Legal and political thought
Gorban, V.S. (2017).
Rudolf Stammler’s “The Doctrine of the Right Law” as a synthesis of the formal-rationalistic (Kantian) approach towards legal consciousness and R. Jhering’s teleological concept of law
. Law and Politics, 9, 1–11.
The subject of this research is the problem of interpretation of the notion of law, as well as formation of methodological approaches towards its substanuation in the legal doctrine of Marburg Neo-Kantian – Rudolf Stammler, who introduced interpretation of law as a “natural law with the variable content” and formulation of the concept of “right law”. The core construct of Stammler’s entire intellectual activity lies in the problem of cognizing law as the central and leading factor of social development. The specific features of Stammler’s legal consciousness manifest in the original modification of R. Jhering’s teleological concept from the perspective of formal-rationalistic (Kantian) philosophy. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that the initial hypothesis of the study on the meaningful impact of legal views of R. Jhering upon the establishment of legal doctrine of R. Stammler, particularly the concrete theoretical and methodological approaches towards analysis of the category of “legal concept”, as well as methods of substantiation of the “right law” concept, was confirmed by the results of examination of the original compilation texts of the thinkers and specific comparable concepts of their teachings.
Method of substantiation of law, Goal, Right law, Idea of law, Teleological concept of law, Kant, Legal content, Concept of law, Jhering, Stammler
State institutions and legal systems
Ivanov, A.V., Nasyrov, R.V. (2017). Constitutional principle of ideological diversity and national idea: problems of correlation. Law and Politics, 9, 12–19.
The subject of this research is the relevant issues of correlation between the constitutional principle of ideological diversity and the extensively discussed within the Russian society question of establishment of the Russian national idea. The authors meticulously review various doctrinal approaches towards interpreting the constitutional principle of ideological diversity, as well as give special attention to the characteristic of the distinctive signs of ideology and national idea. It is noted that the ideology expresses the interests of separate social groups, is applicable to the sphere of limited, specific; national idea is characterized by universality and ubiquity, as well as manifests as a unifying social beginning that contains the common value bases of social life. The authors underline that in the context of the Russian history and present, the category of national idea is used in a narrow-ethnic, but broader cultural-civilizational meaning, which reflects the multinational and multiconfessional nature of the Russian society. Conclusion is made that the ideology alongside the national idea are not included into the subject of legal regulation, but rather suggest a continuously renewing dialogue, search process of the historically justified optimal combination of interests of the various social groups for the purpose of reproducing the social world.
Social dialogue, Solidarism , Socialism, Liberalism, Deideologization, National idea, Ideology, Principle of ideological diversity, Constitutional principles, Constitution
State institutions and legal systems
Khvalev, S.A. (2017). Requirements of legislative technique of the constitutions (regulations) of subject of the Russian Federation. Law and Politics, 9, 20–30.
The subject of this research is the topical issues of legal technique in the context of the content, structure, and execution of constitutions (regulations) of subjects of the Russian Federation. Within the framework of the topic at hand, the author analyzes legislation of the subjects of the Russian Federation for assessing the efficiency of the established means, approaches, and techniques applicable to interpretation, structuring, and attributive execution of the fundamental regional normative legal acts. The article considers specific examples that illustrate the positive and negative aspects of interpretation, structuring, and execution of the constitutional (regulatory) acts of the subjects of the Russian Federation. Taking into account the special place of the constitutions (regulations) of subjects of the Russian Federation alongside their peculiar functional assignment, an attempt is made to substantiate the need for formulation of the specific legal technical approaches regarding the interpretation, structuring, and execution of the constitutional (regulatory) acts of the subject of the Russian Federation. The author underlines the urgency of legislative consolidation of the unified for all regions approaches of legislative technique applicable for the constitutions (regulations) of subjects of the Russian Federation.
Chapter, Article, Law, Subject of the Russian Federation, Legal quality, Rulemaking , Legal technique, Legislative technique, Regulation, Constitution
State security
Zelenkov, M. (2017). Regulatory aspect of the polysemy of approaches towards the definition of "extremism". Law and Politics, 9, 31–43.
The object of this research is extremism. The subject is the special characteristics of the definition of "extremism" contained in the normative legal acts. Based on the analysis of domestic and international legal documents, it is proven that the category of "extremism" has no universal legal definition. This fact and the ambiguity of the legal interpretation of extremism as a wrongful act, significantly reduces the practical application of normative legal acts in the course of preliminary investigation, as well as investigative and judicial activities. Additionally, in the context of the entity category of "extremism", this work examines such forms of extremism as radicalism. The study uses complex methodological approaches that help achieve the goals and solve the tasks of the research: general research methods (analysis and synthesis, logical), system analysis, comparative and legal methods. The result of this study is the selection of special features in the contents of the definition of "extremism" that are present in its interpretation of international and domestic legal instruments, comparing them with threats to national security of the Russian Federation and on this basis defining the universal logical boundaries of extremism as an illegal act.
state safety, national security, regulatory legal acts, Russian Federation, terrorism, radicalism, extremist activity, definition of extremism, investigation , judicial authorities
Law and order
Vinokurov, A.Y. (2017). To the question on the institution of new or newly discovered circumstances in prosecutor’s supervision . Law and Politics, 9, 44–51.
The subject of this research is the novelties enshrined in the Federal Law “On the Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation”, associated with introduction of the institution of new or newly discovered circumstances as grounds for second verification in carrying out prosecutorial supervision. The author underlines the absolute novelty for the area of the prosecutorial supervision legal relations of the aforementioned institution, but points out that this is certainly not the first case of inclusion of corresponding norms into legislation that does not regulate the issues of judicial procedure, and provides sections from two federal laws as an example. The author expresses hypotheses on possible complications, which can emerge in the practice of the prosecutor in realization of the norms of the Federal Law “On prosecutor’s office of the Russian Federation”, which establishes the positions on new or newly discovered circumstances as grounds for second verification on adherence to the laws.
