Question at hand
Bochkarev, S.A. (2008). On fighting corruption in the Russian Federation: new approaches with no innovations. Law and Politics, 11.
A set of legislative drafts, initiated by the President of the Russian Federation and devoted to fighting corruption, is one of the key-priority legislative matters of the spring session of 2008. It establishes, that on one hand the Russian Federation fulfilled its international obligations aimed to fight corruption, and on the other hand, failed to achieve some important results in this sphere, so the scale and character of corruption is still a threat to the Russian Federation.
Rodionova, A.K. (2008). Models of federalism as a mirror of political construction. . Law and Politics, 11.
Political modelling presupposes the studies aimed to explain political, legal and social events and processes. Forecasting of state policy calls for the unified approach to the term “model”, and analyzing political and legal reality of federalizations of different states, the scientists came to a conclusion that there exist various models of federalism. What is the correlation between the model of federalism and the political construction?
Uzdimaeva, N.I. (2008). On types of legal self-protection: theoretical and legal approach. Law and Politics, 11.
Legal self-protection as a type of protection of right includes various types. .That is why it is so important to single out such types, which is what the author of this article does.
Botasheva, A.K. (2008). Comparative analysis of modern terrorism and war. Law and Politics, 11.
The spread of terrorism is a symptom of tension between the subjects of world policy, when terrorism becomes an organized movement with political goals and aims, as a type of social violence and an accepted political practice. As such, terrorism closely correlates to war, that is why, as the author of this article points out, correlation of modern terrorism and war is so topical…
Authority and management
Zakondyrin, A.E. (2008). Specific features of legal regulation of organization of local self-government in the subjects of the Russian Federation – the cities of federal significance – Moscow and St. Petersburg. . Law and Politics, 11.
Analysis of current regional legislation on local self-government in the cities of federal significance allows to establish differences in organization of this institution in such cities, as opposed to other constituent subjects of the Russian Federation. This article is devoted to singling out the differences.
Authority and management
Pushkin, P.E. (2008). Key problems of reform of local self-government at the modern stage (examples of Volgograd and Volgograd oblast): results of the sociological study. Law and Politics, 11.
As the author of this article points out, the reform of local self-government in Russia cannot be regarded as particularly efficient and successful. In order to single out the particular problems on the territory of Volgograd oblast, the author held a sociological poll devoted to the separation of spheres of competence of local self-government and state government.
Authority and management
Aleshkova, N.P. (2008). Some aspects of law-making activities of the local self-government bodies. Law and Politics, 11.
Legislative activity is an important power of local self-government, as well as means of realization of its other powers. This article by N.P. Aleshkova is devoted to correlation between the legislative activities of local self-government and other legislative activities.
Transformation of legal and political systems
Grigoryeva, A.V. (2008). Autonomous districts of the Russian Federation: genesis, evolution, perspectives. Law and Politics, 11.
Topicality of the issue of formation of the new system of state government, which would touch upon the bases of administrative and territorial division of the country, is clear. There needs to be a clear strategy for enlargement of the regions. However, such a concept does not yet exist in the Russian Federation …
Transformation of legal and political systems
Kulchevsky, V.V. (2008). Legal problems of loss of status of the constituent subjects of the Russian Federation. Law and Politics, 11.
At the legislative level the status of the subject of the Russian Federation does not have its definition, although it is provided in Art. 66 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. In the opinion of the author of this article the definition of constituent subjects shall soon be changed to avoid the lack of symmetry.
Transformation of legal and political systems
Samoilenko, O.A. (2008). Forms of self-determination of equal peoples of the Russian Federation. Law and Politics, 11.
The Constitution of the Russian Federation established the principle of equality of peoples, living in the Russian Federation, as one of key principles of federal structure of the Russian Federation. However, neither law nor legal docrine provide for unified approach to what should be regared as “peoples”. This article provides evaluation of above-mentioned problem.
Stabilization systems: government control
Brinchuk, M.M. (2008). Ecological and legal bases for state economical policy. Law and Politics, 11.
The Russian state and society are interested in ensuring economical development as well as ecological well-being, that is, positive environmental situation. This article by M.M.Brinchuk is devoted to a number of socially important issues of ecological and legal determination of the state policy.
Stabilization systems: government control
Zherebtsov, A.N. (2008). Content and stages of the process of legal regulation of social relations within the mechanism of state management of migration processes. . Law and Politics, 11.
As the author of the article points out, the need of state interference into the migration processes should be regarded with due attention to its legal basis. Legal regulation should also reestablish the lost balance in the sphere of territorial transfer of the people. This article includes analysis of topical problems and stages of legal regulation of migration.
Stabilization systems: government control
Laskovaya, I.A. (2008). Ecological problems in the sphere of electric energy and influence on energetic security of the Russian Federation. . Law and Politics, 11.
Among many factors, which predefine economical and ecological security of the Russian Federation, the sphere of fuel and energy is key, since it ensures functioning of both production and social spheres, normal life of people, budget income and foreign currency income, integration of the regions. This article is devoted to these spheres …
Law and order
Komarov, A.A. (2008). On the criminal policy of the Russian Federation in the sphere of fighting criminal activity in the Internet and contribution of criminal science. Law and Politics, 11.
