Transformation of legal and political systems
Starodubtseva, I. (2017). Impact of the Constitution of the Russian Federation upon development of the constitutional-legal institutions and formation of conflict of laws. Law and Politics, 1, 1–11.
This article is dedicated to the examination of key directions of influence of the Constitution of the Russian Federation upon development of the constitutional-legal institutions and conflict of laws, the formation of which as a new branch is suggested on the basis of constitutional norms. The author highlights two vectors of influence of the Constitution of the Russian Federation upon development of the constitutional-legal institutions at the present stage: positive influence, which manifests in the constitutional definition of directions of development of the constitutional-legal institutions based on the principles established in the Constitution of the Russian Federation; as well as insufficient influence, which implies a negative aspect – contradiction with the Constitution law of the Russian Federation. The article systematizes the constitutional regulators, which serve as the basis for formation of the conflict of laws: constitutional norms that guarantee federal conflict of laws, ways of resolution of the collisions; constitutional principles of the conflict of laws; constitutional presumption of legal regulation of the mechanisms of prevention and elimination of violations of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The author formulates the subject, institutions, method, and sources of the conflict of laws as a model branch, as well as suggests the stages of its establishment.
Conflict of laws method, Institutions of conflict of laws, Subject of conflict of laws, Constitutional presumptions, Constitutional principles, Resolution of collisions, Collision, Conflict of laws, Constitutional law, Constitution
Transformation of legal and political systems
Varavenko, V.E. (2017). Harmonization of contract law of the Russian Federation and European Union: impacts of the doctrines of common law. Law and Politics, 1, 12–18.
The object of this research is the relations on reformation of the Russian civil legislation. The subject of this research is the changes introduced into the Civil Code of the Russian Federation by the Federal Law No. 42-FZ of March 8, 2015. The author carefully examines the new rules of the Code, which were created under the influence of the common law doctrines; compares the content of “parent” doctrines with the new rules of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation; analyzes the mechanisms of infiltration of the common law doctrines into the Russian legal system, one of which consists the borrowing of the corresponding legal examples from entrepreneurial contracts, concluded between the Russian and foreign economic subjects. A conclusion is made that reformation of the Russian civil law is based on not only the Western European legal examples, which as claimed in the concept of development of civil legislation, are inherent to legislation of the countries of continental Europe, but also the common law doctrine that is “alien” to the Russian legal system. The author highlights that the common law doctrines are being borrowed directly from legislation of the countries from Anglo-Saxon legal family, as well as indirectly, from the practice of implementation of such doctrines that has been established within the Russian legal system.
Codification, Systematization of legislation, Reform of civil legislation, Harmonization of law, Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Security payment, Disclaimer, Claim, Compensation of property losses, Common law doctrines
Law and order
Nikultseva, A. (2017). Humanization of criminal legislation in the German legislation: negative consequences on the path of overcoming of imperfections in criminal legislation. Law and Politics, 1, 19–30.
The subject of this research is the negative consequences of humanization of the German criminal legislation and search for the solutions on its improvement. The author analyzed the efficiency of humanization of the German criminal legislation from the perspective of accumulated experience. On the example of the work with migrants, youth, and family violence, the article demonstrates some negative aspects of humanization. The article explores the causes for derogatory attitude towards the German law, which results in increase of the crime level in the most non-conformist environment among the teenagers and migrants. Despite the evident positive aspects and lack of alternative of the general course towards humanization, certain implemented changes into the criminal legislation of Germany did not prove their effectiveness. First and foremost, humanization of the criminal legislation does not resolve the issued associated with migrants – too soft of a treatment can lead to worsening of the situation and further marginalization and criminalization. It also applies to the teenagers, who due to their psychological specificities are not able to adequately use their rights, but ignore their responsibilities. The performed analysis carries an important practical meaning and can be taken into account in the course of humanization of the Russian legislation.
