Ye.N. Doroschenko, N.Ye. Taeva. (2009). The Conference Devoted to the 15th
Anniversary of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 2, 303–310.
On 3 December, 2008 on the Day of Men of Law, the International Conference
devoted to the 15th anniversary of the Constitution of the Russian Federation
was held in Moscow State Law Academy. Plenary reports of the prominent
scholars participating in the Conference were published in the magazine:
Ye.I. Kozlova. Substantiation of New Concepts of the Russian Constitution
in Legal Theory
N.S. Bondar. Judicial Constitutionalism: Problem Definition in the Context
of the Role of the Constitutional Court in Approval of the “Live” Russian
G.N. Komkova. Constitutional Principles of Relations between the
Power and an Individual: Implementation in the Present Day Russia
A.N. Kokotov. On the Conception of “Law” in the Constitution of the
Russian Federation
V.I. Fadeyev. The Main Challenges of Implementation of the Constitutional
Model of Local Government at the Present Stage
E.V. Polikarpova. (2009). The “Laissez Faire” Problem in the Ideology of the
Early Narodnichestvo. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 2, 311–321.
The founding fathers of narodnichestvo – A.I. Herzen, N.P. Ogarev.
N.G. Chernyshevskii dealt with the prospects of state and law development in
the general context of socioeconomic progress. The ideas of freedom and democracy
are interwoven in their works with the concepts of a social state, and
the problems of constitutional law – with problems of social and labor legislation.
In the second half of the 19th century, there came into a sharper focus in
Western Europe the discussion on the degree of involvement of a state in economic
activity. N.G. Chernyshevskii was one of the first ideologists in Russia to
join the polemics between the adherers and opponents of “laissez-faire” – motto
of economic liberalism. His conclusions were supported and developed further
by other ideologists of the Russian narodnichestvo.
Chernyshevskii regarded the “laissez-faire” principle as a derivative
from “optimistic philosophy” of the 18th century that gave rise to the concept of
a possibility of capitalist economy self-regulation. However, subsequently, economic
crises and sharp social conflicts contradicted the theories on “natural
movement of everything towards the better” and the “invisible hand” directing
private benefit to the general good.
While sharing the “benign truths” of economic liberalism, Chernyshevskii
thought it was inadmissible to turn liberal ideology into a system of indisputable
doctrines of capitalism that retard social progress.
He realized eventually that the argument between the advocates of noninterference
of a state in economic relations and their opponents has no unambiguous
solution because there had always existed both trends in economic and
political life as well as in public opinion: both towards more active state management
of the economy by the state and minimizing such management.
“Reasonable participation of the state in economic affairs and “initiative
on the part of private activity” should not rule out, but, rather, are to supplement
each other, stressed Chernyshevskii. An optimum combination of the two is not
something given once and for all: it will have to be sought in each particular
situation, at each historic moment.
The state, Chernyshevskii insisted, cannot but have some influence on
the economy. The question is: will that influence be transparent and in the interests
of the entire society, or will it be tacit – in the interests of plutocracy connected
with the government circles?
Chernyshevskii believed that what was required was not the “Utopian
system of non-interference,” but determining the reasonable limits for unavoidable
interference.” The government should not deal with matters that can be settled
without its assistance. However, where there arises the threat of heavy economic
losses and crucial social injustice, “reasonable participation of the government”
is necessary.
When he was talking about the “limits” of state interference in economic
and social relations, N.G. Chernyshevskii was not an etatist, but, rather, a humanist.
According to him, “interference” is unjustified when it leads to sacrificed
rights of an individual in order to satisfy the whims of the state,” and it is
legitimate when it serves to widen the range of human rights, their guarantees
and subjects.
The founding fathers of Russian narodnichestvo supported those demands
of legislative and financial measures required to improve the life of the
peoples’ masses that were put forward in the advanced countries of the West.
Herzen, Ogarev and Chernyshevskii were among those thinkers of the 19th century
who, being guided by human rights of man and citizen, referred to afterwards
as the “rights of the first generation,” started the struggle for socioeconomic
“rights of the second generation.”
In these matters, the stance of the founding fathers of the Russian narodnichestvo
fits in the history of the development of the European sociodemocratic
and labor ideology.
