Stabilization systems: fiscal control
Gorokhova, S.S. (2024). On some aspects of the regulatory impact on the Russian financial market under the sanctions of unfriendly states. Law and Politics, 9, 119.
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The author discusses issues related to the impact of sanctions on the Russian economy in general, and, in particular, on its financial segment. The author pays attention to the most problematic aspects of the financial sector of the Russian economy, analyzing the measures taken by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, and other competent state authorities to stabilize the situation in the country and get out of the crisis situation. The main directions of Russia's financial policy are considered, the key problems hindering the effective functioning of the economic system in the prevailing geopolitical and macroeconomic conditions are identified. Proposals are made to improve the regulatory impact on the Russian financial market in the context of economic sanctions. On the basis of the dialectical method of cognition, formal logical, general scientific and private scientific ways of research are used. The unprecedented nature of the situation dictates the need to form fundamentally new approaches to the organization and regulation of economic activity, which would not only preserve the existing potential, but also maximize it. In the current situation, the importance of systemic regulatory impact on the financial market is of key importance for the stabilization of the Russian economy. A comprehensive approach to solving existing problems is needed, which, among other things, should include a well-thought-out legal policy in the field of regulating the activities of participants in the financial market infrastructure, improving mechanisms for attracting domestic investment. It is necessary to review the provisions and the investment legislation itself. Measures should also be taken to intensify the use of financial instruments to solve the problem of technological sovereignty.
partner financing, mutual funds, financial literacy, non-governmental pension provision, participatory financing, investments, sanctions, financial policy, financial market, regulatory impact
Transformation of legal and political systems
Lin, M. (2024). The issue of technological sovereignty in the 21st century: the concept, peculiarity and experience of China. Law and Politics, 9, 2039.
The subject of the study is technological sovereignty in the 21st century. The article provides a comparative historical analysis of the concept, features and experience of technological sovereignty from the point of view of representatives of socialist development with Chinese specifics. The research focuses on the main problems of technological sovereignty in the context of globalization of the XXI century. The study deeply examines the definition and significance of technological sovereignty and its unique characteristics in the modern world, including the impact of technological innovations on national competitiveness, security problems caused by technological dependence, as well as the maintenance of sovereignty in international technological cooperation and competition. In particular, the article considers China as a typical case for analyzing its practical experience, problems and coping strategies in building technological sovereignty. Historical, documentary, survey and comparative studies were chosen as the methods of study. The scope of the results and their novelty lies in the awareness of the value of accumulated political and trade experience to protect State security and prevent a new form of war against the background of prolonged globalization and technological revolution, thereby promoting international cooperation and positive rivalry. Conclusions and results. Technological sovereignty means that a country retains its sovereignty and independent status in political, economic, and other fields, independently mastering key technologies and innovative opportunities. It emphasizes the autonomy of the country and the rights of control in the technical field and is an extension and embodiment of national sovereignty in the technical field. The problem of China's technological sovereignty is characterized by distinctive features. On the one hand, China is committed to strengthening independent innovation and increasing technological self-sufficiency in order to get rid of external dependence and restrictions and ensure the security of technological sovereignty. On the other hand, China actively participates in the global governance of science and technology and promotes the creation of an open, cooperative and mutually beneficial international system of scientific and technical cooperation to maintain the balance and stability of the global technological ecosystem. The study of technological sovereignty has given new life to the theory of political science. This encourages political scientists to pay more attention to the impact of technological factors on the global political landscape and international relations, and also promotes interdisciplinary integration and innovation of political science theory.
public policies, globalization, international relations, digital technologies, China, conceptualization, technonationalism, trade exchange, state security, technological sovereignty
Practical law manual
Kutovoi, N.S. (2024). The fate of encumbrances upon the termination of private property rights of persons associated with unfriendly countries in the Republic of Crimea. Law and Politics, 9, 4049.
