A.I. Chuchaev. (2010). Pyotr Ershov: A Lawyer, a Poet-Fairy Teller… An
Plagiarizer?. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 6, 1219–1225.
The article is devoted to Pyotr Ershov, an author of the fairy tale “Konyok-
Gorbunok” (“The Humpbacked Horse”). This fairy tale is estimated also as
political satire, religious story, etc. But sometimes there are doubts about its authorship.
There are at least 10 versions of its origin. The author tries to study to
versions of authorship of the fairy tale, namely, by Alexander Pushkin and by
composer Nicolay Devitte.
Petr Ershov, skazka «Konek-Gorbunok», avtorstvo skazki, Pushkin, Devitte
O.G. Larina. (2010). Legal Regulation of the Forest Domain in Russia and an
Establishment of the Forest Regalia. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 6, 1226–1236.
In article the author examines one of kinds of the state regalia in Russia
– forest regalia, and also legislative regulation process, manufacturing, gunpowder
sale in the state monopoly regime. In article two stages of the forest regalia
regulation are considered: the first stage – the forest domain use on the free beginnings,
the second stage – the state monopoly establishment for a forestry use.
The author concludes that the forest regalia had a political character in a greater
degree – it was necessary for strengthening of the international, naval strategic
positions of Russia. Forest was used in ship building, for factories construction,
ports and courts.
The author considers that exactly coordinating norms in the examined
sphere that has affected increase of treasury profits by Peter I have been established.
The author passes opinions that the Russian forest was one of the most
qualitative and sold goods in Russia, however this manufacture brought the big
damage to large forests and demanded of assumption of forest keeping measures.
The author estimates the policy of Peter I and Catherine II in the field of
preservation of forests, the system of the measures connected with the manufacturing
organization and forest sale is analyzed.
The author notices that in the beginning of XVIII century Peter I extended
the state monopoly for manufacturing, purchase and forest sale which
remained monopolized during ten years and brought in the stable budgetary income. The author considers that the forest regalia really brought the big income
and treasury also.
In article the author comes to a conclusion that the examined regalia
were most constant in similar types of income. In the work the author did not
only investigate legislative measures of the forest regalia regulation, but also has
studied the legislation history in the field of the forest domain, some of its use
foundations in Russia, has given a role analysis, importance of the forest regalia
in political sphere. He has brought up the question about a choice between an
expediency of warships building and a damage caused to forestry. Issue questions
were put by the author in sphere of the legislation also and the incentive
policy in the seller relation.
The author concludes about the experience use necessity of last years
and a establishing of the forest state regalia in relation to cutting down and
woods sale and creation of the centralized forestry controller.
dokhody byudzheta, regaliya, ukaz, les, lesnoe imushchestvo, gosudarstvo
V.I. Fadeev. (2010). Municipal Deputy as Functionary and Public Officer. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 6, 1237–1241.
The article deals with debatable question: is it possible to take criminal
or administrative proceedings against municipal deputy as a functionary? Judicial
opinion sees the deputy as public officer. The federal law about common
principle of municipal organization distinguishes the conceptions of elective
public officer and municipal deputy. The author on the basis of federal legislation,
regional legislation and judicial practice comes to the conclusion, that in
case of taking criminal or administrative proceeding against municipal deputy,
he should be seen as public officer, taking into account his representative and
authoritative functions on the territory of municipality. In authors opinion the
municipal deputy is a public officer, a functionary. The article concerns with
reasoning, why it is important to enact the federal law about the status of elective
municipal deputy and to make qualitative changes in criminal legislation taking
into account the specific of municipal authorities, whose representative the municipal
deputy is.
denezhnaya sistema, emissiya, inflyatsiya, finansovye instrumenty
O.N. Ordina. (2010). Normative Act of the Federal Bodies of Executive Power. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 6, 1242–1260.
The system of law in our country consists of different branches of law.
Laws of Russia confide to Constitution of Russia, federal constitutional law,
federal law and law of subject of Russian Federation.
