Legal and political thought
Vinokurov, S.N. (2018). The modern concept of good faith in the law of obligations of France, Germany, United States and England. Law and Politics, 8, 1–12.
The apprehended from philosophical thought by the national law idea of good faith or bona fides is traditionally and inevitably featured in civil circulation regardless of jurisdiction. The Western doctrine of law enforcement practice formulates various approaches towards bona fides through which it is enshrined in the national legal orders. As a principle that coordinates the private legal relations, bona fides is legally enshrined in legal system of the countries of continental and common law. The goal of this article lies in description of the content of essential elements (structure) of bona fides presented in the Western European and American legal doctrine, as well as the law of obligations of France, Germany, United States and England. As a legal concept, bona fides has become firmly established in the law of obligations of the majority of European countries and has objective grounds. The author examines the similarities and differences between the concepts of good faith among the related legal systems, determines the fundamental distinctions in understanding of the structure of such principle between the countries of common and continental law, as well as its role in the modern private law.
France, Germany, obligation in relationship, common law, continental law, principle, concept, good faith, England, the USA
Topilina, T. (2018). Validity of the expert testimony in criminal procedure. Law and Politics, 8, 13–27.
The subject of this research is the norms of the Russian and foreign legislation that regulate the validity of expert testimony in criminal procedure. The object of this research is the legal relations emerging in the course of verification and assessment of expert testimony from the perspective of its validity in criminal procedure. The author carefully examines the criteria of validity of expert testimony in the Russian Federation and the United States. Special attention is given to the criterion of general recognition of expert methodology. The author also reviews the question of the use of specialist opinion for contesting the expert testimony from the standpoint of validity. Based on the conducted analysis, the author states that unlike the U. S. legislation, the Russian legislation does not contain the requirements for validity of the expert testimony, which results in the absence of any competition between the criminal case experts. The author’s main contribution to the research of this topic consists in analyzing the criterion of the general recognition of methodology for settling the question of validity of the expert testimony in criminal procedure.
Law and order
Akunchenko , E.A. (2018). Corruption and elements of corruption in the electoral process. Law and Politics, 8, 28–42.
The subject of this research is the generally recognized principles and norms of international law in the area of fight against corruption, positions of the current Russian anti-corruption and electoral legislation, norms of the Special Part of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, and the works of Russian experts in history, sociology, political science and law. Within the framework of this article, the author analyzes the concept and elements of corruption, as well as the key attributes of the indicated phenomena applicable to the sphere of electoral relations. Examination of the generic characteristics of corruption and their types in the area of electoral relations allowed determining the groups of corruption offences in the electoral process, describe the functional links between these groups, consider systemic-structural elements, as well as formulate the working definition of corruption in the electoral process.
historical variability, social nature, public danger, structure, system, prevention, criminality, corruption, mass character, criminal and legal nature
Manzhosov, S. (2018). Reasoning based on precedent: analogy, induction or deduction?. Law and Politics, 8, 43–51.
The subject of this research is the formal logical structure of justification of judicial decisions in the case law. The popular opinion state that the method of such substantiation of is the reasoning by analogy. Ambiguity of such concept compels referring to literature on logics, where analogy as a certain type of reasoning often counterpoises deduction and induction. This creates prerequisites for concluding that justification of court decisions can possess principally non-deductive character. Comprehension of this idea presents great complexity for legal experts. In the course of this research the author comes to the conclusion that analogy cannot be presented as a special form of reasoning that counterpoises deduction and induction. It is demonstrated that such reasoning is an essence syllogism, rationale of which can be the principle of analogy of law or something similar. This allows for new formulation and substantiation of the irregular position, at least for Russian legal theory; analogy cannot be considered the main method, even somewhat characteristic for case law, for justification of court decisions.
application of law, law and logic, legal interpretation, judicial reasoning, legal argumentation, induction, deduction, analogy, precedent, stare decisis
Volkov, A.S. (2018). The influence of the European Union on Great Britain’s current legal system. Law and Politics, 8, 52–60.