The study examines the legal consequences related to the termination of private property rights of individuals associated with unfriendly countries in the Republic of Crimea. In the context of sanctions and the special military operation in Ukraine, the nationalization of assets belonging to individuals and legal entities linked to unfriendly countries has become a pressing issue. The author analyzes the legal nature of the forced termination of property rights, using the term "nationalization" for clarity. The focus is on the fate of encumbrances, such as leases and mortgages, that may have been imposed on the property before it was transferred to the ownership of the Republic of Crimea. Using recent legislative changes in Crimea as a basis, the author explores potential legal conflicts and gaps in the regulation of encumbrances after the termination of property rights. The research methodology is based on a comparative legal analysis of federal and Crimean legislation, applying the analogy of law and analogy of rights to fill legal gaps. The novelty of the study lies in its examination of the legal nature of property rights termination within the context of Crimean and Russian legislation. Unlike traditional forms of nationalization and requisition, the regulatory framework discussed does not fully align with federal laws, necessitating the application of legal analogy. The author concludes that encumbrances imposed before nationalization may be preserved if they do not contradict the goals of the nationalization. The main conclusion is that the current legal uncertainty should be addressed through legislative changes, ensuring a balance between private and public interests, and preserving encumbrances only when they do not threaten state security.
sanctions, legal analogy, legal regulation, pledge, lease, federal legislation, Republic of Crimea, encumbrances, nationalization, unfriendly countries
Public communications
Soldatenkov, I.V. (2024). Features of self-presentation of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg in the social network "VKontakte". Law and Politics, 9, 5067.
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The article is devoted to the problem of transformation of politicians' self-presentation in the digital media environment. It is noted that the resources of the Web 2.0 era provide political actors with wide opportunities to influence public opinion. At the same time, new media impose requirements, without which media strategies cannot be successful. In this regard, political figures are forced to adapt new ways of presenting themselves to others in the course of Internet communication. The purpose of the study is to identify the content features and effects of the tactics of presenting themselves to the audience, used by the deputies of legislative bodies of the subjects of the Russian Federation in the process of online communication. The subject of the analysis is the media strategies of the members of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg in the social network "VKontakte". The research method is deductive-inductive content analysis of publications (N = 300) posted by f A. N. Belsky; I. Ivanova; P. M. Itkin. V.; Itkin P. M.; Pavlov D. G.; Alekserov A. E.; Shishlova A. V. The author's methodology for analysing politicians' self-presentations is proposed. Using the methods of cluster analysis and multidimensional scaling, a generalised self-presentation profile of politicians is obtained. It was found that deputies strive for a combination of professionalising and moralising vectors in presenting images of themselves. Significant differences between the identified tactics in terms of likes and views were revealed. The results of the analysis show that a balanced approach to self-presentation allows to establish a closer connection with voters, consolidating in the minds of the audience a more holistic and attractive image of the politician.
social network VKontakte, image of a politician, communicative strategies, mediatization of politics, symbolic politics, online communication, social media, political identity, impression management, self-presentation
Khovantsev, A.S. (2024). Implementation of reference norms of law: theoretical and practical aspects. Law and Politics, 9, 6878.
The article deals with the features and problematic aspects of the implementation of the reference norms of law. The use of reference norms is aimed at the implementation of dispositive rules permitted by the state and presented within the established limits and sizes. To date, the current legislation contains a significant number of reference rules of law. Therefore, it is of scientific interest to conduct research within the framework of the process of their actual implementation in public and legal life. At the moment, there are various processes and ways to implement the reference norms of law into legal reality. The reference norms have received their direct embodiment and effect in four classical forms of law: observance, execution, use and application. Based on this, the subject of scientific research is the reference norms contained in normative legal acts and the direct implementation of law enforcement activities. Dialectical, logical, comparative legal and formal legal methods of cognition are used as research methods. The novelty of the research is predetermined by the understanding of reference norms as a legal phenomenon, the disclosure of the specifics of their implementation, and the identification of problems in law enforcement. The author comes to the conclusion that the implementation of reference norms consists in influencing the will and consciousness of participants in legal relations in order to encourage them to behave in accordance with the reference prescriptions and achieve certain results in which the law-making subject is interested. Attention is drawn to the fact that sometimes law enforcement officers misunderstand the reference norms of law, confusing the latter with blank prescriptions, or perceive reference and declarative norms as synonymous concepts. In conclusion, it is summarized that the systemic connection of reference norms with other legal regulations reflects the specifics of the relationship between them, which, on the one hand, ensures the achievement of the required effectiveness of legal provisions, and, on the other, eliminates their inconsistency.
observance of reference norms, declarative norms, systemic interrelation norms, blank norms, application of reference norms, use of reference norms, execution of reference norms, normative legal act, reference norms, ensuring rights
State institutions and legal systems
Lagodina, E.I. (2024). The paradox of criminal procedural provision of notarial secrecy and its overcoming. Law and Politics, 9, 7991.