Humanization, Negative consequences, Analysis, Decriminalization, Youth, Migrants, Fair punishment, Germany, Criminal law, Criminal legislation
Law and order
Safaryan, G.O. (2017). The concept of improvement of the procedural status of a victim in criminal process. Law and Politics, 1, 31–38.
The subject of this research is the status of a victim as the main participant of criminal procedure, whose rights and legal interests are protected on priority basis. The author substantiates that despite the adopted by legislator measures (of December 28, 2013 and later) on optimization of the procedural status of a victim, there is still a need for improvement of his rights. Based on the analysis of the acting legislation and various points of view among the scholars, the article determines a trend towards the actual alignment of the volume of right between the victim and the accused. At the same time, the legislator did not consider the situations, in which the accused does not realize the granted rights or even avoids the participation in criminal procedure. The scientific novelty of this work consists in determination of status of a victim in the criminal process at the current stage of development of the Russian criminal procedure that differs from the earlier proposed approaches, including formulation of a conclusion on the need for demarcation of the procedural status of a victim of crime, taking into account his legal interest as a civil plaintiff, victim, and witness.
witness, civil plaintiff, legal interests, rights, status, victim, criminal process, participants, improvement, optimization
Law and order
Grigoriev, D.A. (2017). Characteristics of objective signs of participation in a crime syndicate (Part 2 of Article 210 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). Law and Politics, 1, 39–46.
The subject of this work is the Part 2 of Article 210 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which stipulates criminal responsibility for participation in criminal syndicate (criminal organization); assemblage of the Russian normative legal acts of the XVII-XXI centuries, associated with establishment of the responsibility for organization of crime syndicates along with the membership therein; international legal acts that regulate responsibility for the organized criminal activity; judicial practice on criminal cases pertaining to organization of criminal community or participation in it; as well as problematic questions, opinions of the scholars reflected in scientific publications on the topic of research. The result of this work consists in refutation of position of a number of authors regarding the fact that for the acknowledgment of a member of crime syndicate as such, he must fulfil the role of executor, organizer, aider and abettor in one of the planned by the syndicate crime. The conclusion and scientific novelty of this research consists in formulation of the necessary set of features of the objective site of composition of participation in a crime syndicate, as well as author’s interpretation of their content. This article can be used by the law enforcement agencies in disputable situations regarding the presence or absence of the signs of composition of a crime, stipulated by the Article 210 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
distribution of roles, Criminal Code of the Russian Federation , criminal complicity, point of conclusion of a crime , participation in criminal syndicate, criminal syndicate, causal connection, result of crime, secured activity, considerable contribution
Transnational interests
Karpovich, O.G. (2017). Regulation of international activity of the modern multinational corporations. Law and Politics, 1, 47–58.
This article is dedicated to the contemporary approaches towards political regulation of the international activity of modern multinational corporations on the institutional level. The object of this research is the international activity of multinational corporations, while the subject is the forms and methods of regulation of their international activity. The goal of this work consists in the attempt to characterize the existing form and methods of regulation of the international activity of multinational corporations (MNCs), as well as assess their efficiency. The author turns attention to the role of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) in regulation of the international activity of multinational corporations, as well as peculiarities of application of the norms and positions of the “Behavioral Code of MNCs” and “Global Compact” of the United Nations. A conclusion is made that the existing forms and methods of normative legal regulation of the modern MNCs are not sufficiently effective, because the majority of them is reduced to encouragement of MNCs towards signing with the nation states of the so-called agreements and contracts, which usually carry a declarative character. At the same time, the voluntarily accepted by the multinational corporations, responsibilities are not mandatory in practice, but rather completely depend on free will of the owners of MNCs. Most of such contracts and agreements (for example, the “Behavioral Code of MNCs”) do not contain sanctions for violation of the norms, and as a result, international mechanism of their application is not expressed, which makes the aforementioned norms recommendatory. This, in turn, leads to the fact that the modern MNCs, with regards to international affairs, avoid control of their activity by the nation states and intergovernmental international organizations.
diplomacy, international relations, global instability, world politics, global information space, geopolitics, interests, state, sequrity, risks
Stabilization systems: fiscal control
Mitiay, E., Kameneva, Z. (2017). Legal regulation of the power of attorney management of finances according to the law of the Russian Federation. Law and Politics, 1, 59–71.