Konstitutsiya, osnovnoi zakon, konstituirovanie
L.V. Sokolskaya. (2009). Stages of Law Acculturation in Russia. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 2, 322–343.
A modern epoch produces the requirements to the process of cooperation
of the in a civilized manner-legal systems. So scale influencing of legal
ideas of the West and the East will fail, if before existing social and legal
structures will not be taken into account. It is impossible to take the modern
process of acculturation only to mechanical co-operation. The modern legal
world stands on the threshold of new alternative, the search of decision of legal
problems goes within the framework of this process. For example, collision of
society and religious right, docking of cultures of east and western civilizations.
The process of acculturation is determined ethnic, political, cultural and
by other originality, combination of different receptions and methods of affecting
legal systems of incoming in a contact groups. Therefore there are different
ways, characteristic features of legal acculturation for every sociuma
In this work on the example of Russia the features of legal acculturation,
its forms, methods and results, are probed. Russia belongs to the digit of countries,
in a civilized manner-legal system, which once or twice changed as a result
of legal acculturation. It was not elemental copying of stranger standards of life,
including legal, and their conscious and systematic borrowing. True, borrowing
of stranger legal experience was almost always going after, therefore some lawyers
name Russian civilization civilization of “going after development.” Thus,
legal acculturation for Russia came forward as one of basic mechanisms of modernization
sociokultur, including legal, systems.
During millenniums a country once or twice spoke to borrowing of
stranger legal tradition. Thus legal àêêóëüòóðàöèÿ was carried out on initiative
of public power and carried out in different forms, by different ways and methods.
Therefore we suggest to distinguish the followings stages of legal acculturation
in Russia: traditionally-religious, mongolo-tatar dominion, Russian centralized
state, empire, totalitarian (soviet), democratic (modern). In durance vile an
author marks works, that legal acculturation it is the concretely-historical phenomenon
which it is impossible to probe without historical and cultural descriptions
of concrete of incoming in a contact groups. Ignoring of cultural originality
of one or another people, including features of their legal systems and cultures
hampers the process of legal acculturation. Today domestic ethnologists, anthropologists,
philosophy, produced enormous material which allows to probe legal
acculturation in the civilization measuring. It is therefore necessary to continue
to probe the problem of cultural co-operation in the conditions of global integration.
Konstitutsiya, osnovnoi zakon, konstitutsionalizm, Konstitutsionnyi Sud, globalizatsiya
V.A. Petrushev. (2009). The Theory of Interpretation of the Law As a Component
of the General Theory of the Law. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 2, 344–351.
In clause the system of scientific knowledge in the field of interpretation
of the law is considered. This knowledge is called as the theory of interpretation
of the law which is a component of the general theory of law. The author pays
attention to the importance of system of knowledge of interpretation of the law
for jurisprudence and practice, and also for training a legal specialty. Thus it is
marked, that for the modern educational literature under the theory of the law
there is high degree of “making theoretic,” and existence of the big number of
concepts on those or other questions. It to the full concerns also to teaching the
theory of interpretation of the law where are especially important definiteness at
a statement of a teaching material, its reference to practice.
Subject of the theory of interpretation of the law are the general laws of
interpretation of the law as one of kinds of legal activity. Their knowledge has
great value as for the further development of the theory of interpretation of the
law, and for practical activities in this area. Therefore the laws revealed by this
theory should be considered by branch jurisprudence, and also by subjects of
law-using. The important role is played also with the conceptual device of the
theory of interpretation of the law. In clause it is marked, that now there isn’t,
perhaps, any concept of this theory which would be treated in jurisprudence in
one way.
In structure of scientific knowledge of interpretation of the law the author
allocates following sections: “system of theoretical knowledge of interpretation
of the law,” “interpretation of the law as activity,” “object of interpretation
of the law,” “subjects of interpretation of the law,” “ways of interpretation of the
law,” “stages of interpretation of the law,” “results of interpretation of the law,”
“certificates of interpretation of the law.” Necessity of allocation of these sections
is proved and the characteristic of each of them is given. It is not necessary
to allocate as independent section in the theory of interpretation of the law the
questions connected with interpretation of normative contracts. The activity connected
with their interpretation, doesn’t differ from interpretation of normative
legal certificates.
