Law and order
Shamsutdinov, M.M. (2018). Suspension of the Highest Official of a Russian Federation Constituent (Head of a Supreme Government Authority of a Russian Federation Constituent). Legal Studies, 6, 1–7.
The article is devoted to particular features of the legal regulation and practical implementation of such a specific measure of criminal procedure compulsion as suspension of the highest official of a Russian Federation constituent. The object of this research is the criminal procedure relations that relate to implementation of a special measure of procedure compulsion, i.e. suspension of the highest official. The subject of the research is the criminal procedure laws that regulate the decision making process regarding suspension of the highest official of a Russian Federation constituent (head of a supreme government authority of a Russian Federation constituent), constitutional regulations that set forth the procedure of suspension of the highest authority of a Russian Federation constituent (head of a supreme government authority of a Russian Federation constituent) as a result of the loss of trust in him or her as well as individual researches on the matter. In the course of the research the author has used general and special research methods including dialectical method, analysis, synthesis, structured system approach, formal law method and modelling method. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author analyzes a topical issue of applying suspension as a measure of compulsion in relation to the highest official of a Russian Federation constituent (head of a supreme government authority of a Russian Federation constituent). As a result of the research, the author describes certain drawbacks in the legal regulation of the aforesaid measure of criminal procedure compulsion as well as offers alternative solutions.
the Investigative Committee of Russia, attorney, suspension, governor, loss of trust, corruption, measures of procedural compulsion, preliminary investigation, criminal procedural compulsion, criminal case
Questions of current interest
Savoskin, A.V., Romanov, A.N. (2018). Recognition of Juridical Persons by Subjects of the Constitutional Right to Appeal. Legal Studies, 6, 8–13.
The authors of the article analyze the amendments to the Federal Law "On the order of consideration of citizens of the Russian Federation" that sets forth the rules for legal entities referring to the bodies of state power and local self-government. The role of the Constitutional Court in giving organizations the constitutional right to an appeal is discussed. The reasons for the establishment of the existing two-part complex regulatory structure "treatment of citizens' associations, including legal persons", as well as studied the problems of its use are covered. The authors also analyzed foreign legislation on the organization of appeals. The research is based on the dialectical method as the general research method and special methods such as system-structural, formal and legal, logical and comparative law analysis. The results of the research demonstrate that amendments to the Federal Law "On the order of consideration of applications of citizens of the Russian Federation" were of the forced nature and were carried out without proper scientific justification. That resulted in unrevealed concept and features of the organization as a subject of the constitutional right to an appeal. The authors of the article propose to develop a clear definition of treatment will of the organization as an association of citizens or legal persons set out in writing or formulated on a personal reception of the person authorized to represent the organization.
proposal, statement, organization, association of citizens, entity, right to appeal, applicant, appeal, complaint, law of appeals
Questions of current interest
Rundkvist, A.N. (2018). Fairness as a Mandatory Requirement for Judicial Decision. Legal Studies, 6, 14–23.
The subject of the research is the Russian procedural law and judicial practice of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation regarding general requirements set forth for judicial decisions. The researcher pays attention to the evaluation of such decisios from the point of view of the general legal principle of justice. The aim of the research is to describe essential features and give a definition of the fair judicial decision. In addition, the author touches upon the problem of differentiation between private, social, public and state interests that are important for keeping the legal balance through distribution of mutual rights and responsibilities when making a fair administered justice. The author has applied the general research methods as dialectical analysis, and a number of private research methods such as analysis, induction, deduction and formal law method. The results of the research demonstrate the relationship between judicial decision that fulfils the requirements of fairness and such terms as adequacy, proportionality, legal balance, etc. The scope of the research results covers the law enforcement practice as well as procedural branches of the Russian law, in particular, the author emphasizes the need to enfroce requirements for the fairness of a judicial decision in particular articles of the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation and Administrative Procedure Code. The author of the article also gives recommendations to coordinate requirements for legality and fairness in the course of justice and offers an integrative approach to interpreting the principle of fairness taking into account the role of justice in the entire system of legal principles and legal axiomes.
interests of society, public interests, private interests, principle of legality, fair judicial decision, principle of justice, judicial decision, justice, state interests, legal balance
Questions of current interest
Kubatko, S., Mordovin, P., Kushkhova, B. (2018). Analysis of Current Issues of the Institution of Bankruptcy of Physical Entities in the Russian Federation. Legal Studies, 6, 24–29.
The article is devoted to the research and analysis of the legislation and law enforcement practice of the institution of bankruptcy of physical entities in the Russian Federation. The subject of the research is the provisions of the Federal Law on Insolvency (Bankruptcy) regulating the aforesaid procedure in relation to physical entities. Within the framework of the research, the author defines and analyzes some problems that relate to the bankruptcy procedure of physical entities. At the present time there are both standard problems and problems arising as a result of implementation of these laws and regulations. The methods used by the authors include general research methods such as analysis, synthesis, generalisation, deduction, comparison, analogy and special research methods (comprative law and structured systems analysis). Within the framework of this research, the authors analyze five problems and in conclusion the authors offer solutions for each of them. At the end of the article the author emphasizes the need to make amendments to the current legislation about bankruptcy of physical entities. These changes are aimed, first of all, at increasing availability of the aforesaid procedure for low-income citizens who lead a marginal existence and are, in fact, bankrupts.
civil procedural law, civil law, arbitration process, arbitration procedural law, bankruptcy of individual, individual, insolvency, bankruptcy, civil process, legislation
Human and state
Grishin, P.A. (2018). Self-Defense and Self-Protection of Civil Rights and Legitimate (Legally Protected) Interests: the Distinction of Enforcement Institutions of the Domestic Law. Legal Studies, 6, 30–37.