The subject of this research is the peculiarities of legal regulation of the relations that form at the present stage due to establishment and development of the institution of power of attorney management of finances as one of the types of financial services. The object of this research is the public relations that form in the process of realization of the power of attorney management of finances as a specific type of financial services, which allows ensuring the demands of the state in additional financing of the most promising national and regional projects through attraction of funds that belong to private and legal entities in the active economic processes. The authors support the propositions made by some researchers (N. A. Fokin, V. S. Egorov), regarding assignment of the legal institution of the power of attorney management of finances as an independent institution, with consideration of specific character of an object of trust management as the process of application of the complex of transactions, which in turn, can be replaced with other objects (bonds, currency securities, and other property); or the object of management is directly the property complex – a unit investment fund and non-governmental pension fund. Result of the conducted analysis give all grounds to speak of the purposefulness of establishment with regards to the authorized capital of non-governmental pension funds and unit investment funds the requirements on the obligatory deposit of authorized capital onto special account, with the right to payments only in cases associated with occurrence of negative consequences for the financial status of a fund, determined by the legal precedent of a court ruling.
Non-governmental pension fund, Pension assets, Consumers of financial services, Lender, Non-governmental pension assets, Unit investment fund, Investment, Power of attorney management, Finances, Authorized capital
Public communications
Savoskin, A.V. (2017). To the question of content of the term “petition” in Russian law. Law and Politics, 1, 72–82.
This article examines the use of the term “petition” in international contracts, national legal acts, court decisions, as well as foreign legislation. The acts of the constituents of the Russian Federation alongside the bodies of local self-governance meticulously analyze the use of this term. Taking into account that the use of the term “petition” has not entrenched in the Russian jurisprudence, this work studies the two main approached towards its definition: as a variety of collective appeal regarding the important questions of social life, as well as external form of national law-making initiative. The conducted analysis allowed establishing that in the federal level acts the term “petition” is mentioned only in the Federal Law “On Environmental Protection”, but has no concrete definition. Reference to petitions can come across in the acts of constituents of the Russian Federation, and most often in the acts of local self-governance. The author concludes that in both, Russian and foreign jurisprudence, the word “petition” is traditionally considered as synonym to the word “appeal”. However, depending on the context of legal act or scientific approach, petitions are either equalized with addresses of the citizens, or considered exceptionally as their variety. We should specify that in the Russian constitutional law the term “petition” is primarily used in meaning of the collective address of citizens, including the special (enhanced) form of the collective address. The conducted analysis allowed substantiating the impracticality of use of the term “petition” in Russian legislation.
Political law, Citizen, Complaint, Claim, Address of citizens, Expression of will, Collective address , Right to address, Appeal, Petition
Public communications
Shapkina, E. (2017). Monitoring of realization of positions of the Federal law of July 21, 2014 No. 212-FZ “On the Basics of Public Control in the Russian Federation”. Law and Politics, 1, 83–91.
The subject of this research is the legal relations established in the process of realization of the social life regulatory norms. The object of this research is the rights and freedoms of a human and a citizen, which come under the influence of public control. Over a year ago, the special law regulating public control in the Russian Federation was passed in Russia for the first time. The law established the notion, subjects and forms of public control, as well as signified the possible responsibility for violations in this sphere. The author analyzes the established practice. Special attention is given to the questions of law enforcement in part of development of the regional legislation on public control, as well as information awareness about the results of public control. The main conclusion of the conducted research lies in the list of normative legal acts that require adopting amendments, imperfections in the acting legal system, as well as successful results associated with application of norms of the passed law. The main contribution into the scientific and practical activity consists in the generalized practical experience of the federal and regional importance. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that the author is a direct participant of law enforcement, who is the first to suggest the results of monitoring of the law enforcement of a specific normative legal acts, as well as direction in development of the public control.