Finishing clause, the author emphasizes, that though in jurisprudence
certain knowledge in the field of interpretation of the right are saved up, however,
hardly there is developed enough, effectively helping in the decision of
various practical problems a theory of interpretation of the law. In the given theory
many contradictions and blanks are found out. For these reasons it is impossible
to find clear and precise answers to a lot of pressing questions of interpretation
of the law in the literature. The jurisprudence should eliminate these lacks
and create the theory of interpretation of the law which would meet the requirements
and could be demanded in practice.
realizatsiya, Konstitutsiya, osnovnoi zakon
O.N. Ordina. (2009). The System of Law of Federal Assembly in Russia. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 2, 352–362.
The Russian Federation is democratic federative law-governed state with
a republican from of government. State power in the Russian Federation is exercised
by the President, the Federal Assembly, the Government and the courts.
The President of the Russian Federation is the Head of State. The President
is the guarantor of the Constitution and of human rights and freedoms. He
takes measures to protect the sovereignty of Russia, its independence and state
integrity. The President determines the basic objectives of the internal and foreign
policy of the state. He represents the Russian Federation within country and
The President is elected for the term of four years by citizens of Russia
on the basis of universal, equal, direct suffrage by secret ballot. The President of
the Russian Federation approve federal laws.
The Federal Assembly – parliament of Russian Federation – is representative
and legislative body. The Federal Assembly consists of two chambers –
the Federation Council and the State Duma. Federal laws adopted by State Duma
are submitted for examination by the Federation Council.
Federal laws adopted by the State Duma are submitted for examination
by the Federation Council.
Law is a system of rules established by the state. The main aim of law is
to consolidate and safeguard the social and state system and its economic foundation.
The system of law in our country consists of different branches of law.
Laws of Russia confide to Constitution of Russia, federal constitutional
law and federal law.
The Constitution sets basic from of government: tree separate branches,
each one having powers (“check and balances”) over the others. The Constitution
has been repeatedly amended to meet the changing needs of the nation, bat
it is still the “Supreme Law of the Land.” All governments and governmental
groups, federal, state, and local, must operate within its guidelines.
The federal and state governments formed under the Constitution.
Constitutional law is the leading branch of the whole system of law. Its
principal source is the country’s Constitution. It deals with social structure, the
state system, organization of state power and the legal status of citizens.
Administrative law is closely connected with constitutional law but it
deals with legal forms of concrete executive and administrative activity of the
government and ministries.
Financial law regulates the budget, taxation, state credits and other
spheres of financial activity.
Konstitutsiya, osnovnoi zakon, zakon, zakon o popravkakh k Konstitutsii
T.I. Nagaeva. (2009). Views on the Forms of Criminal Deed and their Conceptual
Stipulation. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 2, 363–369.
The article treats the variety of views on action and inaction as crimes
typical of Russian criminal law of classical, soviet and modern periods and the
way they are stipulated by the corresponding criminal and political situations.
Classical crime teaching is represented here as a scheme of theoretical
premises. A deed is an infringement on a legal norm possessing certain intrinsic
properties. The latter find their expression in action, inaction or combination of
the two. Thus action and inaction had been interpreted as juridical forms of
criminal deed (juridical action and juridical inaction).
At the basis of this system of views lies the notion of a crime as criminal-
juridical category. The definition of this notion in the classical Russian
criminal law was purely formal and treated legal norm as the object of the crime.
Consequently the essence of the deed was linked with infringement upon law (or
infringement upon the norm) and entailed differentiation of the juridical content
of the forms of deeds.
Classical treatment of the notion of crime should differ from its material
treatment in the same way as formal definition of crime differs from its material
definition. If we start from the premise that “crime” as juridical category has no
formal property, then “deed” as an objective part of imputation does not possess
any formal juridical features either. Consequently various forms of the “deed”
are devoid of their own juridical properties.
Russian up-to-date criminal and legal doctrine defines crime as a notion
possessing formal and material nature at the same time. Criminal and political
meanings of the formal and material definitions differ so much that to form a
new criminal-juridical category through their synthesis and coordination is not
possible. They are so different that we may even call them antagonistic.
