State institutions and legal systems
Kravets, I. (2019). Global and national constitutionalism in the context of formation of integration law: constitutional teleology, futurism and structure of modern constitutions. Law and Politics, 10, 1–23.
This article examines the scientific approaches towards understanding constitutionalism in the global, integration, and national dimension; as well as the role of constitutional teleology in creating conceptual and regulatory framework of the national and global constitutionalism in the context of formation of integration law. The study determines the forms of interaction between the Russian constitutionalism and integration law, and their reflection in the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The author rationalizes the modern approaches towards understanding and terminological definition of constitution as the ultimate and supreme law of the country, regulating the domestic and international integration relations. The scientific views upon the key elements of constitutional law from the perspective of internationalization processes are revealed. The scientific novelty of this work consists in description of the theoretical framework of correlation between the global and national constitutionalism, Russian specificity of legal nature of constitutionalism, analysis of theological foundations of the formation of constitutional communication and constitutional identity, formulation of the concept of constitutional law from the perspective of Russia’s involvement in the integration and international relations. The article reflects the problem of internationalization of constitutional law and the problem of open structure of the constitution. The author suggests new forms for Russia’s participation in formation of the doctrine and practice of global constitutionalism, considering the challenges of integration processes in creation of the regulatory and structural framework of the Russian constitutionalism as an open system.
constitutional political participation, the law of the constitution, constitutional communication, global constitutionalism, constitutional teleology, integration through the law, constitutionalism, constitution, constitutional identity, constitutional crowdsourcing
Law and order
Baksalova, A. (2019). Legal regulation of the system of prosecutor’s response to violation of law by the bodies of inquiry and preliminary investigation. Law and Politics, 10, 24–31.
This article explores the problems associated with the prosecutor’s response to violation of law committed by the bodies of inquiry and preliminary investigation in pretrial investigation of a criminal case. The conclusion is made on impossibility of introducing the prosecutor’s requirements on elimination of such violations prior to initiation of criminal investigation. The analysis of legislation demonstrates that such act of prosecutorial supervision as representation on prevention of legal violation cannot be applied in the criminal procedural sphere, although it is frequently applied in practice as demonstrated by the statistics. The author draws the conclusion on introducing certain amendments to the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation, as well as to the Federal Law “On the Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation”. It is suggested to exclude the requirement on prevention of legal violations, replacing it with the more universal concept, which in terms of its consolidation in the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation can be put forth not only in a specific criminal case, but also serve other purposes: elimination of causes and conditions contributing to violation of law, bringing to justice the official violating the law, elimination of the group of violations of procedural law, determined by the prosecutor in various cases.
acts of prosecutorial response, the Prosecutor's response, pre-trial proceedings, bodies of preliminary investigation, prosecutorial supervision, prosecutor, criminal proceeding, criminal case, criminal trial, Prosecutor's request
Onosov, Y.V. (2019). To the question of the concept of discretion in law. Law and Politics, 10, 32–39.
This article reviews the positive and negative approaches towards understanding of discretion in law, as well as substantiates the need for comprehensive analysis of the problems of discretion in law not only in law enforcement, but also lawmaking and law-interpreting practice, depending on the nature of legal activity. The author explores the fundamental approaches of the scholars of jurisprudence towards definition of conceptual characteristics of discretion in law; formulates the original definition of discretion in law and its key attributes; underlines the need for comprehensive study of this legal phenomenon. Having analyzed the positive and negative approaches towards understanding the concept of discretion in law, the author conducts an exhaustive study of the problem of discretion, taking into account the regularities in law enforcement, lawmaking and law-interpreting activity. The author concludes that it is imperative to view discretion in various legal branches, and proposes definition of discretion in law.
lawmaking, interpretation of law, integrated approach, discretion in law, legal understanding, essence of discretion, problems of legal practice, discretion, law, enforcement
State institutions and legal systems
Zeinalov, F.N. (2019). To the question of implementation of the key vectors of the Road Safety Strategy in the Russian Federation for 2018-2024 . Law and Politics, 10, 40–58.
