Transnational interests
Zaria, A.A. (2022). Cross-border corporate agreement: cross-border issues. Law and Politics, 4, 1–13.
The subject of the study is the legal relations that develop between the participants of a corporate agreement with a foreign element. Due to the specifics of this type of contract, not all types of foreign element lead to a cross-border nature, moreover, the amount of a person's participation in the authorized capital of a corporation matters. The issues of changes in the applicable law leading to the impossibility of execution of the corporate contract and the ways in which it is possible to protect the parties from these adverse consequences are investigated. The article analyzes the consequences of the special "volatility" of a corporate contract, which consists in the fact that it is more susceptible to various changes in the foreign element, in particular, related to the exit of a foreign participant from the corporation, the relocation of the corporation, the redomicilation procedure. The methodological basis of the research is the universal dialectical, logical, formal-legal, hermeneutic research methods. The comparative legal method was also used by involving the practice of conflict-of-laws regulation of the countries of the common system of law and Germany. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that mechanisms have been developed to maintain the balance of interests of the parties to a corporate contract with changes in applicable law, the consequences of relocation and redomicilation of the corporation have been determined, a proposal has been put forward on the amount of the participation share of a foreign participant necessary for the recognition of the contract as cross-border. The main conclusions are the following provisions: when determining the cross-border nature of a corporate contract, it is necessary to apply both a legal and an economic approach; the best way to level the risks of changes in applicable law is a conditional choice of applicable law; to determine the materiality of a foreign element, it is necessary to be guided by the norms of corporate legislation on dependent companies; relocation and redomicilation do not lead to a change in the conflict of laws choice of applicable law.
conflicting choices, participants of the corporate agreement, personal law, redomicile, relocation, foreign element, corporate statute, shareholder agreement, cross-border corporate agreement, corporate agreement
Law and order
Belyaev, I.Y. (2022). Violators of the legal prescriptions of narcotics and psychotropic substances trafficking. Law and Politics, 4, 14–23.
The article is devoted to the scientific development of the problem of a special subject of crime, the composition of violations of the rules of trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances. The subject of the study is the problem of the subject composition of violations of the rules of trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances. The author examines in detail the grounds for bringing various categories of persons to criminal responsibility under Article 228.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, analyzes the existing judicial practice and conducts a statistical analysis of the categories of persons brought to criminal responsibility under this article. The necessity of introducing a qualifying feature in Part 2 of this article is justified by analyzing the collected statistical material and theoretical developments. There is also a study of the public danger of crimes committed by persons using their official (official) position. The author examines the current state of the doctrine of criminal law, the arguments of authoritative scientists on the subject under consideration. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the collection and analysis of statistical material by categories of persons brought to criminal responsibility under Article 228.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and its detailed analysis. It is argued that the commission of a crime by an official increases the public danger of such an act, in this regard, the author examines the necessity and validity of fixing the relevant qualifying feature in the text of the norm of Part 2 of Article 228.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The author draws the following conclusions: 1) among the subjects of this crime, two groups of persons can be clearly distinguished; 2) it is reasonable to create a qualified corpus delicti for officials. The author also made proposals to improve the legal technique of the domestic criminal law in terms of supplementing Part 2 of Article 228.2 of the Criminal Code with a new qualifying feature.
right, qualification of crimes, medical crimes, criminal law, state, public danger, the subject of the crime, drugs, drug trafficking, drug addiction
State institutions and legal systems
Belozerova, E.O. (2022). Know-how as an institution for the protection of commercial information. Law and Politics, 4, 24–42.
The development of technologies has been growing rapidly lately, and with it the need for their protection is growing. Modern legal regulation provides for several options for protecting information about their developments. The most effective and modern is the know-how institute. The subject of the study is know-how and a similar regime - a trade secret. The comparison of these institutions at the level of different legal systems and legal systems is carried out. The main criteria for distinguishing these terms are revealed. In addition, the analysis of the terms of agreements on the alienation of know-how was carried out. And the main problems in specifying the conditions in the know-how alienation agreement have been identified. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that for the first time the explanations necessary for the conclusion of a contract on the alienation of know-how are presented. The risks of concluding such contracts are analyzed and a decision on minimizing risks for all parties to the contract is presented. The analysis of theory and practice was not limited to the Russian Federation. The analysis of the legal regulation of know-how and trade secrets in the UK, USA and Germany is presented. Conclusions are drawn about the difference in the legal regulation of know-how and trade secrets, including in the scope of liability. However, the use of the institute of know-how provided by the introduction of a trade secret regime seems to be the most effective for the protection of confidential information.
