Transformation of legal and political systems
Makarova, M.V. (2014). Migration policy of the Russian Federation:
reform tendencies. Law and Politics, 10, 1492–1496.
The author reviews the key problems in the sphere of migration policy. Among these problems she singles out
the following: the long-standing demographic crisis since 1991 to current time; migration balance, which does not cover
the natural loss of people, unreported (illegal) labor migrant streams from the neighboring countries. The author considers
that the changes in the legislation and the bylaws of the Russian Federation may be characterized with the following:
the existing quota mechanism is not very efficient, and it shall probably be recalled, there shall be stricter responsibility
for the violations of the migration legislation. The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is likely to be amended, and
so shall be the federal laws. The author uses the following methods: analysis of normative materials, comparative legal
studies, synthesis, as well as some other classical methods applied in jurisprudence. The article contains the following
conclusions: the reform of the migration policy of the state takes place under the influence of variously polarized and
hardly predictable factors: social tension in the society remains an acute problem for the state institutions, reforms of the
state in the state migration policy become repressive and limiting, influencing Russian citizens as well.
State migration policy, migration streams, legislation, social tension, reforms, migration balance, labor migrants, illegal migrants, constitutional rights, human rights.
Transformation of legal and political systems
Tsareva, E.Y. (2014). Normative legal fundamentals
of the migration policy in Italy. Law and Politics, 10, 1497–1505.
The main problem in the sphere of formation of the migration policy in the Italian Republic is extreme liberalism regarding
tourist streams and weak protection of external boundaries from the sea. Currently the migration streams have a significant
impact upon the demographic, social and economic situation in Italy, causing the need for the state regulation of migration within
the framework of the legislative process as a whole, as well as in some executive institutions. The experience of law-making in the
sphere of migration is extremely important for choosing the further strategy of the state in migration regulation. Analysis of the
current normative legal acts regulating the issues of migration policy of the Italian states shows that the prohibiting measures do not
attain the needed results, they just stimulate illegal migration into the state. This matter requires a conclusion on the development
of the new strategy of regulation of the migration streams by the Italian legislators. The article concerns the key domestic legislative
acts regarding migration regulation, which are applied in the Italian states, as well as the provisions of the EU legislation on
the migration policy, which are applied outside its territory. The international experience in general and the experience of Italy
in particular may serve as the basis for the improvement of the normative legal regulation of the migration streams in the modern
Russia. In this respect there is need to evaluate the experience of the normative legal regulation of the migration streams in the
Republic of Italy from the standpoint of formation of the conceptual fundamentals for the migration policy of the state.
Migration, migration legislation, migration legislation of Italy, state migration policy, fundamentals of the state migration policy, normative legal basis for migration, public security department, unified migration department, police control, the Constitution of Italy.
Stabilization systems: government control
Idrisov, I.T. (2014). Punishments regarding correctional labor
in England and in France. Law and Politics, 10, 1506–1514.
This article provides a complex comparative legal study of the measures of forced labor correction of convicts
serving punishments without isolation from the society. Taking examples of England and France (representing Anglo-Saxon
and Roman-German legal system) the author shows the tendency for the humanization of the applied criminal punishments.
Since these two states belong to different legal families, there are some specificities regarding assignment and
execution of alternative punishments (to imprisonment), regarding correctional labor, allowing to single out independent
models of criminal law influence. At the same time similar measures may be accepted similarly in different states, which
is due to the globalization of the criminal legal policy. In the process of studies the author applied various methods, such
as analysis, synthesis, analogy, comparative and legal methods. The article contains references to English and French
legislative sources translated by the author, as well as their comparative legal analysis. The author notes practical and
theoretical value of foreign experience for the optimization of the system of punishments in Russia. The demand for the
alternative punishments involving correctional labor corresponds to the main directions of criminal and penal policies
of the modern states.
