O.Yu. Rybakov, M.N. Lyadascheva-Ilicheva, T.A. Zheldybina. (2010). Private
and Public Law in Russia in the XIX and the Beginning of the XX centuries
(Historic and Theoretical Analyses). LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 5, 931–950.
The article deals with the history of the formation and interrelation of
public and private law in Russia in the XIX and the beginning of the XX centuries.
In the frame of this research the following theoretical problems are being
analyzed: the notion, the system of public and private law in their historical development
and interrelation. The authors of the article focus their attention on
the study of the theoretical researches of the question of classification of public
and private law in Ancient Rome, Western Europe and Russian Empire. Special
legal terminology formed in the above mentioned period in legal studies, the
degree of using loanwords in the Roman and Western European legal traditions
are also touched upon in this article. It is proved that the theoretical researches of
the Roman and Western European lawyers turned to be the source of borrowings
for the Russian legal science, the present legislation, law-enforcing and court
practice and it provided the formation of integrated system of the points of view
on these questions.
The problem in question found its reflection in the theoretical, historiclegal
and special legal literature of that period. At the beginning of the XIX century
this problem was developing within the frame of the jurisprudence and the
encyclopedia of law. The formation of the system of law in the Russian Empire
in the XIX century was going on under the influence if the natural-legal doctrine
but it was superseded in the 30th of the XIX century by the historical school of
law. Since that time we can witness the new stage of development in the understanding
this problem. The basis for it was the experience we acquired in the
process of the systematization of the present legislation. Liberal reforms of the
60th and 70th this problem got the new colors, as the legal community raised the
question of the possibilities and expedience of the law codification. The activity
of the legal community made the debates about the division of private and public
law more heated. In the second half of the XIX and the beginning of the XX century
legal positivism strengthened its influence and it defined the development of
jurisprudence as a whole and certain branches of law in particular. This period,
the period of the development of the theoretical and legal ideas in Russia, became the turning point for the clear understanding and separation of the approaches
to this problem.
As for the scientific criterion of the division into periods the history of
the public and private law in Russia formation, we apply the formal side of law:
the form of rules, the form of law, the form of systematization. The specific interest
is caused by the question of the development of the branch principle of the
Russian law systematization as the main factor defining the private and public
law formation.
chastnoe pravo, publichnoe pravo, sistema prava, periodizatsiya
M.V. Zaharova. (2010). Legal Liberalism as Culture-and-Value Basis of Legal
Systems. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 5, 951–975.
This article looks into the issues of legal liberalism as a universal category
of social existence.
The phenomenon is being authentically perceived as a system of postulations
and restraints of human freedom determined by both external and internal
normative (regulatory) universes of personal behavior.
The author points out that, in the context of comparative jurisprudence,
axiology of two main forms of legal liberalism – collective and individual –
would be appropriate.
Accordingly, collective legal liberalism is based on the idea of “forced
solidarity,” ie solidarity having various determinants (ethnic or religious identity
of social commonality, its historical mission, etc). In historical past and present
such culture-and-value basis was used during construction of own normative
(regulatory) elements of legal systems by traditional societies, clerical and theocratic
states as well as states of socialist tint of political color.
The individual type of legal liberalism signifies a fundamentally new
turn in development of humankind. While the collective variant of liberalism has
purely social foundations and is ontologized strictly within the framework of
“individual – individual” or “individual – society” structures, its individualistic
counterpart acquires supra-positive and metaphysical sense. Indisputable “merits”
of that type of legal liberalism are in practical unfolding (development) of
ius-naturalism structures.
However, one should not forget about the dangers hidden in absolutization
of will of a “singular” in society. The main threat contained in legal liberalism
of an extreme type of localization is that individual freedom of one social
unit is not just postulated but opposed to freedom of other social units.
As for the choice in favor of one or another variant of objectification of
legal liberalism, it may be determined by both purely national guidelines of legal
systems and universal regularities of the global legal field.
It looks like in future legal liberalism of both types of objectification is
going to continue its route of an “existing phenomenon” in legal systems of the
world. And the dynamics of its unfolding in specific political and legal realities will be influenced by both qualitative characteristics of vertical succession (continuity)
and the speed rates of its horizontal variant.
tsennostnyi bazis, pravovaya sistema, yuridicheskii liberalizm, yuridicheskaya karta mira
S.Yu. Khatunov. (2010). Analysis of «Placita Corone» («Pleas of Crown»). LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 5, 976–992.
Besides many basic acts Bracton’s treatise and several others enriched
English law in XIII century. In abundance of legal documents there is one
anonymous legal treatise also known as Placita Corone considered the issues of
criminal process only. It has been remaining very popular among lawyers, men
of affairs and religious houses for more than a century since it was written.