Representation of “crime” as a synthetic category possessing formal and
material nature at the same time reflect the attempts of scientists to create a new
criminal juridical conception different from those underlying the systems of
classical and soviet criminal law in Russia. Though Russian criminal law excludes
precidential law, the essence of “crime” category remains material which
is indicated in the degree of its social danger.
Practically modern Russian criminal law does not contain any conceptual
foundations which might allow to differentiate juridical content of action
and inaction; the latter must be recognized as forms of behaviour determining
manifestations of the individual consciousness and will.
Konstitutsiya, osnovnoi zakon, mestnoe samoupravlenie
M.D. Olegov. (2009). The Grounds for the Vacation of Court Judgment in the
Exercise of Supervisory Powers: History and Modern Age. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 2, 370–395.
The article covers the research of the Russian Civil Procedural Legislation
progress in the course of the 20th and 21st centuries, the analysis of legal
regulation of civil cases proceedings in the exercise of supervisory functions.
One of the great problems of modern Russian civil procedure is a problem of the
supervisory instance court. This is most reform phase in all civil procedure during
15 years last its legal transformation.
The article considers the issue of limits of case trial by supervisory–
instance court, scrutinizes the statutory grounds for the review of judgment
which has entered into legal force and their last twenty years’ history. Such requirements
provided by the Law as legality and justification of court decisions
are analyzed here along with brief characteristics, notions, essence and interaction
of mentioned requirements.
Further in this article, an influence of Law requirements such as legality
and justification of court judgment on the process of the above grounds’ definition
by the lawgivers and those grounds interpretation by the courts is viewed
over the period of supervisory instance existence in the Soviet and Russian civil
The Author of this article focuses on study, interpretation and the definition
of the rules put in the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation by the
Federal Law dated December 4, 2007. Based on the analysis of legal positions of
the European Court of Human Rights, of Constitutional Court of the Russian
Federation, of The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation and on practice of
Presidium of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the attempt is undertaken
to construe the content of current procedural rules strengthening the
grounds for the vacation of court judgment in the exercise of supervisory powers.
Author’s attitude is specifically stated in this article as to what substantial
infringements of material or procedural law rules, having influenced outcome of
the case, are considered to be the grounds for vacation of the court judgment in
the exercise of supervisory powers. Very important idea – put all unconditional
procedure reasons (equal unconditional procedure reasons in revision phase and
appellation phase – art. 364 Civil Procedure Code) on the list of supervisory’s
reasons. But with all supervisory’s reasons apply one reservation – each of them
must be considerable. The category “public interest protected by law” had also
been looked into in the context of the analysis of the grounds for vacation of
court judgment.
narodnichestvo, Gertsen, laissez faire, laissez passer
A.V. Churyaev. (2009). The Tendencies of Taxes’ Case Law Concerning “Vicious”
Counteragents. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 2, 396–409.
This article is devoted, in the author’s opinion, to one of the most pressing
problems in modern tax laws that can be formulated as gaining tax advantage
from business relations with so-called “fly-by-night companies.”
The commodity turnover that has formed in Russian Federation shows
that more than one half of companies registered in our country are founded with
the purpose of tax avoidance. The usage of such organizations in tax evasion
schemes is vividly illustrated in notorious court cases against such companies as
“UKOS,” “Rusneft,” “MIAN” and others.
Still, up to now there is no unified approach to the legal estimation of the
transactions in which such a “vicious” company is a party to the trade. The tendency
of judiciary law enables us to claim that in our country courts gradually
cease applying to such an important presumption as innocence of a tax payer. It
often happens that it is a tax bearer, who carries a burden of adducing evidence
of his/her conscientiousness despite the fact of public legal relations in which tax
officers have potentially wider legal opportunities.
Such situation justifies scientific community’s opinion about the necessity
of reviewing the abovementioned tendency, with the balance between a tax
office’s and a taxpayer’s interests kept. In this connection the important thing is
the application of a scientifically-founded approach to trying similar disputes,
taking into consideration common regularities of tax law in the whole jurisprudence
This article represents an attempt to introduce such a theoretical conception.