The main subject of this article, is notarial secrecy, the purpose of which in criminal proceedings is to ensure the rights and legitimate interests of its participants of the criminal proceedings. Despite the fact that the property relations developping in criminal proceedings at an accelerated pace, the activities of a notary in general and such an important element as notarial secrecy still remain "Terra incognita" for the science of criminal procedure. The lack of targeted research in this area leads to a "lag" in legislative regulation and problems in law enforcement. Of particular interest is the consideration of the phenomenon of notarial secrecy from the point of view of such a legal regime of secrecy, which defines it as a multi-secret, covering numerous areas of personal life of citizens. This circumstance confirms the necessity and expediency of establishing procedural means of protecting notarial secrecy. Using dialectical, theoretical, comparative legal, formal legal, methods of research allowed the author of the article to obtain significant information about the essence of notarial secrecy and its features in relation to the criminal procedure sphere. The novelty of the obtained results is expressed in the author's position regarding the identified paradox in the regulation of the system of ensuring the rights of participants, contradictions in the attitude of the legislator to the protection of their property interests and ensuring their stability in the presence of verification of a report of a crime, criminal proceedings. In the applied aspect, judgments are expressed about its essence as a complex legal phenomenon, each element of which should be assessed independently and receive its own means of protection from disclosure in the context of criminal proceedings, as well as at the stage of verification of a report of a crime.
property interests, legitimate interests, rights, protection, providing, notary, criminal proceedings, notarial secrecy, professional secrecy, official secrecy
State institutions and legal systems
Lykov, A.Y. (2024). Democracy and the problems of its legal support in the content of the political and legal ideal. Law and Politics, 9, 92114.
The subject of this study is democracy as the concept of ซpolitical and legal idealป and the problems of its legal support. In the analysis of modern scientific and legal works and sociological reports, the authors postulate the thesis that democratic institutions in many countries have encountered new challenges of objective reality. Overcoming the latter seems possible through the application of individual theoretical concepts and the corresponding modification of legal regulation. To achieve this goal, an attempt was made to solve the problems of general characteristics of modern problems of democracy, consideration of the influence of national and transnational corporations on democracy, definition of variants of an effective electoral system of the state, as well as establishment of legal means preventing distortion of the content of constitutional norms. The methodological basis of the study consists of analysis, synthesis, dialectical and system-analytical methods. Formal-legal and comparative-legal methods are used to analyze domestic, foreign and international legal acts. The authors consider proposals for changing the current legislation regulating certain social relations to be a special contribution to the study of the topic. Those include adopting a federal law regulating the political participation of national and transnational corporations, changing the electoral system of the state by expanding the indirect election system and the role of representative government, as well as the possibility of amending the legislation, which is designed to ensure the independence of the judicial bodies by introducing the election of leading positions of this branch of government by judges and from among judges. The proposals presented by the authors can serve as a basis for further improvement of legal regulation, as well as contribute to the development of a unified position on the part of the scientific community on the controversial issues addressed in the work.
pressure groups, transnational corporations, national corporations, constitution, legislation, political and legal ideal, political regime, democracy, human rights, democratic institutions
Chereshneva, I. (2024). Closed administrative-territorial formation: business and legal aspect. Law and Politics, 9, 115129.
In the course of the study, the author gives a brief digression into the history of the development of the Closed administrative-territorial formation (CATF); examines existing doctrinal approaches to the legal nature of the CATF; presents an entrepreneurial and legal view of the legal nature of the CATF, defining the latter as one of the types of territories with a special regime of entrepreneurial activities. The methodological basis of the research is the general philosophical (dialectical method), general scientific (for example, generalization and abstraction, induction and deduction, analogy, analysis and synthesis) and private scientific methods (formal legal, historical and legal) methods of scientific cognition. The main conclusions of the conducted research are: 1) at the present stage of development of our state, the relevance of the issue acquires a new "sound", which is due to the need to overcome challenges, both political and socio-economic in nature; 2) the existing variety of approaches to the legal nature of the law (mainly constitutional and legal orientation) enrich both doctrine and legislation, as well as contribute to the development of this legal regime. However, in order to realize the potential inherent in it, it is proposed to consider CATF from a business and legal perspective, i.e. as one of the types of territory with a special regime of entrepreneurial activities; 3) analysis of key features of territories with a special regime (a special regime of entrepreneurial activities, a separate territory; a purpose; a special subject of a public organization of entrepreneurial activities) makes it possible to classify them as territories with a special protective regime of entrepreneurial activities, which, in turn, act as one of the types of territory with a special regime.
organization of public authority, administrative-territorial unit, federal territories, the territorial aspect of entrepreneurship, carrying out entrepreneurial activities, special entrepreneurial regime, the legal regime of entrepreneurship, CATF, closed administrative-territorial formation, legal nature
Chagina, E.M., Larin, E.N. (2024). Civil liability for violation of consumer rights in the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus: on the issue of harmonization of legislation. Law and Politics, 9, 130144.
