I.A. Isayev. (2009). Nomos: Space Legal Localization. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 1, 7–11.
This work deals with the high priority issue of social solidarity. The
problem is analyzed widely: psychological, political, legal aspects of solidarity
have been studied. Much attention is paid to review of legal “solidaristic,” geopolitical,
anthropological and other solidarity concepts. There have been studies
of different opinions related to establishment of borders, localization of political
space, specifics of political institutes, involvement of political emotions and fantasies.
Together with the study of political and legal specifics of solidarity as a
phenomenon and a condition, its metaphysical and philosophical basis have been
In the process of deep study of the subject (the author used such studies
in his investigation), deepest aspects of solidarity go to the foreground. It becomes
obvious that the tendency and unrecognized desire to integrity, unity and
corporativity appear in the very nature of social: solidarity becomes initial in
relation to all the rest of division, differentiation and individualization processes.
Ultimately, even localization and division processes lead in the end to the following,
large-scale or even global cooperation.
The work analyzes the most important statements of theories that prioritize
the solidarity and unity problem. Naturally, the most attention is paid to socalled
“juridical solidarity,” that developed theoretical and legal basis for investigation
of solidarity issues. Another influential intellectual movement that put
the problem of global solidarity and unification to the foreground was geopolitics.
Unfortunately, modern legal theory does not pay enough attention to both
ideas: the first one has been almost forgotten, the second one just started to be
extensively recognized.
Solidarity in some sense is an imagery category. The ideal complete
solidarity has never existed anywhere, therefore, it served only as a slogan or
call. To some degree, the social unity can be achieved, it is indicated by the previous
results of numerous social experiments such as building of empires, unions,
“reichs,” communities etc.
Inseparably, solidarity is connected with power; power forms the unity
and is created itself by social unity. Set of means used by the authorities (most
often it is presented as a state, however, not only as a state) to create and main tain the unity is huge. However, enforcement is used the most, with or without
legal forms. Sometimes it is equipped with the set of fine instruments, sometimes
it is presented as a brute force: when power grows to the level of a reign,
then solidarity becomes a dead mechanism and an unmovable monolith.
Solidarity is implemented in small social formations as well as on imperial
or global level. Globalization processes cannot skip the solidarity problem.
Combination of dynamics and balance (that is also dynamic) helps to provide the
desirable order for solidarity. This may be the order of national communities,
“large spaces” or global order. Order in particular, social (and legal as its derivation),
makes the nature of solidarity, when the whole, naturally dominates upon
its parts and cannot be described as only their sum.
Thus, integrity, order and unity – these are the main components of solidarity.
As we accept this as granted, then we may have a different look at deep
processes that take place in modern society, where call to solidarity is seen more
clear and where it becomes to be recognized in spite of all disintegrating, demagogic
and shallow ideological layers and patterns.
N.I. Fokina. (2009). Social Responsibility: Some Aspects of the Philosophic
Analysis. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 1, 12–30.
The article proves that the particular topicality of the social responsibility
in the contemporary world needs not only the study of the social life’s reality,
but also the clarification of some theoretical and logical and conception problems.
From the author’s point of view, the responsibility can be regarded as a
whole social phenomenon presenting itself as a social responsibility. It is marked
with subject and object relations including the requirements to the subject of the
responsibility stipulated by actual society’s conditions (economic, political,
spiritual etc.) and his or her reaction to them.
The article underlines that the responsibility is a complicated system
formation. The responsibility’s analysis from its carrier’s point of view permits
to address to the subject of the responsibility. The activity’s character is a
ground for the extraction of the professional, social, family responsibility etc. In
axiological plan the subject and object relations acquire the forms of the moral
and legal responsibility.
The author assumes that the positive and negative significance of the responsibility
acquires the apparent theoretical importance. The article underlines
that the most important thing in the philosophic exploration of the social responsibility
are its positive components, which determine the conscious, active subject’s
attitude to the reality, skills in the present’s projection to the future (rather
than its negative significance, responsibility for the ‘guilt’). The author supports
the opinion of those jurisprudents who believe that the positive legal responsibility
is the most important element of the legal status of the subject of responsibility.
The article touches upon the problem of the perception of the moral and
legal responsibility by subject. According to the author, the requirements to the
person from the law and social morale can be accepted by him or her either as
internally necessary or externally imposed (alien). The ‘measure of the responsibility’
is a balance between the internal and external, positive and negative attitude
to these requirements.
