Tkachenko, S.V. (2009). Mythology of legal reception. Law and Politics, 8.
This article is devoted to the problems of mythology of legal reception. In particular, the author discusses the myth of absence of reception of Western law in the modern Russian legal reforms. The author also analyzes goals and aims of such myth-forging.
Keywords: jurisprudence, law, politics, mythology, ignoring, copying, reception, blind, mechanical, reception.
Pastukhova, N.B. (2009). Problem of sovereignty within the system of federal relations. Law and Politics, 8.
In this article the author evaluates the problems of state sovereignty in the federal state. As he points out, there’s need to define the volume and spread of power between the federal center and the subjects of the Russian Federation. The author also brings his offers on improvement of the existing situation.
Keywords: jurisprudence, sovereignty, state, constitution, federation, constitutional structure, development, formation, perspectives, relations
Velikoselskaya, I.E. (2009). Theoretical problems of construction of the components of legal offence. Law and Politics, 8.
This article includes analysis of theoretical problems of components of legal offence. The author compared the definitions in the theory of state and law and in the civil law, establishes the general legal character of the term “components of legal offence”.
Keywords: jurisprudence, offence, components, object, objective element, subject, subjective element, motive, goal, victim
Authority and management
Poyarkov, S.Y. (2009). Ideology of Russian constitutionalism as a condition for the development of civil society. Law and Politics, 8.
This article includes evaluation of ideology of Russian constitutionalism as the basis for the formation of the full-scale civil society in Russia. He points out, that the activities of the state government based on the Russian constitutionalism ideology and its basic ideas, shall allow not only to duly develop the institutions of civil society and to duly protect it.
Keywords: political science, ideology, constitutionalism, civil, society, state, power, democracy, rights, human
Authority and management
Shabalin, V.A. (2009). Legal policy of the constituent subject of the Russian Federation: problems, modern condition, perspectives. Law and Politics, 8.
This article is devoted to the issues of formation and realization of the legal policy at the level of constituent subjects of the Russian Federation. The author based on experience of other researchers, analysis of normative legal acts, as well as of statistical data, established a number of topical problems of regional legal policy. Much attention is paid to the problem of bringing federal and regional legislation into accordance, and the author also pays attention to the character of legislative initiatives and their scientific grounds. The author also attempts to evaluate the first steps of the regional governments to overcome the crises within the framework of legal policy.
Keywords: jurisprudence, regional legislation, law-making, legislative initiative, legal regulation, normative legal acts, deputy, amendments, expertise, law
Authority and management
Muzhukhoeva, M.M. (2009). Modern organization of local self-government at the republics of the Northern Caucausus. Law and Politics, 8.
Presence of true local self-government is key to the development of the Russian statehood. And the municipal formations of the Republics of the Northern Caucasus are in an especially hard position.
Keywords: jurisprudence, local, municipal government, Northern, Caucausus, mountaineers, Republic, democracy, people’s rule, municipialism
Transformation of legal and political systems
Artemenko, N.N. (2009). Factors, influencing the changes in the responsibility for the crimes against property since 1996 to the current situation. Law and Politics, 8.
The article is devoted to the analysis of the key factors, which influenced the changes in the criminal responsibility for the crimes against property from 1996 and to the current time. Much attention is paid to political, economical and social factors, which determine the changes.
Keywords: jurisprudence, politics, economics, factors, property, crime, 1996, criminalizing, decriminalizing, penalizing, depenalizing
State security
Pyatiletov, V.V. (2009). On some modern theoretical approaches to the studies of inner security of the constituent subject of the Russian Federation. Law and Politics, 8.
The article is devoted to analysis of some methodological aspects of studies of inner security of the constituent subject of the Russian Federation. The author analyzes the perspectives of formation of the common theory of national security within the framework of common theory of law, as well as specific features of application of particular methods of cognition to the security studies.
Keywords: jurisprudence, theory, security, problem, study, subject, Federation, method, tendencies, approaches
Stabilization systems: fiscal control
Kvasova, A.V. (2009). “Infrastructure bond certificates” — a new instrument for attracting investments. Law and Politics, 8.
This article includes analysis of “infrastructure bond certificates” as independent type of instrument, standing in the same row with other institutions of state-private partnerships. The author also analyzes the issues of topicality of “infrastructure bond certificates” in the conditions of a global financial and economical crisis, when there’s an obvious deficit of credit resources for the construction of expensive infrastructure objects.
