Epov, A.G. (2008). The nature of a normative legal act: some problems in theory and practice. Law and Politics, 6.
As the author of this article pointes out, the topicality of discussion of the nature of the normative legal act is partly due to development of the legislative draft of the Federal Law “On the Normative Legal Acts in the Russian Federation”. Since this draft is meant to express the official position of the legislator on many important issues, there’s need to pay more attention to theoretical and practical issues within the sphere beforehand…
Bolgova, V.V. (2008). On the problem of the multitude of meanings of the term “public law”. Law and Politics, 6.
As the author of this article points, out the term “public law” currently has many meanings, and this peculiarity is reflected on the results of the scientific studies in this sphere, and there’s an obvious lack of unity among the legal scholars on this issue. However, in this case the matter is one term with many meanings, rather than competing definitions.
Kim, Y. (2008). “Federalism”, “autonomy”, “self-government”: meanings and interpretations. Law and Politics, 6.
As the author of this article points out, the meanings of the terms of “federalism”, “self-government” and “autonomy” seem rather blurred. They closely correspond, however, they are not the same term, and they do have their own independent meaning. This is especially relevant when characterizing the autonomous entities and their constitutional legal status as compared to the status of the constituent subject of the federation.
Tregubova, E.V. (2008). Prohibitions in administrative law: definition and nature. Law and Politics, 6.
Prohibitions are necessary within the mechanism of administrative legal regulation due to need to ensure law and order, as well as security of individuals, society, and the state as a whole. The sphere of administrative legal regulation is broad, and the variety of prohibitions is accordingly vast. This article is devoted to the basic aspects and problems of definition and nature of administrative prohibitions.
Sarkisyan, M.S. (2008). The definition of the banking activity and its content. Law and Politics, 6.
The term “banking activity” is relevant to several branches of law, and not only to banking law. In this article the author attempts to give a complex evaluation to the definition and content of banking activities in jurisprudence.
Pechenkina, A.A. (2008). The correlation of the term tax obligation under the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Law and Politics, 6.
As the author of this article points out, the category of “tax obligation” is widely applied in the tax legislation of the CIS states. The issue of correlation between tax obligation and tax dues is reviewed in this article with the help of comparative analysis of the positions of the leading scholars of Russia and Kazakhstan, provisions of Russian and Kazakh legislation.
Vasilieva, A.F. (2008). State as a supplier of public services. Law and Politics, 6.
The history of development of state and its features allows to say that while previously the state was concentrated on “power functions”, related to ensuring public order and security, with development of economy the state provides public services to the people, as well as enforces public functions. Thus one can see the procedure of transformation of the power state into the state as supplier of the public services …
Authority and management
Remezova, N.A. (2008). Formation of the organizational and legal bases of the Eurasian Economic Community. Law and Politics, 6.
Regional integration is an integral part of the globalization of economy. However, unlike the process of globalization, integration is always a goal – oriented process, which is coordinated by the Member States. This article by N.A. Remezova is devoted to the review of this process, taking the Eurasian Economic Community…
Transformation of legal and political systems
Sologub, N.M. (2008). Codification and its place within the system of legislation of the subjects of the Russian Federation. Law and Politics, 6.
Codification is a rather specific form of systematization of legislation. And it seems, that of all its kinds, only specialized codification may be applied to the legislation of the constituent subjects of the Russian Federation. This is due to the restrictions imposed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, and its institution of division of competences of the Federation and its constituent subjects. This article by N.M. Sologub is devoted to specific features of codification in this sphere.
Transformation of legal and political systems
Gaiduk, V.V. (2008). The two-level legislative policy of the federal state. Law and Politics, 6.
The legislative process in the federal state has a number of characteristic features, and one of such features is a two level formation of legislation – on the level of the Federation, as well as on the level of its constituent subjects. The political and legislative processes in the Federation and its subjects go hand in hand and they are co-determined. This can clearly be seen taking the Russian Federation as an example. That is why the new legislation should be formed with due regard to the two-tier political processes in the federal states…
Transformation of legal and political systems
Tuzov, N.V. (2008). National policy: problems and perspectives. Law and Politics, 6.
