V.A. Levanskii, N.Ya. Sokolov. (2010). Lawyers on citizens’ legal behavior
motives. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 1, 5–21.
Clear conception of citizens’ legal behavior motives is of great importance
for efficient professional legal activities which is the key component of
legal regulation practice. The authors classify legal behavior on the basis of motives.
The article gives the data on the results of sociological research of legal
ethics for lawyers in action. 800 people were enquired in the course of the research.
Citizens’ legal behavior motives were included in questionnaire.
The article holds the comparison table showing lawyers’ approach to
motives of citizens’ legal behavior depending on their professional specialization.
The comparative analysis of lawyers’ evaluation of citizens’ motives in
Soviet and postsoviet period is given.
The drawings are also attached. They explain the results of sociological
research based on the method of structural taxînomy.
pravoporyadok, pravovoe soznanie, pravovoe vospitanie, sotsiologicheskoe issledovanie, metod strukturnoi taksonomii
T.L. Sergeeva. (2010). The Institute of Complicity in pre-1917 Russian Criminal
Law Doctrine. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 1, 22–52.
This article is a reprint copy of the manuscript dated 1944 which was
found in the archive of late professor O.F. Shishov. The author of the manuscript
is T.L. Sergeeva, a distinguished criminal law theoretic in the Soviet era.
souchastie, ugolovnoe pravo, vidy souchastnikov, aktsessornaya teoriya
V.N. Ivakin. (2010). Professional Litigant’s Representative: The History
of Beginnings. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 1, 53–74.
The litigant’s representative is the relatively late arised legal institution.
As a rule the litigants appeared originally in person before the judges.
The realization of litigant’s representative in some from most early
States was excluded with the form of legal proceedings. In particular the trial in
Ancient Egypt was writing and secret. The pleadings were forbidden.
By ancient Jews acted the principle of personal appearance in court so
that even the women pleaded their cases. But aftewords was evidently the litigant’s
representative allowed.
In all probability was allowed the kindred litigant’s representative when
the pleading of one’s cases is impossible (the illness, the infancy, the senile infirmity
and so on). The first information about such representative applies to
China where the litigant’s representative was allowed for old and sick men who
could to send instead of themselves the members their family. The representative
was ordered for officials (mandarins). Also the women enjoyed the privilege of
Debatable is the question about the presence of representative in Ancient
Also in the ancient European States on the first stage of their development
took place the negative attitude to the litigant’s representative. Great Solon
at the beginning VI c B.C. promulgated the law which provided the personal
defence of their interests by the citizens of Athens. Subsequently was allowed
the kindred defence in court but the like cases were rare. Since many no took the
gift of words began to write for the litigants the speeches which were named the
logographies. The litigants learnt by heart and delivered these speeches in court.
Later was allowed for the defendant to use the second speech which was called
the devterologie and delivered by other persons – syegoroses. The agreed oral
defence gradually force out the “dumb” one. Namely in Ancient Greece began
the formation of oratory which has played an important role in the history of the
development of professional litigant’s representative.
The forming of the institution of litigant’s representative was continued
in Ancient Rome what promoted the passage to the aktioes per formulas which
expected an juridical knowledge and an experience of the pleading of cases in
court from the litigants. At that time assumed the function of litigant’s representative
the cognitores then the procuratores which could to appear for the defence
in accordance with desire of litigants. At last the litigant’s representative began
to realize the members of the bar.
vozniknovenie, Drevnii Egipet, drevnie iudei, Drevnii Kitai, Drevnyaya Indiya, antichnye gosudarstva
M.A. Prikhodko. (2010). Historic and Legal Specific Features of Structural
Organization of Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Russian Empire in 1802–
1832. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 1, 75–95.
The development of the structural organization of Ministry of Foreign
Affairs in the Russian Empire in 1802–1832 is characterized by some specific
The establishment of ministries in September 8, 1802 affected the Collegium
for Foreign Affairs mainly as changes in its overhead personnel.
A.P. Vorontsov, Minister of Foreign Affairs, State Chancellor, headed
the Collegium for Foreign Affairs, and A.A. Chartoryisky, Vice Minister, was
The Collegium for Foreign Affairs attached the Ceremonial affairs (that
is, the Ceremonial Department of the Court Office) as well.
