Public communications
Vasilieva, L.A. (2008). Retranslation of the process of mythologizing
and demythologizing the political actors by media channels. Law and Politics, 10.
The myth of leaderism as followed by the terms of "charismatic leader", "psychoeneretism" is now part of the mass conscience thanks to the media channels. The totalitarian propaganda was very effective in this department and made ideological science highly efficient in its means, while it could be totally absurd in its content. This article by L.A. Vasilyeva is devoted to analysis of the processes of mythologizing and demythologizing the political figures by the mass media.
Public communications
Seidov, Sh. G. (2008). Development of information society:
tendencies in geo-informational aspect. Law and Politics, 10.
Study of development of information society calls for evaluation of the new tendencies, which express themselves in the geopolitical aspect in its relation with the regional and territorial aspects. And while the tendencies of development of information political systems of developed states are rather well-studied, the development of similar systems in the developing states is quite an interesting object for the scientific study.
Public communications
Merkuryev, A.V. (2008). Information technologies and their use in social mechanisms of government. Law and Politics, 10.
As the author of this article points out, the development of information communication technologies and their spread in the society, formation of the totally new basis for communications, the spread of information among the great number of people allow one to speak of information society. These processes herald the changes in the existing system of power and political institutions. What is the role of information technologies in the mechanisms of government?
Lukyanenko, M.F. (2008). The conditions for the formation
of private discretion in application
of evaluative terms in the civil law. Law and Politics, 10.
The mechanism for discretion, when applying civil law norms with evaluation terms is quite complicated, and is influenced by various inner and outer factors, which serve as additional regulating means for behavior. This process can be regarded as formation of discretion, and this article is devoted to the analysis of this concept.
Public communications
Kakabadze, Sh. Sh. (2008). The institutions of coordination of the interests
of federal state and the structures of the civil society. Law and Politics, 10.
The structures of civil society represent the interests of the wide variety of social groups and communities. They attract attention to the obvious and hidden problems, allowing to form the system of communication between the state and the society. The formal institutions of this type at the federal level were created after the Civil Forum of 201, the formation of the Social Chamber of the Russian Federation in 2004, reform of the Civil Rights Commission into the Council under the auspices of the President of the Russian Federation in 2005. This article is devoted to the study of such institutions and their role.
Law and order
Djanbekov, G.D. (2008). Qualifi cation of illegal turnover of goods and means
of transportation through the customs border of the Russian Federation. Law and Politics, 10.
Based on norms and provisions of the Customs Code of the Russian Federation this article is devoted to the study of such an administrative violation as illegal transfer of goods and (or) means of transportation through the border of the Russian Federation, it establishes the meaning of key elements of customs relations within this type of offence.
Law and order
Kuchina, Y.O. (2008). Some aspects of methods of investigation of crimes
within the sphere of professional legal advice
and counseling. Law and Politics, 10.
In this article the author pays attention to some aspects of methods of investigation of crimes in the sphere of professional legal counseling. The growth of number of such crimes allows to establish a number of phenomena and problems in the work of the law enforcement bodies, which can be resolved with the use of scientific study of investigation practice and improvement of existing methods.
Law and order
Czhou Hen (2008). On the issue of improvement of Art. 256 of the
Criminal Code of the People’s Republic of China. Law and Politics, 10.
Under Art. 256 of the Criminal Code of the it is criminally prohibited to frustrate the elections or to impede the election rights of electors and their representatives with use of threats, violence, fraud, bribing, forgery of election documents, provision of false information on a number of election bulletins and other similar means with the aggravative circumstances. It's been a decade since the new Criminal Code of China was adopted, but the above-mentioned article was never amended or changed. This article is devoted to study of the flaws in this article and means of its improvement.
International security systems
Khlonova, N.V. (2008). International monitoring of corruption. Law and Politics, 10.
Cooperation of states is a necessary precondition for successfully fighting corruption. In turn, it calls for constant watch over the corruption situation in every state, and in the world as a whole. The evaluation of level of corruption in various states is done by a number of international organizations. This article is devoted to analysis of this issue.
Transnational interests
Mansurov, G.Z. (2008). International operation at the period of Golden Standard. Law and Politics, 10.
The Golden Standard is the monetary system, which takes gold as an universal equivalent, and includes golden coins as well as paper money in the turnover, and the paper money may be exchanged for gold based on a solid rate. The goal of this article is analysis of the system of international operations at the Golden Standard period.
