G.D. Sadovnikova. (2008). Problems of Development Institute People Representation
in Conditions International Integration. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 6, 1297–1304.
Author in the article considers briefly the influence of international legal
norms and international standards in the field of parliamentarism on the development
of Russian legislation. Article emphasizes that Constitutional Court of
Russian Federation while forming its legal positions is guiding by universally
acknowledged principles and norms of international law and they shall be subject
to application by the courts of common jurisdiction.
The basis attention in this article author spares the role of parliaments,
which in contemporary democracies continues to evolve as parliaments are faced
with new challenges. How should parliaments react to the new forms of international
organizations? Should they play a role in upholding judicial independence
countries in the international field? How should they contribute to the protection
of fundamental rights? The article aims to provide some answers to these questions,
shows the parliaments role and attitude regarding the judiciary with a special
focus on the independence of the judiciary in a comparative perspective.
One of modern international tendency is forming international bodies
with overnational functions. Author proposes for Russian Federation principles
of enter to international organizations, having bodies with overnational functions,
with purpose keeping status of sovereign state.
L.A. Petruchak. (2008). Legal Nihilism in Contemporary Russia. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 6, 1305–1319.
The article is devoted legal nihilism as one of vital issues. Presently, this
phenomenon is prevailing in Russia and is referred to in a number of the most
significant state reports as a factor jeopardizing national security and hampering
democratic reforms in Russia.
The article analyses the concept of legal nihilism, its essence and contents,
expression forms and levels, social hazard. The paper sets forth various
viewpoints taken by theoreticians in law, highlights its complexity and manysided
Among domestic researchers there is not a common approach to understanding
of the legal nihilism phenomena. Some (N.I. Matuzov, V.A. Tumanov)
refer to legal nihilism all factors characteristic of negative approach to law including
factors related to crime and other violations of law. Others (P.P.
Baranov, V.V. Russkikh) reckon in only those cases of conscious disregard of
law requirements accompanied with a lack of illegal intents.
As a result of the study, the author comes to a conclusion that legal nihilism
is a negative perception to current law system, legislation, and law practice.
This phenomenon is expressed in many various ways: from doctrinal, theoretic
postulates to actual illegal actions.
A feature characteristic of the phenomenon in question is an extent. That
is, intensity, flatness and ultimate nature of this phenomena. By expressing
qualitative, rather than quantitative, characteristics, the mentioned feature is objectively
displayed via expression form of legal nihilism, thus enabling to judge
about deformation limits of juridical conscience.
Unfortunately, legal nihilism has acquired wide-spread nature, being
present not only among population but among officials in governmental structures.
Nowadays, nihilism, particularly in form of corruption, is a destructive
phenomenon which harms both citizens and the state as a whole.
The time urgently requires a deeper reasoning of causes of legal nihilism,
the essence of this wide-spread phenomenon, development of nihilism control
means and methods.
One of the goals of our study was both to analyze theoretic perceptions
of legal nihilism and highlight the significance of on-going studies of this phenomenon,
and attract a wider attention of scientists. One is to intensify efforts
aimed at development of ways to control and, not least, to prevent legal nihilism.
This is a complex and many-sided problem and the increase of legal consciousness
of the population, law culture level and hence construction of a rule-of-law
state will depend on a positive and timely solution of the problem.
A.S. Sukharev. (2008). Problems of Terminological Base in Administrative
Law’s Theory. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 6, 1320–1329.
Administrative law is one of the most important branches of law in the
Russian Federation. Rules of this branch govern the majority of legal public relations,
developed equally in the sphere of system and structure of state bodies’
organization and in the sphere of their legal public activity.
The subject of administrative law is public relations, which occur, are
modified and ceased during realization of the executive power, public administration
and other non-administrative by-laws regulatory authoritative power.
Rules of administrative law are so numerous and the subject of their legal
regulation is so broad that it is appeared crucial to state unique definitions –
legal concepts, on which this branch of law theory is based.
In administrative law theory the concept of public administration is most
known as independent type of authoritative public activity, having organizational,
executive-regulatory, by-laws nature, executed by special category of
administrative law subjects – state bodies (and their officials) with regard to
practical realization of tasks and state functions during day-to-day and direct
regulation of economic, social, cultural political and administrative construction.
Notwithstanding some difference in opinion, many scientists specialized
in administrative law emphasize traditionally organizational, executive and regulatory
nature of administrative public activity, focused on decision-making on
main tasks and performance of main state functions. At the same time many authors
adhere to an opinion in their publications with regard to different conceptual
filling of term, speaking of public administration in broad and narrow sense.