The executive power in Russia shall be exercised by the Government of
the Russian Federation.
The Government of the Russian Federation consists of the Chairman of
the Government of the Russian Federation, Deputy Chairmans the Government
of the Russian Federation and federal ministries.
On the basis and for the sake of implementation of the Government of
the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws, normative decrees of
the President of the Russian Federation the Government of the Russian Federation
shall issue decision and orders and ensures their implementation.
The decision and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation
shall be obligatory for fulfillment in the Russian Federation.
The decision and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, if
they inconsistent with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal law
and the decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, may be cancelled by
the President of the Russian Federation.
Federal bodies of executive power may to issue of federal administrative
Administrative law is one of the most important branches of law in the
Russian Federation. Rules of this branch govern the majority of legal public relation,
developed equally in the sphere of system and structure of state bodies’
organization and in the sphere of their legal public activity.
The subject of administrative law is public relation, which occur, are
modified and ceased during realization of the executive power, public administration
and other non- administrative by-laws regulatory authoritative power.
Rules of administrative law are so numerous and subject of their legal
regulation is so broad that it is appeared crucial to state unique definitions – legal
concepts, on which this branch of law theory is based.
Administrative legislation is uncodified to utmost extent. Currently there
exist a large number of non-interrelated rules of the administrative laws that are
contained in different sources adopted by the authorities of different levels. Interaction
and coordination on these rules are not regulated, often resulting in
contradicting and duplicating.
For the purpose of implementation of the principle of democratism it
would be expedient to separate the whole group of the rules regulating the administrative
legal status of citizens as an independent section and to issue a unified
codified act covering these matters.
formy prava, istochniki prava, pravovaya sistema, pravovaya norma
A.B. Agapov. (2010). Qualification of Corporate Guilt. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 6, 1261–1275.
Establishing evidence of guilt of the legal person carries the objective
difficulties, resulting primarily from the fact that the jurisdictional activity first
considers the organization as a subject of administrative responsibility. There are
different approaches to an explanation of essence of the problem, on the resolution
of which depends largely on the effectiveness of law enforcement, in the
analytical studies and practice. Analysis of the legislation suggests that allowed
correlation of administrative liability of legal entities and individuals, but excludes
the possibility of identifying signs of fault that the qualification which is
based on different legal criteria. Applying the concept of personalized responsibility
in these cases is impossible. Motivation action of organization is incompatible with the establishment of any kind was psychological criteria associated
with the identification of the presence of strong-willed prerequisite act, moral
motivation of corporate activity, including and qualifications of intent and negligence,
is applicable only to individuals.
A qualification of corporate guilt is an orderly process of law enforcement
agencies, carried out at various stages of public law. The status of corporate
entity of private or public law is setting at the administrative stage. The circumstances
identified at this stage, determine all the subsequent proceedings are
carried out at the jurisdictional stage of production, these are the signs of the
establishment of corporate crime, its impact on their property causing damage or
harm the business reputation of the legal person.
Identifying corporate guilt is always fraught with the establishment objective
qualifying criteria. This imputation of misconduct of a legal entity is possible
only in case of establishing a causal relation of objective and subjective
criteria of guilt. The presence or absence of subjective criteria of guilt may also
be caused by its own corporate activities, namely, its property and financial preconditions.
Identification of such assumptions is one of the essential conditions
of the jurisdictional activity.
Qualifications of the administrative and other public offense committed
by a legal person, is always due to the presence of the misconduct, the elements
of which are characteristic only of the corporate offense.
organy mestnogo samoupravleniya, dolzhnostnoe litso
Yu.V. Gracheva. (2010). The Language of Law and Judicial Discretion. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 6, 1276–1290.