Foundation check, new circumstances, legal violation, oversight, sources of information, execution of laws, newly discovered circumstances, re-inspection, Prosecutor, Prosecutor's inspection
Belikova, K.M. (2017). Some aspects of marriage and family relations of India from the position of the courts. Law and Politics, 9, 52–61.
The subject matter of this article comprises legal aspects of marriage and divorce relations of India - one of the biggest partners of Russia – from the position of Indian courts to the questions of procedural resolution of such relations. Marriage and family are the most traditional legal institutions, but even they have changed over time. The article covers the most important facets of the functionality of marriage and family relations – marriage and divorce. The author comes from the subjective-objective orientation processes and phenomena in the surrounding world. From this position, the author uses general scientific methods (system analysis and synthesis of normative and practical materials, etc.) and special legal methods of legal research (comparative, of interpretation of legal norms, etc.). The main conclusions of the research are that approaches vary depending on the personal status of spousal approaches to several issues in the field of marriage and family relations: alimony, consideration of needs of one of the divorcing spouses (usually women), etc. These differentiated approaches provide obstacles to the creation of a uniform regime of such relationship while the case law follows life, filling norms with content that is adequate to life, in order to give full protection to the rights of the spouse receiving support. The results presented in this article are the source of relevant and up to date information about the existing law of one of the fastest growing countries in the world, and thus can be useful for practitioners with ties to India, as well as law enforcement bodies in Russia. It also serves as a source of valuable information that enriches the domestic private law.
alimony, property, courts, personal status, legal precedent, divorce, family, marriage, India, children
History of state and law
Panokin, A.M. (2017). Revision of court decisions during the period of validity of the 1960 Code of Criminal Procedure of the RSFSR. Law and Politics, 9, 62–75.
This article analyses the peculiarities of court ruling revision during the period of validity of the 1960 Code of Criminal Procedure of the RSFSR. The work elucidates that the further development of the socialistic model of court ruling revision was related to the legal recognition and the scientific justification of the admissibility of revision of case facts in a supreme court in the absence of a procedure for the review of direct evidence. The grounds for revision in a cassational and the supervision procedures are identical, which proves that the entering of a ruling into force was of no consequence for the revision system. The modernization of the entire existing legal system, while preserving Soviet and restoring pre-revolutionary agencies for court ruling revision, carried out in the period between the judicial reform of the 1990’s, and the adoption of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation in 2001, is under consideration. The article pays special attention to the attempt to separate the appeal proceeding from current cassational revision procedure by law. The subject of the article required the application of a number of general scientific methods (systemic analysis, description of empiric material, comparison and generalization), as well as field-specific methods (historic and legal analysis, generalization of the law enforcement practice and technical and legal analysis). The author concludes that the existing institutional contradictions of the revision system, established by the 1960 Code of Criminal Procedure of the RSFSR, made it unstable and short-lived. The stated contradictions brought about the need for the court reforms of 1990–2000, which concerned court ruling revision as well. The main result of such reforms was the restoration of appeal proceedings; otherwise, the changes in the revision system were not fundamental.
judicial system, 1960 Code of Criminal Procedure of the RSFSR, revision proceedings, reformatio in pejus, recommencement of cases, revision grounds, proceedings in the exercise of supervisory power, Soviet cassational proceedings, court ruling revision, criminal proceeding
History of state and law
Butba, S.R. (2017). The establishment of dual citizenship institution in the Republic of Abkhazia (1990-2017): historical legal aspect. Law and Politics, 9, 76–93.
This article is dedicated to the history of establishment of the dual citizenship legal institution in the Republic of Abkhazia. It is noted that at the present stage, the majority of the Abkhazian citizens are bipatrides – along with the citizenship of the Republic of Abkhazia, also have citizenship of other state. The object of this research is the analysis of the content of dual citizenship institution of the Republic of Abkhazia from the historical perspective. The author attempts to examine the establishment process of the aforementioned institution throughout the period of 1990-2017, since the moment of adopting the Declaration of State Sovereignty of the Socialist Soviet Republic of Abkhazia on August 25, 1990 until the present time. The subject of this work is all normative legal acts of the Republic of Abkhazia that were adopted after August 25, 1990, international agreements of the Republic of Abkhazia, as well as normative legal acts of the states, with which in accordance with the legislation and international treaties of the Republic of Abkhazia, bipatrism was established de jure. Of special relevance is the execution of agreement between the Republic of Abkhazia and Russian Federation on cooperation and strategic partnership; as specified in the Article 13, Russian Federation had to take additional measures aimed at streamlining procedures for acquisition of citizenship of the Russian Federation for the citizens of the Republic of Abkhazia. The author believes that in case of adopting such measures, the number of bipatrides – Abkhazian citizens with the Russian citizenship, significantly increases within the territory of the Republic of Abkhazia, and thus, escalates the attention of Russian scholars towards acquisition of the Russian citizenship by the separate categories of individuals – in this case – citizens of a particular state. The scientific novelty consists in the fact, that despite the relevance of the topic at hand, in the Republic of Abkhazia there are no scientific research on dual citizenship as an integral legal institution; the existing works carry the politological, historical, or sociopolitical character. The author is first to define the key periods in establishment of the dual citizenship institution, as well as regularities and peculiarities of its formation over the period of 1990-2017.
Stages of establishment, Bipatrides de facto, Bipatrides de jure, International agreement, Dual citizenship institution, Bipatrides, Bipatrism, Dual citizenship, Citizenship, Republic of Abkhazia