The author believes that the personal responsibility is stipulated by influence
of the macrocosm and microcosm’s values subjectively perceived by a
person in accordance with his or her cultural level, moral maturity, psychological
organization etc. The personal responsibility includes not only the ‘feeling of
the responsibility’ (personal emotions and feelings encompassed by ‘soulfulness’
conception): it assumes the conscious attitude to the consequences of the
person’s actions, i.e. presence of the ‘spirituality’ in the person.
The article brings the circumstances for analysis, which are the source of
the low level responsibility of the member of the society and puts emphasis
thereon that the degree and nature of the external circumstances’ influence depends
on the individual’s personal properties.
Finally, the author comes to conclusion that the wholly responsible person
is a person originally aware of the consequences of his or her behaviour and
activity and capable to act aiming at the future results. In connection therewith
the society (and the state, on his behalf) are obliged to create such an economic,
social, spiritual, political and legal situation, which would not eliminate the responsible
behaviour and contribute to its growth.
Sofka Mateeva. (2009). Law-creating as Iterative Procedure. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 1, 31–42.
Author defends the thesis that in the modern democratic civil society the
law is called upon above all to contribute to the harmonization of the public interests,
and not to overcome possible conflicts and contradictions that have
arisen as a result of their opposition. In this sense, the study of the public opinion
on the problems, related to the application and improvement of laws, is examined
as a prerequisite for the overcoming of possible social conflicts of interests
in their very bud. The modern public practice unambiguously testifies that is one
of the most productive branches in the development of the applied social; scientific
N.Ya. Sokolov. (2009). Lawyers’ professional culture and legality. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 1, 43–55.
The harmonious functioning of legal regulation mechanism, ensurance
of legality and the law and order in many respect depend on a level of lawyers’
professional culture. The author pays attention to wide spreading of authorslawyers’
approaches in understanding the terms “legality” and “legal culture”
and tries to overcome this misunderstanding.
To eliminate disagreements in literature on law concerning the definition
of legality as a principle, method, requirements and mode, it is suggested considering
them as various entities rather than mutually controversial demonstration
of common essence of legality.
It is necessary to see both practical side in legality connected with transformation
of normative and internal one connected with views, rules, morale of
an individual, society and social groups including lawyers. Otherwise, legality
acts as something formal and external in relation to a person and society.
In this article an attempt is made to overcome available in literature disagreements
which concern understanding lawyers’ legal and professional culture.
According to the author professional and legal culture can be defined as
caused by division of labor, a version of legal culture of society representing
itself a measure of development and practical use of legal values by lawyers as a
socially-professional group.
The author emphasizes that legality and legal culture being rather independent
social phenomena are in close relations. Establishing and ensuring law
and order are an important factor for skilled lawyers.
Professional lawyers are aimed at protecting individuals’ legitimate
rights and interests, which organically results from the nature of a lawful state.
Domination of the right, supremacy of the law, coherence of the state and an
individual by means of mutual rights and duties are principles which refer to the
professional and legal sphere and are the major indicators of a professional culture
Moreover, high professional culture and strict execution of lawyers’ duties
assigned to them are an important guarantee of individual rights, which imposes
a special responsibility on law-enforcement and other legal bodies. In its
turn, ensurance of the legality in society in many respects depends on quantity
and a qualification level of a legal socially-professional staff. In this connection
the author estimates this condition and also available difficulties and problems in
law education and science of law as important indicators of legal culture of lawyers
and all society as well.
In conclusion on the basis of sociological research data the author shows
how legality problems and its independence on legal culture are reflected in the
lawyer’s professional consciousness.
V.E. Eminov. (2009). History of Criminology Science. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 1, 56–71.
History of criminology is unique because it reveals sphere of taskoriented
efforts to study the negative side of human behavior, which has been
attracting attention of legislators, and judges, and kings, and ordinary people,
and philosophers, and lawyers, and religious leaders from primordial time.
During active efforts to study delinquency, the very first scientific studies
faced the main problem presenting inevitable and basic secret to scientists
and practitioners of that time: the issue of real reasons of crime commitment.
First of all, it was not clear what does crime commitment depend on and
what is it related to: personality or environment? Is the inclination to commit a
crime “acquired” or is it congenital, or inherited, etc? These questions needed
analytical approach, and such efforts to get answers resulted in fundamental scientific
theories which divided scientists into two schools: anthropological and
sociological. First group focused their attention on criminal’s personality and the
second group – on society weaknesses (society structure).