Humanization, alternative punishments, correctional labor, obligatory labor, punishments in foreign states, probation, penitentiary system, foreign legislation, execution of punishments, globalization.
Public communications
Kabanov, P.A. (2014). Public discussion of issues of fi ghting corruption
as a form of interaction of the civil society institutions
with the public government bodies in the process
of public control implementation. Law and Politics, 10, 1515–1524.
The object of studies involves public discussion of the issues of fighting corruption as the form of interaction
of the civil society institutions with the public government bodies in the process of implementation of public control. The
goals of the study involve the following: 1) discussing elements of public discussion on fighting corruption as the form of
interaction of the civil society institutions with the public government bodies in the process of public control implementation;
2) providing structural analysis of the main elements of the public discussions of the issues regarding fighting corruption
as a form of interaction of the civil society institutions with the public government bodies in the process of public control
implementation; 2) to offer the vision of the author regarding public discussions on issues regarding fighting corruption
as a form of interaction of the civil society institutions with the public government bodies in the process of public control
implementation. The methodological basis for the study involves dialectic materialism and the general scientific cognition
methods based upon it, including structural analysis, etc. The scientific novelty of the study is due to the fact that for the
first time in the Russian scientific literature the author views the public discussion of issues of fighting corruption as a
form of interaction of the civil society institutions with the public government bodies in the process of public control implementation,
discussing its contents, providing its scientific definition, which may be used for the further scientific studies.
corruption, fighting corruption, anti-corruption policy, public discussion, public control, public government bodies, civil society institutions, interaction, public discussions, public hearings.
History of state and law
Sychev, D.A. (2014). Prosecutor in the pre-trial criminal judicial proceedings
of the Russian Empire. Law and Politics, 10, 1525–1535.
The article is devoted to the issues of genesis and development of the functions of the criminal prosecution
and supervision in the procedural activities of the prosecutor in the course of pre-trial proceedings in
the legislation of the Russian Empire. Through the analysis of the evolution of the legal norms regulating the
activities of the prosecutor (from the institution of the Prosecutor-General to the formation of the judicial system
based upon the Charter of Criminal Judicial Proceedings of 1864) the author discusses the contents of this system.
The author establishes significant features of the institution of prosecutor in the Russian Empire and its efficient
activities in the pre-trial judicial proceedings involving simultaneous prosecution and supervision activities.
The author substantiates the thesis that correlation and co-dependency of supervision and criminal prosecution
functions at this stage mostly depends on introduction of the dispositive elements in the pre-trial proceedings and
their correlation with the inquiry elements. The methodological basis for the studies involves the provisions of
the dialectic cognition method. In addition the author uses systemic, structural, comparative legal, logical legal
and historical scientific research methods. Novelty of the study is due to the complex historical and legal studies
of contents and implementation of the functions of prosecution and supervision by the prosecutor at the pre-trial
stages of criminal process according to the legislation of the Russian Empire. Taking into account the analysis of
the legal sources, comparative studies of the pre-Revolution and modern authors, the author makes a conclusion
that in the pre-Revolution Russia the prosecutor as a procedural figure simultaneously implemented criminal
prosecution and supervision in the course of pre-trial proceedings.
Prosecutor, criminal procedural functions, supervision, criminal prosecution, criminal process, prosecution, pre-trial proceedings, Charter of Criminal Judicial Proceedings, position of the Prosecutor General.
History of state and law
Vereschagin, S.G. (2014). Role of legislation in the formation and development
of the statehood in the Frankish Kingdom
in VI- IX centuries. Capitularies. Law and Politics, 10, 1536–1546.
