Luchin, V.O., Mazurov, A.V. (2004). New Law on referendum. Law and Politics, 8.
On May 18, 2004 the President of the Russian Federation has sent to the State Duma a draft of the Federal constitutional law “On referendum in the Russian Federation”, and it was soon passed. What were the causes of such hasty actions? What are the differences between the new law and the 1995 law on referendum? In this article Professor V.O. Luchin and A.V. Mazurov provide critical analysis of the new law and its novel features, evaluate the degree of recognition of the practice of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation on this issue in the new law.
Kryazhkova, O.N. (2004). Legal positions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation in the science of constitutional law in Russia. . Law and Politics, 8.
Legal positions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation represent a new feature of Russian legal system, and are often used in practice of this body of constitutional control. The problem of role of legal positions of the Constitutional Court in the science of constitutional law is related to a broader issue of evaluation of role of the constitutional justice as a whole in the Russian legal system and modern legal literature fails to give a clear answer to these questions. In this article O.N. Kryazhkova expresses her opinion on this topical issue.
Question at hand
Samochkin, A.N. (2004). Property and law of property in Constitutions and Statutes of subjects of the Russian Federation. Law and Politics, 8, 4–9.
Are the subjects of the Russian Federation capable of establishing their own bases of constitutional order in the sphere of property? Or should they replicate the provisions of the federal law? In his article A.N. Samochkin studies the place of the institution of property within the two-tier system of constitutional legislation of the Russian Federation. The article also contains critical evaluation of provisions of constitutions and ustavs of the subjects of the Russian Federations and various solutions, that are present in the constitutions and ustavs of the subjects of the Russian Federation. The author then comes to the conclusion that one cannot consider the institution of property to be completely formed, since there are serious contradictions between the norms, that were passed on the federal level and norms passed on the regional level.
Transformation of legal and political systems
Chikhladze, L.T. (2004). Some aspects of formation of local government and local self-government in modern Georgia. Law and Politics, 8, 10–13.
In this article L.T. Chikhladze studies formation and development of local government and self-government in Georgia. Topicality of this study is obvious due to the Europe-oriented tendencies in Georgia, on one hand, and necessity to keep in mind national traditions and Soviet past of the local government and self-government in Georgia, on the other hand.
Transformation of legal and political systems
Kurakin, A.V., Savostin, A.A. (2004). Administrative procdures in the sphere of civil state service in the Russian Federation. Law and Politics, 8, 14–20.
This article is devoted to analysis of various kinds of administrative procedures, in the sphere of civil state service in the Russian Federation, such as job placement, examination and certification, procedure of filling the vacant position, and also promotion and disciplinary punishment.
Authority and management
Cristine Laserge (2004). Criminal Code of France. . Law and Politics, 8, 21–26.
Author of this article Professor Cristine Laserge is renowned for her participation in politics and legislative work, and is teaching at the Paris University. This article is published as part of her work with the Russian students, which is based upon the agreement between French and Russian universities. This article contains detailed analysis of provisions of the Criminal Code of France “in motion”, which allows us to see a “full picture” of its modernization, which was started, but is not yet finished. We are assured that Professor Laserge’s article shall be of great use and interest for both legal scholars and for practitioners.
Authority and management
Trapeznikov, V.A. (2004). Currency regulation in international investment law. . Law and Politics, 8, 27–37.
The sphere of currency regulation in international economical law possesses all the features of modern international economical and legal regulations. As V.A. Trapeznikov notes, this sphere clearly shows signs of “supranationality”. This article contains analysis of modern condition of currency regulation in international law.
Law and order
Tyurkin, M.L. (2004). Concept of improvement of migration system of the Russian Federation. . Law and Politics, 8, 38–56.
In this article M.L. Tyurkin presents detailed analysis of the concept of improvement of migration system of the Russian Federation for 2015-2020. This concept reflects a number of directions for the federal government bodies of the Russian Federation in the sphere of migration. Author evaluates the current state and tendencies of development of the migration system in Russia, existing contradictions and problems. The article also contains analysis of goals and principles of the migration system, main steps and expected results of application of the concept of the migration system of the Russian Federation.
Stabilization systems: fiscal control
Blokhina, O. Y. (2004). Combination of public and private elements within child interest protection activities of boards of guardians. Law and Politics, 8, 57–63.
Boards of guardians, which function to protect the rights of children, are defending the public interest. However, public interest in this sphere is very closely related to protection of private interests of every particular child and his parents (guardians). Therefore, detailed legal regulation of competence, functions and powers of the boards of guardians is of great importance. It ought to show social value of their activity, protection and support of the state. In this article O.Y. Blokhina presents analysis of Russian legislation in this sphere, offers ideas of amending and improving existing legislation on the issue.
Human and state
Khalchansky, S.A. (2004). Means of committing administrative fauna offences in the sphere of use of the animal world. . Law and Politics, 8, 64–74.