Chasing this task, on the base of law enforcement practice, the author
points out the characteristic features and classifies fly-by-night companies, defines
the extent of their influence on a tax bearer’s tax risks.
On the ground of studying modern researches in tax law science the author
makes a conclusion that the main thing in the case of having a dispute
should be the exposure of the economic operations reality, not defining a contractor’s
civil- law status. Undoubtedly, a party to the trade’s defective status can
be a reason for the declaration of a deal’s invalidity, but only in civil-law relations.
For tax purposes it is the fact of making an economic transaction that is
important. The attention also should be drawn to the attendant payment (to be
exact real commodity and money movement). The existence of such circumstances
should be a subject to be proven in such disputes. Other point of view
would broaden tax control purposes and would transfer into the sphere of civillaw
K.A. Bekyashev. (2009). Legal Regime of International Watercourses. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 2, 410–418.
In this article the author analyzes international treaties and decisions of
intergovernmental organizations, which determine or clarify the legal regime of
international watercourses.
A number of doctrines is carefully considered in the article including the
doctrine of absolute territorial sovereignty, the doctrine of territorial integration,
the doctrine of initial acquisition, the doctrine of equitable use of water resources,
the doctrine of common management of water resources and watercourses,
and other modern doctrines.
In the author’s opinion, the legal regime of international watercourses
and their resources is regulated by the following principles: the principle of optimal
and rational use of resources, the principle of non-discrimination in the use
of spaces and resources of international watercourses, the principle of prevention
of contamination of international watercourses, the principle of the freedom of
shipping by navigable waterways, the principle of precautionary measures.
The existence of the abovementioned principles permitted to formulate
an opinion, according to which a new branch of law has been formed in international
law – law of international watercourses.
The Russian Federation bilateral agreements on the use of watercourses
are studied in the article.
The term “international watercourses” can be applied not only to rivers,
but also to international lakes. There exists more than 100 transboundary lakes in
the world. The legal regime of these lakes is determined by respective agreements
of coastal states. Almost each one of them has its own regime of navigation,
fishing, etc.
According to their international legal standing transboundary lakes are
divided into two categories: regular transboundary lakes and those open to third
parties for international navigation and fishing.
The article is based of the analysis of the doctrinal literature, international
treaties and decisions of international courts and arbitration.
tolkovanie prava, teoriya prava, pravo, teoriya tolkovaniya, uyasnenie, raz'yasnenie
A.M. Ibragimov. (2009). Content of International Legal Safeguards, Their
Forms and Classification. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 2, 419–431.
The objectives and principles of international legal safeguards are their
fundamentals defining the legality of international legal safeguards and specifying
the vector of their development in the legal reference system. Such objectives
and principles as establishment and development of friendly relations,
safeguarding of security of states, protection of rights and interests of individuals,
generality of safeguards, their commensurability and effectiveness, etc. are
of the utmost importance with regard to this matter.
In full accordance with the objectives and principles of the safeguards,
the content of the latter is the following: 1) maintaining of the definite established
state of affairs (this constituent of the content of the safeguards agrees
with one of the objectives); 2) ensuring of acts (omission of acts) stipulated by
the international treaties and agreements; 3) measures to achieve the effectiveness
or to maintain the firmness and stability of some rule (provision), etc.
The following shall be ranked among the rights of guarantors: a) a right
to participate in safeguards agreements; b) a right to determine the scope and
specific content of any given international safeguard on an equal basis with the
others; c) a right at one’s own discretion to select specific measures of implementation
of one’s safeguards obligations in case of breach of the underlying
agreement (undoubtedly, acts of force applied by guarantor for the purpose of
ensuring of his obligations is not allowed). If the matter is related to ensuring of
collective safeguards the guarantors are entitled to determine actions to influence
the infringer by means of making of a written agreement.
Obligations of guarantors are of more importance since their execution
has a defining meaning for the outcome of the safeguarded international agreement.