In Russia systematic study of delinquency was first studied within sociological
school of criminal law, which was characterized by analysis of a crime
not only as juridical conception but also as a social issue.
The school that took new methodological positions on delinquency
study was the left wing of sociological school of the criminal law in Russia. Its
representatives showed methodological limitation of factor theory and its inability
to explain real reasons of delinquency, they made the right conclusion, which
said that only on the basis of dialectic method it is possible to present adequate
theoretical description of delinquency.
Delinquency study continued during the Soviet epoch. Analysis of delinquency
state, its reasons, and criminal’s personality was made by institutions
of justice, police, state authorities, research officers, society and students. Scientific-
method base for conduct of delinquency research were statistic institutions
where so-called moral statistic was concentrated and which had facilities to
study delinquency and a criminal, which were developed by various establishments
and institutions in large cities.
Present period of long-running transition to the market economy in the
country, which is accompanied with thorny condition, political and social conflicts
and consequently, growth of delinquency, on one hand, makes it more difficult
to study delinquency, but on the other hand, – it objectively puts responsibility
on scientists together with practitioners and experts in related sciences to
continue actively its study. Many of theoretical postulates require rethinking.
D.O. Serov. (2009). The Origin of the System of the Courts of General Jurisdiction
in Russia (from the History of Peter I’s Legal Reform). LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 1, 72–82.
In the article for the first time the process of the formation of the courts
of general jurisdiction is investigated in its integrity in the course of legal reform
prompted by Peter I. The system included such courts as gorodovyye/provincial
and nadvornyye courts and Justitz-kollegia. The author systematically analyses
normative and legal documents which have regulated competence of gorodovyye/
provincial, nadvornyye courts and Justitz-kollegia. In addition, on the
basis of archive sources author demonstrates the functioning of the mentioned
above juridical bodies namely as the courts of general jurisdiction. The opinion
is proved that Justitz-kollegia in reality had been the juridical rather than administrative
body. Special attention is paid to the conditions of the origin of the
courts of general jurisdiction on the line of structural and functional division of the legal bodies from the administrative ones. In relation to this in the article for
the first time the statements are described which had been prepared on the basis
of the Swedish normative sources of the Instructions to voevodas and zemskiye
komissars of 1719 year, which secured the division of the juridical bodies from
the administrative ones. In addition, the author describes the difficulties which
have arisen when this division has been put into practice.
S.Yu. Khatunov. (2009). Homicide in Medieval England. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 1, 83–94.
It is hard to understand English criminal law both now and always without
examination into history of crime of homicide as the part of history of criminal
law. And so in his article the author examines crime of homicide in the
course of making law from Law of Aethelbert to fourteenth-century statutes.
In the article’s beginning author analyzes the provisions of Anglo-Saxon
and Anglo-Norman laws generally including laws of Alfred and Leges Henrici
Primi. Relying on history of criminal law author underlines that there was a birth
of basic and essential elements of crime of homicide in the early medieval England.
In particular, it was “diffinicio homicidii” which included circumstances of
the case and the person involved, as well as division between murder and manslaughter.
The article contains the studies of Bracton’s fundamental ideas on homicide
he established in his tractate as a new doctrine. Bracton’s doctrine is the
main subject to consideration, and its analysis takes the significant part of the
article, inasmuch as it is the main medieval source of crime of homicide. The
article underlines that this doctrine contains following basic elements: the regard
homicide as a crime, type of homicide, relation between sentencing decision and
degree of guilt, aggravation and extenuation, and release from punishment and
The author underlines that the Bracton contributed greatly to the English
law with his doctrine of homicide and a number of other doctrinals which later
became integral to the English common law. Later tractates Fleta, Britton, and
Mirror of Justice failed to update Bracton’s one. Their epigonous spirit was
shown up in comparative analysis by which there was found out what is unique
and what is the same in these tractates and Bracton’s one. The reigning feature
of thirteenth- and fourteenth-century tractates is their authors had quoted clauses
of the statutes.
The author clears up the state of the determination of guilt in thirteenthand
fourteenth-century England. In this case it is very important to specify the
wide range of synonymous terms in determination of guilt and its degree. It is
clearly shown by statutes and particular criminal cases in which there was made
the attempts to re-state common law, keep it current, and elaborate it on. Furthermore,
author reviews the abuse of pardon. Inasmuch as the purchase charters
of pardon was largely correlate with possibilities to take fees to the Crown in
accordance with chattels of accused of homicide, therefore the abuse of charters of pardon for accused of homicide had come to the end of its tether in fourteenth
century, and this required permanent policymaking, because of continuous
stream of petitions to the kings and parliament declaration by statutes of that
problem seemed to be unsolvable.