Keywords: jurisprudence, investment, innovation, bonds, emitter, concessionary, concession agreement, offer, pension funds
International relations: interaction systems
Ibragimov, A.M. (2009). International guarantees for international security law. Law and Politics, 8.
The article includes characteristics of a number of factors, which establish the role of international legal guarantees for the international security law. The most important ones are ensuring sovereignty, territorial integrity and security of states. The greater is the role of such factors in international relations, the greater is the role of international legal guarantee for them. At the same time, lack of conformity to the rules by some states only reestablishes the need and importance of such guarantees. At the same time, the lack of conformity with the guarantees on the part of some states undermines the role of these guarantees in regulation of international security law.
Keywords: jurisprudence, contracts, guarantees, obligations, conventions, security, sovereignty, state, law, ensuring
XXI century International law
Subbotina, E.N. (2009). International criminal law: in between science and politics. Law and Politics, 8.
The article is devoted to analysis of the problem of mutual influence of internal and foreign policy of the states on development and implementation of international criminal law. The author also points out the need for interdisciplinary studies on the issues of implementation of the norms of international criminal law into the national legislations. The author analyzes the process of development of the information search system on implementation of international criminal law, which is established by the Human Rights Center of Nottingham University, and by the Institute of Systems and Databases of the same University within the project supported by the ICC with financial and organizational support of the Ministry of Foreign and Internal Affairs of Switzerland, and the Ministry of the Foreign Affairs and International Trade of Canada.
Keywords: jurisprudence, international, criminal, implementation, globalization, politics, security, statute, realization, sovereignty
Grishin, A.V. (2009). Euro as a national currency of the third party countries and territories with special status. Law and Politics, 8.
The issues of legal status of euro in the states, which are not part of the EU, but which unilaterally use euro as their currency (Montenegro, Andorra), as well as in the states, which have currency treaties with the EU (Vatican and San — Marino), and the oversea territories of the EU states are the objects of study in this article.
Keywords: jurisprudence, European, Union, currency, Euro, currency, Vatican, Monaco, Andorra, Montenegro
Saidov, A.A. (2009). Criminal prosecution legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the light of UN international human rights conventions, defining principles of treatment of convicts. Law and Politics, 8.
The article is devoted to implementation of the key provisions of international conventions on human rights and UN documents, which establish the principles of treatment of convicts in the criminal prosecution legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The author draws comparison between the norms of international penitentiary law and the provisions of the Criminal Prosecution Code of this state, and makes a conclusion, that the criminal prosecution legislation of Uzbekistan needs further improvement taking into account the UN documents, which establish the principles of treatment of convicts.
Keywords: jurisprudence, human rights, implementation, penitentiary law, international conventions on human rights, UN documents, establishing principles of treatment of convicts, implementation, criminal prosecution legislation, Criminal Prosecution Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Public communications
Ziteva, I.Y. (2009). Legal bases for the local referenda in the Russian Federation. Law and Politics, 8.
This article is devoted to the topical issues of legal regulation of local referenda in the Russian Federation. It key to establish detailed regulation of local referenda both in the federal normative acts of the Russian Federation and the municipal acts. The article includes analysis of key norms of legislation, which establish the basis for local referenda in the municipal entities in the territory of the Russian Federation. Much attention is paid to analysis and evaluation of key problems, which are due to lack of clarity and detail of regulation of this institution, which still is an inalienable part of a democratic state.
Keywords: jurisprudence, referendum, local, municipal government, law, the law, decision, territory, initiative, issue
Legal and political thought
Kruchinin, S.V. (2009). Ideological heritage of Daniil Andreev within the context of development of world political thought: conceptual comparisons. Law and Politics, 8.
The article is devoted to the key moments of political and philosophical heritage of Daniil Andreev. The author shows place and role of comparative method in the studies of his political and philosophical concept. There’s much interest in its correlation to the political views of known thinkers, political figures and statesmen, which offered their views of state construction at the time of large-scale social, political and economical transformations.
Keywords: political science, Daniiil Andreev, comparative method, geopolitical process, change of eras, transit of the statehood, empire state, super-state, transformation, civilization approach
Romanova, E.L. (2009). Peculiarities of the municipal election law and its place within the election system of the Russian Federation. Law and Politics, 8.
