Question at hand
Semiletov, S.I. (2006). Analysis of modern Russian legislation related to the use of State Automatic System “Elections” in realization of the citizens’ constitutional rights to take part in elections and referenda: key contradictions, problems and legislative blanks. Law and Politics, 2, 4–17.
Practice of use of the SAS “Elections” (“Vybory”) shows gaps in the existing Russian legislation, which, in turn, do not allow to use the SAS “Elections” in a most effective way to ensure and implement election rights of the Russian citizens. The article by S.I. Semiletov is devoted to the topical issues of legal regulation of the SAS “Elections”, in particular, to the public authenticity and legal power of electronic documents, correlation between the SAS “Elections” and the Internet. The article also contains a number of proposals aimed to amend the existing legislation.
Olkov, S.G. (2006). Theory of moral and legal multi-value evaluation zones. Law and Politics, 2, 18–28.
As the author of this article Professor Olkov notes, just like Euclidean space and the four-dimentional Minkovsky’s space, there are other evaluation zones. Such evaluation zones (spaces) are perfect for the study of rules and trends of social and legal relations, as well as for the study of nature and inherent qualities of moral and legal responsibility, rules, regarding concentration and differentiation of human behavior and actions.
Authority and management
Chertkov, A.N., Plyugina, I.V. (2006). Institution of plenipotentiaries of the President of the Russian Federation within federal districts. Law and Politics, 2, 29–36.
Reform of the legal institution of plenipotentiaries of the President of the Russian Federation, dating back to 1991, via creation of the federal districts, was probably one of the most important measures aimed at improvement of coordination of the government in Russia in the recent years. This article by A.N. Chertkov, I.V. Plyugina is devoted to the history of the institute of federal plenipotentiaries, its development, historical analogies and existing problems…
Authority and management
Troshkina, T.N. (2006). Modern mechanism of state regulation of foreign trade in the Russian Federation. Law and Politics, 2, 36–53.
Throughout the Russian history, including the Soviet period, foreign trade has been playing an important role in solving social and economic problems of the state. This article contains analysis of the foreign trade sector of the Russian economics and its elements: institutional (organs and institutions, taking part in foreign trade regulation) and functional (instruments and methods of regulation).
Transformation of legal and political systems
Stephanchuk, R.A. (2006). Modern state and perspectives of development of the institution of personal non-material rights of physical persons in Ukrainian civil legislation. Law and Politics, 2, 54–65.
R.A. Stephanchuk’s article contains analysis of the key provisions of the Book Two of the Civil Code of Ukraine of 2003, entitled “Personal non-material rights of physical persons”, in particular, based on the human rights provisions. As the author notes, the institution of personal non-material rights of physical person in the Ukrainian legislation is a novelty among the modern European civil codifications, and it may be an example to follow for other Eastern European countries, which are now starting to reform their legislations based on the new European principles.
State security
Revina, S.N. (2006). Theoretical, political and legal problems of ensuring economical security. Law and Politics, 2, 66–77.
The term “economical security” has appeared rather recently. S.N. Revina’s article is devoted to theory and practice of ensuring economical security in the Russian Federation. Much attention is paid to the latest political tendencies of President Putin’s Administration, in particular, to the nationalization tendency. Among its examples, one may name sale of “Yuganskneftegaz” to the state-owned “Rosneft”, purchase of the shares of “Gazprom” by the state from its own subsidiary corporations, uptake of “Sibneft” by “Gazprom”, the start of de facto nationalization of “AvtoVaz” and “UAZ”…
Law and order
Danilova, L.S., Gromov, N.A. (2006). On universality of the term “specialist”. Law and Politics, 2, 78–81.
The subject of activities of any specialist in the sphere of science, technical issues, art or trade within the criminal process in the Russian Federation is assistance to disclosure, securing and requisition of objects and documents, use of technical means in order to study the materials of a criminal case, assistance to an expert in order for him to be able to pose questions, as well as explanation to the parties and to the court of the issues within the scope of his professional competence. L.S. Danilova and N.A. Gromov’s article is devoted to the study of specialist status and requirements to him under the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation. The authors also study the practcal problems, related to lack of detail in the legislative provisions on powers and goals of a specialist in the criminal procedure.