As the author of this article points out, the form of organization of ethnical and religious life in Russia is currently undergoing a systemic crisis. The growth of ideas of nationalism in the conditions of politization of ethnicity and religious fervor leads to conflict situations. The problems of regulation of the conflicts among different nationalities, settlement of refugees and forced migrants, easement of tension in the relationships among different ethnicities and nationalities are sharp and topical, so the stability of the Russian Federation as a whole depends on its efficient regional policy…
Stabilization systems: government control
Andreev, M.V. (2008). The Russian concept of national security: the problems and ways for modernization. Law and Politics, 6.
Russia has a special status in the issues of international security, which is due to both its history and its geopolitical situation. However, in spite of the peaceful foreign policy of Russia, there are less and less true partners of the Russian Federation among the states of international community. Russia needs to form its concept of national security based on balanced scientific research and be pragmatic in its approach to it. This article by M.V. Andreev is devoted to the topical problems and perspectives in this sphere.
State security
Svininykh, O.Y. (2008). Topical issues of administrative legal regulation of the powers of the frontier bodies of the Federal Security Service in the spheres of ensuring security in the sea frontier territory. Law and Politics, 6.
The problem of administrative legal regulation of the powers of the frontier bodies of the Federal Security Service in the marine frontier territories is quite topical. In practice a number of problems appears in this sphere, first of all, due to lack of efficiency of administrative legal regulation, and that is why the Frontier Service of the FSS of the Russian Federation is now working to create a more efficient system of coast guard.
State security
Kurakin, A.V. (2008). Administrative legal means of prevention and suppression of corruption within the system of the law enforcement service in the Russian Federation. Law and Politics, 6.
Topicality of the problem of corruption is unquestioned, and the problem of corruption in the law – enforcement sphere is especially topical in the Russian Federation. This article by A.V. Kurakin includes analysis of the problems of prevention and fighting corruption within various law-enforcement bodies, such as the customs bodies, and the internal affairs bodies, through the administrative means of prevention…
State security
Manoilo, A.V. (2008). Model of information and psychological operation in the international conflicts. Law and Politics, 6.
The currently existing models, means and methods of psychological influence on conflict situations have their civilization and national – state peculiarities. This article by A.V. Manoilo is devoted to the Anglo-Saxon model of influence, as represented by the policy of the USA. As the author points out, the representatives of this model in accordance with their Protestant mindset, view conflicts mostly as means to change the world in order to achieve a better fit with their model of society.
International security systems
Molchanov, S.V., Nekhaichik, V.K. (2008). Ensuring the confidentiality of information in Russia and some foreign states; comparative legal study. Law and Politics, 6.
Globalization of information and communication technologies is an important factor in ensuring confidentiality of personal data, since the globalized information sphere is regulated by a large number of national and international norms and acts, which also provide for various definitions and approaches to confidential information, as well as to means of ensuring confidentiality. In this article the problem of confidentiality is studied based on the analysis of situation in Russia, USA, and a number of the EU states.
International security systems
Remezova, N.A. (2008). The prerequisites for the formation of the Eurasian integration group. Law and Politics, 6.
The need for integration is one of the key ideas of modern international relations. The practice seems to show that no nation at the current period is capable to be self-sufficient, especially in the sphere of economics. This article by N.A. Remezova is devoted to the study of Eurasian integration at the post – Soviet territory based on an example of a number of international conventions and practice of their implementation.
International alliances
Seidov, Sh.G. (2008). Modern information and political systems and their influence on international relations. Law and Politics, 6.
Development of information processes leads to the political space becoming more informaticized, and the information space becoming more political. The information and political space has three levels: territorial, regional, and global. The new information and political systems, which are currently being formed in the world, as a result of information processes, as well as internal and international political processes, became the subject of analysis in this article.
Transnational interests
Dorfman, M. (2008). Legal aspects of extradition of persons from Israel to Russia. Law and Politics, 6.