Such approach to determination of the general concept of public administration
is supposed to be controversial. The definition of public administration is
thought to be unique regardless of broadness (or narrowness) of sense.
Some of the scientists specialized in administrative law make no distinction
between public administration and realization of the executive power. This
position is supposed to be controversial, since public administration as a type of
by-laws, organizational, executive-regulatory and law-enforcement activity appears
in every state body, including those which are not related to the executive
In this article the attempt was made with regard to content analysis of
the concept “public administration” and delimitation of this legal concept from
similar in substance, but not identical legal concepts – realization of the executive
power and other by-laws authoritative power.
A.I. Chuchaev, A.P. Firsova. (2008). The Essence and the Influence of Criminal
Law Impact. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 6, 1330–1346.
The term “criminal law impact” is relatively new for the Criminal law
doctrine. It is fairly used in the special literature as the synonym of the legal
definition for “measures of criminal law character.” Such approach can be explained
by the content of our country’s Criminal and Correctional legislations
standards regulating the problems of correctional, social, and educational influence
on convicted persons. In this respect, the foreign experience of legal techniques
is a good example.
The extensiveness and limited gnoseological possibilities of the term
“measures of criminal law character” caused the need of “enrichment” of the
Criminal Law notions apparatus. The deficiency of this term is that it doesn’t
reflect the integrity of the defined notion. As a consequence, the stable tendency
of studying such measures by means of their comparative analysis with penalty
has been worked out in the theory. The problem of their nature, however, is
never raised. The more capacious terminological combination “criminal law impact,” on the contrary, has a precise content and prompts to carry out the systematic
scientific analysis and to reveal the legal nature of this phenomenon.
In the history of philosophy the term “essence” is defined as the starting
point of things comprehension, the everlasting principle of their existence, the
internal structure and the primary quality. Studying characteristics of criminal
law measures, marked by criminologists, has made it possible to conclude that
the definiteness of criminal standards, the restriction of rights, the provision of
realization and the special purpose are the secondary, formal features of such
system. Both independently and in their total combination they cannot show the
exclusiveness and individual clarity of the studied notion. In this connection,
none of these characteristics can fall under the category of having “essence.”
The terminological interpretation and etymology of the wordcombination
“criminal law impact” shows that this term specially emphasizes
the nature of the state-enforcement activity, its connection with the preceding
event. According to the analysis of the criminal law literature and the results of
experts’ conclusions, it is the basis of the impact that is referred by scientists to
the category of essential quality regarding to appropriate measures and this fact
gives rise considerable divergences in the interpretation of other characteristics.
The special purpose of criminal law is revealed in the struggle against
socially dangerous actions committed by convicted persons that are prohibited
by the criminal code. Meanwhile, the culpability of committing such actions
isn’t the prerequisite of exercising criminal law impact. Some measures of
criminal law nature can be applied to persons having committed a socially dangerous
action in the state of insanity.
Summing-up principles that have been stated above, it is suggested that
under the essence of criminal law impact we understand the state’s return measures,
applicable to the person who has committed a socially dangerous action
prohibited by the criminal code.
Yu.V. Gracheva. (2008). Types of Criminal Matters. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 6, 1347–1369.
Regulating criminal matters appear and function only on the basis of
rules of criminal law. No criminal matter can be originated without the relative
legal rule.
Regulating criminal matters are the implementation of regulating legal
rules. Legal matter is a rule of law at work. The final objectives of those, basically,
are the same: they are intended to regulate one or another public matter
and to coordinate interrelation of the relative physical and juridical persons.
Rule or law and legal matter are the constituent parts (elements) of a
single mechanism of legal regulation and perform some common functions
within this mechanism besides their own functions. The said mechanism will not
be able to operate without these main elements.
Depending on the peculiar features of legal circumstances or juridical
facts the criminal matters are divided into regulating and protective. Legal impact is exercised on the so called common relations within the frame of regulatory
criminal matters and on relations occurred as a result of violation of the
standard course of development of common relations within the frame of protective
criminal matters.
So that regulating criminal matters occur, the following juridical (special)
preconditions shall be available: a) criminal law rule that has come into
force and is still valid; b) a person that is sane and of age of criminal discretion
and supplementary condition. Collectively these juridical preconditions form
complex facts (or juridical set of facts) giving rise to regulatory criminal matters.
The first two conditions are mandatory, i.e., no origination of regulating criminal
matter is feasible without availability of these conditions; the other ones relative
to special characteristic features of subject of law or to optional characteristic
features of object of law are supplementary.
Commission of crime by a person is the juridical fact giving rise to protective
criminal matter.