The article is concerned with rules of legislative techniques. One of rules
of legislative techniques assumes a complete, exact and compact statement of
rule. It is impossible without observance of requirements to law language. To be
an effective remedy of a regulation of the judicial discretion, penal statute language
should meet following requirements: to be clear and simple; the exact; the
The requirement to clearness and simplicity of language of the penal
statute isn’t limited to that the clear regulation is clear to contractors, and not
clear and difficult law is inconvenient in application, demands additional efforts
and interpretation. Clearness of the law has great value, promoting legality
strengthening, introduction of the accurate legal beginnings in all spheres of
public life that serves as the necessary precondition of strengthening of authority
of the legislation and feeling of legality in consciousness of people.
Not less actual requirement to law language as to legislative means of
restriction of the judicial discretion, the maximum accuracy of its expressions,
i.e. achievement of the greatest conformity between idea, thought of the legislator
and an embodiment of this thought in the legislative formula is.
normativnye pravovye akty, administrativnoe pravo, istochniki administrativnogo prava
V.A. Mikryukov. (2010). On Concurrence between Powers of Owner and
Manager in Trust Property Management Relations. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 6, 1291–1314.
The article offers to readers addresses an influence of powers of a trust
manager on the scope of trustor’s property right. A stand on the way how trust
management affects the trustor’s relationship with third parties is made up.
The practice of interpreting and applying trust management laws being
established is analyzed looking through a medium of determining priorities in
resolving the conflict between powers of owner and manager.
Considering the need for a balanced system of limits and encumbrances
of civil rights, a conclusion disproving the characterization of trust management
as limitation of trustor’s rights is offered. An existence of a fundamental legal
right of owner to possess, use and dispose of a thing transferred to a trust is acknowledged.
In this case, in connection with somewhat equivocation of said
conclusion and availability of judicial acts based on the contrary notions, an
opinion about necessity to expressly permit the trustor to exercise his owner’s
powers in respect of his estate by the law is offered.
The fact itself of the trustor disposing of the thing transferred to a trust is
offered to be qualified as a repudiation of the trust agreement permitted by the
law, even if such repudiation is made with violation of obligation to notify the
manager of agreement termination in due time.
The author offers a method of proving the proprietary and obligatory nature
of the trust management based on the results of a check of trust manager’s
faculty for property right encumbrance regarding property trust management. A
conclusion on absence of a crucial feature of proprietary encumbrance – following
after the thing – in the structure of trust management is made. Moreover, the
proposal to entrench this feature in the trust manager’s powers is not recognized.
Proposals to alter provisions of the effective laws on state registration of
rights to immovable property which groundlessly define trust management as a
limitation and encumbrance of a property right are made. An idea of expediency
of a state registration of transfer of immovable property to a trust not as a limitation
proprietary right, limitation or encumbrance of property right, but as quasilimitations
and quasiencumbrances is suggested.
korporativnaya vina, protivopravnoe povedenie
M.S. Pashova. (2010). Land Law Draft Legislative Acts. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 6, 1315–1329.
The article analyses the most important draft legislative acts concerning
the Land Laws, which have been offered for review and approval to the State
Parliament (Duma), The Federal Legislation Chamber. In particular, the following
issues are analysed and addressed: (a) the principal problems with the lands
designated as the agricultural lands and the dealings with such lands; and (b) the
suggested amendments to the Land Code of the Russian Federation and to the
various Federal legislative acts in connection with the improvement of the procedure for taking possession of the land plots for the state and municipal purposes.
The article contains the quotes from the current legislation, the amendments
and additions suggested by the draft legislative acts, together with the
comments from the author. The new draft legislative acts propose amendments
to the current progressive and fair provisions of the Civil Code, Residence Code
and the Law of Valuation Activity.
The draft legislative acts contradict the founding principles of the current
legislation. They contain unacceptable tendency. More than 80% of the
amendments suggested by the draft legislative acts will negatively affect the
rights of the owners of the plots of land and residential properties. In particular,
such amendments will limit the Constitutional rights of the citizens to have residential
property or the survival opportunities of the people whose property has
suffered from fire or natural disasters. The draft legislative acts do not define the
exclusive events when the state may take possession of the property for the state
or municipal use. Neither do they provide the definition of the municipal use.
