Mikhailov, M.V. (2007). “Typical” and “non-typical” features in political and legal formation of statehood: theoretical and methodological aspect. Law and Politics, 10, 5–10.
The history of world’s civilizations in all of its variety shows certain laws of formation and development of the statehood, as well as correlation of its key structural components: person, state and society. In spite of generally identical bases and stages of development evolution of different statehoods goes in different ways due to influence of non-political matters: economic, social, spiritual, as well as of international situation.
Grishina, V.V. (2007). Theoretical analysis of problems of legal influence on the quality of normative legal acts. Law and Politics, 10, 11–13.
Provision for the mechanism of legal regulation of information activities and formation of the information resources within the federal legislation, is, in the author’s view, the necessary precondition for the realization of the constitutional right to the information. The author of this article considers the degree of regulation of the informative activity to be the cornerstone matter in respect of quality of legal norms…
Authority and management
Koloteva, V.G. (2007). Role of central executive government bodies in the Latin America: a lesson for Russia. Law and Politics, 10, 14–19.
In the 1990s the superpresidential republics of the Latin America (such as Brazil, Argentina, Peru) took steps towards a more balanced separation of powers. The analogy is clear, since many of the post-Soviet states (and some think – the Russian Federation as well) are obviously superpresidential…
Transformation of legal and political systems
Rabtsevich, O.I. (2007). On the major problems of modern international law. Law and Politics, 10, 20–24.
The question on the modern state of the international law system is a popular one. However, there is still no unified answer. There is a great quantity of opinions of learned scholars on the number of its spheres, its subject, its method. The author of this article views the most popular concepts and expresses her own opinion.
Transformation of legal and political systems
Epifanova, E.V. (2007). The concept of criminal legal policy. Law and Politics, 10, 25–27.
The criminal legal policy should be the centerpiece of both law-making and the law-enforcement ensuring their correlation. It should allow the legislator to work on the most important areas of this sphere and pass the laws on most topical and relevant issues…Unfortunately, the modern reality is such that the legislative aspects seem to have their own separate “life”…
Transformation of legal and political systems
Kornikhin, S.V. (2007). Specific features of succession in exclusive rights under Russian civil law. Law and Politics, 10, 28–31.
Stabilization systems: government control
Chulovsky, K.Y. (2007). On perspectives of existence of highly subsidized municipalities. Law and Politics, 10, 32–36.
The scholars inform us that most of the local budgets are dependent on external funding, and their own income is a mere 16 to 20 per cent of what they need, the income from the local taxes being 2 to 3 per cent. This problem is especially acute, if one takes a look at the lower level municipal formations – the rural municipalities…
Stabilization systems: government control
Kharlamov, A.S. (2007). Role of the civil law in regulation of relations on managing the property of the public owner. Law and Politics, 10, 37–45.
Due to both the historical tradition and the peculiar features of social and economic development of our state, managing economical processes, especially those related to public property within the civil turnover, has always been the top priority issue. This article by A.S. Kharlamov is devoted to the issues related to concession contracts…
Transnational interests
Ilyashev, K.S. (2007). Practice of application of anti-dumping measures in the USA related to the Russian uranium products. Law and Politics, 10, 46–51.
According to the estimations provided by the Ministry of Economic Development and Commerce of the Russian Federation the losses due to the anti-dumping measures on Russian uranium products is about 175 million US dollars. At the same time part of the income from uranium sales in the USA comes to the state budget, being about 20% of non-tax incoming funds. This article contains detailed characteristics of anti-dumping measures against Russian uranium products in the USA, as well history of the issue.
Stabilization systems: fiscal control
Konyushko, E.V. (2007). Civil legal responsibility for the illegal disclosure of bank secrecy as a guarantee of rights of the client of the credit organization. Law and Politics, 10, 52–58.
One of the elements of the legal status of the banking secret as an object of legal regulation includes legal guarantees of client’s rights. These guarantees may be defined as a combination of legally provided means, aimed to ensure protection of the right to the banking secret. In the author’s point of view, all types of guarantees of the banking secret may be differentiated into two groups: legal responsibility of the subjects of the banking secret and other types of guarantees…
Stabilization systems: fiscal control
Kulik, A.A. (2007). The right to participation in distribution of profits of the corporate organization. Law and Politics, 10, 59–65.
This article is devoted to the particular characteristics of a subjective right to the share in profits of a corporate entity. This issue is quite a subject for discussion due to a number of reasons. First of all, there are issues related to the very nature of these subjective rights, then, there are issues related to the definition of the term “corporation”, and lack of detail as to the content of these subjective rights…
Stabilization systems: fiscal control
Kutliyarova, R.F. (2007). Legal regime of the share fund and indivisible fund of the agricultural co-operative. Law and Politics, 10, 66–71.
Stabilization systems: fiscal control
Tikhonchuk, M.V. (2007). Correlation of rights and duties of creditor and debtor during the bankruptcy procedure: historical and legal analysis. Law and Politics, 10, 72–77.
Law and order
Nichugovskaya, O.N. (2007). Topical issues on formation of the system of punishments under the modern criminal legislation of the Russian Federation. Law and Politics, 10, 78–84.