Current situation in the sphere of use of the animal world is progressively criminalized, and this becomes especially clear in regard to the fish and other water bio-supplies. It is known that by now the fish industry is 30-40% within the “shadow economy”. S.A. Khalchansky’s article is devoted to the analysis of illegal methods, which are used by modern poachers, who unlawfully gain profits from the valuable water bio-resources and other bio-resources.
Human and state
Nikolayenko, I.V. (2004). Legal aspects of land ownership of the Cossack societies in the Russian Federation. . Law and Politics, 8, 75–82.
Currently more than 655 thousand people in Russia consider themselves to be Cossacks or Cossack descendants. And for more than ten years the problem of passing the federal law “On Cossacks in the Russian Federation” is being discussed both federally and locally. This law should define the status of Cossacks, give guidelines on provision of land to the Cossack societies and use of such lands. I.V. Nikolaenko studies current situation and legislation on this issue and also the examples of three subjects of the Russian Federation within the Southern federal district of Russia, such as Stavropol and Krasnodar regions. Author points out variety and contradictions of the approaches to the issue, which are found regionally, calls for finding an acceptable solution on the federal level and development of unified policy on the Cossack issue.
Human and environment
Abramovsky, A.A. (2004). Specific features of local formation of the Soviet judicial systems in 1917-1918 (example of the Orenburg province). . Law and Politics, 8, 83–92.
This article contains evaluation of the process of formation of a new judicial system in Russia in 1917-1918. At this time both spontaneously created institutions and the People’s Courts, established by the Soviet bodies, existed. The article contains detailed analysis of formation of the judicial system in the Orenburg province in 1917-1918, statistical and factual data.
Anthropology of law
Trunov, I.L. (2004). Compensation of harm to the rehabilitated persons within the criminal procedure. . Law and Politics, 8, 93–102.
Compensation of harm and rehabilitation of the persons, who were unlawfully harmed by criminal investigation and prosecution is the mechanism of control of use of criminal prosecution as means to solve financial, political and economical conflicts. In this article Professor Trunov evaluates the issue of compensation of harm, which is caused to both people and legal persons (companies), comes to the conclusion that it is necessary to amend Russian legislation on this issue to bring it into accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Civil code of the Russian Federation and with the international law, keeping in mind current economical situation and its tendencies.
History of state and law
Nerush, I.A. (2004). Influence of a monetary obligation on the causa of the contract, as a criterion for the division of monetary obligations. . Law and Politics, 8, 103–107.
Within contract structure monetary obligations play various roles in various circumstances. I.A. Nerush’s article is devoted to the problem of classification of the monetary obligations. It contains critical analysis of classifications, which were offered by V.A. Belov and S.A. Saperov. Author comes to the conclusion that participation of the monetary obligation in formation of the “causa” of the deal is of the decisive value for classification.
History of state and law
Sapronova, I.A. (2004). Deprivatization of housing. . Law and Politics, 8, 108–115.
Since 1991 people, whose housing was based on social rent contracts, gained the right to make their homes their property (privatize them). At the same time there has always been a problem of de-privatization, when the people, who had earlier privatized an apartment or a house, did not want to have it as their private property anymore. For a long time this issue was not regulated, which caused much complication and interfered with the rights of people. I.A. Sapronova’s article is devoted to the analysis of this issue.
Practical law manual
Olkov, S.G. (2004). On capital punishment and curing the social pathology. . Law and Politics, 8, 116–121.
In this article Professor S.G. Olkov expresses his view on capital punishment, proves that capital punishment is hardly effective, if we regard it as means to bring the number of premediated murders to its minimum. To prove his position S.G. Olkov provides statistical and other data. As he points out, although it may seem that capital punishment should carry great restrictive value, it is not likely that we can find an effective statistical correlation between the number of premediated murders and application of the capital punishment.
Practical law manual
Farkhutdinov, I.Z. (2004). For the sake of the ideals of humanity: The 7th Martens humanitarian law competition for students. . Law and Politics, 8, 122–126.
Practical law manual
Bakhrakh, D.N. (2004). Encouragement and legal norms on encouragement. (Guschina, N.A. Encouragement norms of Russian law: theory and legislative practice. St. Petersburg. “Yuridicheskiy tsentr “Press”, 2003, -292 p. Law and Politics, 8, 127–130.
Discussion forum
Ol'kov S.G. (2004). About the death penalty and the cure of social pathology. Law and Politics, 8, 131–141.
Academic life
Farkhutdinov I.Z. (2004). In the name of the ideals of humanity. Review of the seventh competition of Russian students in International humanitarian law named after F. Martens. Law and Politics, 8, 142–146.
S.A. Mozgovoi, V.V. Piskurev (2004). Military-social policy as a factor of ensuring national security. . Law and Politics, 8, 147–149.
D.N.Bakhrakh (2004). About the problems of encouragement and incentive norms in law. . Law and Politics, 8, 149–151.