Chirninov, A.M. (2018). Evaluation of proof in the constitutional judicial procedure of Russia and United States: arbitrary assessment of evidence or standards of proof?. Law and Politics, 2, 1–8. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0706.2018.2.43127
The article examines approaches to the assessment of evidence used by Russian and American courts. The main purpose of the paper was to identify the distinctive features of judicial review of legislation that a lawmaker should take into account while selecting optimal rules for the assessment of evidence in constitutional litigation. The author pays particular attention to the epistemological foundations and procedural aspects of a direct perception of evidence that leads to a conclusion on whether or not facts at issue exist. Using methods of comparative law and analyzing in detail the rules on the assessment of evidence, he determines the historical reasons why Russia adopted the concept of free evaluation of evidence, whereas the United States opted for the objective standards of proof, such as «preponderance of the evidence», «clear and convincing evidence», and «beyond a reasonable doubt». The article demonstrates that rules on the assessment of evidence should take into consideration the structural properties inherent to constitutional litigation, including the consequences of the constitutional decision-making process, the necessity to decide constitutional cases on a probabilistic basis, and the generalized nature of facts affecting the constitutionality of laws.
constitutional justice, inquisitorial system of justice, adversarial system of justice, standards of proof, free evaluation of evidence, constitutional litigation, assessment of evidence, legislative fact, probability, relevance of evidence
Chufarova, E.N. (2018). Legal terminology, professionalisms and professional jargon: problem of distinction between concepts. Law and Politics, 2, 9–14. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0706.2018.2.43129
Modern researchers studying the processes in the area of legal language notice an increase in the frequency of use of professionalisms and professional legal jargon in lawmaking and law enforcement. To assess the relevance of the problem of infiltration of normative lexicon into the sphere of professional activity of the lawyers, the concepts of “term”, “professionalism” and “jargon” need to be defined when applied to legal language. In this work, the author attempts to formulate the principles of their distinction from one another, determine in which situations the official and unofficial lexicon is allowable, and find where professionalisms and professional jargon differentiate from legal and linguistic illiteracy. For these purposes, the author analyzed a number of scholarly works of linguists, and conducted a comparative analysis of several layers of legal language (terms, professionalisms, and jargons).
ideal term, legal jargon, term system, legal language, terminology, slang, professional jargon, legal linguistics, professional dialect, legal argument
Transformation of legal and political systems
Sudorgin, O.A. (2018). Political legal basis for electronic government in West Germany. Law and Politics, 2, 15–19. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0706.2018.2.43136
The subject of this research is the electronic government of the West Germany. The article explores various initiatives (concepts, plans of development), as well as federal norms on the legislative level, which regulate many various aspects of the electronic (digital) interaction between German citizens and state and municipal authorities. The author examines the institutional framework of regulation of the e-government of the West Germany (agencies, councils), which competency consists of regulation of the various aspects of e-government, and cites the achievements in the sphere of the e-government of the West Germany, as well as the influence of the European law upon the regulation of these issues in West Germany. The novelty of this research consists in the analysis of the set of normative and program acts of federal legislation in the area of regulation of the various aspects of digital interaction of citizens with the branches of state and municipal authorities.
concept, telecommunication means of communication, the Internet, authorities, prospects, digital interaction, E-government, development prospects, West Germany, normative act
State institutions and legal systems
Vyrva, P. (2018). On approaches towards understanding of the institution of lobbying. Law and Politics, 2, 20–26. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0706.2018.2.43131
This article is dedicated to examination of the political legal phenomenon of lobbying, history of the emergence of its institution, as well as doctrinal and legal positions regarding the content of the concept of lobbying. The object of this research is the social relations established in the area of interaction between the society, citizens, and government pertinent to promotion of the normative legal acts into the government authorities and local self-governance with the lawmaking function. The subject of this research is the Russian doctrine and legislation in the field of lobbying. The article explores the history of emergence of the concept of lobbying, provides original definition of lobbying, as well as substantiated the need for establishment of a universal understanding of the aforementioned phenomenon. Special attention is given to correlation between the characteristics of lobbying and the approach, through the prism of which it is determined. For avoiding the conceptual ambiguity, it is suggested to view lobbying as a normal and legitimate phenomenon, the political legal institution that is aimed at achieving the socially useful objectives. The scientific novelty lies in examination of the political legal phenomenon of lobbying; formulation of the notion of lobbying, particularly the author’s original definition; for the purpose of elimination of the conceptual ambiguity and reaching the terminological unity is suggested the universal understanding of lobbying, within the framework of which such phenomenon will have a positive implication.