The system of criminal punishment now truly calls for a change. In order to prove it, the author of this article points out that by far not all the kinds of criminal punishments are applied in practice, and those applied do not seem to achieve the goals named in Art. 43 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation: namely, restoring the civil fairness, correction of the criminal and prevention of the new crimes…
Public communications
Mateikovich, M.S., Voronin, V.V. (2007). The people, the civil society, the society as subjects of the constitutional legal relations. Law and Politics, 10, 85–92.
The constitutional law actively uses the terms “the people”, “the civil society” the “society” … there are very important subjects of constitutional legal relations. However, these terms are hard to define, if one aims to single out the groups forming such collective subjects… As a result of this confusion, the state prohibits citizens and groups of citizens to use their rights and fulfill their obligations, while referring to the very same terms…
Human and state
Capon Filas, Rodolpho (2007). International norms on human rights and national legislation (some theoretical statements based on labor law as an example). Law and Politics, 10, 93–102.
The goal of this article is to introduce to the Russian readers one of the best known modern lawyers of Argentina – Rodolpho Capon Filas. This article is especially valuable, since it not only provides a theory quite characteristic for the Latin American understanding of law, but also illustrates judicial procedure of Argentina, and application of judicial precedents, based on the example of labor disputes…
Besslitsyn, A.G. (2007). On the issue of definition of protective measures. Law and Politics, 10, 103–107.
Currently the legal science seems to use such terms as “protection”, “protection of a right”, “means of protection”, “institution of protection”, etc. While these terms are similar, they are not identical. At the same time some scientists seem to find no difference… This article of A.G. Besslitsyn includes analysis of various opinion, as well as introduction into his own views on the issues.
Nozikova, O.A. (2007). Legal text as an official act of interpretation. Law and Politics, 10, 108–112.
Interpretation of the legal text as unity of its understanding and explanation by the subjects of a single social relation is a basis for the normative rule. However, the normative legal rule is not the only result of interpretation…
History of state and law
Vedyakhin, V.M., Boeva, G.A. (2007). Organization of the court of the peace in the Simbirsky province under the Ustavs of the 1864. Law and Politics, 10, 113–120.
The judicial reform of the 1864 seemed to be quite successful. It found its way into the provincial life, caused a number of irrevocable changes. The relationship between the state and the people, between the different branches of power changed…This article concerns this reform, using the Simbirsky province as an example…
History of state and law
Obukhova, O.V. (2007). Problems of political and legal adaptation (example of the «first wave” of the Russian emigration in China). Law and Politics, 10, 121–125.
Lately there’s much enthusiasm among the scholars, aiming to find priority direction in the studies of post – October revolution emigration. It is clear that emigration and adaptation are related. In this article by O.V. Obukhova the problems of “first wave” emigration are viewed taking China as an example…
History of state and law
Kodintsev, A.Y. (2007). Implementation of the legal policy of the Soviet state by the justice government bodies while implementing the Decree of the PSC of the USSR of June 26, 1940. Law and Politics, 10, 126–130.
Before the WW2 Stalin initiated a number of campaigns aimed to prepare for the military actions. One of the most important campaigns was implementation of the Decree of the PSC of the USSAR of June 26, 1940 on labor crime (well known as the Decree 26 and 6). Under this Decree there were two kinds of labor crimes…
Practical law manual
Yarovenko, V.V., Poleschuk, O.V. (2007). Criminalistical studies of firearm cartridges. Law and Politics, 10, 131–134.
Criminalistical studies of firearm cartridges pose a number of complicated issues. This article by V.V. Yarovenko and O.V. Poleschuk is devoted to topical problems of expert practice.
Practical law manual
Fidarov, V.V. (2007). On acceptability of application of analogy of law and analogy of the law in the sphere of implementation of legal sanctions. Law and Politics, 10, 135–138.
As the author of this article points out the issue of analogy of law and analogy of the law in order to fill the blanks in the sphere of sanctions retains its topicality. One of the preconditions to such a study is to separate the sanctions from the protective measures…
Practical law manual
Alexeeva, E.V. (2007). On the issue of recognizing the international economical deal concluded due to deception and fraud as void. Law and Politics, 10, 139–143.
The conclusion of foreign economic deal and its execution presuppose active behavior of its subjects and their will to perform certain acts. The trans-border character of the relations on conclusion of such deals leads to the complexity of their regulation by both the public and private law, as well as by laws of different states and legal systems…That is why it calls for the study of the collision norms, defining under which laws one should evaluate the presence of will and validity of such deals…
Practical law manual
Vlasov, E.N (2007). Specific features of mortgage of plots of land, on which there are buildings, constructions and structures. Law and Politics, 10, 144–148.
Currently the Russian legislation provides for two fairly opposite approaches to the mortgage of property depending on whether the subject of the mortgage is the land or the immovable property on it… However, when doing the legal evaluation of documents for due registration of rights, one should pay attention to the principle of unity of the land and the immovable property on it…
(2007). Alfred Ernestovich Zhalinsky is 75!. Law and Politics, 10, 149–150.