A.S. Matnenko. (2009). Legal Groundwork for Planned Activity of the Contemporary
Russian State. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 1, 95–116.
This article is devoted to actual problems of creation of national planning
system in the Russian Federation. Special attention is paid to issues concerning
legal groundwork for this process.
A lot of attention in this paper is given to a theoretical problem of correlation
between plans and rights as forms and methods of state activity. Results of
the scientific discussion that concern this topic and can be traced in Russian legal
literature of the Soviet period (since 1920s) were comprehensively considered.
In the paper points of view on the given question by such authors as S.S.
Alekseev, N.G. Aleksandrov, O.E. Kutafin, A.F. Nozdrachev, S.M. Bertsinsky,
V.V. Laptev, A.V. Mitskevich, E.B. Pashukanis and others were introduced and
The author based his own position on the detailed analysis of the current
Russian legislation regulating issues concerning results-oriented planning, as
well as separate federal target programs presented as examples.
The conclusion was made in the paper saying that planned documents
(programs, projects) confirmed by public authority bodies are a version of legal
acts. A planned norm not only fixes the purpose of authorities’ activity but also
connects achievement of the given purpose with the certain period of time, as
well as a complex of necessary measurements and resources.
One of the main lacks of the current federal legislation regulating processes
of planning is its fragmentariness and discrepancy.
Recognition of the fact that there is a legal norm in a planned norm
causes certain requirements to a definition of contents of a norm, use of legal
terms and structures allowing to define precisely rights and a duties of subjects,
as well as liability for nonperformance of a norm. A purpose that is being formulated
should be concrete, measurable, achievable and it should meet other targetsetting
requirements (so-called SMART-requirements). Taking into account that
the given requirements are rarely observed, it is necessary to develop and define
special rules of text legal drafting methodology of texts developing for planned
documentation of different kinds.
Yu.V. Vasilieva. (2009). To the Problem of the Preamble Role in the Normatively-
Legal Act. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 1, 117–122.
The article is devoted to the methodological points of codification of the
Russian legislation on social security. In accordance to the general theory of law,
only normatevely-legal acts, i.e. the ones containing legal regulations are subject
to the selection of legislation codification. However, in reality only a small
number of acts consist of legal regulations. Moreoften normanevely-legal acts
contain non-normative propositions as well, such as individual norms, appeals,
addressings and preambles.
Acts consisting both of legal regulations and non-normative propositions
are considered to be subject to codification in particular. To be exact, only legal
regulations will be selected for codification wheares non-normative propositions
will be rejected.
At the same time not all of the traditionally ranked with non-normative
propositions are surely the ones, e.g. in the Russian juridical science the problem
of the lawforce of the Preamble to the normative act is quite a moot point. There
is no juridical securing of the preamble lawforce. Neither are there the requirements
to what acts it should be and to its content. Law courts consider the Preamble
role differently. There are cases when law courts in their desicions allege
to the propositions of the Preamble but these cases are rare.
The majority of scientists and practical workers regard that the preamble
doesn’t have the normative character, can’t and mustn’t contain legal regulations,
but only declarative propositions, addressings, etc. But there is another
opinion. Some researchers are sure in the law Preamble being its part and because
of that it can’t take part in legal regulation of those terms that are the law
object. It is suggested that in the Preamble norms-principals or norms-definitions
should be fixed. In the legislation on social security currently in force such examples
take place.
While selecting acts for the codification of the legislation on social security
it’s necessary to mind the following. One mustn’t automatically exclude the
Preamble from the text of the laws codified only for the reason of their not being
officially acknowledged normative. It’s necessary to evaluate their content beforehand.
The most fundamental Preambles must be transformed into the norms
of the future code of social security. Besides, the future Code of social security
itself must be provided with the detailed Preamble with politically-legal and social
obligations of the Russian Federation in the sphere of social security fixed in
it. The further development of the branch legislation must take place on the basis
of those common principles that are formulated in the Code Preamble. Such
principles, on the one hand, provide the internal unity of the Code itself. On the
other hand, they systematize all branch acts uniting them by common meaning.
A.B. Agapov. (2009). The Public Status of the Noncommercial Organizations. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 1, 123–132.
The article describes rights and duties of the noncommercial organizations
during their interactions with the inforcement authorities and their officials.
