Dobrynin, N.M. (2010). Managing the development of the federation: applied system analysis in the sphere of state and territorial structure. Part 1. Systemic view on the
characteristic features of federation. Law and Politics, 12.
This article is the first one in the cycle of articles, devoted to
the introduction of methodology of applied system analysis in the sphere of state and territorial structure. It includes analysis of the systemic view of the characteristic features of the federation, the author in much detail analyzes static, dynamic and synthetic characteristics of federal systems,
as well as the problem of goal-setting in the federal state as a complicated social system. These conclusions are made based on comparative analysis of Russian and foreign federal construction. The authors suppose that practical application of the results would allow to effi ciently manage
development of the federal system.
jurisprudence, law, system, system analysis, federation, state construction, Constitution, development management, subjects of the Russian Federation, federal districts
Ursul, A.D., Ilyin, I.V. (2010). Global studies and political
sciences: formation of the evolution approach. Law and Politics, 12.
The article includes the study of evolutional approach to global studies at theoretic and methodological level, as well as of evolution of political processes under influence of global factors. The authors think that global studies are devoted to global processes and systems, while evolutional
global studies are devoted to them as processes of global development. Global development as an evolution and coevolution of global processes and systems is a key object to
evolution global studies. The authors also view key forms and directions of evolution of political processes due to
globalization and other global processes. The authors then
study the problem of formation of political global studies as a part to global studies, which is aimed to fi nd political patterns in global processes and systems, as well as formation
of global development, which is aimed to guarantee survival of the civilization as a while and protection of environment.
political science, globalization, global studies, global development, global management, global processes, global evolution, political global studies, stable development, evolution global studies
State institutions and legal systems
Kravets, I.A. (2010). Subjects of right to constitutional modernization: theoretical bases and perspectives of legal regulation. Law and Politics, 12.
This article is devoted to theoretical bases for the classifi cation
of subjects of constitutional law, group of subjects, and
the contents of right to constitutional modernization. The
author analyzes international legal bases and abilities in
the sphere of constitutional regulation of subjects of right
to constitutional modernization. Much attention is paid to a
topical issue on right of subjects of economic activity to take
part in constitutional modernization of a state.
jurisprudence, subjects of constitutional law, constitutional modernization, constitution, review of constitution, constitutional rights, amendments, rights, obligations, powers, economics
State institutions and legal systems
Tukhvatullin, T.A. (2010). Problems of legal regulation of
exclusive objects of jurisdiction and powers of the constituent
subjects of the Russian Federation. Law and Politics, 12.
The article is devoted to the problems of legal regulation of
exclusive objects of jurisdiction and powers of the constituent
subjects of the Russian Federation. The author then comes
to a conclusion that it’s necessary to provide for powers of
the subjects in their constitutions (Ustavs). The author also
proposes to amend the Federal Law “On general principles
of organization of legislative (representative) and executive
bodies of the state power of the subjects of the Russian
Federation”, in order to allow the regional legislators to
provide for exclusive powers of constituent subjects in their
constitutions (Ustavs).
jurisprudence, federalism, subjects, separation, powers, law-making, Constitution, objects, Ustavs, reigons
State institutions and legal systems
Sergeev, D.B. (2010). Legal entity in public law: perspectives
of introduction of a legal construction into the Russian
legislation taking a municipal entity as an example. Law and Politics, 12.
The article is devoted to history of correlation of term s “legal
entity” and “municipal entity” (municipium). The author
separates the institutions of “municipal formation – legal
entity of private law” and “municipal formation – legal
entity of public law”. Taking as an example the problems,
related to conclusion of contracts between municipal bodies,
the author shows the need for recognition of the public law
status of municipal formations.
jurisprudence, legal entity, legal person of public law, municipal entity, agreements among the municipal government bodies, municipal self-government, municipal government bodies, contract, public law, municipium
Authority and management
Viskulova, V.V. (2010). Guarantees of obligatory and periodic
elections: formation, development, some modern problems. Law and Politics, 12.
In this article for the fi rst time there’s analysis of formation
and development of the institution of obligatory periodic
elections in 15 years of its history. Normative improvement
of this institution, as supported by practice of election campaigns,
took place gradually with various rate of effi ciency
at various stages of electoral development. However, there’s
still no fi nal solution to disagreements on timely start and
fi nish of election campaigns. The author then offers the ways
to reform election legislation.
jurisprudence, elections, obligatory, periodic, principle, offi cial term, term of election, guarantees, rights, elector
Authority and management
Menshenina, N.N. (2010). Parliamentarism as a political
source of lobbying: analysis of practice of the USA and
the Great Britain. Law and Politics, 12.
