study in the military sphere) as one of the methods of financing scientific research. The relevance of this research lies in delimitation of scientific information from information that is not classified as such, which on the one hand would allow to more extensively implement the UNGA Declaration on the Scientific and Technological Progress in the Interests of Peace and for the Benefit of Mankind (1975), while on the other hand, provide representation on the approaches towards grants for military scientific research as one of the methods of financing scientific research in BRICS countries. The scientific novelty of the research is determined by the goal of research and the acquired results. It is established that first and foremost, the countries try delineate the public access to information that is at the disposal of the state in order to meet their utilitarian interests. At the same time, the article indicates unequal access to information and various approaches towards the definition and legal consolidation of the concept of “information”, which allows reflecting on interpretation of the concept of “scientific information”, as well as on the absence of legitimate definitions of the latter and its delimitation from other information in different countries having certain characteristic features. It is also demonstrated that BRICS countries have different sources of grant funding for scientific research (including military research), as well as national peculiarities that limit these sources for research aimed at ensuring national security.
knowledge, data, scientific researches, grant support, scientific information, information, BRICS countries, military research, codes of ethics, information society
Practical law manual
Kalinkina, V.V. (2021). Problems of the mechanism for challenging of transactions of the debtor in bankruptcy case . Legal Studies, 11, 30–45.
The subject of this research is a set of legal norms that regulate relations in the sphere of challenging of transactions of the debtor, as well as the law enforcement practice. The object of this research is the social relations that develop in the context of challenging of transactions of the debtor in bankruptcy case. The article discusses the problems faced by the arbitration and financial executives at the stage of claim preparation for challenging of transactions of the debtor, i.e. formation of evidence, as well as at the stage of execution of the corresponding court ruling. The purpose goal of this article lies in articulation of the problem, substantiation of the need for legislative regulation, and formulation of recommendation for the improvement of current legislation on the subject matter. The scientific novelty consists in addressed the issues that have not previously become the subject of separate research; as well as in the author’s conclusions and recommendations aimed at the improvement of the Federal Law No. 127-FZ of. October 26, 2002 “On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)” and other normative legal acts regulating this field. The acquired results can also be used in the Russian legal science for further elaboration on the issues related to the effectiveness of the mechanism for challenging of transactions of the debtor, and as well as improvement of the current legislation of the Russian Federation and law enforcement practice that regulate this field.
suspicious transaction, return of property, competitive weight, recognition of the transaction as invalid, challenging the debtor's transactions, isolated disputes, bankruptcy, debtor, lender, deal with preference
Transformation of legal systems
Vronskaya, M.V., Nikitenok, D.Y. (2021). Relevant questions of creating hereditary fund in the Russian legislation: current state and prospects for its improvement . Legal Studies, 11, 46–58.
The subject of this research is the novelty of civil legislation – hereditary fund, which is characterized by dual legal nature; on the one hand, as a subject of inheritance law, while as property asset managed. The object of this research is the totality of legal relations that emerge due to creation of hereditary funds, determination of their legal status, and implementation of their activity associated with ensuring the safeguard of assets and effective management of mass of inheritance for the purpose of realization and protection of the property interests of beneficiaries (heirs, creditors). The author examines the current mechanism for creating a nonprofit fund in accordance with the provisions of legislation and civilized doctrine, and notary practice, as well as outlines a range of problems that affect unlocking full potential of this institution (property, social, and economic). The scientific novelty is reflected in the author's recommendations for solution a number of legal issues is creation of the hereditary fund. The conclusion is made on the need for further legislative and technical improvement of the provisions of hereditary funds in the Russian Federation, reducing imperativeness and expansion of the allowable principles in their legal regulation, namely a testamentary prescription on the creation of hereditary fund may determine the purpose and lists of activity of the hereditary fund, the subject and property responsibility for the implementation of registration acts with regards to creation of hereditary fund, as well as possibility of granting the beneficiary of the fund the rights of the sole executive body. The mandatory nature of prescriptions to establish 6-month term for registration of hereditary fund; application of the Article 10 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation in the instance of abuse of the right to agree on candidates for the administration of hereditary fund; establishment of equality of rights to devised property of hereditary fund not only to beneficiaries, but also to forced heirs (creditors) in appropriate shares.
abuse of law, liability, beneficiaries, creation of an inheritance fund, corporate law, notary, hereditary fund, permissive basis, prospects for improvement, urgent problems
Nagornov, K.I. (2021). Court’s modification of category of gravity of the committed offence and implementation of compulsory measures set by the Article 92 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation: problems of theory, legislative regulation, and law enforcement . Legal Studies, 11, 59–84.