The construction of a single economic space and the implementation of a coordinated economic policy in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus predetermines the need to harmonize legislation on consumer protection, which follows from the provisions of the Treaty on the Establishment of the Union State in 1999 and the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union in 2014, as well as the Protocol on the Implementation of a coordinated policy in the field of consumer Protection. To date, the legislation of the two countries with close economic and legal ties is characterized by certain differences, the analysis of which is of interest both from the point of view of the science of comparative law, and in order to borrow the best practices of legal regulation and identify further ways to harmonize and unify the legislation of both states. The methodological basis of the work consists of both general (analysis, synthesis, logical method, etc.) and special methods of cognition (comparative legal method, method of analysis and interpretation of normative legal acts). The work examines the provisions of the current national legislation on consumer protection of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus, the existing achievements in the process of harmonization of the legal systems of the two countries. At the same time, much attention is paid to the influence of the provisions of international treaties on these processes, as well as advisory acts adopted within the framework of regional integration associations, which determines the scientific novelty of the study. As a result of the study, the conclusion is substantiated that today the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus in the field of consumer protection is characterized by a fairly high degree of harmonization of norms on liability for violation of consumer rights. At the same time, achieving the integration goals set out in the Treaty on the Establishment of the Union State, as well as the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union, requires the continuation of the process of mutual harmonization of legislation.
harmonization of legislation, integration, coherent policy, Eurasian Economic Union, Union State, civil law, legal responsibility, consumer rights, comparative law, consumer rights protection
Morozov, S.A. (2024). Modern legal regulation of administrative control and supervisory procedures. Law and Politics, 9, 145159.
The implementation of administrative reform in the Russian Federation, which affected various areas of public administration, including the control and supervisory sphere, caused drastic transformations in the activities of authorities implementing the functions of state control (supervision). The adoption in 2020 of a number of federal laws, and especially Federal Law No. 248-FZ dated 07/31/2020 "On State Control (Supervision) and Municipal Control in the Russian Federation" radically changed not only the forms of state control (supervision), the composition of administrative actions, the system of guarantees for the protection of the rights and freedoms of controlled persons, but above all in legal regulation. Within the framework of this article, the author analyzes the existing modern regulatory and legal regulation of the establishment, implementation and execution of administrative control and supervisory procedures. To conduct the research, the legal methods themselves were used, including the comparative legal method, the formal legal method, and the method of interpreting law. As a result of studying the theoretical and regulatory aspects of the topic under study, the author identifies four levels of regulation of this type of administrative procedures: constitutional and legal (consolidation of the principles and rights and freedoms of citizens protected by the Constitution of the Russian Federation), the level of federal laws (the basis for regulating control and supervisory procedures containing framework regulations), the level of subordinate regulatory legal acts (provisions on the types of federal state control (supervision), administrative regulations), as well as the level of acts accompanying the conduct of state control (supervision), the characteristics of the main normative legal acts regulating the implementation by state control (supervision) bodies of administrative control and supervisory procedures, including the federal law "On State Control", administrative regulations, regulations on the types of state control (supervision), as well as measures to improve them are proposed.
the Constitution of the Russian Federation, regulations on types of control (supervision), administrative regulations, an administrative supervision, a state control, a legal regulation, administrative procedures, administrative control and supervisory procedures, federal laws, by-laws
Akhramkina, K.A. (2024). Substantiation of the principle of dualism in Russian Copyright. Law and Politics, 9, 160182.
The subjects of research are the peculiarities of the formation of the dualistic concept of Russian copyright, the directions of criticism of copyright, within which is given argumentation of the inconsistency of its provisions, the philosophical justification of the principle. The formal legal method, synthesis, is used. The author conducts a retrospective analysis of both the legislative framework and the legal doctrine and its discourse in the Soviet period of development, and compares it with the pre-revolutionary stage of development. Consideration of the principle of dualism in Russian copyright, as emphasized by the author, is practically not represented in modern legal doctrine, whereas due to the changing conditions of legal reality, digitalization of the environment, the emergence of new objects of copyright, etc. copyright is constantly expanding, and therefore the legal phenomena of this environment should be studied in detail and adapted to the requirements of modernity. Based on the work done, it is concluded that the principle is based on the attributive dualism of the properties of copyright objects, the ways for the further stage of research are determined - the study of the implementation of principle by considering the dualism of powers consisting of property and moral legal opportunities to carry out or require the implementation of certain actions causally based on the properties of copyright objects.
inalienable rights, exclusive right, author's right, work, copyright, duality principle, principles of law, intellectual property law, ownership, personal rights
Law and order
Uzdenova, L.M. (2024). The evolution of the forced labor as a criminal punishment according to the Concept of the Development of the Penitentiary System of the Russian Federation for the Period up to 2030. Law and Politics, 9, 183197.