TRIPS, risk, responsibility, contract, commercial secret, confidential information, the secret of production, know-how, intellectual property, subject of the contract
XXI century International law
Shinkaretskaya, G.G. (2022). Obtaining and evaluating evidence at the International Criminal Court. Law and Politics, 4, 43–54.
The article refers to the prominent role of the International Criminal Court as an organ of international justice. The author emphasizes the defining role of the Statute of the International Criminal Court as a document in which the legal foundations of activity are formulated and the basic procedural rules that guide the Court in its practice are developed. The importance of the Regulations in the implementation of procedural actions, which are reduced to a detailed and in-depth proof of certain facts submitted to the court, is shown. The methodological basis of the study is a normative, comprehensive, systematic approach to the analysis of the rule of law established by the constituent documents of the International Criminal Court. It is indicated that the constituent documents of the international judicial institution provide, among other things, detailed regulation of the presentation and evaluation of evidence. The author pays special attention to the fact that the provision and evaluation of evidence in the International Criminal Court should be organized in such a way as to provide an opportunity to render a judicial verdict impartially and taking into account all information on the legal grounds under consideration. The article examines certain procedural norms of the Rome Statute and the Rules of the International Criminal Court. The significant role of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence, which are a key tool for the application of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, is shown.
criminal charges, international judicial institutions, international process, international judicial proceedings, evaluation of evidence, obtaining evidence, rules of proof, The Rome Statute, International Criminal Court, international procedural law
Practical law manual
Varavenko, V.E., Lyapustina, N.A., Kovalev, D.V. (2022). Means of mitigating the risks assigned to the contractor in the EPC contract: the experience of the International Federation of Consulting Engineers and Russian civil legislation. Law and Politics, 4, 55–65.
The subject of the study is the legal conditions of mitigation (mitigation) of project risks, the bearing of which is assigned to the contractor by the terms of the EPC contract. One of the key features of the EPC contract, an agreement concluded for the implementation of an investment and construction project on a turnkey basis, is the maximum assignment to the contractor of risks associated with the failure to achieve the goals of the project. It is believed that the EPC contractor, as a professional and highly qualified representative of the construction industry, is able to manage project risks more effectively than the customer. The assignment of risk by the terms of the contract proforma to one of the parties implies the need to use organizational, economic and legal means to mitigate (mitigate) the burden of risk. This work is aimed at identifying civil legal means used by the contractor to mitigate the harmful effects of events and actions, the risk of which is assigned to him by the terms of the EPC contract and establishing the possibility of using these means in the conditions of the Russian legal system. Its achievement involves a comparative analysis of the model EPC contract - a model contract of the International Federation of Consulting Engineers for turnkey projects (FIDIC Silver Book 2017) and the norms of Russian civil legislation. Â Â Â Â Â The results of the study indicate that it is possible in principle to apply the conditions of the 2017 FIDIC Silver Book, which establish means of mitigating the contractor's burden of bearing risks, in the conditions of Russian legislation, taking into account the following exceptions: (1) a security payment cannot be used as a means of mitigating the consequences of non-fulfillment by the contractor of a natural obligation; (2) compensation for property losses cannot be applied in the event of an unlawful claim by the customer for a guarantee of performance of contractual obligations provided by the contractor. The interrelated application of several civil legal means is aimed, ultimately, their application contributes to the achievement of the project goals, which is in the sphere of interests of both parties to the contract.
Compensation of property losses, Security payment, Independent performance guarantee, Contractor, IPS contract, FIDIC, Mitigation of risks, Comparative Law, The Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Construction contract