The article is devoted to lobbying as an event, which was
born in parliamentary systems. The author analyzes specific features for formation and implementation of lobbying
communications in parliamentary bodies of the USA and
the GB. The author shows the infl uence of large capitals in
formation of large corporate groups in parliaments of the
USA and the GB. Then she comes to a conclusion that an
American model is more democratic, and is more related
to interests of financial and industrial groups, than to the
party processes.
political science, state, Parliament, politics, power, corruption, legislative draft, the Great Britain, the USA
Authority and management
Trofimova, E.V. (2010). Structure and contents of award legal
relation. Law and Politics, 12.
The article is devoted to the problem of right to award. The
author analyzes the opinions of scientists on this matters,
then formulates her own view on the contents and subjective
contents of award legal relations.
jurisprudence, award, legal relation, structure, award, contents, obligation, discretion
Stabilization systems: government control
Gashina, N.N. (2010). Monitoring of constitutional legislation
and its role in guarantees of legal territory of the
Russian Federation. Law and Politics, 12.
The article is devoted to the necessity of formation of an
organized system of monitoring, both at the federal and at the regional level, which facilitates the efficiency of implementation
of constitutional legislation, which gets more
and more complicated. The author studies issues of theory,
methodology, and practice of monitoring activity, which
allows to establish its place and role in the mechanism of
legal regulation.
jurisprudence, monitoring, legislation, expertise, project, legal, technique, systematization, normative
Stabilization systems: government control
Kaltyga, O.V. (2010). Expert policy of the Russian state at the
modern stage. Law and Politics, 12.
This article is devoted to analysis of current legislation. The
author analyzes the Federal Law “On Social Chamber of
the Russian Federation”. The author shows the meaning of
such terms, such as legal expertise of legal drafts, as well as
bodies empowered to hold such expertise. The author then
singles out key problems of expertise of legal drafts, and
how to avoid these problems.
jurisprudence, expertise, legislative draft, politics, law, corruption, legislation, project, opinion, state
Stabilization systems: government control
Tsyretorov, A.I. (2010). Some problems related to legal regulation of control functions of the plenipotentiary representatives
of the President of the Russian Federation at the federal districts. Law and Politics, 12.
The Plenipotentiary Representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in federal districts have broad range
of powers, including state control, and they form one of the most contradictory elements of the “vertical of power”.
The article includes an attempt to analyze some elements of legal status of such representatives, regarding their control functions, offers solution to some normative imperfections, including those in the sphere of structuring the elements of
legal status.
jurisprudence, the President of the Russian Federation, the Plenipotentiary Representative, control, function, federal district, legal status, competence, element
State security
Sozanova, K.S., Urlis, M.Y. (2010). Legal aspects of development
and improvement of law-enforcement activities
of customs service of the Russian Federation: fighting
customs crime at the modern stage of development. Law and Politics, 12.
In the new market conditions, when the Russian economics
became “open “ and the Russian borders became “transparent”,
or in some points “vague”, the problem of economic
security of the Russian Federation became more and more
complicated and large-scaled. The scale and social danger of
contraband and other crimes regarding economic security of
the state have grown evidently. And the pressure of fighting
such crimes is on the customs bodies. More than 100 000
economic crimes are committed in Russia annually.
jurisprudence, legal protection, security, customs, crime, economics, the Code, the Union, integration, contraband
State security
Garbuzov, S.E. (2010). Problems of ensuring economic security
of the Far East of Russia: factors and tendencies of development. Law and Politics, 12.
The modern concept of globalization and technology of its
implementation in the political practice of the international
community is currently characterized as complicated and
contradictory. In spite of obvious or hidden opposition to this
process at the nation state level, globalization of the modern
spheres of social development grows and spreads. That is
why studies of this matter are important for understanding
and correct evaluation of possible threats to national and
economic security of the Russian Federation.
political science, globalization, regionalization, commercialization, stability, security, political, national, economic, state
Balabkin, S.I. (2010). Autonomy of judicial community as a
guarantee of independence of judges. Law and Politics, 12.
The judicial autonomy is one of the guarantees of independence
of judicial power, when decisions on cadres and status
limitations, including responsibility of judges, are made
within the judicial system itself. The author offers the options
of formation and activities of the inner judicial self-government,
which would best ensure independence of judges.
jurisprudence, judicial autonomy, bodies of judicial community, qualifi cation boards of judges, guarantees of independence of judges, independence of judicial branch, Disciplinary judicial presence, independence of judges, judicial reform, quasi-judicial bodies
Rericht, A.A. (2010). Defects of regulation of judicial independence as constitutional principle in the Russian
Federation. Law and Politics, 12.
Judicial independence is a constitutional principle, which
is necessary as a prerequisite for the implementation of
rights of people for lawful judicial procedure and protection
of legal regime within a state. Independence of judges
is not their privilege, rather it’s a mechanism of their work,
which ensures objectivity and lawfulness of their activities.