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The article is devoted to the development of the form of forced labor within the framework of the Concept of development of the penitentiary system of Russia for the period up to 2030, and also identifies the main gaps and achievements of this form of punishment. Some ways of solving these problems are proposed, in the form of amendments to the current criminal legislation. The Ninth Census of Convicts served as an empirical basis for the study, and draft laws of various departments on this topic are also being studied. The object of the study is public relations in the field of criminal law, criminal procedure and penal enforcement law. The subject of the study is the norms of criminal law, criminal procedure law, as well as the provisions of the Concept of the development of the penitentiary enforcement system of Russia for the period up to 2030. The research methodology is based on a comprehensive and multi-layered approach, which includes key analytical, empirical, statistical and comparative methods. Forced labor as a new measure of punishment has a vivid and, in a sense, global impact on various spheres of society. In practice, problems of a legal and organizational nature related to the procedure for the execution of this type of punishment are identified. There is a clear understanding of the goals and guidelines for the development of not only "forced labor", but also criminal and penal enforcement policy in the state at this stage, but so far there are some difficulties in translating theory into practice, and there is also a need for a deeper rethinking of some provisions in criminal legislation. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the form of author's proposals to amend the current criminal law and criminal procedure legislation of Russia.
deprivation of liberty, compulsory labour, alternative punishment, the order of appointment, The ninth census of convicts, correctional centers, courts, punishment, penal enforcement policy, forced labor
Klement'eva, V.I. (2024). The role of acts of the judicial community in the development of ideas about the moral and ethical status of judges. Law and Politics, 9, 198211.
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The subject of the study is formed by the principles and norms of Russian law regulating legal relations, determining the legal status of judicial community bodies, as well as materials of law enforcement practice, revealing the content and role of acts, in particular, councils of judges, which currently actually share many functions of judicial activity on issues of ongoing judicial reform and the formation of a trusting attitude of society towards the judiciary, the court and the state. The author notes that judicial ethics, which is a system of professional values based on the principle of self-government of judges, makes a special contribution to the development of ideas about the moral and ethical status of judges. The present study was carried out based on traditional general scientific methods (analysis and synthesis, etc.), and methods of legal science (system analysis, formal legal, etc.). The article reveals the importance of acts of the judicial community as a legal regulator of the moral and ethical status of judges in the Russian Federation. The special role of the Council of Judges of the Russian Federation and its specialized ethics commission is noted, as well as the role of regional councils of judges in forming ideas about the content of the moral and ethical position of judges. The study includes an overview of some conclusions of the Ethics Commission of the Council of Judges of the Russian Federation adopted in 2023. The author concludes: despite the fact that at present the legal nature of the acts of the judicial community bodies is debatable, the results of the activity of the councils of judges have a significant impact on the formation of uniform law enforcement practice in the context of individual regulation of judicial activity.
council of judges, ethical standards, Code of judicial ethics, acts of the judicial community, judicial self-government, judicial ethics, Council of Judges of the Russian Federation, bodies of the judicial community, status of judges, judicial power
Conflict: tools of stabilization
Kiselev, A.S. (2024). Political and legal proposals for leveling sanctions imposed by unfriendly states against the securities market of the Russian Federation. Law and Politics, 9, 212225.
Over the past two years, many sanctions have been imposed on our country by unfriendly states, which were aimed at various financial markets, in particular, the securities market. Based on the analysis, some political and legal proposals are formulated and presented in the article, which, in the author's opinion, can minimize and subsequently offset the negative consequences of the imposed sanctions. Special attention was paid to the sanctions of unfriendly states, which affected the insurance market of the Russian Federation, as well as measures taken by the Government of the Russian Federation, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, and other public authorities. Methodology: the author used analysis, synthesis, dialectical method, modeling, analogy, induction and deduction, as well as the formal logical method. The main conclusions of the study are: it is necessary to diversify the customer base of holders of Russian securities by creating attractive preferential conditions for them. This allows us to expand the sphere of influence of domestic companies and enter the largest markets in Asia, South America and Africa. In this regard, it seems advisable to create strategies for cooperation and partnership with foreign depositories and their financial institutions by signing international agreements. The author comes to the conclusion that one of the key factors in the development of the securities market is the increase in the issuance of social bonds. Social investment instruments are increasingly in demand and trusted in many developed countries. At the moment, the social bond market in our country is just being formed, nevertheless, the final goal promises good prospects. Accordingly, the issue of social bonds can relieve the budget and help with the implementation of many construction projects.