Stabilization systems: fiscal control
Bogorad, L.M. (2008). On the role of tax intake in the structure of local budges of the modern France. Law and Politics, 10.
Tax intake is one of the key elements of income of local budgets in the modern France. The number of local taxes in France is large and the general list includes about 40 entries. This article is devoted to study of this issue based on a number of examples, and it also includes statistical data.
State security
Bochkarev, S.A. (2008). Corruption as a type of modern fraud. Law and Politics, 10.
In the opinion of the author of this article, the criminal law apparatus is not sufficient for the complete evaluation of fraud. The social and philosophical discourse of this problem allows to view the phenomenon of corruption within the system of social relations, as a type of modern fraud.
State security
Gorlushkin, A.N. (2008). Classifi cation of confi dential information used
under the state contract for the performance
of scientifi c studies and research
and construction works under the state defense orders. Law and Politics, 10.
The performance of obligations under the state contract is closely tied to use of confidential information. In the author's point of view there are three key groups in such information, and they are: intellectual property, information of limited circulation, and state secret information. This classification is the basis of the analysis in this article.
Stabilization systems: government control
Zolotukhina, T.A. (2008). Russian lobbying: modern state and perspectives of development. Law and Politics, 10.
As the author of this article points out, it is quite reasonable that various groups and classes in the state wish to influence the state bodies, so that they would make particular favorable decisions. One of the forms of this phenomenon is lobbying. This article is devoted to analysis of lobbying in Russia.
Stabilization systems: fiscal control
Gogin, A.A. (2008). The subjective element of offences in the Russian fi nancial law. Law and Politics, 10.
As the author of this article points out, the factual responsibility for non-guilty actions still exists. It is usually camouflaged by criminal legal prohibitions of socially useful activities, "rubber" definitions of crimes, political and ideological basis for guilt and means of practical application of this concept. The author of this article studies the problems of guilt and such aspects as material dependence. The author studies above-mentioned problems within the context of financial legislation.
Transformation of legal and political systems
Rodionova, A.K. (2008). Realization of principles of federalism in the political and legal practice. Law and Politics, 10.
Both Russian and foreign legal scholars attempt to establish the principles of federalism, including those established in the Constitutions of various states. Most of these studies are based on state legal approach. The author attempts to study the principles of federalism as a political institution, which allows to single out the principles of federalism, which form its general and specific features.
Transformation of legal and political systems
Stepanchenko, V.I. (2008). On the experience of development of forms
and methods of consolidation of unity of the Russian
Federation, taking autonomous districts within the Tyumen oblast as an example. Law and Politics, 10.
As the author of the article points out, generally the status of the constituent subject of the Russian Federation is defined by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Constitution (Ustav) of the constituent subject. However, neither the Constitution of the Russian Federation, nor the Ustav (the Basic Law) of the autonomous districts contain the norms on inclusion of the autonomous districts into the newly formed Tyumen oblast. This article is devoted to the forms of factual and legal consolidation of the Russian Federation, taking the Tyumen oblast as an example.
Transformation of legal and political systems
Van Chunyan (2008). Genesis of the reform of the state government
in the 2nd half of XX and early XXI centuries in China. Law and Politics, 10.
Since 1978 the Chinese economy have been undergoing a reform due to the transition from the planned economy to the market economy. The Chinese model includes economical changes and the political and administrative changes, and is characterized by an objective need for these changes in compliance with the new needs and economical reality. This article is devoted to the analysis of genesis and development of such reforms up to 2007.
Stabilization systems: government control
Eremina, N.V. (2008). Independence of the Prosecutor’s Offi ce
within the system of separation of powers. Law and Politics, 10.
As the author of this article points out, the three existing branches of power in Russia should be complemented by the system of checks and balances, such as the Prosecution. The place of Prosecution among the three branches of state power is topical and it's the subject of much discussion.
Stabilization systems: government control
Lyskova, E.I. (2008). Effi ciency of the public power and addresses of citizens:
correlation and mutual prerequisites within
the framework of formation and development of the civil society. Law and Politics, 10.
Written and non-written addresses of people to the government and municipal bodies form an important factor in evaluation of trust of people in such bodies and efficiency of their activities. That is why the political rights of address of citizens as a constitutional legal institution deserves more attention.
Authority and management
Kalinina, L.E. (2008). Analysis of the structure of federal executive bodies. Law and Politics, 10.