State, Politics, Law, Human rights, Monitoring, Law enforcement, Public control, Law, Society, Constitution
History of state and law
Voropanov, V. (2017). The Judicial legal reform of Paul O: goals, content, and results. Law and Politics, 1, 92–103.
The object of this research is the judicial system of the Russian Empire in the late XVIII century. The article analyzes the goals, content, and results of judicial legal reforms realized by Paul I. The author examines the reforms carried out in the general jurisdiction courts, as well as system of bodies of state and public administration. The attention is given to the results of implementation of the judicial legal reform in the regions of Russian Empire with the sanctioned systems of law, and places of compact dwelling of the ethnical social classes. The author concludes that the Emperor Paul I, who attempted to optimize the state apparatus and consolidate legal order based on the “police state ideology”, reduced the number of courts of general jurisdiction, realized decentralization of functions of justice, as well as eliminated the estates representatives from composition of the judicial board. The monarch reinforced the municipal and district police administration, and distributed the principles of centralization and unification at the volost level of administration system. Paul I demonstrated the support of succession of the sources of law, which regulate court organization and procedure in separate areas violated during the ruling period of Catherine the Great, not only by restoring the pre-reformation bodies in Little Russia and Baltic region, but strengthening the distinct status of ethnical estates and mitigating integration of the migrants. The restoration of special judicial organization in separate areas and weakening of the elements of social control over judicial procedure in state courts, were the factor that objectively constrained the development of system of justice in the Russian Empire.
Province, Social class, Legal representation, Court procedure, Justice, Law, Court organization, Policy, Reforms, Russian Empire
Practical law manual
Khvostitskii, M.V. (2017). General and special consequences of invalidity a void contract: implementation issues and prospects of legal regulation. Law and Politics, 1, 104–111.
This article is dedicated to a number of questions associated with application of the consequences of invalidity a void contract. The author carefully examines the aspects of application of the general and special consequences of invalidity a void contract. Special attention is given to complications of application of the bilateral restitution. The article also touches upon such consequences as responsibility to compensate for the damage and recovery of a void contract, reviews the German experience of convalidation, suggests the ways of resolving the issues of Russian legislation in this field, as well as explores the questions associated with inadmissibility of restitution and collection of the agreement proceeds. The author’s special contribution lies in the conclusion that often the application of consequences of invalidity of a void contract can be impossible, because practice knows cases when the application of such consequences does not restore the violated right. The author also proposes an alternative for resolution of the problem that pertains to contradictions between the institution of convalidation of the void contracts with the essence of a void contract.
Sanctions, Public legal violation, Inadmissibility of restitution, Recovery of contract, Convalidation, Bilateral restitution, Special consequences, General consequences, Void contract, Invalid contract
Legal and political thought
Solionov, A.V. (2017). P. N. Tkachev on the origin, evolution, and concept of law. Law and Politics, 1, 112–121.
This article explores the outlook of the accomplished representative of Narodniks movement P. N. Tkachev upon the law and state in genetic and ontological regard. The subject of this research is the regularities and peculiarities of genesis and evolution of the thinker’s ideas on the essence of law with reference to the entire assemblage of knowledge of the modern general theory of law and political science. The author carefully examines the philosophical-worldview and theoretical-legal foundations of P. N. Tkachev’s views upon the origin and concept of state and law, their genetic, functional, and value characteristics. A special methodological accent is made on the systemic and comparative approach towards the research of P. N. Tkachev’s heritage. The fundamental conclusion of the conducted research consists in the thesis that distinct feature of Tkachev’s legal consciousness is the interpretation of the essence of law as the power of state coercion, which systematically finds its practical realization in legal order. Tkachev associates law, by its origin, with the interest realized by the dominant classes in legislation through the abilities of the state. The author underlines that Tkachev alongside the founders of Marxism have identical views upon the nature of law.
primitive communal system, Marxism, philosophy, genesis, evolution, state, law, Narodniks, Socialism, authority