offense, corruption, corruption lobbying, illegal lobbying, legal lobbying, sing of lobbing, history of lobbying, Lobbying, approaches to lobbying, terminological unity
Law and order
Greben'kova, L.A. (2018). Criminal legal characteristic of the object of involvement of minors in the commission of acts dangerous for the minor's life (Article 151.2 of the Criminal Code of Russian Federation). Law and Politics, 2, 27–33. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0706.2018.2.43138
The subject of this research is the characteristics of the object of criminal involvement of a minor in the commission of acts dangerous for minor’s life. The author attempts to determine the key criminal relevant features of the aforementioned act that define its objective hazard to society, sufficient for acknowledging as socially dangerous, as well as the need for criminalization. Attention is also focused on the circumstances that significantly increase the typical social danger of the criminal act that can be included into the criminal legislation as a qualifying factor. Using the formal legal method alongside the literal interpretation of legal acts, the author conducts the detailed analysis of the content of the basic, additional, and facultative object of crime, the responsibility for which is established by the Article 151.2 of the Criminal Code of Russian Federation. The main conclusion lies in the fact that besides the main object that implies the interests of healthy development and upbringing of a minor, as well as the additional object (life of a minor), the considered act can cause harm to health, freedom, and sexual integrity of a minor alongside the interests of family upbringing and the established order of exercising pedagogical activity. The indicated circumstances must be taken into account through determination of the qualifying factors. Therewith, there is a need for protection of public morality from the public propaganda unlawful activity.
propaganda of unlawful actions, unlawful behaviour, family, upbringing of minors, public morality, person, object of crime, social danger, aggravating factors, violence
Stabilization systems: fiscal control
Kireeva, A.V. (2018). Control in budget sphere is not effective enough? Analysis of potential causes and ways of their overcoming. Law and Politics, 2, 34–43. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0706.2018.2.43053
The subject of this research is the normative legal acts that regulated control implemented in budged sphere, as well as the statistical data, which characterize its efficiency. Their analysis allows concluding that the authorities exercising control in the budget sphere, comparing to other control authorities (supervision), experience lesser procedural limitations and have more discretion in planning and conducting of audit. However, in its current form, budget control does not complete its main objective, namely does not compensation for the damages to the budget. The conducted research demonstrated that the inefficiency of budget control instruments aimed at compensating for damage to the budget, is justified not as much by the flaws in its procedures, as by the weakness of the system of budgetary, administrative, and criminal responsibility, as well as the lack of systemic approach towards counteracting the “inefficient” budget expanses. The author also underlines the absence of system of prevention of inefficient budget spending.
misuse of public funds, effectiveness of state control, Federal Treasury of Russia, Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, financial control, budget control, budget responsibility, administrative responsibility, budget audit, prevention of unlawful actions
Human and state
Derbysheva, E.A. (2018). The reexamination stage of the passed rulings and decisions on cases of administrative legal violations from the perspective of the principle of legal certainty. Law and Politics, 2, 44–51. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0706.2018.2.43130
The subject of this research is the legal norms of the Article 30 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses, which regulates reexamination of the rulings and decisions on administrative violations, from the perspective of their correspondence with the requirements and principles of legal certainty in its procedural aspect. The article expounds the content of such requirement of the principle of legal certainty as cogency of court ruling. The questions of correspondence of the reexamination stage of the rulings and decisions on administrative violations to the requirements of the principle of legal certainty are being examined in comparison to similar stages in civil, criminal and arbitration procedure. The author comes to the conclusion that the administrative procedural legislation in the Russian Federation pertaining to reexamination of passed rulings and decisions on administrative violations, unlike the procedural legislation of other branches, does not meet such requirements of the principle of legal certainty as presence of the circle of subjects of appeal, restriction of multiple supervisory authorities, set period for appeal, and presence of the institutions of newly discovered circumstances.