offers, legal regulation, sanctions analysis, diversification, financial markets, securities, securities market, sanctions, benefits, countering sanctions
Human and state
Bikov , I.I. (2024). The procedure for dealing with citizens' appeals in public authorities on the example of the Orel and Moscow regions. Law and Politics, 9, 226236.
The object of the study is the social relations arising in the process of consideration and resolution of citizens' appeals in public authorities. The subject of the study is the procedure for receiving, registering, reviewing and resolving citizens' appeals in the public authorities of the Orel and Moscow regions. The author examines the normative legal acts regulating the procedure for dealing with citizens' appeals to the state authorities of the Orel and Moscow regions. Special attention is paid to legal norms that promote the responsible performance by employees of state bodies of their official duties to consider citizens' appeals. The author highlights the problems existing in the normative legal acts. Such problems include long periods of consideration of citizens' appeals, an insufficient number of ways to send appeals, and an insufficient list of cases when an appeal should be monitored by the head. The study used a content analysis method and a comparison method. The content analysis method made it possible to study the structure and content of normative legal acts regulating the procedure for dealing with citizens' appeals, to identify the main topics and concepts that are used in them. The comparison method made it possible to identify similarities and differences in the organization of work with citizens' appeals. The scientific novelty of the study is the recommendations for improving the efficiency of the procedure for dealing with citizens' appeals. The main conclusions of the study are the facts that in the Orel and Moscow regions there are similar procedures for dealing with citizens' appeals. However, there are some differences. For example, in the Moscow region there is a list of cases when an appeal must be considered immediately, and appeals can also be transmitted by representatives of a citizen. In the Orel region, appeals that contain information about a crime being prepared or committed are registered immediately. There are also other differences. In order to improve the quality of work with citizens' appeals, it is necessary to continue to improve the normative legal acts regulating this activity and increase the level of competence of responsible persons.
governor, administration, personal reception, Moscow region, Orel region, public authorities, citizens' appeals, technologies, government, civil society
History of state and law
Gavrilov , S.O., Myrzalimov , R.M., Myznikov , A.E. (2024). The implementation of the reform of the Institute of Notaries in the Warsaw Judicial District and the Baltic provinces of the Russian Empire at the end of the XIX century. Law and Politics, 9, 237247.
The object of the study is the Institute of the Notary of the Russian Empire during the period of implementation of bourgeois reforms of the end of the XIX century. The subject of the study is the system of notaries of the national outskirts of the Russian Empire, which included notaries attached to the mortgage offices of district courts in the Kingdom of Poland, and employees of "fortress offices" at congresses of magistrates in the Ostsee provinces, as well as features of notarial practice. The purpose of the study is to establish the essential features of the organizational and legal structure of the notaries in the territory of the Kingdom of Poland and the Baltic provinces during the implementation of the notary reform in 1866. Special attention is paid to the problems of organizing the practical activities of notary officials, the nature of relations with local judicial authorities, and the regulatory legal foundations of notarial activity. The main theoretical basis of the work was the methodology of system-integrated research, which made it possible to formulate an assessment of the state of the notary on the outskirts of the Empire in the context of a unified development strategy of the institute. Both general scientific research methods (methods of analysis and synthesis) and methods of legal science were used the formal dogmatic method and the comparative legal method. The aim of the research was to establish the fundamental features of the practical implementation of the reform of the notary in Poland and the Baltic States, their essential differences from the construction of the system of notary bodies defined by the Regulation on the Notary law of 1866. The main conclusion of the study is that the slow nature of the transformations of the notary and the search for a compromise with local elites led to the fact that on the national outskirts of the empire, the idea of a uniform nature of the institution was not fully implemented. The novelty of the research lies in the complex nature of the research of the notaries in its regional dimension. The results of the study and its conclusions can be used in further scientific research in the field of the history of the judicial and law enforcement system of Russia.
Institute of Notaries, legislation, judicial reform, law enforcement system, notary practice, Regulations on the notary, notary offices, notaries, notary, Notary reform