In 1802 all the changes in the Collegium for Foreign Affairs were limited
to above-mentioned.
The legislative acts of the final period of the ministerial reform (1810-
1811): The proclamation “About the division of state affairs into special departments,
with a specification of affairs for each department” dated July 25, 1819;
“Supreme approved division of state affairs among ministries “dated August 17,
1810; and “General establishment of ministries” dated June 25, 1811, actually
didn’t affect the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
So, even after the issue of “The General establishment of ministries”
dated June 25, 1811, the organization construction of the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs was not completed.
Only the Decree “About the new formation of the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs” dated April 10, 1832, abolished the Collegium for Foreign Affairs, determined
a new structure of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, encouraged the centralization
of its organizational structure and the introduction of the unified clerical
Whereby, the major historic and legal distinctive features of the given
development were as follows: the continuation of the Collegium for Foreign Affairs
running as part of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for a long time period (up
to 1832); the gradual character of extension of “The General Establishment of
Ministries” dated June 25, 1811, to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; forming of
dualism (between K.V. Nesselrode and I.A. Kapodistriya) in the governance of
the foreign policy of the Russian Empire in 1815–1822, meaning that the dualism
effected the structural organization of Ministry of Foreign Affairs; availability
of Secret departments (subdivisions) in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’
structure: the Tsifirnaya forwarding department (departments) (a cryptographic
department in charge of maintaining a classified correspondence); and its activity
hasn’t studied thoroughly in scientific literature; the transfer period from the
collegiate governmental system to the ministerial one in the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs in 1802–1832.
The given historic and legal specific features of structural organization
of Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Russian Empire in 1802–1832 is of considerable
scientific value from the historic and legal point of views.
Ministerstvo inostrannykh del, Kollegiya inostrannykh del, ministerskaya reforma, ministerskaya sistema upravleniya, kollezhskoe uchrezhdenie, pravovoe oformlenie, gosudarstvennoe upravlenie, strukturnaya organizatsiya
N.Ye. Tayeva. (2010). Regulations on Electoral Rights of Foreign Citizens in
the Russian Federation: National and International Legal Aspects. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 1, 96–109.
The right to elect and to be elected is the most significant one in the
group of political rights, as it enables an individual to influence national policy.
This article gives an analysis of the major international legal acts regulating
electoral rights of foreign citizens in the host country. The Russian legislation is
characterized in comparison with international regulations. The author comes to a conclusion on existence of conflicts in the Russian legislation with regard to
securing the foreign citizens’ right to elect and to be elected. The ways of resolving
the conflicts are proposed. The article also deals with the issue of bilateral
treaties granting electoral rights to foreign citizens at a local level as well as with
the issue of necessity of signing such treaties.
The author draws the following conclusions with regard to granting electoral
rights to foreign citizens on the territory of the Russian Federation.
First, taking into account the trend towards economic and political integration,
priority should be given to the CIS countries when signing bilateral treaties.
Second, granting of electoral rights to foreign citizens permanently residing
on the territory of the Russian Federation should be limited by the “voting
right,” i.e. the active electoral right.
Third, it is necessary to secure in the Russian legislation the mechanism
of electoral rights exercising by foreign citizens.
Fourth, it is required to unify regulations on electoral rights of foreign
citizens in terms of establishing a standard requirement of permanent residence
implying availability of a residence permit. Besides, it appears expedient to secure
in the legislation of the Russian Federation, as a prerequisite for electoral
right exercising by foreign citizens, a requirement of a three-year period of permanent
residence on the territory of the corresponding municipal entity starting
from the date of obtaining a residence permit.
On the whole, as no international treaties granting electoral rights to foreign
citizens are currently available in the Russian Federation, the reform of legislation
in that sphere might proceed smoothly.
inostrannye grazhdane, mestnoe samoupravlenie, mestnoe samoupravlenie
V.G. Golubtsov. (2010). Public Property Law: Specific Features of the Regulatory
Model. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 1, 110–118.
The article analyses key aspects of the contemporary public property law
The author provides justification to the conclusion that the current legislation
does not contain any basis for defining “form of property” (“form of state
property”) as a separate category in civil law. However it’s necessary to admit
that similar to the law on property rights of citizens and legal entities, it’s worth
referring to public property right as a type of property law.