The noncommercial organizations consist of legal persons, intended for realization
of socially significant activity in spheres of economy, social policy, culture.
Extraction of profit is not the basic purpose of their activity.
Depending on the maintenance of property competences the noncommercial
organizations can be divided conditionally into three basic kinds – the
special, public and ordinary noncommercial organizations. The organizations
created in the organizational-legal form (kind) of fund concern to the special
noncommercial organizations. Enterprise competences of such organizations are
essentially limited, they are intended, first of all, for realization of authorized
socially-priority activity in spheres of culture, art, protection of the social rights,
political activity.
Independent establishment is the noncommercial organization created by
the Russian Federation, the subject of Federation or municipal formation for performance
of works, rendering of services with a view of maintenance of the state
and municipal powers in spheres of social policy and culture. Depending on the
maintenance of public needs in the form of independent establishments the objects
operating in spheres of public health services can be created. Also in the
form of independent establishments can be created the objects operating in
spheres theatrical, musical, of motion picture arts.
The independent establishments created in sphere of town-planning activity,
render public services on areas of architecturally-building designing, territorial
planning and others, applicability of such establishments can also be industrial
activity, including construction, major overhaul, a design of objects of
capital construction.
The noncommercial organizations in the form of independent establishments
are created also in the field of scientific activity – in spheres natural and
applied sciences.
The legal regulation of activity of independent establishments is provided
with the certificates of the various validity including unified and special
The founder of independent establishment can be the Russian Federation,
the subject of Federation or the municipal formation, presented by corresponding
enforcement authority or municipal body.
Economic procedures provide formation by independent establishment
and other noncommercial organization of the target capital created due to donations,
the money resources brought in kinds acting basicly not from public
Independent establishments can be addressees of budgetary funds, in this
case, additional duties are assigned to them on their target use.
The major attribute of the public status of independent establishment are
the attitudes caused by carrying out of the state control (supervision). The noncommercial
organizations are object of the general control during which execution
of fiscal, information and other public duties is checked.
Application of sanctions to public noncommercial establishments is always
caused by its organizational-legal form, although federal laws establish
various preconditions and procedures of application of such sanctions.
E.G. Dorokhina. (2009). Efficiency of Legal Regulation of Management in a
System of Bankruptcy and Measures on Its Perfection. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 1, 133–177.
The paper has studied a problem of efficiency of legal regulation of
management in a system of bankruptcy. In the paper given problem has been
considered from the point of view of complex approach to research of efficiency
of legal regulation of social management, assumes detection of a set of criterions
permitting to define parameters of efficiency (degree of efficiency of control
action in a certain orbit of the public relations (in particular, in a system of bankruptcy).
It is concern: efficiency of organization and operation of object of management,
reaching of the purposes and problems of the controlled subsystem,
orientation to obtaining of common social efficiency (satisfaction of needs and
realization of interests of a society, social groups and the individuals stipulated
by conventional principles and norms of international law and national constitutional
principles), calculation general requirements to management (achievement
of the best result, stability, efficiency, flexibility, continuity), ordering of an organizational
structure of management(control), optimum distribution of functions
among the subjects of management(control) and allotment with their appropriate
legal means.
The construction of model of management with allowance for of indicated
factors sets vector to legal regulation, which, in turn, due to internal properties
of the right should provide an optimum combination of methods and ways
of legal regulation, stimulating, limiting and other legal means, to accelerate an
operation of the norms of the right, to conform the requirements of legal technique.
The efficiency of the working model of management in a system of
bankruptcy is evaluated by the author, first of all, through the social and economic
results reached by object of management, expressed in quantitative and
qualitative indicators. The statistics of quantity of the extinguished requirements
of creditors in actions of proceeding about bankruptcy (result of achievement of
the basic purpose of bankruptcy), allows to speak about low efficiency of legal
regulation of management in a system of bankruptcy.
The author offers a complex of measures on perfection of a legal
mechanism of management in system of bankruptcy on the basis of the analysis
of action of the general principles of management, analysis of information communications and streams inside of a control system of bankruptcy, an optimality
of organizational and functional structure of management.
T.V. Efimceva. (2009). Stages of Innovation Activity. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 1, 178–197.
Innovation process is an idea brought and often used by economists,
though it may also be of interest to individuals involved in legal practice, as only
under closer look it is possible to find what kind of legal support does the innovation
activity needs, and what kind of legal field does it use.
Innovation process is identified with idea of innovation cycle and innovation
phase. They differ mostly in number of stages distinguished by scientists
working in this field.