The author of this article offers a number of valuable ideas in the spheres of criminal science, which are devoted to the criminal policy of the state in the sphere of fighting Internet crimes, namely, fraud.
Stepanenko, A.V. (2008). Legal regulation in the sphere of chemicals: the experience of EU and the Federal Republic of Germany. . Law and Politics, 11.
Analysis of the requirements to production, advertisiment, utilization of chemicals is quite topical nowadays. And since the Russian legislation in this sphere can hardly be called well-developed, in the opinion of the author, one could find use in studying achievements and short-comings of European legislators in this sphere.
International relations: interaction systems
Maltsev, O.D. (2008). Relationship between Russia and China in the globalizing world. . Law and Politics, 11.
This article is devoted to evaluation of key stages of formation and development of partnership between Russia and China. The studies show that both countries grow their powers in different spheres and now have the potential for development at both the regional and global scale.
International relations: interaction systems
Nasyrov, I.R. (2008). Contribution of the Russian regions in formation of relationships with the Islamic World countries. Tatarstan as an example. Law and Politics, 11.
As the author of this article points out, cultural and spiritual unity lays at the basis of the relationships between Tatarstan and the Middle East states. At the same time, this geographical direction of international cooperation is of much interest both to the modern technology industry and to the oil industry. The economical cooperation is supported by cooperation in the sphere of culture, education and science.
Transnational interests
Rudakova, O.N. (2008). Social and economical development of the modern Russia within the context of globalization. . Law and Politics, 11.
As the author of this article points out, the Russian economy and civil society have to respond to the challenges of globalization. The place of Russia in the post-industrial world would depend not only on prices on raw materials, but rather on its ability to generate and efficiently implement unique technologies and innovations, which also calls for changes in the existing social and economical policy.
International security systems
Andreev, M.V. (2008). Political and legal concepts and doctrines of the Russian Federation in the sphere of international security and international law. . Law and Politics, 11.
In spite of the large number of Russian laws, which touch upon the matter of national and international security, three normative documents have priority: the Military Doctrine of the Russian Federation, the Concept of National Security of the Russian Federation and the Concept of the Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation. In the author’s point of view, the these documents fully reflect the existing situation. That is why the study of their contradictions is so topical.
International security systems
Ushakov, S.V. (2008). Institutional system of the UN, and the international obligation to prevent genocide. . Law and Politics, 11.
Today, when the UN is past its 63th anniversary, one of the key dillemas of its activity is finding the border between the obligation to protect the sovereignty of the states and the need to protect particulary vulnerable groups of people. This article takes genocide as an example.
Gorban,V.V. (2008). Procedural power of the court in sanctioning of the intrusion into the property rights of the person. . Law and Politics, 11.
This article is devoted to the problems of powers of the court in the sphere of sanctioning the investigative activities, which may intrude into the property rights of persons. The author provides for the ways to improve the existing criminal procedural legislation and practice of its application.
Tumanov, D.A. (2008). Again to the discussion on P. 5 of Art. 392 of the Civil Procedural Code of the Russian Federation and the P. 6, 7 of Art. 311 of the Arbitration Procedural Code of the Russian Federation, and unreasonably broad intepretation of P. 1 of Art. 311 of the APC. Law and Politics, 11.
The issue of judicial review due to newly found circumstances is quite topical in the civil procedural science. This article is devoted to the bases for such review, which are formed within the framework of judicial activity.
Ivanova, D.I. (2008). Antiterroristic policy of the UN, and the strategy of control over international terrorism. . Law and Politics, 11.
The issue of efficient international anti-terroristic policy is important in the modern world, and such a policy clearly calls for the unified and agreed-upon anti-terrorism strategy among the states. The UN also plays an important role in formation of international anti-terrorism policy. The author pays much attention to analysis of the UN strategy in this sphere.
Vain, E.A. (2008). Regency as an institution of the monarchical state. . Law and Politics, 11.
In a monarchical state the succession is regularly insured by inheritance, however, there could be situations, when the succession is threatened. Historical precedents show the importance of regency in the monarchical states, and this article dwells upon the institution of regency.
Ermakova, A.V. (2008). Auctions, tenders, public auctions and public contests – the issue of terminology. Law and Politics, 11.
In the sphere of holding tenders the terminology varies greatly. How the above-mentioned terms correlate? Or are they synonimous? The author of this article provides his own answers to these questions.
Nuzhdin, T.A. (2008). On the issue of non-material values of physical and legal persons in the Russian civil science. . Law and Politics, 11.
In the opinion of the author if this article, the institution of non-material values in the Russian legislation and practice calls for revision and legislative correction. For example, one may single out the problems of non-material values of juridical persons and individual enterpreneurs, the lack of unified definition of non-material values, etc.
Public communications
Tuzov, N.V. (2008). State and ethnos within the paradigm of political area. . Law and Politics, 11.