The international law is aware of the wide range of obligations of guarantors:
prohibition to impose any behavior model upon the state whose interests
the guarantor undertook to protect, to interfere directly or indirectly intro the
affairs of the state, to occupy a part of the territory of any state supposedly for
the purpose of ensuring of the safeguards obligations, to violate the rights of the
state under protection, to render assistance not stipulated under the safeguards
agreement, to impart a meaning to the ensured agreement that is not in line with
the interpretation of the agreement by the parties under the agreement. The
summarizing obligation of the guarantor is to take all the possible measures for
the purpose of stimulating of the participants of the agreement to execute the
international agreement consistently. Besides, it is important that the guarantors
are imbued with understanding of the fact that they shall ensure the rights and
interests being violated irrespective of how disadvantageous it may turn out to
be for them. Inadmissibility of deviation from the safeguards obligations in case
of breaching of the agreements by other guarantors is deemed to be an obligation
of the guarantor under the agreement.
Class of form of international legal safeguards is of interest in addition
to their content. Content and form as two closely interrelated concepts are considered
in the same context. With regard to international legal safeguards it is
due to the fact that the content comprising the unity of all the legal constituents
exists and is expressed by means of a form. A form of international legal safeguards
is presented as an agreed instrument by means of which the safeguards
given by one state to the other state can obtain explicit or textual nature. Therefore,
content and form of safeguards are closely connected and inseparable. A
form of safeguards is in writing. Only owing to languages any international
safeguards become explicit.
International legal safeguards of agreements shall be classified in two
groups in terms of their nature, namely, general and special. General safeguards may be of two levels: a) general safeguards on bilateral basis; b) general safeguards
on multilateral basis within the scope of multi-purpose and regional organizations
for collective security.
Being a means of effective enforcement of international legal norms and
regulations, international safeguards differ in objects and subjects. Ensuring of
security of a state, integrity and inviolability of its territory, certain status, state
of affairs, etc. may be the objects of safeguards. It is assumed that states may be
the subjects of safeguards as they are the only sovereign entities.
Depending on the number of states participating in ensuring of international
legal safeguards, it is conventional to distinguish simple (individual) and
complex (collective) safeguards.
normativnyi pravovoi akt, klassifikatsiya normativnykh pravovykh aktov, tipologiya normativnykh pravovykh aktov, administrativnaya norma
N.G. Skachkov. (2009). Problems of Legal Methodology of Insurance of
“Non-standard Vessels” (Substandard Shipping) In the International Transportations. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 2, 432–447.
Evolution of concept “a non-standard vessel” occurs slowly enough. The
thesis about infringement of conditions of traditional technology of shipment,
arrangement of structurally not stipulated rooms, apertures in the case is forced
to cooperate constantly with other distinctive attributes “substandard shipping,”
the numerous engineering updatings presented, for example, altering technical
properties of a vessel. The various innovative technical attributes, actually, also
call for reference of similar vessels in the isolated register classifying them.
Unfortunately, the considerable number “substandard shipping” is involved
in transportation of oil, nocuous, dangerous substances. The international
convention on approach of the responsibility and on compensation of damage in
connection with sea transportation dangerous, and as nocuous substances (HNS
Convention), operating in last edition from October, 20th, 2006, it is necessary
to express only the proved anxiety in this plan. Whereas definition of criteria of
seaworthiness of a non-standard vessel at all does not release from the sanction
of diverse aspects of transboundary insurance.
Thus stabilization of the sizes of insured risks hardly will occur. Though
it is possible to count on an invariance of recommended franchises, or to hope
for specific properties of a cargo. But the bottom rod of reinsurance of a nonstandard
vessel in any case begins to support that limit, whose estimated level
while is inaccessible to the insurer. The individualization of the insurer or the
insurant, certainly, takes place and becomes one of probable variations of development
of all insurance business, as a whole. The final specification of a vessel
will necessarily specify probable restrictions in sphere of action of separate clubs
P & I, to one these opposing itself to other clubs of a mutual insurance. On positions
by way of formation of an insurance covering it is not necessary to be
afraid of dissociation of clubs. To what policy P & I Clubs would not adhere,
denying of rules of bonus payments, let alone trends of an estimation of got risk,
concerns to a category of the drama decision.