Again the Ukaz of the President of the Russian Federation of May 12, 2008 N. 724 changed the structure of the federal executive bodies. And it's the 9th time since 1992, and every time there were quite many amendments along the way. As the author of this article points out, in all those years there was no clear position on the competence of executive bodies.
Authority and management
Khalilov, R.M. (2008). On some factors of implementation of the administrative reform. Law and Politics, 10.
As the author points out, the administrative reform in Russia is closely connected to judicial, economical, municipal, social and other reforms, and should be regarded within their framework.
However, it is necessary to keep the priority of the administrative reform as such.
Authority and management
Vostrikov, A.V. (2008). Administrative and legal means of managing science in the framework of the market economy in the Russian Federation. Law and Politics, 10.
As the author of this article points out, the scientific activity is meant to become the leading branch of Russian economy. And the administrative mechanisms are capable of making this process more efficient. The scientific and technical activity may reach great results and attain profitable investments, as well as making labor efficient. What are the administrative prerequisites?
Botasheva, A.K. (2008). Modern terrorism: the problem of classifi cation of its types. Law and Politics, 10.
Development of classification of types of terrorism, their distinction, taking into account the key directions of subjects and objects of encroachment, is necessary for effective international and national prevention. As the author of this article points out, considering that the issue of classification of the types of modern terrorism is topical, the political and legal analysis seems important.
Lun Changhai (2008). Modern Chinese and Russian models of theory of the corpus delicti. Law and Politics, 10.
The teaching on the corpus delicti in the People's Republic of China were taken from the Soviet criminal law doctrine, that is why many of the concepts of corpus delicti are similar in Russia and China. However, in late years the legislation of Russia and China alike were the subjects to much amendment, so there are differences as well. The study of such differences allows to mutually improve the teachings on corpus delicti in both states.
Conflict: tools of stabilization
Tuzov, N.V. (2008). Political culture of Caucasus:
from lack of balance to stability. Law and Politics, 10.
It is well-known that stability in the Northern Caucasus region is key to the stability and security of the Russian Federation as a whole. The study of tendencies and processes in this region shows the importance of ethnical and religious factors. Taking the above-mentioned into the account, the problem of separatism in the Northern Caucasus republics should be solved through the reform of the system and removability of government, as well as broader representation of various groups in the government bodies.
Conflict: tools of stabilization
Al-Arragi Mohammed Haitem Akhmed (2008). The problem of protection of rights of various
categories of persons during the international armed confl icts. Law and Politics, 10.
International humanitarian law provides protection to persons, who do not participate, or ceased to participate in the armed conflict. The four Geneva Conventions are devoted to protection of such persons. This article is devoted to the study of protection of such persons, with due attention to the civil population and the prisoners of war in the international armed conflict.
Practical law manual
Alekseev, V.A. (2008). On the issue of the system of state registration
of the rights to immovable property. Law and Politics, 10.
The analysis of legal systems of various states allows one to come to the conclusion that all of them add the public element into the turnover of immovable property and create systems of registration of rights to immovable property in order to ensure the property rights of the participants of the civil turnover. However, there are differences as well, and this article is devoted to the study and classification, based on these differences.
Practical law manual
Ershov, O.G. (2008). The problems of compensation of harm caused due
to construction defects in participation in construction
of blocks of fl ats pre-fi nanced by the future property owners. Law and Politics, 10.
People, who put their money into pre-financed construction of flats expect the due quality of construction. However, in practice the quality may be rather low. This article is devoted to topical problems in this sphere, and includes analysis of judicial practice.
Manko, E.A. (2008). Real servitude: contents, basis of formation and cessation. Law and Politics, 10.
This article includes the analysis of topical issues of contents, formation and cessation of the limited rights of use of other person's immovable property - servitude. The author discusses the ways of avoiding gaps in the civil legislation of the Russian Federation in this sphere, and established the needs for the more detailed regulation of relations, as established in case of servitude.
Mironenko, E.I. (2008). On the issue of correlation between
the legal responsibility and social justice. Law and Politics, 10.
Currently the issue of correlation of legal responsibility and the social justice is often a subject to scrutiny in mass media. The formation of civil society and jural state, establishment of basic human values call for a new look on fairness of the Russian law, as well as on the problem of fair legal responsibility of individual and citizen. This article is devoted to the evaluation of above-mentioned categories.