The article concerns formation and development of the legislation in the largest early feudal state of the Western
Europe – the Frankish Kingdom. Capitularies – orders of the Kings and Emperors play a special role in the history of
legislation of the Frankish Kingdom. The main goal of passing these laws was resolution of judicial and administrative
cases, regulation of family relations, activities of the church institutions, economic activities, organization of schools,
etc. Kings and Emperors often used Capitularies for the sake of centralization of the political power as means of political
strife, they attempted to distinguish overlapping competences of the judicial power of the King, the Dukes, the holders of
patrimonial estates, Seniors, to guarantee the protection of church and its property, to fight the opposition of the conquered
nations. When writing the article the author employed the following study methods: general scientific cognition methods
(analysis, synthesis, systemic method), as well as logical and historical methods of scientific research. As a result of the
study the author made a conclusion that the legislation played an important role in the evolution of the feudal relations in
the Frankish society after the slave-owning system, and later in the formation of the statehood in the Frankish kingdom.
In the process of developing statehood, there is a strengthening of power of a king in the legislative sphere. The various
normative acts are actively developed and adopted, but the main form of legislative acts was Capitulary – a King’s decree.
Carolingian dynasty, Merovingian dynasty, sources of law, Charlemagne, the Frankish kingdom, Capitulary, Salic code, royal lands, royal power, the history of the Francs.
History of state and law
Nuhradinova, Z.N. (2014). Defi nition of forgery by an offi cial and responsibility
for it in the Russian legislation.
Retrospective analysis. Law and Politics, 10, 1547–1552.
The article provides evaluation of the key approaches of the Russian pre-Revolution scholars regarding legal
elements of the forgery by an official, the author provides a retrospective analysis of the formation of responsibility
for this type of crime. The author has studied the pre-Revolution practice on criminal cases regarding forgery by an
official in the Russian courts, allowing to single out the most typical forgery cases in the practice of criminal cases.
In addition the author analyzes doctrinal sources, which are devoted to the criminal law regulation of the relations
appearing due to the forgery by an official: works of the Russian lawyers of the pre-Revolution period, such as N.S.
Tagantsev, I.Y. Foynitskiy, works of the representatives of the Soviet criminal law science, such as A.N. Traynin, T.L.
Sergeeva, V.M. Lebedev. When writing this article the author involved general scientific methods, such as formal
logical method, historical retrospective analysis, classification, abstraction, induction and deduction, hypothesis,
as well as special legal methods: formal legal method, method of evaluation of the judicial practice, method of legal
modeling, method of interpretation of legal norms. It is noted in the article that the Russian legislator always tends
to be selective, when protecting the procedure of formation and turnover of commercial documents. In addition, the
author singles out some specificities of forgery by an official, which are typical for the Russian criminal law on such
forgery. These specificities include the purpose of an offence to act against the established order of document turnover
in the official (municipal) bodies; presence of dependency of the immediate object from the object of criminal
encroachment; presence of the special subject of criminal responsibility for such a crime: an official, a municipal
(state) servant. In addition, it may also be a person implementing administrative functions. The author also provides
her own definition of forgery by an official.
Forgery by an official, forgery, pre-Revolution legislation, document turnover, information, definition, historical analysis, false, false information, crime by an official.
History of state and law
Chugaev, V.V. (2014). Legal arrangement of the results
of the Glorious Revolution of 1688-1689. Law and Politics, 10, 1553–1560.
The article is devoted to the analysis of the legal elements in the Glorious revolution of 1688-1689/ The article
concerns the main achievements of the English revolution of late XVII century, which had laid a foundation for the formation
of the constitutional monarchy in England. Legal results of the Glorious revolution of 1688 – 1689 are not limited
to 1689 alone, and the author offers to widen the temporal scope and to view the legal elements in the events from 1679
to 1707. That is why, among the normative legal acts providing for the legal results of the Glorious revolution one should
mention the following: Habeas Corpus Act of 1679, decision of the House of Commons providing that it is not acceptable
for its members to hold official positions (December 30, 1680); Declaration of Rights of 1689, which was later included
into the Bill of Rights of 1689, the Mutiny Act of 1689, the Triennial Act of 1694, Act of Settlement of 1701, Act of Union
with Scotland of 1707, Act of Positions of 1707. The methodological basis for the study was formed with the historicism
principle. The author used formal legal, comparative legal methods of studies, as well as comparative statistical method
of studies of empirical data. The period from 1679 to 1707 was a legal rupture and it summarized the results of several
centuries of strife for the rights of the English subjects. This period laid the foundation for the legal separation of powers,
and for the future work of the English thinkers towards the reform of constitutional legislation and bringing the English
monarchy towards the modern type of parliamentary monarchy.