In general, innovation process may be presented as follows: fundamental
studies – applied studies – scientific and research work – development work –
industrial production – marketing – sale. This formula reflects the essence of
innovation activity and direction of its implementation: from abstract solution to
the real product, and then to the profit.
The basis of innovation process is the process of development and absorption
of new techniques (technologies). This process starts with fundamental
studies directed at obtaining new scientific knowledge and discovering most significant
consistent patterns.
The second stage of development and absorption of new techniques
(technologies) is applied studies, which are performed by scientific technology
agencies and colleges.
The final stage of the science is industrial production of new products
that includes scientific and industrial process of assimilation: conducting tests of
new (improved) product and technical and technological preparation of production.
The stage of practical application of scientific achievement is followed
by presentation of the innovation product to mass production. As a matter of
fact, only after production stage that demonstrates real economic effect, the invention,
useful model, production sample or any other achievement of a man is
transformed to innovation (novelty). After production stage, when trial batch of
product was manufactured, the innovation becomes ready for the massive marketing
in the form of goods, works, services or technologies implemented in full
project power.
At the same time, the specifics of innovation activity allows to admit
that innovation process is not completed with the first appearance of the new
product on the market. It also continues after implementation, because innovation
requires improvements and therefore, it may obtain new consumption qualities.
This situation opens new usage areas for such object, new markets and new
T.V. Letuta. (2009). Principles of Corporate Management in Civil Law. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 1, 198–210.
In the present work the analysis and generalization of theoretical development
Russian and of some foreign authors, judiciary practice on problems of
corporate management is spent. Research of rules of law, and also the specified
sources convincingly shows necessity of legislative fastening of principles of
corporate management for Russia.
This article consists of the several parts allowing consistently to designate
all essential moments of a theme of research, namely, to specify definition
of principles in civil law science; an opportunity of application of principles of
civil law to considered attitudes; to prove necessity of special principles of corporate
management and to reveal their concept, quantity and legislative fastening.
In the beginning the general problems of concept of principles in the
Russian legal system, principles of civil law and their role in corporate attitudes
are considered. The conclusion about impossibility of recognition sufficient for
regulation of corporate management of presence only principles of civil law is
done. The last have the general character and should be supplemented with special
principles which will allow to design in the further adequate normative regulation.
Further, approaches available on today to definition of principles of corporate
management and their quantity are generalized. Works of such authors as
are investigated: A. Varlamova, A. Glushetsky, V.V. Dolynskaya, T. Kashanina,
S.D. Mogylevsky, D.A. Pumpjansky, D.A. Stepanov, A. Juljanets and others.
Advantages and lacks of allocation of those or other positions as principles of
corporate management are specified.
Further, in work author’s vision of concept and quantity of principles of
corporate management, by research of the legal nature of management in corporations,
intrinsic characteristics of the given phenomenon as institute of civil law
is formulated. The author lifts and solves the problems put in work on an example
of such corporations as joint-stock companies.
Using various sources, the author comes not only to a conclusion about
concept and structure of principles of corporate management which has fundamental,
theoretical character, but also to a conclusion about necessity of fastening
of those for norms of the federal law on joint-stock companies, having the
big practical value. The given norm, in opinion of the author, will be the legal
base, a basis of a regulation of management in such corporations as joint-stock
companies, to form base for designing new norms. It will allow court and the
arguing parties at the sanction of concrete disputes, to refer not only to special
clauses of the law, but also on the given norm, that, undoubtedly, will strengthen
opportunities of protection of the corporate rights of participants of considered
Thus, the present work is of interest not only in the scientific plan, but
also from the point of view of perfection of the legislation and the analysis of
judiciary practice on problems of corporate management.
S.V. Matveev. (2009). The Forming Process of Testimonies of Minors in
Criminal Procedure. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 1, 211–226.
Psychological mechanism of building a testimony is traditionally divided
in three stages (phases): perception, memorizing and reproduction.
The nature and results of perception are connected with the perception
object and peculiarities of the perceiving individual. Minors’ perception of outer
reality is conditioned by the age characteristics. During age development their
perception changes, it improves. In any situation children distinguish things that
attract their attention by unusual form, bright color, glitter etc. They separate
reflected objects from all constant irritants not by objective significance in the
situation (as adults do in most cases), but only by external characteristics.