Objective complexities are necessary for investigating. Still it is necessary
to consider as the burdening factor the legal nature of the conclusion about
a physical condition of the case of a vessel where only technological innovations
prevail. But such efficiency factor as amortisation deterioration, is rejected practically
completely. Overcoming of a known dilemma, that, actually, is a subject
to immutable insurance – integrity of structurally innovative vessel or its problem
part – it is represented while very remote problem. Clubs P & I will choose,
probably, the first variant as returning means under the insurance category in
that case becomes simpler, and the bonus rate of this or that club correctly reveals
a noncommercial component ïðàâîîòíîøåíèé. Far not everyone P & I
association will really dare to act as the insurer of a becoming outdated vessel. It
is necessary then cardinally to forget about returning insurance gathering.
But also the aspiration to the novelty denying any beginnings, is unimportant,
whether legal, or especially technological, will be poorly welcomed
among followers of an insurance pool, participants of the big corporate game on
considerable dividends. It is unable even basically to render essential influence
on cost of reinsurance. Who, is asked, interested in the rate of the premium making
as a whole zero: one, two percent a maximum? In this plan, exarticulation of
a non-standard vessel in an independent qualifying subsystem can in what – to a
measure to help, if the operator of a distance of movement will refrain from
practice of the independent statement of rates of the insurance extra charge to the
tariff under the freight.
forma prestupnogo deyaniya, prestuplenie, istoriya ugolovnogo prava, ob'ektivnaya storona prestupleniya, deyanie
P.A. Kalinichenko. (2009). Current Problems of Rebilling the Contractual Basis
of the Relations Between Russia and the European Union. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 2, 448–461.
This Article is prepared on the basis of my materials, reports and
speeches at the International conferences and workshops, which were held in
Moscow, Florence and Bruges in autumn 2007 to summer 2008. The purpose of
this paper is to analyze existing normative achievements between Russia and the
European Union (EU) in the context of proposals for conceptual grounds of a
future Treaty between Russia and the European Union, which will replace the
Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between Russia and the EU after 2007.
The Partnership and Cooperation Agreement was a practicable and efficient
instrument in relations between Russia and the EU. It does not reflect the
experience, reached results and new problems of strategic partnership, as well as
the essential changes, which occurred in Russia, in the EU and in the World. The
PCA has become old, it does not fully reflect the reality of a modern relationship
of strategic partnership, does not take into account membership of Russia in the
WTO, or the changed geography of the EU, or indeed new challenges in the international
arena. Today legal backgrounds of the relations between Russia and
the EU have become weak.
Rebilling the contractual basis of the EU-Russia strategic partnership is
the main current problem in the relations between Russia and the EU. The challenge lies in replacing the central ground of legal achievements of their relations,
and in modernizing the basic norms of the strategic partnership acquis. Unfortunately,
there are a number of the political difficulties for the conclusion of the
new Basic agreement on relations between the Russia and the EU.
The problem is that the Parties have not solved yet, what they wanted to
reach within the framework of established relations. Now only conceptual proposals
for the future Agreement exist, but the concept for the development of the
relations, which provided for the universal technological approach to the situations,
is absent. This will reduce a dependency of the negotiation process from
current political dischords and help to concentrate an attention on real problems
of the strategic partnership.
This Article looks at the current legal basis of relations between Russia
and the European Union, sheds light on the main legal difficulties in working out
a new agreement between Russia and the EU, analyzes initiatives concerning the
content and form of the new agreement, and contributes proposals on the main
objective of the future agreement.
Also this material analyzes the impact of the Lisbon Treaty 2007 to the
strategic partnership between Russia and the European Union.
nadzor, grazhdanskii protsess, otmena resheniya, peresmotr
R.N. Yurchenko. (2009). Procedure and Legal Matters of Criminal Cause Service. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 2, 462–470.
The Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan stipulates
cases to determine a criminal cause when a criminal case is at the phase of investigation
or of prejudicial inquiry.
If a judge invalidates a disputed judgement and falsifies such judgement,
the judgement having come into effect, it is subject to submittal by the court to
the body (official) that has made the reversed judgement. If a court holds that
procedural determination of counsel for prosecution is not reversed but the counsel
is imposed to take measures to eliminate committed violations of rights and
legitimate interests of the claimant such determination is submitted to the subject
counsel for prosecution after it comes into effect.