Placita Corone describes criminal cases during the period when private
criminal prosecution and especially appeals was at their peak, and public prosecution
especially indictment was in the making. It was effectual for more than a
century because of many copies have been issued for a wide audience – lawyers,
men of affairs and religious houses. The treatise has full and short versions with
a little difference in meaning, but the short version has some textual differences
and additions.
The treatise in full version consists of several semantic parts: the prologue,
the examples of judicial inquiry of several appeals: for wounding, of a
woman for the killing of her husband in her arms, of a woman who has been
raped, for robbery, against those who were abettors in the above robbery, for
procuring, commanding, or receiving, for robbery done at night, against the receiver,
for theft; three examples of indictings: for theft, for a killing done in self
defence, and for petty treason (traitorously killed master). In short version the
contents of the full version repeats abstractively, without any classification and
without observance of an order of consideration of judicial investigations as it
was done in full version.
Private criminal prosecuting in medieval England was complicated, long
and expensive process extended over the years. Even experienced lawyer was
not always able to remember all the abstrusities of the numerous proceedings.
Note-making in the court could not correct a deficiency in knowledge of procedure
because of being abrupt and fragmentary. Placita Corone actually helped
them to fill in the blanks in knowledge of the procedure and thereby gave them
written over and classified court roll records, and the use of words “si devez
saver,” “fet asaver, “ore devez saver,” and “ore est a saver” indicates its training
role and academic interest as component parts of the treatise.
obshchee pravo, ugolovnye iski, Genri de Brakton, prestuplenie, nakazanie, srednevekovoe pravo
O.P. Lichichan, B.D. Damdinov. (2010). Specifics of Legislative Process in
New Subjects of the Russian Federation in Transition Period of Its Formation. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 5, 993–1007.
Within the bounds of transition period while new subjects of Russian
Federation are founded, bodies of state power in united subjects of Russian Federation in addition must decide an issue with operation of a law in the new subject’s
Passing in every concrete case of unification federal constitutional law is
called on to consider specifics of new subject’s foundation, including transition
period features.
Absolutely that specifics of new subject’s foundation (or their enlargement)
and features of their periods of transition have had an effect on lawmaking
process in these subjects of Russian Federation, and introduced some
innovations into theory and practice of law-making process.
This article lights a comprehensive research of the procedural aspects of
the law-making generation in new subjects of Russian Federation in transition
period of their foundation.
The procedural aspects of law-making in new subjects of Russian Federation
in transition period of their foundation has no any analogues in current
constitutional law practice. These procedures differs from law-making process in
subjects of Russian Federation, which exercised at current order and differ with
the participation of regional parliament in federal law-making process.
Law-making process in new subjects of Russian Federation in transition
period of their foundation can be put into effect in three ways: exception of normative
legal documents (acts) of united subjects to all territory of new subject of
Russian Federation; combined law-making process by bodies of state power in
united subjects in transition period; concerted law-making process by bodies of
state power in united subjects in transition period. Integration of these ways is
reduce to different models of law-making process appearance. Among them we
can separate Perm, Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk and Zabaikal model.
To specific sources of legislative regulation of law-making process in
new subjects of Russian Federation in transition period of their foundation refers
agreements between bodies of state power in united subjects, their rules for lawmaking
procedure, agreements between these bodies of state power and political
executive of new united subjects.
federativnoe ustroistvo, obrazovanie novykh (ukrupnenie) sub'ektov Rossiiskoi Federatsii, perekhodnyi period obrazovaniya novykh sub'ektov Rossiiskoi Federatsii, sovmestnoe zakonotvorchestvo
L.N. Maslennikova. (2010). External Factors Determining Evolution of
Criminal Proceedings. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 5, 1008–1028.
The paper researches external factors that determine evolution of criminal
procedure as a social institution. The evolution patterns of criminal procedure
become manifest through the contents and correlation of the public principle
and discretionary principle in criminal procedure.
The concept of society comprises the following key token elements: a
body of individuals possessing will and awareness; shared interest of perpetual
and objective nature; interaction and cooperation based on shared interests; adjustment
of social interests through mandatory universal rules of behavior; existence
of organized force (power) able to secure internal order and external safety
for the society; the society’s ability and genuine capacity to rejuvenate and improve itself. Formation of criminal procedure as a social institution based on optimized
relationship between the public and the discretionary must fit the same
The trends in the criminal procedure’s evolution that become manifest
through a certain correlation of the discretionary and public principles in criminal
procedure, are conditioned by the evolution trends of statehood – in other
words, to an extent they depend directly on the relationship between the statist
and anti-statist vectors in the society’s evolution.
The evolution trends of criminal procedure through definition of content
and correlation of the public and discretionary principles are conditioned by
main trends in man’s relations with national government. Historical experience
has evidence that both the collectivist and the individualist theories are singlefaceted,
as they fail to consider that the society as such is shaped of both individuals
and collectives, it is a social body whose very health largely rests on the
balance between the personal and the common.