This article is dedicated to examination of hoe the modern codified legal system of the state of Romano-Germanic legal family correlates with the case law system of Great Britain. The author analyzes some common and distinct aspects of Anglo-Saxon and Romano-Germanic legal systems, as well as studies the shared experience and means that helped both systems to reach similar solutions for mutual problems. Comparative analysis of the corresponding legal systems is conducted with consideration of the current United Kingdom’s membership in the European Union, as well as the future Brexit. The article starts with the description of issues of the current legal space of the European Union, and then analyzes the core of the differences between Anglo-Saxon and Romano-Germanic legal systems. Relevance of this research is substantiated by the UK’s withdrawal from the European Union. The author also explores the problems both sides are facing as a result of Brexit. For many years, the European Union assisted the convergence of Anglo-Saxon and Romano-Germanic law. However, currently Brexit leaves Ireland and Cyprus as the only two countries with Anglo-Saxon legal system in the European Union, which in turn, can lead gravitate the EU legislation towards Romano-Germanic legal family, with low consideration of the principle of Anglo-Saxon system of law.
codification, precedent, common law, civil law, Brexit, European Union, law, United Kingdom, statute, code of law
State institutions and legal systems
Stepanova, D.N. (2018). To the question of requirements towards the candidate for Children's Ombudsmen for the President of the Russian Federation . Law and Politics, 8, 61–67.
The object of this research is the constitutional law status of the Children's ombudsmen for the President of the Russian Federation. The subject of this research is the requirements for the candidate for the position of Children’s Ombudsmen. The author conducts detailed analysis of the requirements for candidacy of Children’s Ombudsmen. Based on the analysis, the author comprises an average portrait of Children’s Ombudsmen that formed in the course of the work of the regional legislator. Special attention is paid to the requirements towards the candidacy for the position of Children’s Ombudsmen in foreign countries. The main conclusion of the conducted research consists in identifying the need to have legislative framework for the requirements towards the candidate for the position of Children’s Ombudsmen in the Russian Federation. The author’s contribution to this topic lies in the proposal of a number of criteria towards the candidate for the position of Children's Ombudsmen for the President of the Russian Federation.
child rights protection, higher legal education, citizenship, age limit, requirement to candidates, children's ombudsman, ombudsman, special requirement, post, rights protection
Transformation of legal and political systems
Nogailieva, F.K. (2018). Religious norms as the regulator of labor relations. Law and Politics, 8, 68–80.
The subject of this research is the differentiation and determination of the content of the norms of various religious doctrines pertaining to labor. The object of this research is the effect of religious norms upon the legal behavior and motivation of a worker in the labor process and their labor relations, as well as the understanding of the phenomenon of labor in various religious systems. The author substantiates the relevance of this research due to increase of religiousness among the population and changes in the paradigm of attitude towards labor itself, as well as the need to devise a special approach towards management and legal regulation of labor of religious workers. The research is based on the methods of analysis, systematization and comparison of the norms of the three Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) contained in the translations of the holy texts, their interpretations, other religious sources, and comments of theologians and economists. The main conclusion of the research became the highlighting of three types of religious norms: the norms of intermediate regulation of labor; the norms of direct regulation of labor; the norms maxima. Special attention is given to the first type of norms, comprising the basis of requirements of the worker concerning changes in work terms in order to combine work and adherence to religious precepts.
equality at workplace, islam, christianity, judaism, religious norms, discrimination, religious employee, religion, unity and differentiation, features of labor regulation
Conflict: tools of stabilization
Nikitina, A. (2018). Constitutional judicial process as a form of resolving constitutional legal disputes: trends of foreign law regulation. Law and Politics, 8, 81–92.
The subject of this research is the constitutional law disputes that act as the prerequisites for constitutional judicial procedure, and define the content and the subject of judicial activity, as well as the main parameters of the constitutional judicial process. The procedure of resolving constitutional disputes in constitutional courts is being examined as a means of maintaining a balance between branches of power in the government, mechanism of protection of rights of the individual, competency of the constitutional branches and constitutional values. The goal of this research is to determine the main trends of foreign legal regulation that demonstrates the influence of the constitutional law disputes upon the constitutional judicial process. Among main conclusions, the author determines the key trends of foreign legal regulation of the constitutional judicial process as forms of resolving constitutional law disputes, including expansion of the categories of legal disputes in the constitutional court jurisdiction; sequential reflection in the legislation of the adversarial principle through determining plaintiffs and defendants in all categories of cases heard by the constitutional court; determination of restitution for damages caused by an act found to be unconstitutional.
adversarial principle, constitutional claim, constitutional-legal conflict, constitutional proceedings, Constitutional court, constitutional judicial trial, constitutional-legal dispute, unconstitutional legal act, procedural form, comparative legal research
History of state and law
Sokolova, E.S. (2018). On the supra-estate (class) trends of the political-legal course of Catherine the Great: ideology, legislation, ceremonial practices (second half of the XVIII century). Law and Politics, 8, 93–113.
