State institutions and legal systems
Belikova, K.M. (2019). Scientific Information in the Sphere of Intellectual Rights Protection in India: Legal Regulation (BRICS' Point of View) . Legal Studies, 4, 1–19.
The article is devoted to legal regulation of scientific information in India as one of the BRICS countries from the point of view of intellectual rights protection. Belikova analyzes a number of associated laws ('On Authorship Right' of 1957 (rev. 2001) and 'Right to Information' of 2005), strategic acts and documents (for example, 'Technological and Innovation Policy' of 2013 and others). Based on the results of her analysis, the author describes the main point of one of the key precedents of patent information development in India and outlines the institutional structure aimed at the development of science, accumulation, distribution and protection of scientific information and development of innovations. The researcher also describes the functional of a number of elements of the aforesaid structure. She describes Indian achievements and findinds in science and technology and analyzes their future prospects. Belikova has applied such research emthods as general dialectical analysis, historical and comparative law analysis. The author bases her research on the idea of subjective-objective predetermination of processes and phenomena. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author carries out an integral analysis of the legal provisions about intellectual property and information laws issued by Indian government to regulate issues that may arise in the production, distribution and implementation of scientific information and innovations. At the end of the article the researcher concludes that India has a well-developed infrastructure for scientific and technical research and Indian government is concerned with legally fixing R&D goals in legal acts of general nature as well as tries to reduce the state financing of R&D and the share of the government's participation in them amid current problems in this sphere (with the recruitment rate, etc.)
R&D, source of information, development strategies, innovations, technologies, protection, intellectual rights, scientific information, India, BRICS
Popova, E.I., Asalkhanov, T.Y., Krasnopeev, I.S. (2019). Legal Education of Citizens During the Preliminary Investigation Regarding Application of Special Judicial Procedure. Legal Studies, 4, 20–26.
The scope of the research covers explanations of legal provisions regulating special judicial procedures to unprofessional participants of the criminal process. The aim of the research is to develop recommendations that would minimize violations of rights and interests of aforesaid actors in cases when prosecution and defence reach a compromise based on the provisions of Chapters 32.1, 40, 40.1 of the Russian Federation Code of Criminal Procedure. To achieve the research targets, the authors have used general and special research methods including synthesis, analysis, forecasting, comparison, etc. Based on the analysis of scientific discussion and judicial practice, the authors have described typical situations when individuals under prosecution did not fully understand the meaning of special judicial procedure and how to use it in practice. To solve and prevent similar problems, the authors offer to use opportunities provided by legal education. They also make particular recommendations on how to create and implement recommendations for accused, victims, etc. They conclude that legal education is the key factor of actual defence of rights and interests of unprofessional participants of the criminal process.
explanation of rights, suspect, accused, victim, investigator, compromise, legal education, special procedure, memo, investigation
Law and order
Derevyagina, O.E. (2019). Concerning What Causes Criminalization of Competition Restriction (Part 1 of Article 178 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). Legal Studies, 4, 27–43.
The article is devoted to the process of criminalization of agreements that restrict competition (cartel agreements). According to a number of experts in criminal law as well as representatives of business communities, criminalization of anti-competitive agreements is either insufficiently substantiated or not substantiated. This is why substantiation of criminalization of cartel agreements is a nettlesome issue. The object of the research is the social relations in the sphere of criminal policy regarding criminalization of deeds constituting a crime as set forth by the provisions of Article 178 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federatio. The subject of the research is the applicable criminal law provisions that set forth responsibility for cartel agreements. The author of the article analyzes the system of bases for criminalization of cartel agreements. She focuses on the social threat caused by the crime of this kind and makes a conclusion that the penal prohibition is absolutely reasonable. The methodological basis of the research includes such research methods as systems approach, historical law analysis, dialectical, formal law, formal logical and complex analysis. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author carries out a complex analysis of criminalization of the aforesaid crime in current laws and this is the first article of the kind in the academic literature. One of the author's conclusions is that criminalization of cartel agreements is reasonable at this point of social development taking into account the threat for the society and impossibility of fight against restriction of competition and opportunities of criminal justice and historical legal traditions.
social danger, antimonopoly legislation, criminalization, conspiracy, restriction of competition, cartel agreement, criminal law prohibition, criminal law, competition, monopolistic actions
Law and order
Fis'kov, I.A. (2019). Definition and Structure of Crimes Associated with Illegal Use of Forests. Legal Studies, 4, 44–51.
The object of the research is the social relations arising in the process of ensurance of environmental safety in the Russian Federation and rational use of forests. The subject of the research is the criminal law provisions set forth by Articles 191.1, 226.1 and 260 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The aim of the research is to create a structure of crimes associated with illegal use of forests. The author of the article suggests that these provisions were included in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation in order to ensure the rational use of forests and environmental safety of the Russian Federation. However, the legislator does not view them as an integral structure and these provisions are mentioned by different articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. This creates the need to carry out a more detailed analysis of these provisions and discover relations between them. The research is based on general research methods (analysis, synthesis, generalisation, analogy and logical analysis) and special research methods (technical law, structured functional analysis, formal law analysis). The results of analyzing legal provisions of Articles 191.1, 226.1 and 260 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation prove that they have general goals and relate to one another. Based on the results of the analysis, the author gives his own definition of crime associated with illegal use of forests. He suggests that this definitino should be included in Chapter IX 'Crimes Against Social Security and Social Order' and Chapter 26 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation 'Environmental Crimes'.
environmental damage, use of forests, environmental crime, environmental safety, smuggling of timber, illegally harvested wood, illegal logging, wood purchase, timber sales, crime object
Law and order
Lutsenko, N.S. (2019). Criminal Institution of Judicial Fine in a Number of Foreign States. Legal Studies, 4, 52–60.