Independence of judges should be true, should be implemented
from the moment of formation of judicial position to
its liquidation. That is, it should be immanent to the system
from beginning to end, and not to a particular judge at the
period, when he performs his duty.
jurisprudence, court, judicial system, judicial independence, constitutionalism, constitutional principle, judicial power, executive power, procedural law, judicial instances
Bogatyrev, E.V. (2010). Constitutional legal principle of implementing economic justice in some foreign states. Law and Politics, 12.
This article is devoted to the foreign experience of formation of specialized courts, which implement economic justice. In particular, the author analyzes the experience of French, German, American and British systems.
jurisprudence, Constitution, court, specialized courts, economic disputes, state, judicial power, judicial system, society, economics
International relations: interaction systems
Isaev, L.M. (2010). Problems of universal human rights
within the context of the Euro-Arabian cooperation in the Mediterranean basin region. Law and Politics, 12.
The modern doctrines of human rights are uncoordinated, which leads to misunderstandings and inter-cultural conflicts. The authors of this article attempt to single out some touchy matters, in the issue of human rights in Arabian and European cooperation in the Mediterranean basin region.
political science, jurisprudence, human rights, Mediterranean, UN, Europe, Arabian world, Sharia, Fikh, hijab
International relations: interaction systems
Golubev, D.S. (2010). Variations of involvement of a mediator
into the process of regulation of an ethnic and political
confl ict, taking participation of the USA in the peaceful
process in the Middle East as an example. Law and Politics, 12.
The article includes analysis of key diplomatic and political
steps of the US towards regulation of the Palestine and
Israeli conflict, which were taken in last 2 years by Obama
Barack. The author shows gradual growth of inclusion
into the peace-making process in the Middle East. The
Washington managed to bring the parties to direct negotiations
on political regulations, which then got stuck due to
lack of wish of Tel-Aviv to “freeze” growth of Jewish settlements
on occupied territories.
political science, Palestine, Israel, USA, regulation, Obama, Abbas, Netanyahu, negotiation, mediation
Human and environment
Khannanov, R.A. (2010). Concept of legal protection and
priority development of agricultural land use. Law and Politics, 12.
Agricultural village practice showed that property to land
failed to make peasants true owners of their lands. First of
all, it’s due to the lowering of status of use of land and lack
of conceptual approach. Based on analysis of agricultural
land use in agricultural sector of economics, the author offers
a suitable concept.
jurisprudence, concept, land use, harvest, right, self-regulation, production, effi ciency, science, stability
Gribanov, D.V. (2010). Aspects of devinition of innovations in
economics and law. Law and Politics, 12.
The article is devoted to the study of the legal contents of
the term “innovation”. The author views the correlation of
terms “novelty”, “innovation” and “introduction”, analyzes
the legislative defi nitions of the term “innovation”. Then he
singles out characteristic features of innovations, which are
vital for legal regulation and formation of a legal model of
innovative development of the society.
jurisprudence, innovation, novelty, introduction, innovative activity, defi nition, term, law, economics, theory, elements
Tikhomirova, L.A. (2010). Defi nition of differentiation of
competence of the Russian Federation and its constituent subjects. Law and Politics, 12.
The article includes analysis of various approaches to “objects of competence”, “powers” and “competence”. The author offers his own view and defi nition to “separation of competences”, then she correlates “state competence” to “competence of state bodies”.
jurisprudence, objects of competence, powers, Constitution of Russia, competence, competence of the state, competence of state bodies, separation of objects of competence, distinguishing competence, state
Practical law manual
Patyutko, D.Y. (2010). Civil law regulation of the objects of
incomplete construction projects. Law and Politics, 12.
The article is devoted to the issues of formation and development
of the new category in Russian civil law – incomplete construction objects. The author then establishes
his own defi nition, shows key characteristic features and
requirements for the introduction of such objects into civil
jurisprudence, construction, object, unfi nished, property, legal relation, contractor, customer, legal relation, immovable property, registration, property
Zhalinsky, A.E., Rericht, A.A. (2010). New comparative legal studies of national systems of criminal law. Law and Politics, 12.
The review characterizes goals, methods and means of studying national systems of criminal law of various states, then provides description of the results of analysis of principles of criminal law, taking criminal law of Turkey as an example.
jurisprudence, criminal law, principle, crime, act, guilt, punishment, sanction, international criminal law
Kozachenko, I.Y. (2010). Environmental crime in Europe.
Review of the monograph: “Environmental crime in Europe”. Law and Politics, 12.
The review is devoted to in-depth, and in-detail analysis of the points of view on environmental crime in Europe by a number of specialists from European states, who are much
interested in protection of environment, which was already
harmed by human activities. Also the review touches upon ambitions of the authors of the monograph, as reflected in their research and essays.
jurisprudence, ecology, crime, ecosystem, flora, fauna, sanctions, responsibility, law, unification