Leaning on the analysis of the provisions of current legislation, clarification of the supreme judicial authority, scientific doctrine, case law materials and statistics, this article explores the implementation of compulsory measures set by the Article 92 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, after court’s modification of the category of gravity of the committed offence in accordance with the Part 6 of the Article 15 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The goal of this research lies in assessment from the perspective of the theory of criminal law of such specific procedure for implementation of disciplinary compulsory measures and herding to closed-type special institution, as well as identification of possible flaws and contradictions that may cause problems and ambiguous decisions in law enforcement practice. Attention is given to the existing contradictions between the provisions of criminal law and criminal procedure law, explanations of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, as well as legislative gaps and problems emerging in law enforcement practice in the context of provision set by the Article 92 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation in accordance with the Part 6 of Article 15 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Taking into account the sequence, grounds and conditions established by the legislator in the Part 6 of the Article 15 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for the use of the latter, the conclusion is made on impossibility to apply compulsory educational measures in line with this norm. The article also substantiates the position infeasibility of preliminary imposition of penalty (de lege ferenda) on release of such with implementation of compulsory measures set by Part 1 and 2 of the Article 92 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The author also offers to supplement and rectify certain provisions of the resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation No. 10 of May 15, 2018.
dynamics of juvenile delinquency, judicial practice and statistics, exemption from criminal punishment, exemption from criminal liability, changing the category of a crime, special educational institution of a closed type, compulsory measures of educational influence, minors, problems, contradictions
Fedyunin, A. (2021). Establishment and development of legal regulation of the court's activity in transfer of foreign citizens sentenced by Russian courts to serve their sentence in the country of citizenship. Legal Studies, 11, 85–93.
This article analyzes the establishment of legal regulation of the court's activity in the consideration and resolution of the question of transferring foreign citizens sentenced by the court of the Russian Federation to serve their sentence in country of citizenship. The author offers periodization of the chronology of its evolution, and draws attention to the gaps and inaccuracies in the current legislation and the need for amending normative legal framework, which is testified by the legal acts adopted by the state authorities of the Russian Federation, including those aimed at regulation of international legal relations in this sphere, as well as the works of the scholars-processualists. The conclusion is made that the corresponding court's activity acquires a special role. Compared to the Soviet period, national and international norms that regulate the court’s activity in this area have experiences significant changes, as the number of convicts transferred to their country of citizenship has increased considerably, the contractual practice of the Russian Federation has expanded, which is substantiated by the globalization processes and the need for the development and strengthening of international cooperation of the Russian Federation with foreign countries in the sphere of transferring foreign citizens. Examination of the chronology of changes experienced by the normative legal framework of the court’s activity in the course of its establishment and development, allows choosing the right direction for further improvements.
international cooperation, transfer institution, foreign citizens, state of citizenship, imprisonment, serving sentences, transfer of convicts, history of transfer, judicial activity, execution of the sentence
Law and order
Akunchenko , E.A. (2021). Main theoretical approaches towards comprehension of the essence of abuse of administrative resources in the electoral process . Legal Studies, 11, 94–107.
The object of this research is the abuse of administrative resource as one of the manifestations of corruption crime in the electoral process. Being a multidimensional negative phenomenon, the abuse of administrative resource does not have legal or generally accepted doctrinal definition, which impedes the development of the effective system of legal restrictions aimed at protection of electoral relations from such type of corruption. The subject of this research is the scientific works of the experts in sociology, political science, economics, and law that disclose the essential characteristics of the phenomenon in question. The goal lies in the formation of holistic representation on the abuse of administrative resource in the electoral process. The author examines and summarizes the approaches towards the concept of administrative resource proposed in different social sciences; determines the key legal elements of abuse of administrative resources in the electoral process, which reveal its corruption essence; formulates definition of this negative phenomenon. Scientific novelty lies in distinguishing the three independent approaches towards comprehension of administrative resource in the electoral process: socio-political, political-economic, and formal-legal. The absence of apparent contradictions, as well as complementarity of these approaches, allows forming holistic perspective on the administrative resource. Focusing attention on the formal-legal approach, the author concludes that the leading features of abuse of administrative resource in the electoral process in the special subject composition, method of wrongdoing, as well as corruption goal pursued by the actor of electoral process. The original definition of abuse of administrative resource in the electoral process is offered.
election technologies, candidates, public officials, election process, elections, administrative resources, abuse of functions, corruption, corrupt prevention, undue influence
Monograph peer reviews
Isaev, V.I. (2021). Towards the optimal structure of judicial system: peer review of the book “The Dynamics of Judicial Transformations in Russia in the late XIX – early XXI centuries (historical and legal research)” by V. M. Bolshakova . Legal Studies, 11, 108–116.
The subject of this research is the peer review of the monograph by Valentina Mikhailovna Bolshakova on the topic “Dynamics of Judicial Reforms in Russia in the late XIX – early XXI centuries (historical and legal research)” published in 2021. The author underlines the timeliness, relevance, structure and main findings of the monograph, and indicates that this work is an important stage in the development of theoretical-methodological grounds for the improvement of modern judicial system in the Russian Federation. The conducted analysis allows assessing the monograph by V. M. Bolshakova as a fundamental study of the domestic judicial system for over a century-long period. The book introduces a new scientific direction in the history of state and law – tracing the dynamics of transformations of government bodies in a particular country for an extensive historical period. This direction suggest comprehensive analysis of not only the overall dynamics of judicial transformations, but also their causes, problems of implementation, results, as well as examination of judicial legislation, principles of organization of the judicial system, its elements, evolution of separate institutions, and periodization. For the first time in scientific literature, in the context of tracing the dynamics of the Russian judicial transformations, analysis of is conducted on the international court of justice, jury trials, bailiffs, and appeals using the methodology of chrono-discrete mono-geographic comparative jurisprudence.
non-classical chrono-discrete institute, classical chrono-discrete institute, judicial branch, judicial system, the judicial system, judicial reforms, judicial transformations, magistrates' courts, courts of general jurisdiction, bailiffs