Question at hand
Sokolshik, I.M. (2007). On force-based and legal interpretations of a state. Law and Politics, 3, 512.
What danger does corruption pose to society and what is the role of public authorities in containing it? Corruption does not allow the state to achieve the implementation of its strategic tasks if these tasks contradict the interests of oligarchic groups, while the price of public administration increases. Corruption damages the economy and reduces the overall well-being of the country. It also contributes to undermining the authority and prestige of the government. Moreover, it calls into question its legitimacy. If officials and politicians compromise themselves in the eyes of the people, then people have distrust of government and management structures. When studying social tension in society, one of the most important factors is the factor of distrust of the authorities. The article by P.A. Minakov examines the history of corruption from ancient times to the present day, the impact of government corruption on modern society.
Minakov, P.A. (2007). Public government and corruption. Law and Politics, 3, 1319.
The importance of the institution of legal responsibility is obvious to any lawyer. There is a lively debate about whether it is primarily private law or public law in nature. The article by S.A. Noskov analyzes the intersectoral nature of a complex (complex) functional institution of legal responsibility, which includes various subinstitutions in its structure, the impact of which can be directed at various types of public relations.
Noskov, S.A. (2007). On the definition of the institution of legal responsibility. Law and Politics, 3, 2025.
This article by N.L. Solomennik is devoted to a detailed consideration of the restorative function of legal liability, its varieties, subjects, objects, methods of influence, the article considers various classifications, positions of scientists.
Solomennik, N.L. (2007). On the content of the restorative function of legal responsibility. Law and Politics, 3, 2630.
The ambiguity in legislative regulation and law enforcement practice on issues of unlawful abuse of law has an extremely negative effect on the quality of judicial and other law enforcement decisions, gives an already complex concept of abuse of law an even more vague, unclear character, and forces many practicing lawyers to talk about the need to abandon it as an instrument of legal regulation. Meanwhile, it would hardly be correct to draw such categorical conclusions.
Authority and management
Larin, V.V. (2007). On the issue of illegality of abuse of right. Law and Politics, 3, 3138.
The Constitution of the Russian Federation establishes in Part 3 of Article 11 that "the delimitation of subjects of competence and powers between the bodies of state power of the Russian Federation and the bodies of state power of the subjects of the Russian Federation is carried out by this Constitution, federal and other agreements on the delimitation of subjects of competence and powers." This formulation has given rise to significant disagreements between representatives of legal schools and political movements with different points of view on the nature of Russian federalism. The essence of these disputes lies in the different interpretation of the relationship between the Constitution of the Russian Federation and treaties on the delimitation of subjects of jurisdiction and powers between the state authorities of the Russian Federation and the state authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation ... these disputes have practical significance.
Transformation of legal and political systems
Kinteraya, A.G. (2007). Legal forms of separation of spheres of authority and powers between the Russian Federation and the subjects of the Russian Federation: problems of correlation of federal law and contract. Law and Politics, 3, 5461.
The Russian state, representing a single political whole, is far from a homogeneous body in terms of physical conditions, territory, ethnic composition of the population, its economic and spiritual life. These features must be seriously considered. However, it cannot be said that the researchers of this problem have come to a consensus. Perhaps the reason is that they are dealing with too complex, multifactorial processes, the study of which requires a lot of money and an adequate methodology. In this article, N.N. Arzamaskin expresses his approach to this issue.
Stabilization systems: government control
Arzamaskin, N.N. (2007). On the issue of systemic analysis of factors, influencing modern Russian statehood. Law and Politics, 3, 6267.
Lawmaking is a multifaceted concept. This article by E.A. Magomedova is devoted to topical issues of regulation of legislative activity in the Russian Federation. In particular, it examines such issues as the principles of this activity, the problem of the concept of the draft law, the role of various types of expertise
Stabilization systems: government control
Magomedova, E.A. (2007). Optimization of legal regulation of law drafting activities. Law and Politics, 3, 6875.