Human and state
Sadina, O.V. (2008). Status of personal freedom of a child
in the legislation of the Russian Federation. Law and Politics, 10.
As the author of this article points out, the status of personal freedom of child in Russia is a historically based system of natural and inalienable rights, freedoms and obligations of a person, who did not reach the age of 18. This status is formed by the Russian legislation based on international legal standards, and is guaranteed by both the legal representatives of a child and the state itself.
Human and environment
Khannanov, R.A., Lazarenko, M.A. (2008). The law of agricultural use of land:
problems of formation and concepts of development. Law and Politics, 10.
Currently the agriculture in Russia is overcoming a crisis, which was caused by the macroeconomic processes. However, as the authors point out, the state of affairs in the Russian agriculture could be much better than it is, which also is relevant to the legal guarantees of efficiency and stability of production, especially in the sphere of agricultural use of land.
History of state and law
Nikulin, V.V. (2008). The Soviet concept of justice
and the practice of executing justice in 1920s. Law and Politics, 10.
The Revolutionary Order in Soviet Russia in 1920s had to come in the place of administrative arbitrariness, even if it were revolutionary. All problems should have been resolved based on the law and judicial decisions. However in the real life these ideal were much corrupted, which is proven by the practice of executing justice in 1920s.
History of state and law
Zakharov, V.V. (2008). The instance system of the general civil courts
in Russia in the fi rst half of the XIX century. Law and Politics, 10.
This article is an experience of formation of the instance structure of the general civil courts in Russia in the first half of XIX century. The attention to the civil courts is due to the lack of their analysis in the historical legal science. At the same time, as the author of this article points out, the state and status of the civil courts was a great factor in the social and economical development of the society.
History of state and law
Tashbekova, I.Y. (2008). Legal position of women employed
in the Russian industry in late XIX century. Law and Politics, 10.
The women have always formed a large portion of the workforce in Russia. However, the legal basis for work of women have not always been there, and its development walked hand in hand with formation of legislation on industry and factories. This article includes analysis of legislation and practice.
History of state and law
Slezin, A.A. (2008). Factory and rural reporters and the Soviet State
of 1920s: the peculiarities of mutual protection. Law and Politics, 10.
In the first decade of its existence the Soviet government took serious efforts to develop the movement of freelance factory and rural reporters. Some are now surprised that at that time most publications in the newspapers were by these freelancers. However, one should take into account that for many years the Soviet press was done by the amateurs. The key criterion for such journalists was their agreement with the state policy, as expressed in their articles.
Legal and political thought
Gligich-Zolotareva,M.V., Dobrynin, N.M. (2008). The teachings of Ivan Ilyin on the federation. Law and Politics, 10.
Ivan Alexandrovich Ilyin is a Russian philosopher, sociologist, social activist, and ideologist of the White Movement, Magister and Doctor of state sciences, Professor. The teachings of Ivan Ilyin were forgotten for many years, and not rightfully so. This article is devoted to analysis of his views.
Legal and political thought
Chizhkov, S.L. (2008). The protective liberalism of B.N. Chicherin
and the problem of correlation of freedom, order and law. Law and Politics, 10.
The concept of "protective liberalism" with its slogan "liberal measures and strong government" was formed by B.N. Chicherin in early 60s of XIX century. Chicherin thought that freedom without order is dangerous, and the order without freedom is meaningless. The ideas of Chicherin caused various, and at times totally opposite reaction from the scholars.
Academic life
Dubovik, O.L., Zhalinsky, A.E. (2008). New approaches to the problems of corruption. Law and Politics, 10.
This article was written after one of the authors (O.L. Dubovik) took part in the conference "Political corruption in its historical perspective", which took place at the Center of Interdisciplinary Studies of the University (in Bielefeld, Germany).This article includes analysis of the most interesting speeches at the Conference, and it also includes some thoughts of the authors on new approaches to corruption.
Kozachenko, I.Y. (2008). Meta-legal methodology of the gnoseology of criminal law.
Review of the book by Zhilinsky, A.E. Criminal law waiting
for the change. Theoretical and instrumental analysis. Moscow. Prospect. 2008. 399 p. Law and Politics, 10.
Li, V.F. (2008). Memories of the future?
Review of the book by E.P. Bazhanov. The Oriental Express
with the Stops in the West. Eyewitness’ notes.
Moscow: East — West, 2008. — 616 p. ISBN 978-5-478-00862-8 tir. 1000. Law and Politics, 10.