Договор и обязательства
Vagonova, A.S. (2016). Modern models of consumer lending legal regulation. Legal Studies, 7, 1–6. https://doi.org/10.7256/2409-7136.2016.7.19526
The author examines three dominant models of consumer lending legal regulation: paternalism, neoliberalism and consumerism. The article analyzes their main provisions and identifies their features based on the of comparison of the instruments of legal regulation of contractual relations, the availability of means of protection of the rights of a consumer-borrower, the observance of the principle of freedom of contract, the operational impact measures and the liability for the violation of rights of a consumer-borrower. The study is based on the comparative-legal and historical methods, which help identify the differences between the models. The author outlines the peculiarities of paternalism, neoliberalism and consumerism related to the interrelations between the parts of consumer lending agreements, which are reflected in the legislative consolidation of special provisions aimed at the protection of rights of borrowers.The author concludes about the compliance of the Russian legislation on consumer credit (loan) with the paternalistic model of legal regulation.
access to credit, effective interest rate, models of legal regulation, consumerism, neoliberalism, paternalism, consumer credit, contractual freedom restriction, borrower's awareness, borrowers' rights protection
Law and order
Ivanova, L.V. (2016). The subject of illegal psychiatric committal: disputable issues. Legal Studies, 7, 7–13. https://doi.org/10.7256/2409-7136.2016.7.19595
The article studies the provisions of the criminal law theory about illegal psychiatric committal, the provisions of criminal legislation imposing liability for it, and the particular provisions of the law regulating the reasons and the procedure of psychiatric treatment in the Russian Federation. Special attention is paid to establishing the persons, participating in the process of hospitalization of a person and criminally liable according to the article 128 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The study is based on the system approach; the author applies the logical, normative-dogmatic and comparative-legal methods of cognition. Using the analysis of various scholars’ views on the nature of the subject of the crime under consideration and the system interpretation of the provisions of specific legislation in the sphere of psychiatric treatment, the author substantiates the conclusion about the special subject of the crime stipulated by the part 1 of the article 128 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Therefore, it is unnecessary to mention malfeasance in the part 2 of the mentioned article. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the proposed variant of qualification of actions of the persons, who are not special subjects according to the article 128 of the Criminal Code, but participate in illegal psychiatric committal, for example, the representative of the tutorship and guardianship authority, who doesn’t decide on hospitalization. These persons should be liable as accessories depending on their role in the crime. In the case when a parent or a legal representative asks for illegal psychiatric committal of a person, but the psychiatrist doesn’t decide on hospitalization, the actions of these persons won’t be criminally liable in the case of the absence of the elements of another crime. The conclusions and proposals of the study are interesting for theorists and practitioners.
psychiatric hospital, malfeasance, psychiatrist's criminal liability, psychiatric hospital, qualification , crimes against freedom, consciously illegal sentence, criminal complicity, subject of a crime, illegal psychiatric committal
Law and order
Mamochka, E.A. (2016). On the issue of the analysis of the subject of the crime consisting in unlawful use of insider information. Legal Studies, 7, 14–20. https://doi.org/10.7256/2409-7136.2016.7.19524
The paper considers the problem aspects of identifying the subject of the crime consisting in unlawful use of insider information. Article 4 of the Federal law of 27 July 2010 No 224 “On the prevention of unlawful use of insider information and market manipulation and on amending particular statutory instruments of the Russian Federation” contains the exhaustive list of persons, who can be insiders. In order to propose the solution of this problem, the author compares the legislation on insider activities in the Russian Federation and in the USA. The research methodology is based on the comparative-legal method, analogy, and the system method. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the conclusion that the identification of the groups of insiders, including external and internal insiders, in the Russian legislation, which are not restricted to the exhaustive list, can be useful for the further effective law enforcement. The group of external insiders includes the persons who get access to insider information due to lawful actions based on labour or civil contracts; in this case, such actions should relate to the activities of the financial, currency or goods market. The group of internal insiders includes the persons who get access to insider information due to lawful actions inside the company working within the financial, currency or goods market.
crimes of stock market, group of insiders, list of insiders, use of insider information, insider activity, insider information, insider, subject of a crime, stock market, organized market
History of state and law
Zolotova, O.I. (2016). Facilitated civil legal proceedings in Russia in the late 19th century. Legal Studies, 7, 21–28. https://doi.org/10.7256/2409-7136.2016.7.18334
The research object includes social relations emerging in the process of application of facilitated civil legal proceedings in Russia in the late 19th century. The author considers the process of civil legal proceedings optimization, which had been carried out during the mentioned period, and reveals the shortcomings of the reform. The research subject is legal regulation of the facilitated procedure of civil cases consideration in Russia in the late 19th century. Special attention is paid to the judicial practice of application of this procedure, the information about which is contained in the archive materials. The research methodology is based on the system, historical and legal, dialectical, formal-logical methods and the complex approach. The author comes to the following conclusions. Firstly, the attempt to introduce facilitated legal proceedings in Russia in the late 19th century was unsuccessful. Secondly, the legislator had made two key mistakes when establishing the new procedure: the attempt to preserve the general principles of civil proceedings typical for the general order, and to entrust a claimant with the application of facilitated proceedings allowing him a free hand in deciding on the procedure of consideration of the case. Thirdly, the author offers two ways to solve the problem of establishing an effective mechanism of civil legal proceedings optimization: firstly, to establish an imperative list of cases, subject to a facilitated procedure; secondly, to provide for an instrument of economic incentive of facilitated civil proceeding application via establishing a complex system of court costs distribution.