As the author of this article emphasizes, lobbying, having its advantages and disadvantages, is a natural outlet for the energy of self-organization of civil society, which cannot be suppressed, artificial barriers in the form of norms that would prohibit a kind of dialogue between subjects of diverse legal relations with the authorities. This energy should be used both for the benefit of society, first of all, and the public authorities themselves.
International relations: interaction systems
Subbuchev, V.V. (2007). Lobbyism as an instrument of protection of legal interests. Law and Politics, 3, 7685.
Between the Middle Ages and the early Modern period, there was no sharp technological gap in industry, as in agriculture in Russia. However, unlike agriculture, innovations in industrial production occurred more or less constantly, although very slowly. Many innovations of the XV-XVI centuries represented minor improvements (improvements) in existing technologies
Transnational interests
Afanasieva, V.I. (2007). Innovations in industrial production and law of the Western Europe and Russia (XV XIX centuries). Law and Politics, 3, 8694.
In relations related to production sharing agreements, the powers of the State as a subject of ownership of the subsoil are closely intertwined with its prerogatives of a public authority, a sovereign guarantor and defender of the subsoil, ensuring their inalienable, inalienable nature, their safety and rational use. As a result, elements of public law relations related to the special regime of subsurface use inevitably fall into the orbit of the production sharing agreement, become an integral part of the agreement along with the civil relations of the parties.
Stabilization systems: fiscal control
Kakulia, R.A. (2007). Agreement on sharing of products: legal nature, problems and perspectives. Law and Politics, 3, 95102.
For a long time, the importance of profit in the economy of agricultural production has been underestimated. This was expressed in the following "theoretical" postulate, expressed at the time by I.V. Stalin: "In our country, on the contrary, large grain farms ... do not need either a maximum profit or an average profit rate for their development, and sometimes they do without any profit, which again creates favorable conditions for development a large grain farm." In modern conditions of market economy development, the role of profit has increased significantly.
Public communications
Kutliyarova, I.F. (2007). Legal aspects of separation of profits in the agricultural cooperative society. Law and Politics, 3, 103108.
Human and state
Cheremnykh, I.I. (2007). Perspectives of participation of a notary in the mediation procedure. Law and Politics, 3, 109113.
The protection of a citizen's health is carried out at two levels: national legal and international legal. Russia is a party to a number of international treaties and conventions aimed at protecting human health and social rights. In our country, the legal provision of health protection is characterized, on the one hand, by a fairly high-level and multifaceted constitutional and legal consolidation, and a significant number of problems in practice, on the other hand. The article by O.M. Ivanova examines current problems related to the legal provision of health protection, key international legal standards.
Practical law manual
Ivanova, O.M. (2007). Legal basis for the health protection. Law and Politics, 3, 126133.
This article is devoted to the criminological analysis of torture. The relevance of the study is determined by the fact that modern Russian criminal law classifies torture as crimes against life and health and considers them as a special form of violence. At the same time, the legislator proceeds from the fact that the defining sign of torture is the infliction of physical or mental suffering through systematic beatings or other violent actions. Unlike other types of violent crimes, torture does not involve inflicting pain, but rather causing physical or mental suffering. This determines the public danger of torture, which, by causing physical or mental suffering to the victim, can cause significant harm to health.
Practical law manual
Titov, S.S. (2007). Criminological characteristics of torture (state, structure, tendencies). Law and Politics, 3, 134138.
This article examines a number of cases in which forensic experts, examining illegally manufactured weapons, found the absence of an appropriate permit, the facts of using factory parts for weapons, manufacturing without compliance with GOST and TU and other regulations established by the state. And such weapons were used, as a rule, to commit various crimes, including murder.
Academic life
Yarovenko, V.V., Poleschuk, O.V. (2007). Criminological studies of illegally made fire arms. Law and Politics, 3, 149151.
On November 11−13, 2006, an international conference on the theory of criminal law of China and Canada was held at Shandong University (People's Republic of China, Jinyan). More precisely, the conference should be called the conference on the theory of criminal law of China, Russia and Canada, not only because the Russian delegation outnumbered the Canadian one, but also, more importantly, because the problems raised are significant for the domestic science of criminal law