Договор и обязательства
Bondarenko, D.V. (2016). Legal nature of a factoring agreement. Legal Studies, 2, 1–14. https://doi.org/10.7256/2409-7136.2016.2.18023
The research subject is the theoretical problem of defining the legal nature of a factoring agreement. The article is aimed at forming the sufficient approach to the understanding of the legal nature of a factoring agreement. The author studies the particular constructions of a factoring agreement to analyze the essence of this phenomenon. Special attention is paid to the issue of complexity of the factoring agreement model. The research methodology includes the dialectical method, the system method, the methods of induction, deduction, abstraction, and the technical method. The author concludes that the mutual direction and the equality of assignment of a financial agent and a client in the factoring agreement determine its “credit-exchange” nature: monetary resources are replaced by financial claims. Provision of funds and financial claims assignment are the two main procedures defining the essence of the civil construction of factoring. The author reasons the opinion about the complex nature of a factoring agreement, based on the understanding of a complex agreement as a multicomponent agreement legislated as an independent form of a civil law contract. The conclusion about the complexity of the agreement, and the identification of the elements of combination can be applied in practice when considering the situation of a regulatory vacuum which can be overcome not only with the help of the provisions of law of obligation, but also using the provisions regulating the “primary” agreement.
factoring contract, the legal nature of the contract, financing, cession, loans, a security factoring, settlement factoring, a comprehensive agreement, mixed agreement, sui generis
Fedotov, V.V. (2016). Legal regulation of the time period of delivery of public service of real estate title and transaction registration. Legal Studies, 2, 15–26. https://doi.org/10.7256/2409-7136.2016.2.17588
The research subject is legal regulation of the time period of real estate title registration. The article considers the main statutory instruments regulating procedural periods of real estate title registration and evaluates the conformity of legal standards and their content. In the author’s opinion, the fact that the time period of delivery of public service is regulated by various statutory standards indicates the existence of significant legal gaps. The author supposes that the comprehensive data on the time periods of real estate title registration as one of public services should be contained in the law on registration, or should be regulated by the administrative procedure. The research methodology is based on general and specific scientific methods of cognition. The author applies the methods of analysis and synthesis, comparative-legal and statistical methods. The author explains the necessity to fulfill the potential of administrative procedure and exclude the departmental and local statutory instruments from the range of regulatory instruments. In the author’s opinion, there’s a need for increasing administrative supervision over the time periods of delivery of a public service. The author concludes that the law on real estate title registration coming into force in 2017 will predetermine the solution of practical problems.
The public service, Registration of rights, Standard services, Road map, MFC, Administrative responsibility, Administrative regulations, Term, Regulation, Property Register
Human and state
Zolotareva, A.B. (2016). How Russian regions solve the problem of nursing homes waiting lists. Legal Studies, 2, 27–38. https://doi.org/10.7256/2409-7136.2016.2.17654
The article considers the problem of shortage of nursing home beds. In the context of regional budgets reduction, this problem can’t be solved by increasing the number of these institutions. The author studies the alternative ways of solution of this problem, applied in the regions of the Russian Federation, including the nursing homes’ services purchase and the creation of foster homes for senior citizens and disabled people. The author applies the traditional methods of sociological and legal studies, such as the method of comparative legal analysis and system analysis. The author concludes that the alternative ways to solve the problem of shortage of nursing home beds, though saving budget funds, not always meet consumers’ interests. For example, the practice of creating foster homes for senior citizens and disabled people is risk bearing, since the formation of affection between adults (in contrast to the cases of adoption of children) is unlikely. If the main motive of adoption of a person is a profit, there is a high risk of conflicts and misuses. The article contains the suggestions about the improvement of the federal and regional legislation aimed at easing the shortcomings of use of institutions replacing nursing homes.
homes for the elderly, nursing home, social hospitals, foster family, Law № 442-FZ, Law 442-FZ, stationary social services, social services, homes for people with disabilities, inpatient technologies
Dolgikh, I.P., Suponina, E.A. (2016). Problems and prospects of the Russian legislation on administrative offences. Legal Studies, 2, 39–49. https://doi.org/10.7256/2409-7136.2016.2.17835
The article is devoted to the normative gaps of the current legislation on administrative offences undermining law enforcement practice. Over the last decades, several large-scale organizational and regulatory measures, aimed at improving the legislation on administrative offences, have been implemented in the Russian Federation, but it still can’t be called optimal. The impetuous growth of the quantity of registered administrative offences demonstrates that the lawmaking process lags behind the current needs of the society. The research subject includes the administrative provisions of the current Code of Administrative offences, which are considered by the authors in the light of the draft law №957581-6. The research methodology includes the dialectical method and the set of general scientific methods, including logical and historical, the method of advancing from the abstract to the concrete, and specific scientific methods (comparative jurisprudence, statistical methods, system analysis, interpretation of law, etc.). This work is one of the first complex interdisciplinary studies of the current theoretical, legislative, and law-enforcement problems of the range of institutions of administrative law (administrative investigation, inchoate crime, etc.). The authors offer the measures of the current legislation improvement aimed at its further optimization in the sphere of lawmaking and law enforcement.