The draft legislative acts do not offer any assistance in reaching the main goal
here – i.e. legal protection against the invalid and unfounded taking possession
of the land plots and provision of the guarantees of the rights of land owners and
land users.
yazyk zakona, sudeiskoe usmotrenie, prostota
I.M. Matskevich. (2010). Changes in Qualitative Characteristics of Criminality
under Global Conditions. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 6, 1330–1344.
The article deals with the influence of globalization on international
crimes. The author compares statistics of several kinds of crimes, such as illegal
drug traffic in developed and developing countries. The author creates his own
classification of kinds of international criminality: 1) financial crimes; 2) city
crimes; 3) human trafficking; 4) juvenile delinquency; 5) sexual crimes; 6) insanity
crimes; 7) female crimes; 8) drug crimes. The author affirms that it is necessary
to use qualitative comparative measures, such as “the price of crime” and
“factor of criminality.” The price of crime consists of damages from the crime to
the society, court taxes and costs for housing of criminals. The author says ironically
that the society can afford itself only the crimes, which it could pay for.
In conclusion the article deals with characteristics and special features of
crimes during the globalization process.
konkurentsiya pravomochii, veshchnoe obremenenie, svoistvo sledovaniya, kvaziogranichenie
M.S. Zhuk. (2010). Major Setup Stages of Doctrinal Ideas on Russian Criminal
Law Institutions (XV through beginning of XXI centuries). LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 6, 1345–1359.
The issues of setup and transformation of Russian criminal law institutions
in the period between XV and beginning of XXI centuries are studied in
the article; the factors influenced this process (level of social-economic development of the state, political situation in the country, degree of scientific development
of legal problems, etc.) are considered in it. The author has estimated
first codifying regulatory enactments of the Russian state. An attempt to identify
the major evolution stages of the national penal law institutions has been made.
View points of different law science schools representatives that had
preconditioned vector for Russian criminal law development and development of
its institutions are described in the article with reasonable details and compared
with each other. In this context, works of well-known Russian academic lawyers
devoted to the issues of legal culture and law science, as well as to creation and
setup of criminal law institutions have been analyzed. Along with that, attention
is emphasized on the fact that, for the purpose of historical retrospect, influence
of the law science on formation and classification of penal law institutions, became
possible only at a certain historical period. The author in the context of the
set forth issues, states that till the XV century, due to identity of the Russian law
genesis, reflected, first of all, in reception of the Byzantine law, that was less
developed (compared to the Roman law) and in the specifics of language forms
used at that time, no tangible need in lawyers as in specific professional people
had arisen in Russia, as well as there was no need in apartness of jurisprudence
as a specific sphere of human activity.
Further the author notes, that the formation of outline sketch of criminal
law institutions started with the process of classification of legal norms that have
been very fragmentary fixed, at the time when creation of uniform law became
the major task for the Russian state. However, till the XIX century Russia lawyers
failed to differentiate and classify numerous normative documentations with
respect to branches and institutions, they failed to separate criminal norms from
the norms related to another spheres. In the author’s opinion, Reforms of Peter
the Great that signalized dramatic renovation of normative material, efficient
implementation of positive foreign experience and, of course, understanding of
necessity for strengthening and unification of legality in the Russian state, had
become the impact for theoretical jurisprudence development. At the same time,
the most important condition for scientific conceptualization of criminal law institutions
became understanding of real independence of legal norms that forms
Making estimation of doctrinal ideas of criminal law system over the period
of national criminal law science existence, the author sates that within the
scope of the latter; no unified and completed concept of legal institutions had
been ever made. In the author’s view point the science only just now starts to
realize this fundamental task. However, the performed study shows, that previous
development of criminal law doctrine has created all necessary preconditions
for that.
pravo sobstvennosti na zemlyu, kadastrovyi uchet
K.A. Bekiashev. (2010). International Law Fighting Piracy. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 6, 1360–1376.
Piracy is an international delict of a penal character. Its features are
enumerated in Article 101 of the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea.