Stabilization systems: fiscal control
Mukhamet-Irekle, A., (2006). Return of deposit accounts: from simple to complicated. Part 4. Law and Politics, 2, 82–91.
The problem of return of deposit accounts (including “accounts for children”), which were opened before January 1, 1995 and March 1, 1996 (that is before Parts 1 and 2 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation came into force), does not lose its topicality in the modern Russia nowadays. A. Mukhamet-Irekle’s article is devoted to the study of Russian law and judicial practice in this sphere, and the author provides his critical analysis of the problem. As the author points out, the theory of law provides for the various opportunities for the practical judicial protection of the account depositors. That is why, this article is of interest both to the depositors and their legal representatives.
International relations: interaction systems
Dubinkina S.N. (2006). Formation and development of international legal regulation of sale of services. Law and Politics, 2, 92–102.
S.N. Dubinkina’s article is devoted to the history of development of universal regulation of international trade relations in the sphere of services. The author reviews the key provisions of the General Agreement on Trade in Services, which came into force in 1995, and of other international legal instruments. As the author notes, since the time when GATS came into force one may speak of universal (global) regulation of the sphere of trade in services. The article also contains the study of key international legal instruments in this sphere, in particular, in the sphere of carrying passengers and goods.
International relations: interaction systems
Abdrashitova, R.Z. (2006). International cooperation in the sphere of criminal court procedure: problems of formation and further development. Law and Politics, 2, 103–118.
The problem of cooperation of the states in the sphere of criminal legal proceedings is topical not only for the Russian Federation but for other states as well, which is evidenced by attention to this issue in various international legal documents. R.Z. Abdrashitova’s article is devoted to the study of the UN legal documents, bilateral and multilateral treaties of the Russian Federation. The author also studies the process of formation of the national legislation in the sphere of international legal cooperation, in particular, changes introduced into the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation.
Human and state
E.S. Smirnova (2006). Some regional problems related to social rights afforded to the migrant workers (constitutional and international legal regulation. Law and Politics, 2, 119–126.
Recent events in France reminded us of the need for a flexible legal policy, recognizing all the relevant factors and national interests, as well as the human rights value, in a state, where there is a large number of migrant workers, and it also reminded us of what kind of consequences might ensue, if this rule if not followed. Migration processes indicate the development of a number of aspects of a state: political, ethnosocial and labor market. These processes are influenced by changes, taking place both within one specific state, and within the international community as a whole. This article contains analysis of this problem ”in motion” - from the 1950s to the current time.
Law practice
Trunov, I.L. (2006). Crash of the roof of the “Transvaal Park” and responsibility of officials in this case. Law and Politics, 2, 127–131.
On February 14, 2004 the roof of the entertainment complex “Transvaal Park” crashed over the swimming pool and water recreation area, where there were 400 visitors, who came to rest with their families. 28 people died and more than a hundred people. It is not the first such catastrophe, however, relevant state officials are rarely held responsible. Shall the officials of the Government of Moscow be held responsible for their criminal negligence, which led to deaths of 28 people.
History of state and law
Karakhodzhaeva, D.M. (2006). Institute of right to property by the legal persons: specific features of historical development and current state of matters in Uzbekistan. Law and Politics, 2, 132–144.
The law on property of juridical persons in the Republic of Uzbekistan and its scientific basis have always had certain peculiar features, however, it was never the subject of a scrupulous theoretical study. D.M. Kahahodzhaeva’s article is devoted to nature of the juridical person theory in Uzbekistan, as well as genesis of its legislative formation since 1920s to the modern provisions of the Civil Code of the Republic Uzbekistan, she studies normative legal acts of various periods.
Practical law manual
Gorbunova, N.A. (2006). Legal models of extraction of human organs and tissues for transplantation: characteristic features - positive and negative. Law and Politics, 2, 145–151.
The problems and various legal models of transplantology regulation, to which this article is devoted, have always been topical. A number of people in need of organ transplantation is constantly growing, and the deficit of donor organs remains. In such a situation the issue of legal regime of agreement or refusal of a person to provide his organs and tissues for transplantation after his death is especially important. Under the Russian law, the agreement of an individual to provide his organs and tissues for transplantation after his death is presumed, and this provision defines the state policy on the issue. It is very important that the transplantation of organs and tissues of a human being would be done in accordance with the Russian law as well as with the international standards on human rights.