Parliament, Crown, Glorious Revolution, Great Britain, Bill of Rights, succession to the throne, William of Orange, Habeas Corpus, Jacob the II, Scotland.
Practical law manual
Vinokurov, A.Y. (2014). On some issues of prosecutor supervision due
to the adoption of the Federal Law
“On the Procedure for Serving Administrative Arrest”. Law and Politics, 10, 1561–1566.
This article provides for some aspects regarding implementation of the supervisory function by the Prosecutors
within the context of the recently adopted Federal Law “On the Procedure for Serving Administrative Arrest”. The author
notes that at the early stage of implementation of this legal act there were no sufficient guarantees in the by-laws, while the
Prosecution – General of the Russian Federation could have facilitated this process. The author also voices the proposals
for the need to amend the said law with the provisions specifying the mechanism for the implementation of prosecutor
supervision in this sphere. The article provides analysis of the current legislation and conflicts of laws, complicating the
legal relations in this sphere. The scientific novelty of the article is due to the fact that at the time, when the article was
being prepared, there were no published article regarding the specific features of prosecutor supervision over the implementation
of the Federal Law “On the Procedure for Serving Administrative Arrest”. The conclusions and propositions
of the author have scientific novelty.
Prosecutor, prosecutor competence, prosecutor bodies, prosecutor supervision, prosecutor control, implementation of the law, violation of the law, reaction acts, protest of the prosecutor, administrative arrest.
Practical law manual
Poleschuk, O.V. Zaslavskiy, V.A. (2014). On the situation regarding forest management violations
and measures against such violations
in the Primorskiy region. Law and Politics, 10, 1567–1575.
The author studies the measures against the environmental offences committed by the people in the rural areas,
as well as by the officials and heads of commercial and non-commercial organization with low level of legal conscience.
The author pays attention to the high level of latent offences, as well as to the appearing difficulties in the activities of
the law-enforcement bodies in revealing the guilty persons and entities and establishing the amount of damage caused by
them. The difficulty concerns the lack of material and financial guarantees of public and non-governmental environmental
activities, there is a lack of efficiency of control and supervision measures, there is no due mechanism for the participation
of the general public in fighting environmental crime. The situation, dynamics, level of latent offences and other markers
for the offences in the sphere of unlawful wood-cutting in the forests are analyzed by the author based upon official
and scientific sources with the use of statistical data collected by the author. The positive moment in fighting unlawful
wood-cutting may be the system of automatized reporting of timber and provision of forests. This system should include
the information on all those involved in forest management and clear information on transportation of timber to the processing
centers (including automobile transportation, amount and quality of timber, receiver and sender of goods, etc.).
Nature management, latent character, responsibility, illegal wood-cutting, offences, forest, environment, timber, forest enterprises, crime.
Practical law manual
Hachatryan, A.K. (2014). Amnesty as the type of dismissal
from criminal responsibility for the crimes
in the sphere of economic activity. Law and Politics, 10, 1576–1581.
The article is devoted to the analysis of the so-called “economic amnesty” as the type of dismissal from criminal
responsibility for the crimes in the economic sphere. The author singles out the general characteristics of amnesty as a
type of dismissal from criminal responsibility, providing analysis of its application to the economic crimes. Based upon
the analysis of the practice of application of the decree on the amnesty, the author shows the difficulties regarding legal
formulae and de facto implementation of the amnesty conditions, especially those concerning compensation of the damage.