According to the author, it’s a mistake to make attempts to construct a
special institute (sub-institute) of public property law as a part of constitutional
law along with the property rights law in civil law. The approach would mean
admitting inequality in possible implementation of private property rights law
(based on civil law) and public property law (based on public law), which is a
direct contradiction to article 8 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.
Characterizing property as a dimension for economic and legal relations,
it’s necessary to highlight dual notions such as “property relations model” in economic terms and “property rights model” in legal terms. The dissertation
proposes a system of actualized approaches to the existing structural models of
property relations and corresponding models of property rights.
The author proposes to separate complex in structure subordination
model of property relations and corresponding complex institute of public property
Based on analysis of legislation on delineation of public property, the
author draws the conclusion on the ongoing strengthening vertical integrated
structure of property management. Administrative reform and delineation of
mandates between different levels of public authorities will continue and will be
accompanied by redistribution of property within public sector. Taking into account
public law foundations of the process, it is to be implemented under special
procedures, not necessarily involving institute of civil law.
gosudarstvo kak chastnopravovoi sub'ekt, pravo gosudarstvennoi sobstvennosti, strukturnye modeli otnoshenii sobstvennosti
Yu.V. Gracheva. (2010). Use of Criminal Law Norms and Qualification of
Crime: Description and Correlation. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 1, 119–133.
Observance, utilization and discharge as forms of the immediate realization
of the criminal law norms take place because there is not a need of a state
intervention in the factual behavior in the real life’s situations with purpose of
securing or organizing of the realization of the personal rights and duties: the
persons should only act observing some norms stated by criminal law.
But often it is impossible to realize legal norms in full without intervening
in this process of the state bodies, i.e. without use of legal norms. Such use
may be in forms of deciding a question about criminal nature of the act and passing
the necessary decision.
Use of criminal law norms distinguished from its observance, utilization
and discharge has some features which represent its content, nature, interior
structure, purpose, circle of persons and form.
Criminal law norms are used for deciding the question about the criminal
liability in any aspect of this notion (have we a basis for the criminal liability
or not, for discharge from the criminal liability or the punishment, for sentencing
or the application of other criminal law measures, etc.) and in some other cases
(i.e. art. 14-2, 21, 30-2, 97, 100–102 of the Criminal Code).
Use of criminal law norms is rendering of the concrete decision by the
competent bodies in the prescribed procedure form about the criminal liability in
course of the protectoral criminal law relationships or about any other question
in course of the regulatory criminal law relationships (i.e. art. 14-2, 21, 30-2, 97,
100–102 of the Criminal Code).
Use of law is a facultative stage of the criminal law regulation and takes
place when persons breach the regulatory legal norms in course of the realization
of the law. Use of law takes place after appearing of the negative facts, i.e.
committing usually a social dangerous act.
There are often used the protectoral norms but in some cases there may
be used some regulatory criminal law norms.
If the regulatory norm is used then the process of norm’s use does not
include the stage of the qualification of crime.
Discretion is not a necessary sign of use of criminal law norms but is a
characteristic sign of it.
primenenie, priznaki primeneniya, forma realizatsii ugolovno-pravovoi normy, kvalifikatsiya, usmotrenie
O.V. Lutkova. (2010). The Evolution of Protecting Foreign Photographic
Works in Russian Copyright Law. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 1, 134–142.
At the beginning of the 20th century the representatives of the legal doctrine
expressed opposite opinions about the legal nature of photography. Nowadays
the artistic character of the photography is juristically fixed.
Up to third quarter of the 19th century legislation of the states did not
contain rules of photographer rights. By the end of 19th – beginning 20th century
appeared first principles of the national legal regulation photographic works
as objects of intellectual property, and also appeared the necessity and ability of
creating international protection. Firstly photography appeared in the sphere of
protected objects only in the third text (Berlin 1908) of Bern convention of protecting
literature and art works.
It stimulated the further development of national legal regulation for
states-members of Convention (unification process) and for states, not taking
part in it (harmonization process). Particularly, in Russia the Copyright law was
adopted in 1911, which established exclusive rights of the photographer and
spread the protection on the works, the rights on which were owned by the foreigners.