Different substantive aspects of criminal responsibility are the content of
protective criminal matters regulated by the rules of criminal law. Such substantive
aspects are connected both with the occurrence of crime and with the imposition
of penalty, its changing, impunity and relief from criminal responsibility
implemented by means of criminal procedure matters and criminal correction
O.N. Ordina. (2008). Revisited the Codification of Administrative Legislation. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 6, 1370–1374.
Lawmaking cannot come to an end at a certain stage by virtue of development
of social, economic and political relationships that require legal regulation.
Dynamism of the sources of the Russian administrative legislation, its
changing and improving, passing of new acts, making amendments to those and
reversal of obsolete laws make it necessary to organize the entire set of the existing
administrative regulations into a definite scientifically grounded system.
That is why during recent years the systematization by which the activity of the
relevant governmental authorities in terms of regulation of the legislation is usually
meant is of great importance in Russia in the context of forming of the new
system of the sources of the Russian administrative legislation. Codification is
the main form of systematization aimed at creation of new consolidated or integrating
acts regulating social relations in a new way and replacing the previous
legislation or creating absolutely unknown acts missing in the legal system.
From the moment of adoption of the Russian Constitution in 1993 there
appeared the necessity to revise the entire existing administrative law matters
with a view to clear out a large quantity of actually dormant but formally still not
void administrative acts and to create the new ones consolidating the separated
existing regulations.
Administrative legislation is uncodified to the utmost extent. Currently
there exist a large number of non-interrelated rules of the administrative laws that are contained in different sources adopted by the authorities of different levels.
Interaction and coordination of these rules are not regulated, often resulting
in contradicting and duplicating.
For the purpose of implementation of the principle of democratism it
would be expedient to separate the whole group of the rules regulating the administrative
legal status of citizens as an independent section and to issue a unified
codified act covering these matters.
N.V. Frolova. (2008). Once again about whether There Are Any Reasons to
Recognize Integrated Economic Systems as Subjects of the Law. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 6, 1375–1385.
Presented article contains the author’s point of view concerning one of
the existing problems in jurisprudence whether there are any reasons to recognize
integrated economic systems as subjects of the law. On the basis of the
analysis of some laws and other normative legal acts the conclusion is made that
the disagreements stated in scientific sphere are consequence of not totally considered
position of the legislator. Officially not allocating the integrated economic
systems the status of subjects of the right it in some cases fixes positions
which can be interpreted ambiguously. Nevertheless, in opinion of the author of
the article, it does not follow from the legislation that the integrated economic
systems are allocated with the rights and duties, i.e. they do not have one of basic
attributes of the subject of the right. According to the current legislation the
rights and duties arise only at the managing subjects that are the participants of
integrated economic systems. The arising between managing subjects relations
of economic dependence invested with the legal form serve as the basis for their
V.V. Fedin. (2008). Pretrial Stage of Consideration of Individual Employment
Disputes. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 6, 1386–1401.
Process of consideration and settlement of an individual employment
dispute is preceded by a stage of pre-juridical settlement of disputes between the
contending parties, namely, the employee and the employer.
Up to the moment of turning to a council of conciliation or going to
court an employee shall make attempts to settle the disputes by himself or by
involving an authorized representative in the course of negotiations with the employer
or his authorized official (manager of the organization, personnel deputy
manager, head of personnel department, etc.).
Councils of conciliation are established directly in organizations or by
individual entrepreneurs to consider employment disputes of employees of these
organizations or individual entrepreneurs. Council of conciliation is established
on a parity basis, i.e., it consists of equal numbers of employees’ and employer’s
representatives. Labor legislation regulates the activities of council of conciliation only in a general way that is why it is expedient to work out regulations of
council of conciliation at the level of local statutory acts. Details of the structure,
functions and operation of the relative council of conciliation shall be set forth in
these regulations.
The moment when an employee puts on the relative application shall be
considered as the moment of origin of procedural legal relations.
An employee may apply to the relative council of conciliation within
three months since the date of his learning or finding out of his right being infringed.
The fact that the employee fails to apply within the said period of time
shall not entitle the council of conciliation to reject the application of the employee.
In any case any council of conciliation must accept an application submitted
with delay. If it is ascertained that there is no reasonable excuse for the
delay the council does not revive the missed deadline of submitting of the application
and make a decision on dismissal of the claim of the employee. But if it is
found out that the deadline of application to the council of conciliation is missed
with reasonable excuse the council is entitled to revive it and to consider the
claim to the point.