administrative and tort law, administrative liability, Administrative Code, administrative investigation, attempted offense, an administrative offense, prevention of offenses, the purpose of punishment, administrative penalty, humanization of the law
International law
Kurbanov, R.A. (2016). Integration processes within the Senegal River Basin Development Organization. Legal Studies, 2, 50–60. https://doi.org/10.7256/2409-7136.2016.2.18116
The article is devoted to the Senegal River Basin Development Organization, the history of its creation, its functioning, institutional structure, and regulatory acts. The article discusses the objectives and main directions of the organization's activities, the projects implemented within the Senegal River water resources development activities. They include the projects in the environmental and navigational areas, the spheres of fishery and agriculture, construction and infrastructure. This organization has wide experience of cooperation of its member-states, which can be an effective example of the river basin management organization and a successful example of sub-regional cooperation.Cooperation within this organization is narrow-purpose, and applies only to the projects of development and utilization of water resources (including agriculture and transport). In the process of its development, the organization's objectives had been transformed from the economic orientation in water resources development to the sustainable utilization of water resources by the member-states.
international law, Regional law, national law, water resources, Africa, integration, secondary law, international commitments, international agreements, State - party
History of state and law
Khashchina, E.E. (2016). The form of judicial proceedings in the context of evolution of Moscow state. Legal Studies, 2, 61–69. https://doi.org/10.7256/2409-7136.2016.2.17804
The research subject is the interconnection between the reform of judicial authorities of Moscow state and the limitation of the accusatory form of judicial proceedings in the early 16th century. The author characterizes three judiciary systems which formed in Moscow state in the period of adoption of the code of law of Ivan the Terrible. The author specifies the differences between the concepts “historical type” and “historical form” of judicial proceedings. The author analyzes the reasons for the growth of influence of the grand-ducal court, the development of the prikaz system, and the limitation of powers of local judicial authorities, and points out the interrelation between these phenomena and the limitation of the accusatory form of judicial proceedings. The research methodology is based on the principles of historicism, systematicity, and objectivity. The author applies the dialectical, formal logical, system, historical-legal and comparative-legal methods. The author analyzes the evolution of judicial system of Moscow state in the context of typology of judicial proceedings. The author concludes about the specific peculiarities of the change of the historical type of judicial proceedings in Russia in the 16th century, which had been connected with a long-term existence of accusatory and investigative grounds in the judicial system and the legal procedure. The author concludes that the limitation of the sphere of application of the accusatory form of judicial proceedings was a logical consequence of the social developments, such as the decentralization of the state, the creation of the power vertical, and, finally, the mere convenience of application of investigative forms for the reasonable solution of cases.
conviction process, order, governor, Zemsky judge, Muscovy, of Law, justice, inquisitorial system, the judiciary, Boyar Duma
Agapov, I.O. (2016). On the issue of the essence of a public-private partnership (PPP). Legal Studies, 2, 70–77. https://doi.org/10.7256/2409-7136.2016.2.17719
The research subject is the institution of a public-private partnership in the Russian Federation. The author formulates its scientific and legal definitions, outlining the following criteria of a PPP: 1) a public objective; 2) a special subject composition; 3) a long-term character of relations; 4) risks allocation. On the base of a detailed analysis of these criteria the author formulates the thesis about the true essence of the Russian practice of a mutually beneficial cooperation of public and private entities. The author compares the Russian and the foreign experience of implementation of public-private projects. The author applies various scientific methods, including deduction, analysis, comparison, and the technical method. The novelty of this research lies in the clear, theoretically and empirically sufficient criticism of the current condition of the sphere of interaction of the society and the state; of the fragmented and ambiguous character of legislative provisions regulating public relations in this sphere; of the preferences granted by the authorities to the large business in contrast to the rest part of the society, which is, due to the natural reasons, unable to provide financial benefits in the nearest future, etc.
conceptual-categorical apparatus, rule of law, branch of law, legal regulation, commercial organization, power, business, State, public private partnership, legal system