L.V. Sokolskaya. (2009). Types of Legal Acculturation. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 6, 1287–1296.
1. On the form legal acculturation can be:
– an expantion, which expects forcible unilateral obtrude society or his
part determined element legal system other sociuma;
– an reception, under which define the unilateral process of the issue
element legal system sociuma-donor with obligatory their assimilation sociumom-
– an assimilation, presenting itself process and result interaction, under
which occurs full or practically full loss of the suit culture sociumom-reception
and so full assimilation of the culture sociumà-donor;
– an interference, under which understand the process and result interaction,
where legal systems can actàas the donor and in swing; societyreception.
2. On territory of the spreading she is characterized as:
– universal acculturation sooner is certain whole-ma vague ideal, than
– regional acculturation became the reality. For instance, regional european
legal integration distinctly reveals itself in history to prospect.
3. On method of change process of the interaction she can be:
– voluntary, under which socium, enterring in contact, strive to more
deep integration on base of the transformations their own legal sistem;
– forced expects the violence, obtrude sociumîm-donor of its legal system
or her element socium-reception;
– compelled by caused mastery (for instance, economic, have political)
dominant sociumà on subordinated that brings about necessary confession of the
last row legal institute main.
4. On result of the process of the interaction legal acculturation possible
divide into:
– an adaptation, which expects the get fat or practically get fat loss
sociumîm-reception its suit culture (the cultural specificity) and full assimilation
of the new culture sociumà-donor;
– a transformation, as a result which occurs the partial , change of the
right sociumà-reception at conservation their own base devil;– an interference, connected with cultural change each contacting
– an integration (literally association in integer of some parts) expects
the mutual adjustment in process which appear new cultural-legal systems, new
– annihilation – mutual destruction cultures contacted socium. As a result
of mutual destruction, as a rule, will be born new socium, which in the following
will form the qualitative new culture.
5. Depending on facilities used in process legal acculturation:
– legislative – by means of legislation;
– usings of the right – by means of joint legal activity, which brings
about shaping cognate , usings of the right practical persons;
– contractual – by means of conclusion of the agreements legal on cooperation
agreements on legal help;
– doctrine – a quotient by way.
6. On depth of the influence acculturation can incidences-cotton wool or
separate rates, or integer institutes and branches so she can be:
– full, which expects not only external, but also internal uniformity;
– partial, which is limited by achievement only external monotony i.e.
occurs the perception separate legal institute.
7. Depending on type of the cultures contacted socium distinguish:
– traditional acculturation, which exists at interaction traditionallyreligious
and usually-legal cultures;
– mundane, resulting from interaction \"state\" legal cultures;
– an between type, which appears at interaction of the cultures different
civilization (east and west civilization, traditional and modern society).
8. On degree of openness of the process of the interaction her possible
subdevides in:
– an openning, connected with legal expantion and ðåöåïöèåé and, as
rule, coverring sphere publicly-legal institute;
– hiding (latent) acculturation, connected with assimilation and interference
and coverring sphere quotient right.
9. Depending on amount subject perceiving cultures-but-legal traditions:
– mutual – a voluntary interaction, mutual exchange cultural value.
– unilateral – a voluntary borrowing.
10. Shaping united legal space different way occurs In process legal acculturation.
So in envybridges from ways of the realization legal acculturation it
differs on:
– a modernization – within the framework of which, possible select following
about-cession: development of the small group modernized (overtaking)
state; the overtaking development, in the course of which lagged behind overtake
gone onward; the attempts modernized state to give the answers to new call
on way èííîâàöèé;
– internation– given way intensifies the influence of the external factor
on development of the national legal system;
– an unification – under which exists process of the production uniform
rates of the legal regulation determined public relations, expecting removal difference
in regulation cognate or related phenomenas and creating miscellaneous
level universal standard of the acts
11. In dependencies of the directivities of the process legal acculturation
she can be
– a straight line – as a result of invasions, colonizations, migration;
– indirect – through legal value, rates, institutes, judicial practical person,
mass media.
retseptsiya, assimilyatsiya, adaptatsiya, interferentsiya, transformatsiya