An employee submits a written application to the relative council of
conciliation. Such application includes the date of the employee’s learning of
infringement of his rights and/or legitimate interests and the subject of this individual
employment dispute together with the evidence proving the fact of infringement
of his legal rights and/or legitimate interests set forth therein.
Consideration of an individual employment dispute by council of conciliation
is preceded by a stage of preparation of an application for hearings.
Any individual employment dispute is considered in the presence of the
applicant or his authorized representative. Consideration of a dispute in the absence
of the employee or his representative is allowed only upon written request
of the employee.
Decision of council of conciliation is made by a majority vote of the
members present. Minutes of the meeting are signed by each and all the members
of the relative council. Any member who does not agree with the majority
decision shall sign the minutes of the meeting of the council of conciliation but
is entitled to state his individual opinion in the minutes.
Wordings of decision of council of conciliation shall be clear, legally
valid and literate. Decision of council of conciliation is binding. The force of
decision of council of conciliation lies in the requirement to be executed by employer
and in case of refusal to execute the decision at free will the decision is
Decision of council of conciliation may be appealed in court by employee
or employer within ten days after delivery of a copy of council’s decision.
V.N. Ivakin. (2008). Official Registration of the Powers of Attorney Representative
Attendant in Civil and Arbitration Proceedings. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 6, 1402–1423.
Attorney representative attendant in civil and arbitration proceedings can
carry out activities only on the basis of the powers established under some or
other procedure. In this connection the problems of determining of the way of
their establishing are the issue of the day, have practical importance and require
to be studied in a more thorough way as so far as it is done.
Powers differ from rights by three essential characteristic features,
namely, a) powers are legal capabilities to take proceedings not on one’s own
behalf but on behalf of other person; b) powers are derived from rights; c) accrual
and further existence of powers of the representative, in general, depend on
volition of the person being represented. With regard to the above characteristic
features, powers should be distinguished from rights, in particular, not to confuse
the former with common rights of persons involved in a case and representing
legal capabilities to take proceedings on their own behalf.
The right of an attorney to appear in court as a representative is ascertained
by authorization certificate (order) issued by the relative bar. To carry out
the so called handling acts (i.e., acts relative to handling of statutory remedies, in
particular, of civil complaint or claim), attorney representative attendant shall
have powers of attorney document with indication of the corresponding special
powers and authorities.
As distinct from the western countries, during recent years there has appeared
a tendency in this country expressed in theoretical appeals and practical
actions aimed at toughening of the procedures for establishing of powers of attorneys
representatives in civil proceedings. Meanwhile, unreasonable formalization
of a process always has adverse impact on the interests of persons involved
in a case and, above all, on citizens.
Even though the problem of procedural establishment of powers of attorney
representative in civil proceedings in clearly solved by law the state of
affairs in arbitration proceedings is different. Powers of attorney to plead a case
in arbitration court are ascertained in compliance with the federal law. In connection
with non-availability of specific procedures for establishment of powers
of attorney in arbitration remedial legislation, present-day juridical literature
contains different opinions concerning the procedures for establishment of such
The following state of affairs is hardly justified when an attorney is allowed
as a representative in arbitration proceedings under power of attorney,
while to participate in civil proceedings it is enough to produce an authorization
certificate. The simplified procedure for establishment of powers of attorney in
civil proceedings is determined by the fact that such attorney delegated by the
state to perform the function of protection of rights and legitimate interests of
citizens and organizations performs public function and acts as a legal intercessor and not just as a private legal representative of a person involved in the case.
Besides, the requirement to produce an authorization certificate rather than a
power of attorney significantly facilitates the process of establishment of powers
of any attorney which is of no small importance from political standpoint since
any attorney may plead a significant number of civil cases with different principals
in courts of general jurisdiction. However, public function of protection of
rights and legitimate interests of other persons is performed by attorneys both in
civil and arbitration proceedings and their participation in the latter is absolutely
the same as participation in the former. In this connection it should be provided
that powers of attorney to appear in arbitration court as a representative are established
by an authorization certificate.
I.M. Matskevich. (2008). Criminological Portrait. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 6, 1424–1444.
Criminological portrait of the criminal opens features of the person of
which has connected the life with fulfillment of crimes, more often, on a professional
basis. In character these crimes are repeating, often typical, and the criminal
is often a recidivist. With criminological point of view there is no matter, for
the crimes committed by the person, whether the person was involved in responsibility
or not. In the context of the present work, the problems connected with
formation, development, degradation and the subsequent destruction of gaolbirds
person are of interest. Various aspects of a problem are considered, and
drawing up of the criminal experience portrait is most studied. On this basis the
hypothesis about individual criminological portrait of the criminal which has
unique practical value is put forward. Methods and ways of drawing up of such
portrait are offered, features of its application in work of are examined by law
enforcement bodies, and scientists representing various branches of knowledge,
connected with studying of the person.