When a case is submitted to court a judge is entitled to impose restrain
upon the defendant unless it has been imposed by the case investigator or the
counsel for prosecution or to substitute the restrain for a more severe one. In
such cases the judge carries the corresponding resolution. If restrain by way of
arrest is imposed the resolution of the judge is subject to be immediately submitted
to the Law Enforcement Agencies to take the defendant into custody. The
court shall notify the defendant’s relatives of imposing of restrain by way of arrest.
The Law Enforcement Agencies and the administration of the detention
facility to which the arrested defendant is taken shall immediately notify the
court proceeding the case.
For the purpose of ensuring the enforcement of judgement with regard to
civil proceedings or possible deprivation of property or other property claims the property of the defendant can be attached. The court determines to seize the defendant’s
property if at the prejudicial phase the interrogating officer or case investigator
or counsel for prosecution has not taken measures to ensure indemnification
against damages caused by the crime, possible forfeit.
Execution of determination of court on seizure of property is imposed
upon law-enforcement officer who distraints the property, confiscates it or at his
discretion transfers it for keeping by its owner, housing and maintenance department,
representatives of the local administration or by other person. These
persons give acknowledgement of being advised of safety of the seized property
and the document is entered into the record together with the distraint. If funds
available with loan institution, at bank accounts or deposits are seized the execution
of the court determination on suspension of transactions with the funds is
imposed upon the management of such institutions and law-enforcement officer
is given a signed testimony and explain the liability for nonperformance of the
judge’s determination.
Individual determination is carried into effect by means of the relative
order given by the judge with identification of the executing officer and the due
dates of execution. The persons who were sent an individual court determination
shall take the corresponding measures within one month from the date of its receiving
and to report the results to the court that has made the determination.
Decisions of courts of appeal come into effect immediately upon the delivery.
Execution of all determinations and decisions, including those of the said
instances, is imposed upon the courts of the first instance that have investigated
the case.
None of the provisions of the law specifies who is imposed with the responsibility
to execute decisions of supervisory instance. In this connection it is
advised to be guided by the general provisions of the law. That is why execution
of decisions of supervisory instance shall be just like execution of decisions of
courts of appeal since both comes into effect immediately.
nalogovyi spor, «porochnyi» kontragent, arbitrazhnyi sud, uplata naloga
Bekyashev K.A. (2009). Pravovoi rezhim mezhdunarodnykh vodotokov. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 2, 471–483.
mezhdunarodnyi vodotok, reka, more, ozero, okhrana
Ibragimov A.M. (2009). Soderzhanie mezhdunarodno-pravovykh garantii, ikh forma i klassifikatsiya. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 2, 484–491.
mezhdunarodnaya garantiya, pravovaya garantiya, ponyatie garantii, klassifikatsiya garantii, forma garantii
Skachkov N.G. (2009). Problemy pravovoi metodologii strakhovaniya «nestandartnykh sudov» (Substandard Shipping) v mezhdunarodnykh perevozkakh. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 2, 492–505.
strakhovanie, mezhdunarodnaya perevozka, nestandartnoe sudno, avariya, morskaya perevozka
Kalinichenko P.A. (2009). Tekushchie problemy pereoformleniya dogovorno-pravovoi bazy vzaimootnoshenii Rossii i Evropeiskogo Soyuza. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 2, 506–520.
Evropeiskii Soyuz, vzaimootnosheniya, dogovor, kvaziassotsiatsiya, Rossiya
Yurchenko R.N. (2009). Protsessual'no-pravovye voprosy ispolneniya postanovlenii suda po ugolovnym delam. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 2, 521–528.
ugolovnyi protsess, ispolnenie, ugolovnoe delo, postanovlenie suda, Kazakhstan
Gavrilov V.V., Vorob'ev V.A. (2009). Mezhdunarodnoe publichnoe pravo: uchebnik / L.P. Anufrieva, K.A. Bekyashev, E.G. Moiseev, V.V. Ustinov i dr.; otv. red. K.A. Bekyashev. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 2, 529–535.