The subject of the article is the illegitimate concept of “legitimate (legally protected) interests” that is described in the “defense of rights” point of view, moreover the terms "defense" and “protection” are semantically analyzed and compared. Else in this article the powers included into the legal institution of "self-defense of civil rights" are considered, besides, using the doctrinally developed positions on this legal institution “in its broad sense”, the concept of "protection of civil rights and legitimate (legally protected) interests" is offered. The main research methods used in this article are: analysis, extrapolation, identification, abstraction, method of expert evaluation, systematization, modeling and comparison. The main conclusions are: "legitimate (legally protected) interests" are also subjects of defense on an equal basis with rights, "defense" is a legal institution of a suppressitive and restorative nature, while protection that requires separate legislative support is aimed to preventing of violations and contestations, the legal introduction of the term "self-protection" based on the understanding of the concept of "preventive self-defense" is offered.
suppression of violation, prevention, civil law, self-protection, self-defense, legally protected interest, protection of rights, defense of rights, legitimate interest, protective measures
Human and state
Vayshnarovich, G.V. (2018). Comparative Analysis of the Legal Regulation of Elections to the Legislative (Representative) State Bodies of the Russian Federation Constituents and Republics of the Russian Federation in the Second Half of 1994. Legal Studies, 6, 38–61.
The subject of the research is the legal standards contained in legal acts of the Russian Federation and a number of the Russian Federation constituents) that regulate the process of election for legislative (representative) authorities of the Russian Federation in the second half of 1994. The aim of the article is to define distinguished and general features of the legal regulation of election for legislative (representative) authorities (based on the analysis of the Bashkortostan, Dagestan and Tatarstan) in the second half of 1994, to compare laws of particular constituents of the Russian Federation that regulate associated relations in the aforesaid period and analyze the cause of differences in legal standards of the Russian Federation and the Russian Federation constituents. In the course of writing the article the author has applied dialectical, logical, historical and special law methods (formal law, comparative law). He defines factors that influence the legal regulation of the Russian Federation and Russian Federation republic elections for legislative (representative) state bodies of the Russian Federation constituents in the second half of 1994, differences between the statutory provisions of the Russian Federation republics and decrees of the President of the Russian Federation regulating elections for the Russian Federation authorities as well as limitations of the electoral rights that are not set forth at the federal level, grounds for such limitations, positions of the constitutional control authorities, etc.
group of voters, regional electoral association, nomination of a candidate, electoral system, deputy, subject of the Russian Federation, elections, legislative body, regional legislation, electoral legislation
Ivanova, I.A. (2018). Choosing Administrative Legal Proceedings for the Protection of Rights: Judicial Practice. Legal Studies, 6, 62–66.
The subject of the research is the nettlesome issues and questions that relate to a particular legal proceeding based on the selected means of protection of applicant's rights. Ivanova analyzes the provisions of the Administrative Procedure Code of the Russian Federation on the rejection of an administrative application as a result of the wrong selection of the legal proceeding kind. She also outlines the debatable issues in the current judicial practice and defines the matter of debate between parties. The subject of the research is the forthcoming changes in the legislation. The methodological basis of the research includes basic procedures including analysis and synthesis, analogies, logical, comparative law analysis, etc. Based on the analysis of judicial cases te author comes to the following conclusions: 1. The definition given in Subclase 1 of Clause 1 of Article 128 of the Administrative Procedure Code of the Russian Federation needs to be changed, in particular, to be narrowed, as the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation suggests in its draft law; 2. Despite the fact that the Administrative Procedure Code of the Russian Federation came into effect on September 15, 2015, applicants and sometimes courts still face confusion in administrative legal proceedings when they try to define whether this or that claim should be submitted as administrative offence; 3. Taking into account all the mentioned above, there is a certain abuse of the law from the side of administrative applicants which is demonstrated by the second example.
position, jurisdiction, administrative relations, code of administrative proceedings, defendant, administrative applicant, administrative proceedings, administrative statement of claim, judicial practice, judicial protection
Law and order
Mordovina, A., Mordovin, P. (2018). The Mediator Figure in Bribery at the Complicity Institution. Legal Studies, 6, 67–71.
The subject of the research is the provisions of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation that regulate participation in crime commitment (Article 33 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) and sets forth responsibility for complicity in bribery (Article 291.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). Based on the example of bribery, the authors of the article analyze complicity features typical for a mediator. Moreover, they analyze the entire construct of complicity in bribery giving/taking, with the participation of a mediator. They prove that in bribery mediator is more likely to be a complicit in the crime commitment than an independent actor. In the course of their research the authors have used general research methods (analysis and synthesis, generalisation, deduction, comparison, analogy) and special research methods such as comparative law and structured systems analysis. The results of the research demonstrate that introduction of a new concept 'mediation in bribery' is a rather debatable issue because it defines participation in crime as an individual crime. This creates the legal redundancy that should not be common to criminal law. In this regard, the authors suggest to decriminilize the action described in Article 291.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and extend the definition of the complicit in order to include mediator features into the definition.
accomplice, decriminalization, criminalization, corruption, complicity, criminal law, mediator, mediation in bribery, bribery, counteraction to crime