Obtaining full information about an investigated case from a minor suggests
his orientation in space-temporal relation environment. However, minor’s
evaluation of such relations is not always accurate. Thus, children cannot precisely
identify the relative location of people y to each other and surrounding
objects; time perception of minors of preschool and elementary school age is
imperfect. Depending on psychological development and obtaining of knowledge
during study process, accuracy of time differentiation is developed.
In different stages of the processof building a testimony, the interrogatee
has certain psychological conditions that should be considered by the interrogator
in order to discover related distortions and select the proper interrogation
technique. Emotions effect perception process differently. Some of them (curiosity,
doubts, feeling of new) may improve the quality, the other, especially in ultramontane
affect stage, may deform it. Such negative emotions as fear, fright or
agitation bring in mistakes.
Perception of an observed event does not provide its correct reproduction.
As a result of feelings and perceptions, brain cortex forms temporary nervous
connections (associations). Memorizing process starts from here, and memory
activity starts from here as well.
Memorizing of the perceived material by an interrogatee depends on
time factor. With time, there is increasing danger to lose or distort information.
A person in ordinary and quiet circumstances has a tendency to memorize
clearly lastingly when power and brightness of an event goes up, then in extreme
situations a witness, or victim, or guilty party, especially a minor, is weakened
by the strong shock which may even wipe out all remembered things from memory.
In procedural sense, the main and final stage of building a testimony is
reproduction stage. During this stage the interrogation goal is to receive from an
interrogatee meaningful for the case, maximum full information, according to the way the interrogatee perceived the information and kept it in memory. Reproduction
process during interrogation shows itself in the form of word expression
of thoughts made by the interrogatee. The ability to express one’s thoughts
correctly depends on age of a young person and his intellectual development
level. It is most difficult to interrogate minors belonging to youngest groups.
In the process of reproduction of material, teenagers not always arrange
and group it, nor they pay attention to most important things; sometimes secondary
but bright parts of an event take first place in the story. However, in this
case the interpretation of events can be too extended or extremely limited.
In conclusion, it should be noticed that knowledge and skillful usage by
investigator of all consistent patterns and peculiarities of the process of building
a testimony involving minors, produces positive result upon the performed interrogation
and fullness of obtained information by the interrogator dealing with
the case; and finally, for the success of the crime investigation, in general.
V.A. Shestak. (2009). Status of Scientific Support on Delinquency Prevention
in Russian Federation Military Forces. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 1, 227–241.
Due to condition evaluation and development of criminological delinquency
control theory and military criminological aspects of delinquency prevention,
it became possible to evaluate their criminological strain. Delinquency
prevention in the army as anticriminogenic activity of the military command
needs to be examined, summarized, its organization needs improvement and better
effectiveness, including help of scientific support.
Criminological review of legal groundwork on delinquency prevention
in Military Forces has been done for the first time. Study of criminological aspects
of this activity is based on recognition of specific characteristics of criminogenic
delinquency factors, its reasons and conditions, and individual characteristics
of an offender in the Army. Legal groundwork of delinquency prevention
carries a special nature as well, which determines the necessity of its studies
to establish recommendations for its rational organization.
The problem of study of delinquency prevention in Military Forces as a
whole phenomenon has been brought out for the first time; until now the delinquency
of service members was the only subject of scientific study. At the same
time, the Military Forces have good conditions for organization and conduct of
such work as they represent a relatively closed community that functions at one
legal ground and has one material and technical foundation, one operating order
and one goal. All of this helps to summarize condition and dynamics of delinquency
and discover most typical factors that lead to crime commitment of service
members and develop general preventive measures for the whole Military
The subject of this study is collection of events, mechanisms and consistent
patterns that form legal ground for delinquency prevention in the army. Delinquency
prevention subjects shall be military command bodies consisting of proper commanders, officers and staff of military justice department including
departments of legal service in the army, military courts, military prosecution
office, military investigating authority and security authority in the army.
General purpose of army delinquency prevention as socialcriminological
field of the military administration and military justice on the
basis of the acting law and practice requirements are protection of rights of servicemen,
protection against lawless infringement of military legal order; implementation
of law observation and military administration acts by all servicemen;
juridical education and education of servicemen to keep the law and military
administration acts strictly; development of conditions for prevention of all types
of delinquency, correction and correctional education of servicemen who committed
wrong acts or crimes.
M.I. Zamikhovskii. (2009). The Private Theoty of Judicial-Autotechnical Expertise. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 1, 242–256.
At creation of the general theory of judicial examination it was considered
two factors, concerning private theories of sorts of judicial examinations.