The subject of this research is the system of socio-legal relations in area of ensuring road safety. The object of this research is the social relations with regards to priority areas of implementation of the Road Safety Strategy in the Russian Federation for 2018-2024. The goal lies in examination of provisions of the Strategy, its stages, policy and problems of implementation. The author examines the priority directions of the Strategy, laws and regulations that ensure implementation of its measures, organizational problems, as well as issues of legal regulation of social relations impacted by the measures of the Strategy. Statistical data underlining the relevance of the implemented measures of the Strategy is provided. The article analyzes the law enforcement practice on the subject; determines the problems of organizational and legal nature faced by law enforcement authorities in exercising the key measures of the Strategy. The research materials may be valuable for legislative and law enforcement practice, educational process, scientific works of the experts in ensuring road safety and improvement of branches of the Russian legal system. The novelty of this work is defined by practical and scientific significance of the problems of law enforcement activity in the area of ensuring road safety, as well as the need for improving legal framework regulating the authority of the parties interested in ensuring road safety and implementation of priority directions of the Strategy. In conclusion, the author describes the prospects of implementation of measures of the Strategy, indicates the problems in legal and organizational aspects of realization of the priority directions of the Strategy, which solution, in the author’s opinion, are of utmost importance.
the condition of the vehicles, improving driver training, road accidents, reduce mortality, implementing reform, road safety, Strategy, zero indicator, the improvement of the road, changing behaviour
State institutions and legal systems
Popova, S.M., Shakhray, S.M. (2019). Political and legal mechanisms of correction of the majority decisions within constitutional history of modern Russia. Law and Politics, 10, 59–71.
The subject of this research is the political and legal mechanism of realization of the ideas and model reflected in the new constitutions (including the Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993), in the conditions of instability and absence of social cohesion. Special attention is dedicated to the so-called counter-majoritarian institutions, which can most effectively and legitimately “correct” the lawfully and democratically made majority decisions if they do not correspond with the interests of social development or violate rights and freedoms of the citizens. Based on retrospective analysis, it is demonstrated that in modern Russia, since the new Constitution came into force, the indicated functions are exercised by the Head of the State and the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation. The conclusion is made that the constitutions establishing counter-majoritarian mechanisms, ensure stability and due development of the new statehood and legal system more reliably. These institutions, among other matters, also contribute to sustainability of the modern political systems, characterized with more profound segmentation, as well as support of the political inclusion of minorities.
Political stability, Constitutional law, Constitutional court, President, Counter-majoritarian difficulty, Counter-majoritarian institute, Political history, Constitutional history, Russian Constitution, Political development
State security
Karimov, R.M. (2019). Organization of ensuring security of the judicial process in the “E-Court Security” regime within the paradigm of “digitalization”. Law and Politics, 10, 72–78.
This article examines the question on feasibility of ensuring security of the judicial process in the context of “digitalization”, the concept of which is revealed with specification of objectives and organizational mechanism used for structuring the model. It is underlined that the process of digitalization of the society along with judicial system itself requires particular approach towards the development of mechanisms aimed at ensuring security of the magistrates and federal judges, the likelihood of threat to whom is proportional to the “digital” capabilities of modern society. The study primarily employs the following methods: systemic analysis, comparative legal analysis, general and specific scientific methods, including analysis, synthesis and processing of statistical information. The author makes recommendations on amending the current system of ensuring security of the judicial process through implementation of an additional measure considering the information technologies extensively used in judicial work: nondisclosure of personal information of the judges, presiding over criminal cases involving members of organized crime.
safety measures, depersonalization, information technology, defense, judge, security, judicial activities, the courts, judicial branch, enhanced security
Practical law manual
Egorova, O.A. (2019). To the question on procedural status of financial commissioner on the consumer rights in the area of financial services in hearing cases involving insurance claims according to third-party liability coverage. Law and Politics, 10, 79–85.
This theoretical research analyzes the questions pertaining to determination of the procedural status of financial commissioner on the consumer rights in the area of financial services in hearing cases involving insurance claims according to third-party liability coverage. Analysis is conducted on the norms of Federal Law of June 4, 2018 No. 123 FZ “On the Commissioner for the Rights of Consumers of Financial Services” in the part concerning the procedural mechanism of involvement of financial commissioner in court cases on insurance claims according to third-party liability coverage. The research is performed in light of the comparative legal analysis of the volume of procedural rights and responsibilities on the case parties and financial ombudsman, whose assistance may be required in the course of court hearing. The author analyzes the possibility of involving financial ombudsman to participate in cases under various procedural statuses. Special attention is paid to the substantiation of the conclusion, formulated on the results of the conducted research, on the absence of sufficient legal grounds for procedural involvement of a financial ombudsman in insurance court cases.
insurer, policyholder, CTR contract, insurance disputes, consumer in the financial market, consumer protection, financial attorney, financial ombudsman, judicial protection, pre-trial procedure