E.P. Ishchenko, P.P. Ishchenko. (2008). Informatization of Investigative Activities
is an Adequate Response to the Present-day Criminality. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 6, 1445–1460.
Changes in social and economic situation in this country, emergence of
free market relations, split of the Soviet Union followed by geopolitical shifts as
well as explosion-like distribution of publicly-accessible means of communication
and computer technologies and technical means have changed the life of the
entire Russian society and at the same time have given rise to a new formation of
Russian criminality. Changes in criminality during the last two decades require
deep understanding of those for the purpose of elaboration of adequate approaches
to combat the new forms of criminal occurrences.
Change in the structure of criminal motivations is the first thing that has
introduced itself to notice of law enforcement officers, right after commencement
of the said processes. Disorderly conduct and other motiveless delicts so common during the Soviet period sharply declined and gave place to crimes and
offenses characterized by evident lucrative motive.
Revival of entrepreneurship and free market relations with inefficient
control of vast and seemingly available cash flows immediately attracted almost
the entire range of Russian criminals into this field: tsekhoviks (black market
manufacturers) – to legalize illegally gained capital; robbers, bandits and racketeers
– in view of tempting of rags-to-riches chance; cheats for whom there appeared
an opportunity to fish in troubled waters of yet immature market; hired
assassins who were eager to offer their services both to organized criminality
and to business men to put out of the way their competitors, etc.
Development of market credit and financial relations, banking or other
lines of financial and economic activities, supporting technologies and technical
means and communication facilities as well as growth of service market create
new types of criminal activity at the same time.
Strengthening of the trend towards committing of lucrative motive
crimes and increase of the share of grouped and organized elements is the resulting
vector of the changes in the structure of criminality. Enlarged and enhanced
equipping of criminals, cooperation of Russian criminals with international
criminality and kept up import of foreign criminal technologies become evident
and noticeable.
The study of structure and sources of additional information used by preliminary
investigation shows that the said information is extremely vast and varied
by its origin, sources and ownership. At present the volume and availability
of the existing information resources suitable for usage in investigative activities
are not specified that is why cataloging of these resources is required.
Different origin and legal status of information recorded by extradepartmental
registration determine different volume and methods of its use as the
source of information support of investigative activities. Multiple information
resources, conditions and technologies of access indicate the complicacy of independent
use of these resources by an investigator. All that confirms the necessity
to establish dedicated analytical departments attached to investigative forces
for the purpose of organizing and providing of overall information support of
investigations carried out. The effective experience of criminal analysts operating
in police investigative forces is gained in the USA and in a number of other
foreign countries. Establishment of such office in Russia will increase the level
of informatization of investigative activities in Russia and become the adequate
response to challenges of present-day criminality.
K.A. Bekyshev. (2008). Russian Federation and Fundamental Principles of
International Law. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 6, 1461–1467.
It is noted in the article that the Soviet Russia and later on the Soviet Union
made a significant contribution to the formation and democratization of fundamental
principles of common international law. As a result of the October revolution of 1917 there came into being a number of principles, for instance the
principle of peaceful coexistence, the principle of cooperation.
The author analyzed viewpoints of Russian international law specialists
on the role of Russia in the formation of fundamental principles of international
law (R.L. Bobrov, N.A. Ushakov, D.N. Baratashvili, D.B. Levin, etc.).
Article 15 of the Constitution stipulates that generally recognized principles
and norms of international law and international treaties of the Russian Federation
make part of its legal system. In other words, these principles can and
must be directly applied and strictly observed by the subjects of the Russian law.
Many Russian lawyers speak about the supremacy of fundamental principles
of international law. The article offers abstracts from these laws. The
Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation is guided in elaborating and voting
on its decisions by generally recognized principles and norms of international
law. This thesis is supported by the author’s analysis of specific decisions
of the Court.
On October 10, 2003 the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian
Federation passed a resolution “On the application of generally recognized principles
and norms of international law and international treaties of the Russian
Federation by courts of general jurisdiction,” which gives a definition of generally
recognized principles of international law and specifies the peculiarities of
its application by courts of all levels.
Russian Federation strictly follows basic principles of common international
law, and peacemaking operations against Georgian troops in the South
Ossetia in August, 2008 testified to it. The Medvedev-Sarkozy plan to settle the
conflict is based on generally recognized principles of international law. In full
accordance with them Russian Federation recognized Abkhazia and South Ossetia
as sovereign states and established diplomatic relations with them on an
embassy level.