Political sphere has always influenced the social sphere. The modern political science needs to address the subjectivity, the active element in social and political actions, which is quite topical, since ethnical and religious tensions and conflicts influence the political and social situation throughout the country, while it is unlikely that the situation shall peacefully return to the starting point.
Public communications
Etimyan, L.G. (2008). Modern technologies of political manipulation in the election campaigns. . Law and Politics, 11.
As the author of this article pointed out, the negative matters in elections call for attention are are capable of seriously deforming the system of people’s government. The analysis of manipulation technologies is needed in order to efficiently fight such destructive matters in the election process.
Public communications
Zaitsev, D.G. (2008). Influence of the institutional sphere on development of non-state political actors (example of comparison of analytical centers in the USA and in Russia). Law and Politics, 11.
Analytical centers are influential political actors of the modern democratic political process, together with such institutions as the civil society and NGOs, the trade unions, etc. However the real status of such structures in Russia and in the West differs. This article is devoted to the influence of the political environment on the formation of the non-state political actors in politics, taking analytical centers as an example.
Human and state
Kalamkaryan, R.A. (2008). The Universal Declaration of Human Rights – 60th Anniversary. The positive international legal experience. . Law and Politics, 11.
Protection of basic rights and freedoms is one of the key conditions for stability and well-being, as well as for the friendly relations among the people. This article by R.A. Kalamkaryan includes analysis of the role of the UN in this sphere.
Human and state
Timshina, E.L. (2008). The Family Code of the Russian Federation on the position of woman in the family. . Law and Politics, 11.
Legislative recognition of equal rights of men and women is a serious step in overcoming discrimination. The great role in regulation of relations among the sexes belongs to the Family Code of the Russian Federation. The goal of the article is to study the position of woman in the family under the Family Code of the Russian Federation.
Human and state
Cheremukhina, Y.A. (2008). The juvenile and his family as subjects of administrative law and the objects of state management. . Law and Politics, 11.
The family is analyzed as a public legal formation, which represents the interests of its members, the interests of the underage and of the state as a whole, since this specific subject of administrative law (first of all) reflects the success of social policy of the state towards its people. The administrative law not only accumulates legal norms on the status of family members, but also provides for categories of families, establishing their administrative status, allowing them to use administrative instruments, material and technical guarantees.
Anthropology of law
Khasanov, Z.M. (2008). Law and power in the conflicts related to implementation of the rights of citizens to association. . Law and Politics, 11.
The events in the large cities of Russia in early 2007 clearly showed the value of the implementation of rights of citizens to peacefully gather, as provided by Art. 31 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. This problem has more to it than just the political dimension.
Anthropology of law
Yarmonova, E.A. (2008). Encroachment on women’s rights: historical aspect. Law and Politics, 11.
Analyzing the history of Russian law one should pay attention to the rights of women, who suffered from crime. The ancient Russian law provides for many cases of responsibility for harm to life, health, virtue, sexual and property-related immunity of women. Generally, at the ancient Russian period the responsibility for the crimes towards women depend on their social status.
Legal and political thought
Khodakovsky, E.A. (2008). The body of believers in Islam within the system of political relations between the East and the West. . Law and Politics, 11.
The Islamic tradition of faithfulness is one of the alternatives to the political and ideological domination of the West. As the author of the article points out, the key elements of this dinamically evolving tradition are the theocratical univerfsalism, expansionism, total reglamentation and decentralized hierarchy.
History of state and law
Elatomtsev, B.A. (2008). Development of the Socialist Revolutionary political concept during the 1st Russian Revolution (1905-1907). Law and Politics, 11.
As the author of this article points out, the period of the 1st Russian Revolutio was rather productive, when it came to development of the Socialist Revolutionary party. During the above-mentioned time this party became rather large, and it could truly compete with the Social Democrates and threaten the existing political structure. In the evaluation by the Tsar’s Government, the SR Party was the most dangerous and aggressive revolutionary organization.
History of state and law
Pakholchik, E.D. (2008). Legal nature of the peaceful settlement in the sphere of economical justice. . Law and Politics, 11.
Thoughout the development of peaceful settlement procedures it was closely related to the arbitration tribunals, and at the early stage this was a unified process. This article by E.D. Pakhomchik includes the analysis of history and specific features of the modern peaceful settlement process.
Practical law manual
Kuchina, Y.O. (2008). The circumstances, which should be established when investigating the criminal cases in the sphere of provision of professional legal help. . Law and Politics, 11.
The above-mentioned circumstances are important for reaching the right conclusion on the guilt of a person in a particular guilty act. The general list of circumstances is well-studied in legal science, however, in particular cases, such lists depend on the type of crime. The crimes in the sphere of provision of professional legal help are no exception.
Farkhutdinov, I.Z., Galiev, F.H. (2008). Walk and ye shall reach. The review on the book by F.M.Rayanov: Jural State: the Destiny of Russia. Monograph. Ufa. 2007 – 208 p. Law and Politics, 11.