The article is devoted to comparison of legislations in a number of foreign states (Republic of Belarus, Republic of Moldova, Republic of Kazakhstan, Republic of Lithuania, Kyrgys Republic, etc.) in order to discover institutions that would be similar to the institution of judicial fine. The object of the research is the social relations arising as a result of relief from criminal responsibility (decision not to prosecute) accompanied with infliction of compulsory payment to the government's budget on a liable person. The subject of this research is the criminal and procedural laws of foreign states. The aim of the research is to discover legal instituations similar to the institution of judicial fine used by foreign states and to carry out their comparative analysis as well as to describe areas to be improved. The methodological basis of the research includes general and special research methods such as analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalisation, comparative law, formal law analysis and systems approach. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the researcher discovers laws similar to those that were issued in the Russian Federation in 2016 about the institution of judicial fine as well as proposes areas of improvement of these laws. As a result the research, the author finds similar institutions in a number of foreign states. In order to improve associated legal provisions, the author suggests to eliminate certain gaps in the law regulating judicial fine taking into account the experience of the foreign states.
elimination, victim fund, compulsory payment, an offense, eadministrative liability, criminal law measure, transaction, criminal liability, judicial fine, termination of the criminal case
Финансовое и налоговое право
Sundetova, A.N. (2019). Topical Issues of Regulation of the Initial Coin Offering (ICO) in the European Union and Russian Federation. Legal Studies, 4, 61–67.
The subject of the research is the approaches to legal regulation of initial coin offering (ICO) in the European Union (EU) and Russian Federation. In her article Sundetova carries out their legal analysis and focuses on the degree of applicability of securities regulations to ICO, in particular, whether emitters must publish and register issue prospectus. The researcher focuses on regulation of investment activity using digital technologies in the EU and Russian Federation. The methodological basis of the research includes general research methods such as analysis, synthesis, logical and structured functional analysis as well as special research methods such as formal law, legal modelling and comparative law analysis. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author analyzes such specific form of investment activity as ICO in terms of legal regulation of securities market in the EU and Russian Federation. As a result of the research, the author concludes that today's legal regulation of investment activity associated with the use of digital techhnologies has certain gaps and does not fully defend the rights or interests of investors or entrepreneurs who want to attract funds into their projects via Internet platforms.
companies, investment activities, Securities Market, cryptocurrency, ICO, FinTech, European Union, token, foreign investments, investor
History of state and law
Seregin, K.V. (2019). Comparison of the Protection of Property Provisions in the Civil Laws of the Russian Empire and Grand Duchy of Finland. Legal Studies, 4, 68–75.
The object of the research is the relations arising in the process of protection of property rights in the Grand Duchy of Finland and Russian Empire. The subject of the research is the civil laws effective in the Grand Duchy of Finland and Russian Empire since 1809 till 1917, in particular, provisions that regulated the protection of property rights in the territories of the Grand Duchy of Finland and Russian Empire. The author of the article focuses on particular methods and peculiarities of protection of property rights in the civil law of the Grand Duchy of Finland. In the course of the research Seregin has used the following methods: analysis, synthesis, extrapolation, systems approach, hermeneutical, comparative historical methods. The main conclusions of the research are the following: 1. The civil law of the Grand Duchy of Finland had a singular form of protection of property rights, self-help. 2. The civil law of the Grand Duchy of Finland used retention of item as the means of protection of property rights, however, the method was applied mostly to protection of a particular object. 3. In the Grand Duchy of Finland, vindication protection had one peculiarity: sometimes there was a need to prove the property right. 4. Both the Russian Empire and Grand Duchy laws had provisions about responsibility of a 'possessor mala fide'. However, in the Russian Empire possession male fide did not refer to violation of a legal procedure. 5. The civil law of the Grand Duchy of Finland set forth restrictions of vindication borders as particular actions precedent to vindication itself. The civil law of the Russian Empire restricted vindication through judicial practice.
Grand Duchy of Finland, body of law, suit, protection of property, legal history, claims history, Russian empire, replevin, retention, self-help
Monograph peer reviews
Savchenko, M.S. (2019). Review of the Monograph 'Goncharov V. V. Constitutional and Legal Bases of Social Control in the Russian Federation' Published in Moscow in 2019. Legal Studies, 4, 76–82.
This article contains a review of the monograph 'Goncharov V. V. Constitutional and Legal Bases of Social Control in the Russian Federation' published in Moscow in 2019. The monograph is written by PhD in Law, Vitaly Goncharov, in 2019. His research covers important issues. According to Savchenko, this is the first Russian research to analyze the aforesaid institution of civil society in Russia from the point of view of its basic guarantee of enforcing constitutional principles and participation of the Russian Federation citizens in state activitity as well as execution and protection of rights, freedoms and legal interests of both Russian citizens and Russian associations. In this research Savchenko has applied such research methods as systems approach, dialectical approach, formal law, historical law, structured system analysis, structural-functional analysis, statistical, sociological, comprative law, formal law methods, description and analysis of particular legal cases, expert methods (expert reviews and policy briefs). The reviewer believes that Goncharov's monograph fully satisfies the requirements of applicable Russian Federation laws for this kind of research and thus is of great interest both for theorists and practical experts of law. The monograph can be used in teaching process (in particular, Master and Bachelor studies of law).
provision, municipal, regional, civil society, federal, power, Russian Federation, constitutional and legal, democracy, public control