E.G. Moiseyev. (2008). The 40th Anniversary of the Treaty on Non-
Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 6, 1468–1482.
In the ÕÕth century for the first time the world faced highly destructive
weapons, i.e., weapons of mass destruction. Three types of those appeared in the
arsenals of states: bacteriological, chemical and nuclear weapons. Application of
the said types of weapons could have put an end to life on Earth. To safeguard
the planet against terracide, the only correct solution was found, i.e., to develop,
adopt and execute international agreements on banning and exterminating of
weapons of mass destruction.
Distribution of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons as well as missile-
carriers is an important factor determining the nature of threats to the national
security of the Russian Federation with regard to its geographical position
and length of the frontiers. Special attention is paid to this matter by the Russian
government. The Russian Federation takes an active part in international endeavors to
consider the problems of non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and
its carriers as well as assists in settlement of these matters by political and diplomatic
means and instruments.
Adherence to the principle of non-proliferation is one of the fundamental
purposes of the foreign policy of Russia. According to the Concept of national
security of Russia, strengthening of the regime of non-proliferation of weapons
of mass destruction and its carriers is the top-priority task of the state and distribution
of weapons of mass destruction is among the main threats to the national
security. Undoubtedly, increase in number of countries possessing the weapons
of mass destruction, especially those situated along the Russian frontiers, is the
greatest threat to security of Russia.
Besides strengthening of the system of the existing agreements on nonproliferation
of nuclear weapons and disarmament, Russia consistently stands
for extension of the international legal base relative to this aspect. In particular,
Russia considers the forthcoming beginning of development of the Treaty on
Prohibition of Production of Fissile Materials for Nuclear-Weapon and Other
Nuclear Explosive Devices at the Geneva Conference on Disarmament to be its
top priority task.
Russia stands for establishment of more rigid but objective standards
regulating the transfer of the most sensitive technologies, such as uranium enrichment
and reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel. The Russian Federation does
not transfer such technologies to non-nuclear states that do not possess those.
Legal base is created and put into practice in the Russian Federation.
This base ensures execution of the international obligations of non-proliferation
of weapons of mass destruction and its carriers. Implementation of a set of
measures ensuring the reliable stock-taking, control and physical protection of
nuclear weapons, of hazardous radiative, chemical and biological substances as
well as barring of unauthorized access to such materials and technologies is ensured
by the legislation.
The national system of export control over transfer of goods and technologies
that can be used for manufacturing of weapons of mass destruction, its
carriers and other types of weapons and military equipment is created and steadily
operates in compliance with the worldwide standards. This system permanently
evolves with regard to new challenges and threats.
N.A. Sokolova. (2008). The Definition and Functions of the International
Governance in the Sphere of Environmental Protection. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 6, 1483–1494.
This article is devoted to formulating of the concept and brief analysis of
functions of the international governance in the sphere of environmental protection.
The governance as a process that has affect on the object for achievement
of exact purposes may be realized in different systems. The international system covered the international relations in the sphere of the environmental
protection can be defined as a special type of social system.
Any social system requires not only maintenance of the viability, but
also providing of progressive development.
The international law aspects of governance require to indicate that the
influence on the relations concerning the exploitation of natural resources and
preservation of environment must be foremost carried out in accordance with
basic principles of international law.
The signs and the essence of the international governance are predetermined
by an idea of cooperation of the states and other subjects during an era of
globalization when their objective interdependence increases constantly.
The international governance in sphere of the environmental protection
can be carried out in various areas, for example, regulation in the sphere of preservation
of a biodiversity, management in the sphere of climate changes, management
in the sphere of the reference with dangerous waste, etc.
The basic function of the international governance is regulation by
means of which states and the international intergovernmental organizations and
other structures formulate rules or provisions, obligatory for implementation by
those subjects which directly discuss the issues of exploitation of natural resources,
or develop recommendations which should be considered to promote
efficiency of a mode of protection.
However the term “international governance” which is used with reference
to separate sphere as a complex of the international relations in this case
forming the sphere of preservation of the environment, has wider content.
During the process of international governance the realization of functions
takes place on the basis of provisions of international law. Functions of
international governance in analyzed sphere are directed on the rational use of
natural resources in the context of sustainable development and strengthening of
efficiency of environmental protection.
By the international governance states organize interaction or cooperation
which can be direct, or be carried out through specially created international
Mohammad Hasan. (2008). Human Right to Health Protection in the International
Law. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 6, 1495–1505.