Piracy is an illegal act of violence, detention or depredation, committed by a private
ship of any state in high seas or in another territory, which does not fall under
the jurisdiction of a state. If an act of piracy is committed in the territorial
sea then such an illegal act is viewed as armed sea robbery by modern international
law and is punished in accordance with the 1988/2005 Convention for the
Suppression of Unlawful Acts Against the Safety of Maritime Navigation.
At present piracy is rampant along the Somalian coast, in the Gulf of
Aden, in the northeastern part of Africa, in the Strait of Malacca. The article
gives examples of piracy actions in these waters and assesses them from the
point of view of modern international law.
The article contains the analysis of the General Assembly and the Security
Council resolutions upon the issues raised and describe the activities of the
IMO and other organizations.
In the author’s opinion, the elaboration of legal anti-pirate norms and
regulations should proceed in five principal directions: elaborating a convention
for the suppression of piracy at sea, amending Articles 100-107 of the 1982 UN
Convention on the Law of the Sea, implementing the suggestions of establishing
an international tribunal, adopting regional conventions, improving national legislation.
As shown by the practice, one cannot threaten pirates and sea robbers
just by patrolling the caravans of commercial and fishing vessels. What is
needed is effective international legal norms and adequate actions on their basis.
globalizatsiya, kachestvennye pokazateli
O.I. Il’inskaya. (2010). To the Problem of the Means of the Ensuring of the
Treaties Execution. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 6, 1377–1396.
The proposed article is devoted to one of the actual problems of the international
law – to the problem of the means of the ensuring of the international
contracts execution. Dividing practically worked out mechanisms of the ensuring
of the international contracts execution onto two big parts – the interstate
mechanisms and the mechanisms, working at the international organization
ranks, the author tries to concentrate at each of the groups named. The author
considers separately different means of the ensuring of the international contracts
execution, which could be included into those two groups. For example,
such means as the guarantee of one or several states are considered as one of the
mechanisms of the ensuring of the international contracts (which can be named
the inter-state ones) execution. Moreover, it in noticed that at some cases some
specialized organs – the control commissions which could be also considered to
be the independent control means (enlisted to be inter-governmental as well) are organized to control the ensuring of the international contracts execution. The
fact that the abovementioned mechanism is stressed to be the institutionalized
method of the realization of pacta sunt servanda principle. Apart from the creation
of the special control commissions such institutionalized method is represented
with the creation of international organizations to control the execution of
this or those agreements as well. One more control means is the governmental
conferences, regularly held with the special aim to examine the concrete international
contracts execution. Such means is typically used at the case of the
agreement, aimed to the armament regulation or the preservation of the environment.
The deposit could also be considered as the inter-governmental means
of the international contracts execution security. Such means of the international
contracts execution security was often used at the peace treaties guarantee in the
As to the mechanisms which can be used at the international organization
ranks, they are very numerous and are provided in the organization constituent
instruments. The International Labor Organization had worked out the most
perfect means of international contract execution control. Generally speaking,
the creation of the permanent international structures promotes the guarantee of
the international contract execution.
ugolovnoe pravo, sistematizatsiya, institut, norma, istoriya, razvitie, evolyutsiya
Bekyashev K.A. (2010). Mezhdunarodnoe pravo v bor'be s morskim piratstvom. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 6, 1397–1414.
piratstvo, morskoe pravo, napadenie na sudno
Il'inskaya O.I. (2010). K voprosu o sposobakh obespecheniya vypolneniya mezhdunarodnykh dogovorov. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 6, 1415–1420.
mezhdunarodnyi dogovor, mezhdunarodnoe pravo, vypolnenie mezhdunarodnykh dogovorov, sposoby obespecheniya vypolneniya mezhdunarodnykh dogovorov
Matsulevich Yu. (2010). Nekotorye voprosy sovershenstvovaniya litovskogo pensionnogo zakonodatel'stva. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 6, 1421–1429.
Litva, Evropeiskii soyuz