complaint resolution, reviewing authority, the ECHR, of the constitutional Court, the persuasive power of judicial decisions, legal certainty, principle of law, administrative proceedings, party to the proceedings, of the administrative code
Human and state
Gerusova, S. (2018). Diligence of the citizen as a condition of release from liability in bankruptcy cases. Law and Politics, 2, 52–59. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0706.2018.2.43134
This article explores the most substantial and significant consequence of declaring an individual bankrupt and completion of the rehabilitation procedures – release from liability. The work lists liabilities from which the individual cannot be released after the conclusion of the process of realization of assets of the individual. The author gives and conducts legal analysis of the legal grounds, according to which the individual is not released from all types of liability. Analysis is conducted on the forming judicial practice on the question of application of rules on release from liability for individuals declared bankrupt. The novelty of this research consist in the novelty of the actual institution of personal bankruptcy in Russia. The law enforcement practice is just beginning to form and already finds problems in interpretation of the laws on release of individuals from liability. The author comes to a conclusion on unallowability of expanded interpretation of the positions of the Article 10 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation in resolution of the question of diligence of the citizen and application of the rules on release from liability.
financial manager, conscientiousness, waiver, rehabilitation procedure, the sale of the property of a citizen, bankruptcy of a citizen, insolvency, arbitration court, abuse of right, consumer bankruptcy
History of state and law
Vasev, I.N., Sinkin, K.A. (2018). Registration of marriage in accordance with the customary law of the Russian peasant community of the XIX century. Law and Politics, 2, 60–67. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0706.2018.2.43135
This article formulates the concept and characteristics of marriage in accordance with the customary law of the Russian peasant community. The established view upon peasant marriages as a property deal is subjected to a critical reevaluation. Based on the practice of volost courts is formed a list of conditions and barriers for entering marriage. Special attention is given to the accord between the will of the intending spouses and the interests of both parties arranging the marriage. The authors point at separate cases of disparity of the customary legal practice with assignments of the positive law. The historical legal method is applies in examination of practice of the peasant volost courts. Juxtaposition of the customary legal model of marriage with the modern family legislation allows concluding that at the present time, the matrimonial law is deprived of the majority of religious and ethnical ideas, which mediated the registration of marriage between the Russian peasants. The authors claim that the current crisis in the indicated area is considerably caused by the legislator’s refusal to right moral laws.
indissolubility of marriage, obstacles to marriage, the conditions of marriage, the registration of marriage, the concept of marriage, Russian customary law, Russian peasant community, legal practice, demographic policy, wedding
Practical law manual
Osina, D. (2018). Relevant questions of interpretation of legal norms in settling a labor dispute in court. Law and Politics, 2, 68–76. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0706.2018.2.43133
Based on the example of a specific labor dispute on employment reinstatement, this article examines the legal consequences of illegal dismissal; limits of applicability of Part 5 of the Article 394 of Labor Code of the Russian Federation and court’s responsibility to redraft the grounds and (or) reasons of dismissal; whether the court is entitled to settle the dispute beyond the worker’s claim of employment reinstatement; what implies the continuation of work in terms of reorganization. The covered questions are illustrated with the examples form judicial practice, which additionally increases the relevance of the work of practicing lawyers in the area of labor law. The author underlines the presence of ambiguous approaches towards the interpretation of various legal categories in the Russian labor law that inevitably results in the emergence of a significant number of labor disputes. Thus, a conclusion is made on the need for regulation of the contested issues at legislative level or through acquisition of interpretations of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation regarding order of application of one or other positions of the labor and civil procedural legislation.
liquidation of a legal entity, limitation of consideration of a case, job function, continuation of work, change of grounds for dismissal, reinstatement in a job, dismissal, Labor code, court interpretation, labor dispute
Discussion forum
Arslanov, K.M., Safin, R.R. (2018). On the prospects of legal regulation of labor relations. Law and Politics, 2, 77–84. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0706.2018.2.42995
The subject of this research is the positions of the Russian legislation, law enforcement practice, as well as the existing in legal science views on the problems of agreement-based regulation of relations in the area of labor. The authors meticulously examine the interaction between civil and labor law. Particular attention is given to the questions of the cross-sectoral linkages of the two branches, which has recently acquired special scientific relevance. This is encouraged by the development of legislative system and necessity of practical implementation. The civil and labor law remain in constant interaction and development; thus, it is necessary to ensure the balance between civil legal and labor legal regulation of social relations endued into the agreement-based form. The article applies the cross-sectoral method of scientific analysis, as well as provides forecast of the development of legal regulation of the agreement-based form of relations in the area of labor. The authors substantiate the position that the future achievement of establishment of the systemic regulation of relations in the area of labor requires ensuring the interaction between the civic and labor law. It is pointed at subsidiary application of the norms of civil law to labor relations. The article provides an original understanding on the development of legal regulation in the area of labor, considering the interaction between civil and labor law.
interaction, approach, law, agreement, labor, services, work, activity, legal regulation, civil law