Post-revolutionary CIK Decision on fundamentals of copyright law of
1925, reproduced the same volume of photography protection, but the period of
protection was reduced and contractual treatment was fixed for the works appeared
or existed abroad.
The Fundamentals of Copyright law in the USSR and union republics of
1928 added the obligation of the third parties to pay royalty to the author, for
using photographic works and also increased the periods of protection insignificantly.
So, the protection of foreigner’s right, in whole, remained on the level of
1925 with slight changes.
Such system of protection remained in Fundamentals of civil legislation
of the USSR and union republics of 1961, but the list of formalities was reduced,
the protection period increased up to 10 years; appeared the author’s right for
alternation. In 1973 in connection with joining the USSR to the Worldwide convention
of copyright law of 1952, RSFSR Civil Code of 1964 (in redaction of
1974) spread the legislative treatment on photographic works, common for all
objects of copyright law. Criteria for foreigner’s rights were remained the same.
The further statements (Fundamentals of Civil legislation of 1991 and
Russian Copyright law of 1993) did not specify formalities, did not limit the protection of photographic works in comparison with other objects, increased the
protection period of the photography up to 50 years after author’s death and later
up to 70 years. The common way of governing foreigners rights remained.
In 1994 Russia adopted the edition of 1971 the Worldwide copyright
convention, and in 1995 to Bern Convention of protecting literature and art
works of 1886.
From 2008, Part 4 of the Russian Civil law is in force, the part is devoted
to intellectual property, in which the photographic works have the same
protection as the other objects.
During the historical development of domestic legislation, the protection
of photographic works merged with the protection treatment with other object of
copyright and completely corresponds to the international standards of protecting
the foreigner’s rights.
But there are several questions without answers, which able to create
collisions while using the foreign law, the conflicts in interpretation, “limping
relations” and other problems connected with protection of foreign rightholders.
mezhdunarodnoe chastnoe pravo, prava inostrannykh grazhdan, avtorskoe pravo, fotograficheskie proizvedeniya
N.G. Skachkov. (2010). Tendencies of Insurance on Classification Average
All Risks and Piracy Attacks as One of Dangers of Modern Sea Navigation. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 1, 143–154.
The piracy today experiences the true renaissance. Detention of pirates
come to the end without results even at an irrefutability of proofs. But a carrier
at all should not be prevented from choosing what package of risk is the most
preferable to use.
Damage of a cargo is considered as independent costs of insurance on
qualification ÊÀÑÊÎ. Then it is possible to not care of the franchise more. One
must choose between military and specific risks, with reference to a piracy.
Scales of losses cease to depend on the fixed rate of losses which certifies transfer
of compensation against payment of full insurance cost. Final authority for
insurance completely passes to the insurer, and claims to a carrier become
groundless. The difference between kinds of cost of irrevocable property, nevertheless
In this connection the cargo owner has a chance to change the situation
to own advantage. Not indisputable presumption of partial execution of the contract
sets up when essential conditions of property insurance prevail. As a result
the current risks are in conflict with the global ones. Military risks are called to
provide some functions of a certain counterbalance, no more that. While the individualization
of a time – charter – party goods declares the payment of a primary
contribution in the agreement. This is considered to be a sufficient basis
for calculating the insurance premium. It is not known, whether specifications
will prevail over this aspect especially or commercial details, such as special
conditions of payment will be taken into account. The main thing, cash means
successfully guarantee of reception of percents on the depositary invoice. Increasing
risks can run low much more likely, than someone takes advantage of reserves from the losses declared for payment. It remains enigma whether exhaustion
of limits of an insurance covering takes place. Here the loss ratio will
be repeatedly surpassed, and definition of net-rate current tariff cannot claim for
unconditional accuracy.
Insurance only supports the stability in transboundary trade. Its task is
rather modest: to define the safety corridors and specify precisely what the insurance
premium covers. Purchase of reinsurance, inconceivable without the
initial can take place also. Certainly, standard conditions of an insurance covering
are a priori applied uneasy. It is possible to rate a piracy as a sea violence
that provides for military risk categorically. However, prevention of losses mediates
the actions on formation of essentially fresh form of the insurance premium.