The author analyzes the general targets of the amnesty. The article is based upon the use of sociological and formal
legal methods in the analysis of the practice of amnesty application. The author also used statistical method in order to
evaluate amnesty efficiency. The practice of application of amnesty has shown its imperfections in part of defining the
conditions for the amnesty, their procedural implementation at the pre-trial and trial stages of the criminal process. In
the future the use of such amnesties seems unviable, rather, the criminal law should be amended to make some sanctions
in the Articles of the Special Part of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation more humane, and the legal practice
should be corrected in order to avoid judicial mistakes.
Amnesty, crime, sphere of economic activity, freeing, criminal responsibility, compensation of damage, principle of humanism, elements of a crime, rules of a game, “pre-ordered” cases.
Practical law manual
Veshkurtseva, Z.V. (2014). Problems of protection of private life when applying
Art. 152.2 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Law and Politics, 10, 1582–1589.
The author analyzes Art. 152.2 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, and its contents, as well as the
practice of its application provide basis for ambiguous evaluation, since they may weaken the protection of the inviolability
of private life, rather than strengthening this protection. The problem is especially acutely focused on the private
life of the renowned persons, the so-called “public persons”, “public figures”, “persons of public professions” and the
wishes of the mass media specialized in news from “star life” (so-called “yellow press”) to use this information in order
to sell their products. Methodological basis for the article was formed with the modern legal teachings and methodology
of scientific cognition. Methodological basis is formed based upon the philosophical and general scientific methods of
systemic analysis, generalization of normative materials and judicial practice, dialectic and specific historical approaches
towards the problems in question. The article has certain scientific novelty. The provision that there is no violation of
part 1 of Art. 152.2 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation if the information on private life was generally accessible
or was divulged by a person himself or according to his will should be terminated from the text of Art. 152.2 of the Civil
Code of the Russian Federation, providing that divulging information by a person or according to his will only concerns
the source where such an information was provided. And only this source of information (title owner of this source) may
be relieved from responsibility for collection, preservation and distribution of information on private life of a person, if
the latter shall bring a claim. The condition should not apply to other persons.
Inviolability, immaterial value, non-proprietary value, private life, Internet, compensation, moral damage, mass media, public persons, information.
Legal and political thought
Baharev, D.V. (2014). Issues of theory and methodology of studying the causes
for the territorial differences in crime as refl ected
in the works of the Soviet criminologists. Law and Politics, 10, 1590–1595.
The article provides a brief historical and comparative analysis of the main approaches of the criminologists
of the Georgian, Latvian, Lithuanian, and Estonian Soviet Socialist Republics of the former USSR towards territorial differences
in crime markers and their causes. The author describes theoretical nature and methodological elements of the
approaches, such as comparative criminological analysis, studies of geography of crimes and their dynamics, systemic
approaches towards territorial (area-related) structures (residential structures, administrative regions, certain regions),
etc. The article involves comparative historical method for the studies of approaches of scientific schools and certain
criminologists of the former USSR (1970s-1980s) towards studying the causes of territorial differences in crime. The article
contains analysis of initial prerequisites and further approaches towards widening and deepening of the scope of territorial
and methodological basis for the studies of the causes of territorial differences in crime. For example, by the mid-1980s
the Soviet criminologies have theoretically substantiated the need to understand territorial (regional) and residential
structures as types of complicated social and economic structures. At the same time the complications and contradictions
in the functioning of such systems should inevitably influencing the markers of the criminal activities of the population.
Soviet criminology, territorial differences in crime, Georgian SSR, Latvian SSR, Lithuanian SSR, comparative criminological analysis, geography of crime, systemic approach, causes of crime.
Legal and political thought
Milchakova, O.V. (2014). Modern ideas on defi ning constitutional control. Law and Politics, 10, 1596–1602.