The author evaluates the issues of municipal election law, which forms the basis for the representative democracy at the municipal level. The author analyzes the specific features of municipal election law, peculiarities of object of regulation, form, contents. The author also evaluates the issue of place and role of municipal election law within the election system of the Russian Federation.
Keywords: jurisprudence, municipal, election, law, peculiarities, elections, institution, local, self-government
Atayan, G.Y., Amvrosova, O.N. (2009). Principles of legal policy of the modern state in the sphere of economics. Law and Politics, 8.
This article is devoted to the principles of legal politics of the modern Russian state in the sphere of economics. The authors provide their concept of this policy, which may serve as an ideological basis for the economical function of the modern Russian state. The authors also establish the need for the legislative provision for the principles of modern economical policy in a specific law.
Keywords: jurisprudence, economics, politics, function, principles, state, competition, market, entrepreneur
Gadzhiev, V.E. (2009). Importance of criminal science characteristics within the process of formation and use of guidelines for uncovering and investigation of cattle theft. Law and Politics, 8.
This article includes basic elements of criminal science characteristics of cattle theft: object of criminal encroachment, typical forms and methods of committing such crimes, the surroundings of such crimes, data on personalities of typical criminals. The author states, that criminal science characteristics are key to uncovering and investigating any type of crime, including this type. Using them, the investigators have a chance to establish and control all the relevant versions.
Keywords: jurisprudence, cattle, investigation, theft, criminal science, characteristics, area, exposure of a crime, causes, prevention
History of state and law
Nikulin, V.V. (2009). Economics of the NEP and the political principles of civil legislation of the Soviet Russia. Law and Politics, 8.
The author evaluates the correlation of politics, law, economics in the civil legislation of the Soviet state at the time of New Economic Policy (NEP). The author establishes the influence of political factors on development of law and economics, analyzes judicial practice on solving civil cases in 1920s, as well as the basic factors, influencing the real situation in the NEP economics.
Keywords: jurisprudence, politics, law, order, economics, state, property, Code, capital, courts
Practical law manual
Koptyakov, Y.B. (2009). Collection and evaluation of materials on crimes, related to violation of labor protection rules and safety arrangements. Law and Politics, 8.
The article is devoted to specific features of official investigation on the fact of violation of rules of labor protection and safety arrangements in the workplace. The ideas for improvement are based on statistical data and examples of judicial and investigation practice.
Keywords: jurisprudence, violations, information, control, inspection, materials, investigation, documents, explanations
Practical law manual
Shipilova, I.A. (2009). Specific features of establishing engineering technical expertise in administrative offence cases. Law and Politics, 8.
Topicality of these problems is due to the specific features of engineering and technical expertise on administrative offence cases. The article includes analysis of the opinions of various authors, and the author also draws her own conclusions on such expertise, lack of unified legislative regulation of the institution of judicial expertise in the Russian Federation. The article also includes analysis of issues and problems related with expertise on administrative offence cases.
Keywords: jurisprudence, law, administrative, assignment, ruling, offences, knowledge, specialized
Practical law manual
Deruka, S.I. (2009). Order and stages of state registration of business entities in Russia and Latvia. Law and Politics, 8.
The author evaluates the order or state registration of business entities, analyzes the stages of registration. The author also offers to include an additional stage of registration and control of submitted documents by the registering body both in the Russian Federation and the Latvian Republic.
Keywords: jurisprudence, law, stages, order, state, registration, business, entities, control, registration body
Ivakin, V.I, Safin, Z.F., Sinelnikova, V.N. (2009). On regulation of land relations and nature management. Review of the international collection of scientific articles “Legal regulation of agricultural relations, land relations, nature management and environment protection in the agriculture of Russia, Ukraine, Byelorussia and Kazakhstan, other states of the CIS and the EU states: current conditions and ways for improvement., vol. 1, 2 Moscow, “Torzhok”, ISBN 978-5-9408-2043-7. Law and Politics, 8.
The review includes analysis of works of scientists of Russia, Ukraine, Byelorussia, Kazakhstan, and other CIS and EU states, which are devoted to the problems of legal regulation of agricultural relations, land relations, nature management and environment protection in the agriculture of the said states. The author evaluates the scientific articles, establishes their topicality and fundamental character.
Keywords: jurisprudence, Bystrov, law, agricultural, nature management, control, land, agriculture, responsibility