This form fully demonstrates also the individual interests prevail above
immemorial aspiration to gain a personal benefit.
strakhovanie sudov, perevozki, voennye riski, klassifikatsiya average all risks, piraty
B.A. Shakhnazarov. (2010). Legal Regulation of Transfer of Rights to the Industrial
Property Objects in IPL (Terminological Aspects). LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 1, 155–170.
This article states legal regulation of transfer of rights to the industrial
property objects in international private law. This question is analyzed focusing
on the impact of the international treaty, regional documents and also new Russian
civil legislation (In particular, part IV of the Civil code, came into effect
since 1 January 2008). Notes how to identify the law applicable to the international
transfer of know-how and what is determined by the applicable law. The
questions of conflicts of law are therefore analyzed. In this article is also analyzed
the term “transfer,” like a different method. As for industrial property objects,
and if be more precise, – the transfer’s objects the author concludes, that
these are rights in relation to competitiveness in the industry and are classified
into patents, utility models, designs, trademarks and now-deceased objects such
as know-how, computer software.
Empirical evidence on the role of IP protection and well-formed transfer
in promoting innovation and growth in general remains limited and inconclusive.
Conflicting views also persist on the impacts of IPRs in the development
prospects. Some point out that, in a modern economy, the minimum standards
laid down in TRIPS, Paris convention for the protection of industrial property
and in other international documents will bring benefits to developing countries
by creating the incentive structure necessary for knowledge generation and
diffusion, technology transfer and private investment flows. But there are only
declarative formulation.
Intellectual property rights (IPRs) have never been more economically
and politically important or controversial than they are today. Patents,
copyrights, trademarks, industrial designs, integrated circuits and geographical
indications are frequently mentioned in discussions and debates on such diverse
topics as public health, food security, education, trade, industrial policy,
traditional knowledge, biodiversity, biotechnology, the Internet, the entertainment and media industries. In a knowledge-based economy, there is no
doubt that an understanding of IPRs is indispensable to informed policy making
in all areas of human development.
It is to address some of these questions that the joint UNCTAD-ICTSD
Project on Intellectual Property and Sustainable Development was launched in
July 2001. One central objective has been to facilitate the emergence of a critical
mass of well-informed stakeholders in developing countries – including decision
makers, negotiators but also the private sector and civil society – who will be
able to define their own sustainable human development objectives in the field
of IPRs and effectively advance them at the national and international levels.
peredacha prav na ob'ekty promyshlennoi sobstvennosti v mezhdunarodnom chastnom prave, kollizionno-pravovoe, ob'ekt peredachi, pravo na pravo, sposoby peredachi prav
V.A. Kislukhin. (2010). Activity of Police of the Netherlands in Fight against
Corruption: Historiñàl and Legal Aspects. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 1, 171–192.
The world community worries about the problem of corruption which is
defined as bribability of officials, use of imperious powers with a view of reception
of personal benefit. Today corruption becomes threat for economy not only
of separately taken countries, but also of all international system.
In interests of fight against corruption of the state, such legal acts, as the
Convention of the United Nations against corruption (2003), the Convention of
the Council of Europe about criminally-legal responsibility for corruption
(1999), the International code of behavior of officials (1996) and other documents
have been accepted within the limits of the United Nations and the Council
of Europe.
The Russian Federation also has taken up obligations to carry out cooperation
in counteraction to criminality and bring the national legislation in accordance
to the international norms.
However, there are no any positive shifts in overcoming of destructive
influence of corruption on the Russian society. At the same time, out of ten
countries of the world, the Kingdom of the Netherlands is a state which is the
most free from corruption. During its history the Netherlands went through
many political shocks, revolutions, social conflicts. The Dutch society struggled
against corruption throughout many centuries. Dishonest policemen, public
prosecutors, judges who used the office position with a view of personal enrichment,
were especially harmful for the Dutch society.
In the end the XX – beginning of the XXI-st centuries there was a new
rise in confrontation with this negative social phenomenon, and it is connected
with carrying out of anticorruption strategy under the general name “the policy
of national honesty” in the Netherlands. This strategy includes numerous social
and legal norms and institutes directed to counteraction to corruption.