In this article by M. Dorfman, one may find the general characteristics of how Israeli law defines the matter of extradition of criminals, and the author also provides a rather detailed study of legal aspects of extradition from Israel to the Russian Federation, giving a number of examples of particular judicial cases, which took place in Israeli courts starting with the year 2000…
International relations: interaction systems
E.Y. Erpyleva, (2008). The promissory note as an instrument of financing in the international turnover: private law aspects. Law and Politics, 6.
The private law relations, arising due to turnover of promissory notes form quite a specific object of international banking law. The key specific feature of their regulation is its complex character, which includes both national and international norms, as part of legislation on promissory notes. In this article by E.Y. Erpyleva one may find analysis of this sphere.
Stabilization systems: fiscal control
Scherbakova, O.I. (2008). Improvement of legal regulation of activities of the foreign juridical persons in the market of securities. Law and Politics, 6.
As the author of this article points out, the analysis of Russian law and practice shows that the basis for the attraction of foreign investment into our economy had been set. At the same time there are contradictions and obvious lack of stability, which leads to endless violations by the subjects of taxation, lack of control over the commercial activities, tax evasion… What measures are to be taken to improve the situation…?
Stabilization systems: fiscal control
Eremyan, E.V. (2008). The tax policy in the process of transformation of the traditional legal system of the United Kingdom and the Northern Ireland. Law and Politics, 6.
The tax law of Great Britain has deep historical roots, and it’s quite specific, its specificity partly due to the very nature of Anglo-Saxon legal family. However, the tax system on the British Isles is undergoing a change. This article by E.V. Eremyan includes detailed analysis of both the history of taxes in the British Isles, and the basis for the current changes.
Stabilization systems: fiscal control
Batagov, S.R. (2008). Key tendencies of development of economical crime and victimization of this type of crime at the modern stage. Law and Politics, 6.
The tendencies of development of economic crime and victimization at the current stage should be regarded as related matters, while the growth of one leads to growth in another and vice versa. This article by S. R. Batagov reviews these two aspects in their correlation, includes analysis of the current situation, as well as of statistical data.
Law and order
Patrusheva, T.V., Topolskova, M.D., Natyushin, F.Y. (2008). The problems of legal regulation of particular types of weapons in the Russian Federation. Law and Politics, 6.
The growth of armed crimes and illegal turnover of arms is one of the key problems in the modern world and modern society. It is clear why illegal production, transfer and turnover of firearms and light weapons are a threat to the security at national and international level alike. Another topical problem is how to protect the people from the negative consequences of spread and turnover of illegal arms. This article includes international and national legal norms on turnover of particular types of arms.
Law and order
Guryanov, K.V. (2008). Criminological characteristics of persons, participating in spreading of the computer counterfeit products. Law and Politics, 6.
This article by K.V. Guryanov includes the study of problem aspects in the sphere of realization of counterfeit software. The author also provides the criminological characteristics of a possible distributor of counterfeit products.
Law and order
Devlikamov, A.A. (2008). On some problems in the activities of the constitutional justice bodies of the constituent subjects of the Russian Federation. Law and Politics, 6.
The constitutional justice bodies have been working for more than two decades in a number of subjects of the Russian Federation, mostly in the nation-based constituent subjects formed as Republics. This article by A.A. Devlikamov includes analysis of the constitutional justice in the constituent subjects of the Russian Federation, its topical problems…
Afanasyeva, E.A. (2008). Types and sources of pollution of the marine environment in the Russian ecological law. . Law and Politics, 6.
The marine waters of the Russian Federation are used for a number of goals, and their environmental protection from pollution is quite important. This article by E.A. Afanasyeva includes analysis of various types of man-made pollution of the marine environment and the author also analyses the measures, which could improve the situation.
Human and environment
Zhirnovoy, M.V. (2008). The study of social opinion on the activities of the law enforcement bodies in the Primorsky Region. Law and Politics, 6.
This article is devoted to the social opinion as the measure of social control over the activities of the internal affairs bodies. The study shows that the social evaluation of such activities is dependent on a number of factors: the technical and criminalistic support, professionalism of staff, crime-solving rate, staffing level, mass media. In order to include the social opinion as an element of evaluation, one needs to develop unified procedures and methods for it…
Public opinion
Pilyugina, N.S. (2008). On some epistemological declarations of the Russian anthropology of law. Law and Politics, 6.