The right to health protection though it is one of the fundamental human
rights having the same legal status as the right to life or freedom of conscience
did not obtain the general recognition in national legal systems unlike the traditional
human rights. However, in 1998 all the participants of the World Health
Assembly including Russia acknowledged in the Declaration on Health Protection
that health and welfare of people were the final objective of social and economic
development of society.
Particular significance of health is also reflected in the documents
adopted by the UNO at the turn of the millennium. During recent years actually
all the UNO institutions and committees have been expressing their concern with
the implementation of this right which is confirmed by a significant number of
resolutions of the General Assembly of UNO, committees of U.N. Economic
and Social Council (ECOSOC), Committee on liquidation of discrimination
against women and of other bodies and agencies.
The Charter of the World Health Organization says that the utmost
achievements in terms of level of health are one of the fundamental rights of
every person irrespective of one’s race, religion, political opinions, economic
and social status. Each government is responsible for health of its citizens, and
such responsibility requires taking of relative social measures in the field of
The World declaration on human rights says that every person has a
right to such standards of living, including food, clothes, housing, medical and
social service that are required for maintaining of his own health and health of
his family. It is also particularly emphasized that maternity and infancy entitle to
special care and assistance.
The right to health protection is established in more details in the International
Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights which not only determines
that the states participating in the Covenant acknowledge the right of
every person to the highest feasible level of physical and mental health but also
stipulates that with regard to the provided specific responsibilities of the states to
ensure the implementation of this right the states commit to create such conditions
that enable rendering of medical service for everybody. The problem of
achievement of the highest possible level of health by all the nations implies a
wide range of measures that shall be implemented by all the states both independently
on the basis of its national legislation and in compliance with international
acts, conventions, rules, etc. adopted by some relative bodies and committees,
in the first place, by the UNO and the WHO. Problems with human health
are not limited only by the field of healthcare but require comprehensive and
multi-field approach that sometimes needs multilateral influence of several organizations.
At present there is a long-felt necessity that the WHO pays more serious
attention to international lawmaking, especially with regard to the fact that intensive
development of international law is in progress within other organizations
and programs whose activities are in some or other way related to health
N.G. Skachkov. (2008). Mutual Insurance of Liability in Sea Transport Operations
and Consolidation of Legal Status of Insurer. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 6, 1506–1516.
Mutual insurance of liability of ship-owners is subject to legal traditions
established during the period of dynamic development of the British insurance market. The idea to cover financial losses by means of targeted allocation of income
sources seems to be the key one even nowadays since the foundations of
insurance organization do not intend for no particular reason to give up the dependence
on the extent of participation in reimbursements aimed at leveling of
some or other adverse effect.
However, diversification of types of liability does not often gain understanding
while absolutely new objects of insurance appear with repeated regularity.
For this outcome, updating of technological cycle of mechanisms of transportation,
handling, warehousing and document flow is enough. Just this fact
directly indicates washing out of distinguishing between compensating and accumulating
elements of insurance event since the problems of material damages
in insurance and their impact on amounts of insurance payments seem to be open
rather than solved forever. At present something is initiated that hazily reminds
step-by-step transformation of personal insurance institutions in general. For this
purpose it is enough to declare that rates of sustained loss are determined independently,
based on delicts of ship-owners and on commonness of trends to ensure
safe navigation.
The expected remark on the decision function of rule of law will not be
out of place in the situation of obvious uncertainty but the general legal expansion
does not seem to be desirable since it only aggravates already complicated
state of affairs. It is good when the state considers progressive international legal
proposals to be the call for action and explains in detail what mutual liabilities
shall be shared by participants of insurance agreement. But how shall we proceed
when the endeavors of legal base of some or other country are obviously
insufficient while the possibility to use the methods of comprehensive unification
is negligibly small? In such a case one sticks to the hope that sooner or later
the legislation on insurance of liability of ship-owners eliminates the optional
nature obviously inherent to it and the forthcoming waiting is short.
A.I. Rarog, Uve Hellmann, P. Golovnenkov. (2008). Responsibility of Physicians
for Professional Carelessness under Criminal Legislation of Russia and
Criminal Law of Germany Concerning Pharmaceutical Industry. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 6, 1517–1543.
The article consists of two parts. The first part deals with the problem of
responsibility of physicians in the Russian criminal law. It is indicated that
unlike the German criminal legislation thoroughly regulating the circulation of
medicines and medical products as well as matters of criminal responsibility for
breach of statute-established rules of circulation the criminal legislation of Russia
actually ignores the danger of illegal circulation of adulterated and expired
medicines. That is why the first part of the article gives consideration to the general
problems of responsibility of medical personnel for doing harm or for posing
hazard to life or health in the course of performing of their professional activities.
