Question at hand
(2006). On the practice of constitutional justice (results of an international conference). Law and Politics, 12, 5–10.
Question at hand
Gligich-Zolotareva, M.V., Dobrynin, N.M. (2006). The synergy of federalism. Part 2 (final). Law and Politics, 12, 10–19.
Analysis of causes of formation of certain state and territorial structures and of their development have for a long time been of great interest to scientists. However, the topical issues of causation and evolution of federations and, speaking more broadly, of polycentric systems do not seem to be adequately represented in scholarly writing. One of the reasons for such a lack of recognition is that it is merely impossible for a single legal science to encompass all the aspects and elements of such a complex matter as federalism surely is. In order to achieve it, one needs interdisciplinary approaches, use of various sciences. Does the synergy have the necessary potential to cast light on specific features of federalism and the dynamics of its development?
Sokolschik, I.M. (2006). The 1st Phylosophical and Legal Readings devoted to the memory of Academician V.S. Nersesyants. Law and Politics, 12, 20–48.
The Readings were held on October 2, 2006 at the Center of Theory and History of Law and State of the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The event was devoted to the memory of V.S. Nersesyants and entitled “Our difficult way to law”. The participants of the readings discussed the issues, which were studied by V.S. Nersesyants, such as principles of equality and liberty in current legislation, etc.
Transformation of legal and political systems
N.V. Kolpakov (2006). Reform of territorial organization of local self-government in the regions of the Central Federal District. Law and Politics, 12, 49–60.
Within the context of the reform of territorial organization of local self-government the specific features of the regions of the Central Federal District are influenced by closeness to Moscow, developed transportation infrastructure, large population (especially in the area near Moscow and the regions close to the central part of Russia), absence of territorial clusters of ethnic minorities…
Transformation of legal and political systems
A.A. Khvoschin (2006). Economical federalism and federal relations in Russia: modern state and perspectives. Law and Politics, 12, 61–70.
Formation of federal relations in Russia ever since 1991 is a history of change of previously centralized mechanisms of state government into a more decentralized system, aimed to develop democratic principles in our country. Does it really work?
State security
Denisenko, P.A., Melekhin, I.V. (2006). Nature and legal aspects of military political management in the Russian Federation. Law and Politics, 12, 71–79.
The specific features of military management in a state are defined not only by its national, territorial and administrative qualities, but by the social and political factors as well: the political system, political conscience of the government and the society as a whole, political ideology. What is typical of the Russian Federation?
Authority and management
Djagaryan, A.A., Shevchenko, N.V. (2006). Constitutional and legal problems of a new way of formation of a representative body of a municipal district. Law and Politics, 12, 80–88.
One of the key spheres of the reform of the local self-government became the correction of its organizational and legal characteristics, influencing the structure of the bodies of the municipal government, the ways to provide them with their powers, forms and mechanisms of mutual control, and responsibility. These novel features surely call for a scientific analysis and the primary area of such an analysis is surely correlation with the constitutional norms and principles.
International security systems
Voronkov, A.S. (2006). Some legal aspects of joint training of the military cadres for the needs of the national armies within the format of the Organization of the Collective Security Agreement. Law and Politics, 12, 89–91.
The necessity to solve the problem with the military cadres arose right after the breakup of the Soviet Union, since 80% of military schools and colleges, as well as the only Military Academy of the General Staff (in Moscow) remained in the Russian Federation. The other former USSR states found the way out by revamping existing military colleges into military academies and combining teaching all necessary specialists within the same academy, however the issue of quality retained its topicality… What would the solution be as part of the OCSA?
Stabilization systems: fiscal control
Myakenkaya, M.A. (2006). Specific features of legal regulation of emission of shares, when Russian banks are established. Law and Politics, 12, 92–101.
Since 2005 till current time only six credit organizations were registered in the Russian Federation. The lowering of quantity of the newly created credit organizations, namely banks, is due to a number of reasons. One reason is tight control of the Savings Bank of Russia, and other state bodies and federal agencies, all of which require a lot of reporting. At the same time there is a tendency to enlarge authorized capital stock of existing banks, rather than to form new banks…
Public communications
Orlova, O.V. (2006). Correlation of political and legal activities of a person and functioning of a civil society. Law and Politics, 12, 102–108.
As the author of this article notes, speaking of forms of social and political activities of a person, one has to keep in mind that activities of people in various spheres and forms are not by themselves support or opposition to the government. Rather these are means to make the society more democratic and a shield against the state becoming totalitarian.
Human and state
Kapinus, O.S., Dodonov, V.N. (2006). Criminal responsibility for pornography in the modern criminal law. Law and Politics, 12, 109–118.
Means of fighting pornography is one of the more problematic issues in the modern criminal law, and the legislators’ approaches differ and contradict each other. This article contains comparative analysis of criminal legal policy of a number of modern states, which is related to so-called “grown-up” pornography, that is its type which does not use images of underage people.
History of state and law
Afanasyeva, V.I. (2006). A privilege as an exclusive right in development of trade in the medieval Russia. Law and Politics, 12, 119–126.
This article is devoted to the study of various groups of salesmen and merchant, both Russian and foreign, their guilds in XII-XV century, development of both internal market and international commerce in XVI-XVII century Russia. The particular angle of view in this article is devoted to the privileges, as exclusive rights granted to merchants. …
Legal and political thought
Krotkova, N.V. (2006). The problem of separation of powers in the views of S.A. Kotlyarevsky on law and state. Law and Politics, 12, 127–133.
In Russian and foreign scientific works and journalism of late XIX – early XX century the principle of separation of powers was subject to dogmatization and ideologization at the same time. However, the well-known liberal thinker S.A. Kotlyarevsky (1873-1939) managed to both find the national angle to this general idea and to view the principle of separation of powers objectively from a historical perspective, distinguishing it from current political demands.
Legal and political thought
Yuzikhanova, E.G. (2006). Studying the tendencies and patterns of crime in world literature and Russian literature. Law and Politics, 12, 134–144.
Analysis of foreign and Russian literature clearly shows that such literature contains a wealth of knowledge related to tendencies and characteristics of crime in the world, its various states and regions. Thus, it really is of much help to any criminological studies aimed to improve criminal law, procedure, execution of criminal punishment, prevention of crime…
Svechnikova, L.G. (2006). Empowered to protect!. Law and Politics, 12, 145–146.
Academic life
(2006). Moscow State Juridical Academy’s 75th Anniversary. Law and Politics, 12, 147–151.