In the XXI century the need for the constitutional control in a democratic rule of law state, which is based
upon the principle of separation of powers, is undoubted. The institution of constitutional control held various forms and
methods of implementation throughout its history. The article is devoted to one of the issues in the theory of constitutional
control, namely, the definition of this institution. The author attempts to take part in the scientific discussion regarding
definition of “constitutional control” and its correlation with the “constitutional supervision”. In the course of the analysis
of the key existing approaches towards defining “constitutional control” in the science of constitutional law, the author
mostly employs formal legal and comparative legal methods. Having analyzed the main current approaches towards the
definition of “constitutional control”, the author provides her own definition of this institution based upon various matters,
including the experience of the former Yugoslavia states in the sphere of constitutional justice. In the opinion of the
author constitutional control is the activity of the competent state government bodies towards control (and if necessary,
support) compliance or non-compliance of laws, other normative and general acts, acts and omissions of public government
bodies, organizations and non-governmental organizations to the Constitution.
Constitutional control, constitutional supervision, constitutional court, constitutionality, lawfulness, former Yugoslavia states, constitutional order, Constitution, non-constitutionality, illegality.
Biyushkina, N.I., Kiryushina, N.Y., Shartynova, A.V. (2014). Theoretical and legal problems
regarding volunteerism defi nition. Law and Politics, 10, 1603–1609.
The object of studies involves a theoretical and legal model of volunteerism in the Russian Federation. The authors
of the article analyze topical issues regarding definition of volunteerism, its differences from charity and other social
matters. The article provides an attempt of legal analysis of the Draft Law N. 300326-6 “On Volunteerism”. The authors
also reveal the positions of other researchers in this field. The authors show the importance of the matter in question for
the Russian political and legal reality, as well as causes and motivation of volunteerism, its classification. The methodology
of the studies involves the following methods: dialectic, metaphysical, analysis, synthesis. In their studies the authors
base their approach upon the general dialectic cognition method, allowing to single out the logic of the matter in question
and define its level. The metaphysical method has allowed to formulate the definition of the volunteerism. The methods of
synthesis and analysis have led to logically formed classification, provisions for the contents of this social and legal matter.
Novelty of the work involves an original theoretical and legal model of volunteerism. The authors formulate the definition
of volunteerism, singling out its legal and social elements. The authors provide classification with the relevant criteria
being defined. The authors refer to goals, fundamentals and motivation of this matter, substantiating the understanding
of volunteerism as a complicated multi-level matter. The authors have formulated the elements of volunteerism, paying
attention to its special socially valuable role in Russia.
Volunteerism, charity, non-mercantilism, social and legal model, philanthropy, religion, ideology, mercy, civil feeling, good.
Yarovenko, V.V. (2014). Defi nition of a dermal glyphic expertise. Law and Politics, 10, 1610–1618.
The article concerns definition, nature and the possibilities for holding judicial dermal glyphic expertise, as
well as the problems for the development of dactylography and dermal glyphic studies. Holding such an expertise may
be necessary in order to establish the factual data on genetic specificities of a human bodies in the course of personal
identification. Attention is paid by dermal glyphic expertise (studies) provided by various institutions, while their results
are commercial or advertisement-related, and they are not scientifically substantiated. These expert opinions contain no
comparative analysis of the specific features of papillary patterns of hands, they employ various methods. The said analysis
has shown that both the dermal glyphic studies and dactylography study the specificities of the papillary patterns of hands
and feet, however, the methods of classification, analysis and evaluation of ridge patterns are different, so it requires
special education of experts. Evaluation of nature, definition and possibilities for holding judicial dermal glyphic expertise
as a complex study of papillary figures is timely and important, since it provides a clear idea on methods involved, results
and allows to distinguish it from other dermal glyphic studies for the commercial purposes.
Dermal glyphic studies, dactylography, dermal glyphic expertise, study, complex expertise, papillary patterns, identification, specialist, expert, criminalist-expert.