First of them? The account of presence of already generated theories of such
sorts (classes) as criminalistics also it is judicial-medical. The second factor is
creation of new private theories of sorts of judicial examinations, including theories
is judicial-autotechnical expert appraisal.
Private theories can be various on volume and an orientation of knowledge
formulated in them. They can define ways of a concrete definition of positions
of the general theory of judicial examination.
Private theories are created at the certain stage of development of each
sort of examination. Legitimacy and a methodological admissibility of creation
of private theories of judicial examinations admits works under the general theory
of judicial examination.
Now there are all bases for creation of the theory of judicial autotechnical
expert appraisal and its methodology from a position knows a science and the
specific laws defining development of judicial examinations. The scientific and
empirical material which has been saved up by manufacture of judicial autotechnical
expert appraisals, allows to finish process of preparation of its theory at the
present stage. The theory of a sort of judicial examination is not equal on the
volume of all scientific area, îòíîñèìîé to a sort of examination though is a
conceptual kernel of this scientific area.
Into structure of the theory of judicial autotechnical expert appraisal enter:
1. Methodological bases of the theory;
2. A subject, object and problems;
3. Methods and techniques in structure of judicial-autotechnical expert
4. Subjects of expert activity.
Any science is wider, than volume of its basic theory. The hypothesis in
exact conformity with positions of a science meets the requirements, reflecting
its objective character, and allows it to turn to the theory. These requirements the
following: intelligence, consistency, check, acknowledgement, opportunity of
transfer of the information, adaptedness. One of stages of creation of the theory
of judicial autotechnical expert appraisal is classification and specification of
language of the theory. The closing stages of formation of the theory of judicial
autotechnical expert appraisal should be the analysis and synthesis of everything
which are a subject processing of a material, formation of results with use of
methods of abstraction and formalization. Paying attention to ordering of a
knowledge available in the field of judicial autotechnical expert appraisal, it is
necessary to add the theory with a directing and supervising role during the subsequent
scientific research.
Methodological value of the scientific theory and law of judicial
autotechnical expert appraisal are shown that the theory becomes simultaneously
and a specific method of research.
S.Ya. Lihovaya. (2009). Harmony Problems of International and Ukraine Anticorruption
Law. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 1, 257–267.
Today we have fairly impressive and strong international anticorruption
law. Some of documents accepted by UN and Council of Europe have mandatory
nature for states – members of mentioned international organizations, other
have recommendation status, however, all their experience in this field has unvalued
meaning for Ukraine law and other modern states. Particularly, coordinated
actions of states connected by numerous strings of economical, financial,
political and cultural cooperation can produce positive results in the struggle
with corruption, especially related to legalization (laundering) of unlawfully collected
capital, in the fight against drug business, human trafficking, traffic in
Some foreign countries (Germany, France, Italy) succeeded in fighting
against corruption. Their experience in the process of development of Ukraine
anticorruption law will have positive result.
Today, most of the laws accepted by Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, stay
far from being perfect and they do not work. They need to be reviewed.
Corruption threatens national security and Ukrainian social system, it influences
formation and operation of government and political institutions, it undermines
the citizens’ trust to authorities. Lately corruption activity has not decreased,
and at the moment the fight against this negative phenomenon is one of
urgent and central directions of state politics.
During Ukraine independency period legislative and executive branches
of power were not able to make serious effect at limitation of level, scale and
extent of corruption. Anticorruption law consisting of more then 100 laws, decrees
and Government decrees could not help to achieve the final goal – to cope with corruption, because it was directed to fight corruption among officials of
middle and lower echelon and does not comply with international norms and
standards to full extent.
Main provisions of anticorruption law are set forth in Model Law About
Fight Against Corruption accepted at thirteenth plenary meeting of Interparliamentary
Assembly of states, – Commonwealth of Independent States participants.
This law protects freedom and rights of citizens, it provides protection of
a state from threats of corruption, affective operation of the state authorities,
public officials and individuals equated to them by the way of prevention, exposure
and discovering of corruption offences, elimination of its consequences and
bringing in guilty party to account; it defines main principles in the fight against
corruption and establishes types of offences related to corruption and conditions
under which a party is considered guilty.
Effective fight against corruption is only possible when an effective system
exists that provides its prevention, development of preventive measures of
fight efforts to this socially dangerous thing, discovering and overcoming its social
preconditions and occurence.
Likhovaya S.Ya. (2009). Problemy sootvetstviya mezhdunarodnogo i ukrainskogo zakonodatel'stva po bor'be s korruptsiei. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 1, 268–277.