This article by N.S. Pilyugina is devoted to clarification of the meaning of the key epistemological terms of the Russian legal anthropology. The topicality of this problem is due to the need to analyze the retreat from the “naïve objectivism”, which was once announced by legal anthropology itself.
Anthropology of law
Rubanik, S.A. (2008). The Western political and legal thought and formation of the views of P.I. Pestel and N.M. Muraviev on the state law. Law and Politics, 6.
The studies the phenomenon of decemberists in both Russian and foreign literature alike for a long time seemed to ignore the political and social processes in the West at the same time, and the sources, from which the liberal ideas, as well as ideas of secret societies, were brought to Russia… This article b S.A. Rubanik includes a different point of view on this problem…
Legal and political thought
Zakharov, V.V. (2008). The key methods of enforcement of the judicial decisions in the Russian legislation of the first half of the XIX century. Law and Politics, 6.
The system of measures of forced performance is one of characteristic features of the situation in the state and in the society. The importance of this issue is due to the newly activated debates on the Russian courts before and after the Judicial Reform of 1864…This article is aimed to broaden the scope of analyzed institutions, in order to gain better understanding of the Judicial Reform of 1864.
History of state and law
Khochoyan, A.G. (2008). The Conference of Legal Scholars of 1938 and its meaning for the development of the Russian legal science. Law and Politics, 6.
On July 16-19, 1938 in Moscow there was a famous All-Union Conference of Legal Scholars, where the key issues of the science of law became a subject to discussion, and the new theoretical bases for the further development of the Soviet legal science were formed. This article by A.G. Khochoyan is devoted to the analysis of the value of the Conference to the development of the Russian science…
History of state and law
Ospennikov, Y.V. (2008). Perevet and arson in the Ancient Russian law. Law and Politics, 6.
Perevet (treason) is a type of crime, which only appears at the Pskov Judgement Charter and was not priorly regulated by the Ancient Russian legal sources, while the term itself and the crime as such have been existing for a long time before. This article by Y.V. Ospennikov includes analysis of this crime in the Ancient Russian law, including its comparison to arson.
History of state and law
Karakhanyan, S.G. (2008). Information aspects of professional competence of an advocate. Law and Politics, 6.
Professional competence of an advocate is not merely a sum of various types of information, which he achieves in his studies and in his practice … it’s a unified system of knowledge, skills and principles, allowing an advocate to serve his main goal: to help the people, who come to him for legal advice and help. This article by S.G. Karakhanyan provides the basis for the value of advocate’s competence and its information component.
Law practice
Isho, K.D. (2008). The way of conclusion, performance and cessation of the contract for the obligatory insurance of the civil law responsibility of the car – owners. Law and Politics, 6.
It is obvious, that when setting the obligation of the car – owners to insure their civil responsibility for the harm done to the third persons’ life, health and property in car accidents, the legislator meant to protect the victims of the car accidents. This mechanism is realized by specific type of insurance contracts. This article by K.D. Isho is devoted to specific features of such contracts.
Practical law manual
Charkin, S.A. (2008). The deals with land shares. The problems in practice and the ways to overcome them. Law and Politics, 6.
At the current stage of the land reform, the regimes of joint property and joint shared property to the land shares is widely used, that is why the “land share” becomes a separate object of civil law deals. That is why there’s need for reevaluation of the legal regulation of such deals, and this is the subject of this article.
Smykalin, A.S. (2008). The scientific codification of the definition apparatus in the sphere of human rights.
(The review of the Reference Dictionary on Human Rights. Key Definitions and Institutions. Moscow: “Prava Cheloveka” Publ., 2006, 468 P. ISBN 5-7712-0363-7).
. Law and Politics, 6.
The human rights science has a multi-faceted and interdisciplinary character, so maybe it’s time to recognize the logic of human rights, philosophy of human rights, political science of human rights, etc. The Dictionary, which is subject to the review in this article, provides terms and definitions for these new spheres of scientific study in human rights law…