Queen Beatriks gives her people an example in carrying out of “policy
of national honesty.” She is one of the richest women of Europe, but she shows
modesty, always and in everything, and never boasts her wealth.
Norms of counteraction to corruption are also introduced in the Constitution
of Kingdom of the Netherlands, in the Criminal code of Holland, and
other legal acts.
The mechanism of realization of “policy of national honesty” includes
monitoring of possible points of occurrence of situations of a corruption orientation
in state and public organizations, training of civil servants to rules of conduct,
careful selection and placement of personnel to responsible posts. The
Dutch respect those civil servants who are engaged in social service of the population.
In the country a system of encouragements and stimulus is created for
those workers who fairly and effectively carry out their duties.
A civil servant convicted of corruption, is considered as the public enemy
and is forbidden to hold a position in organs of state authority till the end of
The police of the Netherlands gets authorities from the population and
according to the law from 1993. Selection of candidates for service in police is
carried out on a competitive basis by means of interview, testing, check of previous
life. Those candidates for work in police, who have predisposition to bribery,
do not get the position.
Norms of behavior of a police employee are listed in the Professional
code of police of the Netherlands, accepted by Council of the main commissioners
on January, 24th, 2007. This document contains such characteristics of seven
professional values of police employees, as “respect,” “transparency,” “responsibility,”
“inclusion,” “confidence,” “justice” and “balance,” promoting development
and fastening in consciousness of a policeman respect for the chosen
Policemen show initiative at exposure of a corrupted colleague, offering
him to leave the service at his own will. If he doesn’t leave it voluntary, they
address the same request to the administration. Such their actions are called “to
sew up a colleague.”
Besides corruption, the prestige of the Dutch police is harmed by swindlers
who deceive trustful foreign citizens, take hold of their money and thus
give out themselves for police officers. The police warns tourists about possible
deceits on all TV channels.
Positive experience of police of the Netherlands in fight against corruption,
taking into account national features, can also be successfully used in activity
of law-enforcement bodies of the Russian Federation.
korruptsiya, Niderlandy, vzyatochnichestvo, politsiya
S.Y. Khatunov. (2010). Henry de Bracton’s Writings and English Law. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 1, 193–211.
One can hardly imagine English Law and its history without Henry de
Bracton’s tractate “On the Laws and Customs of England” and Bracton’s Note
Book. These writings have been determined the developing of English Law and
was its greater part in centuries to come. As yet they are relevant inasmuch as
being the foundations of common law and authorities.
In the article there is emphasized the relevance of Bracton’s writings and
its especial part in genesis of modern English Law. Examination of his ideas or
legal constructions demonstrates their contemporaneity. Being the authoritative
source of English Law Bracton’s writings mainly appeared in subsequent Coke’s
Reports and Grand Abridgment. It’s assumed the appeal to Bracton was necessary
to meet a threat of absolutism.
Author examines the treatise to show the relevance and importance of
Bracton’s treatise. He laboured five key moments both of treatise itself and English
Law: Romanism, case law, malice, third type of writ “magistralia,” and
Bracton’s impact on the further development of English Law.
Examining of everyone of above-mentioned moments he analyzes Bracton’s
treatises as well as all the English Law. This also helps author to show
relevance and manysidedness both of Bracton himself and his tractate. Medieval
schools of legal thought haven’t been issued any other so detailed and thoughtful
tractate in previous times. The level of treatment of all these five key moments is
high, and the treatment is detailed.
Bracton is the personification of the early English Law period, as well as
of late one. He played important role in a developing of common law. It is safe
to say the house of modern English Law is built on the rock of Bracton’s treatises.
The effect of his work we can see today as well as in earlier times. English
legal historians consider Bracton and his treatises have impacted on the history
of XIV century England, as well as on the history of English Law. Virtually, all
English legal literature written since XIII century tells us of English lawyers
lived with Bracton dwelt within their hearts all these centuries long.
Brakton, Angliya, angliiskoe pravo, anglosaksonskaya pravovaya sistema, pretsedent, prestupnyi umysel, magistralia
Prokudina N.V. (2010). Pravovoe regulirovanie obshchei agrarnoi politiki Evropeiskogo Soyuza. P.A. Kalinichenko. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 1, 212–215.