history of judicial reform, judicial reform, justice, problems of optimization, facilitated proceedings , civil legal proceedings , civil legal proceedings reform, The Statute of civil procedure, courts, efficiency
History of state and law
Lysenkov, S. (2016). Provisions and principles of the Soviet criminal law of the period of New Economic Policy and laying the groundwork of socialism in the USSR. Legal Studies, 7, 29–36. https://doi.org/10.7256/2409-7136.2016.7.19507
The research subject is the process of development of the provisions and principles of the Soviet criminal law in the first criminal codes of the Russian Federation and their transformation during the period of laying the groundwork of socialism and establishing the authoritarian Stalin regime in the USSR. The main attention is paid to the content of the articles of the criminal law on responsibility for the crimes against the state, public management and military service, many of which demonstrated the punitive and deterrent function of criminal law and didn’t correspond with the general principles of socialist legality, justice and humanism. The research methodology is based on the traditional approaches and methods of dialectical materialism allowing studying all the processes and phenomena in their development, interrelation and interdependence. The author concludes that, despite the fact that none of the Soviet criminal code had contained the notion “principle”, this term was often used in scientific and special literature; in the beginning of its development, the Soviet criminal law admitted law enforcement based on the revolutionary legal consciousness of judges and analogy of the law; the punitive and preventive function of the criminal law transformed into the punitive and deterrent one during the period of establishment of the authoritarian regime.
state crimes, public enemy, punitive and deterrent function, authoritarian regime, criminal liability, justice, legality, principles and provisions, criminal code, criminal law
Practical law manual
Karpova, E.V. (2016). Burning problems of a work and labour contract and a paid services agreement in car service. Legal Studies, 7, 37–45. https://doi.org/10.7256/2409-7136.2016.7.18250
The research subject contains the burning problems of legal regulation of legal relationship resulting from a work and labour contract or a paid services agreement in car service. Special attention is paid to the problem of interpretation of conditions of a work and labour contract on motor transport maintenance and the problems of defining the form and the content of work and labour contracts and paid services agreements in car service. The author applies the complex approach. The problems are considered in the correlation of the material and the procedural aspects. The research methodology includes the analysis of judicial practice, the comparative analysis, the formal-logical method, the hermeneutical method, the principle of unity of concrete and abstract, the correlation of actual and legal, material and procedural, form and content. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the identification and classification of two groups of problems of legal regulation of legal relationship resulting from the work and labour contract and the paid services agreement in car service. The classification criteria are the ontological grounds: the content and the form (the contensive and the formal aspect of legal relationship). The author studies legal problems of the contensive aspect of legal relationship: the problem of interpretation of the conditions of the work and labour contract or the paid services agreement in car service (in favour of the work and labour contract or the paid services agreement), the problem of the subject of the agreement defining (the problem of agreeing upon the types, quantity and cost of motor vehicle parts). The author studies the problems of the formal aspect of legal relationship: the problem of a complex character of the form of the agreement (a single document containing all the necessary conditions of the signed order), the problem of legal arrangement of the fact of work or services delivery (work acceptance certificate), the problem of legitimacy of the representative’s authorities (based on the warrant or resulting from the circumstances).
paid services delivery, work and labour contract, form of the contract, contract interpretation, car service , work delivery, order, warrant, repairs, maintenance
Practical law manual
Nikitin, V. (2016). Foreign organizations’ admission to construction activities in the Russian Federation: legal regulation issues. Legal Studies, 7, 46–53. https://doi.org/10.7256/2409-7136.2016.7.18558
The article considers the peculiarities of legal status of a foreign construction organization. The author analyzes the term “a foreign construction organization”. The research subject includes the aspects of admission of foreign organizations to construction activities in the Russian Federation. The author considers the place and the role of a self-regulated organization in granting admission for foreign organizations to construction activities, exploring and design, and the conditions of foreign construction organizations’ entering the Russian self-regulated organizations. The paper studies the problem of the status of economically autonomous subdivisions of foreign construction organizations in the context of changes in the labour law. The analysis of statutory instruments and special literature helps the author to formulate the key provisions of understanding the legal status of a foreign construction organization in the Russian Federation and to identify the problems in this sphere. The author notes that the foreign belonging of the subject, together with the specificity of construction activities, influences legal regulation of admission of a foreign organization to construction and the related design and engineer works. The author notes that the procedure of admission of foreign construction companies to self-regulated organizations should be specified and should take into account the experience of the organization and the possibility of its confirmation. The study reveals the insufficiency of determining the legal status of economically autonomous subdivisions of foreign construction organizations based on the civil legislation. The author offers the definition of a foreign construction organization and substantiates the conclusion about a coordinated application of the provisions of national legislation and international agreements in the sphere in question.
personal law, business activities, admission, building area, Russian law, international agreements, design, engineering, construction, foreign organization