Evolution of criminal procedure is determined by correspondence between
the fundamental principles that shape criminal procedure as a social institution
and the fundamental elements that are indicators defining the concept of
the society; correspondence between the main evolutionary patterns of the political
power organization in the society and its social role; and building the relations
between the state power and the personality based on spiritual values, solidarity
and subsidiary approach. Unbalancing this interplay distorts the public
principle both in the society as a whole and in the domain of criminal procedure
as its part, where this principle is substituted by that of statehood. The interests
of the political power (state interests) take the lead, and the effort to secure them
justifies all means, including such that are gross infringement of individual citizens’
rights and lawful interests.
zakonomernosti, razvitie, ugolovnoe sudoproizvodstvo, publichnoe, dispozitivnoe, obshchestvo
T.V. Soyfer. (2010). Funds as the Subjects of Civil Law. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 5, 1029–1056.
This article is concerned with the research of legal fund status as civil
matter participants. The author carried out an analysis of the legal nature, characteristic
of funds as an independent organizational and legal form of noncommercial
legal persons .While noting that the term “fund” is used in some cases,
names of organizations that are actually created in other forms than the fund,
which leads to their identification of unnecessary and create problems in law
enforcement. It also deals with the specific legal status of certain types of public,
state-public, charitable funds. Special attention is paid to the funds established
and operating under specifically enacted laws (centers of the historical heritage
of the presidents of Russia, ceased to exercise its powers, the Federal Fund to
promote housing construction).
In considering the range of persons able to participate in the establishment
of funds, explores the question of the theoretical and practical possibility of
establishing a legal fund of the state and municipal entities. Also it is analyzed the relationship developing between the fund and its shareholders, given the fact
that the fund created by voluntary property, contributions of founders and applies
to organizations not having a membership. The author presents and investigates
the various views expressed in the science on this issue.
The article highlights the problems associated with the formation, structure
determination and competence of government fund, which had not been in
the theory and practice explicit permission. It is claimed that the lack of clear
regulatory requirements concerning the place of the board of trustees in the
structure of the fund, as well as the order of its formation, leads to the fact that in
practice this authority is not fulfilling its purpose and is not endowed with its
characteristic features.
Based on the analysis of judicial practice by the author investigates issues
related to the amendment of the charter fund, with the definition of the content
of the special standing fund; disclosed conditions, the order and limits of the
funds activity.
The article discusses ihe rationale, procedure and consequences of termination
of funds as legal entities through their reorganization and liquidation.
Particular attention focuses on the theoretical and practical points of contention
regarding the possible forms for the fund reorganization, separation of jurisdiction
of cases on the elimination of funds between arbitration courts and courts of
general jurisdiction, on the contradictions in the legal regulation of relations, that
are emerging in the liquidation of public fund.
sub'ekty grazhdanskogo prava, yuridicheskie litsa, nekommercheskie organizatsii, fond
G.Yu. Fedoseeva, A.A. Dankov. (2010). Alimental Duties in Russia: The Historical,
Legislative and Enforcement Aspects. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 5, 1057–1069.
The authors try to analyze the current state of theory, legislation and
case law in respect to the alimental duties in Russia. They reveal the defects of
the legislation and enforcement practice; discuss the possible means to improving
of the contemporary courts’ proceedings in this sphere.
semeinoe pravo, grazhdanskii protsess
V.V. Astanin. (2010). Ensuring of Publicity of the Expertise of Draft Legislation
on Corruption. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 5, 1070–1075.
The article is devoted to the role and possibilities of the Ministry of Justice
of Russia, other federal governmental bodies in sphere of the expertise of
draft legislation on corruption. The author proposes further modifications of the
current order of the expertise.
korruptsiya, zakonotvorcheskii protsess
P.A. Kalinichenko. (2010). The Practice of the European Court on Deciding
Cases with Russian Citizens and Companies. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 5, 1076–1089.
The present article is devoted to the analysis of practice of petitions of
Russian legal and physical persons in EU Court, and practice of consideration by
Court of EU of pre-judicial inquiries of national courts of state members on such
affairs. In the article the claims of the Soviet foreign-trading consolidations, of
the Russian private persons submitted to 1990th are considered. Special attention
in the article is given to the affairs considered by Court of EU under claims of
the Russian physical persons.
evropeiskoe pravo, Sud Evropeiskogo Soyuza, sotrudnichestvo v pravovoi sfere
(2010). Doklady pobeditelei Mezhdunarodnoi mezhvuzovskoi konferentsii aspirantov i studentov «Traditsii i novatsii v sisteme sovremennogo prava» (MGYuA, aprel' 2010 g.). LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 5, 1090–1192.
(2010). Doklad Upolnomochennogo po pravam cheloveka v Rossiiskoi Federatsii za 2009 god (osnovnye polozheniya). LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 5, 1193–1202.
(2010). Pavel Georgievich Ponomarev (1947–2010). LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 5, 1203–1204.