The second part of the article is a review of the German legislation concerning
responsibility of physicians for professional carelessness. It is noted that
besides apparent positive research opportunities the scientific and technological
progress in the process of globalization of economic relations, especially in
pharmaceutical industry, is characterized by a number of adverse events relevant
in terms of criminal law. The range of possible delinquent acts in the field of
pharmaceutical research, production and distribution of medicines is rather wide.
It covers not only misdeeds of individual persons not engaged in entrepreneurial
activities but also deeds that take place in divisions of national and international
corporations. One also has to face cases of export and import of poor-quality and
barred medicines with involvement of the third world countries and emerging
nations, tampering with results of pharmaceutical research, holding-up of information
of adverse by-actions of medicines as well as not taking or untimely taking
of actions to withdraw medicines suspected of posing hazard to life of customers.
Mass media publishes reports on criminal processes connected with
bribery of private physicians by large pharmaceutical companies and with distribution
of adulterated or barred medicines.
Criminal law regulation of relations connected with adulteration and
other illegal circulation of medicines (criminal law concerning pharmaceutical
industry) belongs to the section of protection of consumer rights of the German
economic criminal law and is characterized by three features.
Firstly, criminal legal rules stipulating responsibility for illegal circulation
of medicines are reflected not in the general legal codification (Strafgesetzbuch)
but in special branch laws. Special Branch Law of the Federative Republic
of Germany on circulation of medicines is the primary legislative act in the field
of pharmaceutical law.
Secondly, besides the rules that are criminal legal in the narrow sense,
the Law of the Federative Republic of Germany on circulation of medicines includes
essential elements of administrative offense, with the sanctions being administrative
penalty for certain actions violating the rules of the German legislation
on circulation of medicines.
Thirdly, disposition of all the said rules is blanket, i.e., they include references
to other provisions of the Law of the Federative Republic of Germany
on circulation of medicines to describe certain features of the objective aspect of
the essential elements. It is this blanket structure of essential elements that
causes the main complications of the German criminal law concerning pharmaceutical
industry. Multiple references to the provisions of the Law of the Federative
Republic of Germany on circulation of medicines that in its turn are not
closed in many cases but, on the contrary, refer to other rules of the German and
European legislation as well as multiple specifying subordinate statutory acts
make the essential elements in question very complicated for review and comprehension.
A.O. Chetverikov. (2008). The Legislation and the Legal Acts of the European
Union under the Treaty of Lisbon. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 6, 1544–1555.
The Treaty of Lisbon signed on 13 December 2007 marks a new stage in
the European integration and the development of the European Union law.
Along with the numerous reforms of the institutional framework of the European
Union (EU) the Treaty of Lisbon has introduced several important changes into
the system of legal acts which the EU institutions are empowered to adopt in all
fields of the Union competencies.
The present article has as its purpose to describe and clarify for a Russian
reader a new system of the EU legal instruments including their new classification
on legislative and non-legislative acts.
The article starts with the analysis of the legal nature and distinctive features
of each of the acts provided for adoption by the EU institutions: European
Parliament, European Council, Council, European Commission, Court of Justice
of the European Union, European Central Bank and Court of Auditors.
The acts concerned include the legal instruments both of binding nature
(regulations, directives, decisions) and the instruments which have not binding
force (recommendations and opinions). All the acts mentioned above preserve
their initial features existing since 1958 (entry into force of the Rome Treaties of
1957) with some changes for the decisions.
The new rules introduced by the Treaty of Lisbon provide for a distinction
between the legislative and non-legislative acts unknown before in the EU
law. Among the acts of the latter category the Treaty of Lisbon also singles out
the implementing and delegated acts adopted as a general rule by the European
Basing on the rules of the Treaty of Lisbon the article proposes a theoretical
definition of the term “EU legislative act” as a legal instrument adopted
by the European Parliament and/or Council under the legislative procedure in the
form of the regulation, directive or decision.
The article also gives a legal description of the EU documents which officially
do not form part of the “legal acts” of the European Union but nevertheless
are adopted by the EU institutions, bodies, agencies and offices, sometimes
as the sui generis acts: interinstitutional agreements, rules of procedure, guidelines,
communications, white papers, green papers, conclusions, codes of conduct
The whole system of the EU legal acts and other legal instruments is
summed up in the table contained in the annex to the article.
Tumanov D.A. (2008). Zubovich M.M. Protsessual'noe vzaimodeistvie sub''ektov arbitrazhnogo dokazyvaniya. LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law), 6, 1556–1559.