The subject of this research is the representative strategies aimed at the political-legal establishment of the supra-estate (class) status of the supreme sovereign power during the reign of Catherine the Great. Special attention is given to the ideological support of the dominant position of the empress, in the state legal system of Russia during the second half of the XVIII century. In the transformation of the supra-estate legislation into an efficient instrument of ruling the society, legitimation of the absolute monarchy was taking place based on the doctrine of common good, which contributed to strengthening of the conservative beginning of state paternalism and development of the supra-estate content. The novelty of this research consists in determining the key vectors of the domestic politics course, which through the political-legal representations ensured targeted influence of the supreme sovereign power upon the society in the course of implementation of the paternalistic model of relations of the citizens.
representational strategies, ideological support, political-legal course, state paternalism, super-estate monarchy, estate system, state building, Russian autocracy, lawmaking, ceremonial text
Practical law manual
Platonova, N., Smyshlyaev, A.V. (2018). Problems of normative-legal regulation of administering primary healthcare in the Russian Federation . Law and Politics, 8, 114–121.
In the modern world, primary healthcare is the basic element of the healthcare system. To ensure its efficiency and improve state management in this area, it is necessary to improve the legislative base. The object of this research is the public relations that form in the process of organizing and carrying out primary healthcare assistance in the Russian Federation. The subject is the norms of the federal legislation, as well as legislation of the subjects of the Russian federation that regulate the order of provision of medical aid to Russian citizens. The conducted research demonstrated that the Federal Law “On the basics of primary healthcare of the citizens of the Russian Federation” and orders issued to carry out this law by the executive branches of the government have a number of contradictions, which impedes efficient regulation. The authors determine multiple relevant issues in the modern system of administration of the healthcare facilities.
pediatrist, family doctor, general practitioners, physician, hospital-replacement care, primary health care, health care, assistant doctor, come care, attending medical doctor
Legal and political thought
Belikova, K.M. (2018). Investment contract (agreement): concept, legal nature, examples of execution (based on Russia and China models). Law and Politics, 8, 122–139.
This article presents research of the concepts, essence and legal nature of investment contracts on the example of Russia and China. The author offers a multifaceted complex research of this concept from the position of international and national laws, including civil and administrative laws. The accent is made on the fact that it has situational interpretation and depends on other conditions of activity that is contractually formalized. The novelty of this research is justified by determination of the characteristics of an investment contract from the position of the complex approach, which considers representation of internationalists, as well as civilists and administrationists in conjuction with the analysis of practicle examples of investment interaction between Russia and China from the positions of modernity and retrospect. The author determines that investment cooperation between Russia and China is currently largely based on intergovernmental agreements and framework agreements for providing equipment, rendering services, construction, organizational support, personnel training, etc..
civil law, legal nature, international law, intergovernmental agreements, China, Russia, investment contract, investments, administrative law, cases
Legal and political thought
Pozhidaev, V.E. (2018). Multi-family residential building as an object of property right: main approaches and legal status issues. Law and Politics, 8, 140–145.
The relevance of this research is justified by the difficulties in definition of the legal status of a multi-family residential building in the modern legal theory and legislation. The change in the current approaches is especially relevant in the context of the launch of the renovation of the residential areas in Moscow. The subject of this research is the legal status of multi-family buildings as an object of property right. The author examines the doctrinal approaches towards determination of the legal status of multi-family residences, exploring the advantages and disadvantages of each of them. Special accent is made on the position, according to which a multi-family residence represent a single unit of real estate. A conclusion is made on the impossibility of application of the Integral Real Estate Complex legal regime by the interpretation of the current civil code, and requires designation of the category of residential property complex. The author formulates the concept of residential property complex and highlights the key features distinguishing it from the Integral Real Estate Complex. The main conclusion is the recognition of the imperfection of the current approaches towards the legal regulation of multi-family residential buildings as the objects of civil law. The author advances that a multi-family residence should be recognized as a single real estate unit, for which the category of “residential property complex” is being proposed. Formalization of this concept in Russian legislation would allow recognition of a multi-family residence as an abject of property right.
real estate, critical analysis, conveyance of multi-family house, single immovable complex, right of property, property, civil law, multi-family house, accommodation, shared ownership