Fayskhanov I.F..
Authentication of users with a stable keyboard handwriting in free text selection
// Cybernetics and programming. – 2018. – ¹ 3.
– P. 72-86.
DOI: 10.25136/2644-5522.2018.3.25044.
DOI: 10.25136/2644-5522.2018.3.25044
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Abstract: The subject of the research in this work is a dynamic process of user authentication using keyboard handwriting with free text selection.This process is a regular check of the user on a "friend-to-another" principle: the user entering the text is under continuous monitoring of the system and, in case of non-coincidence of the identification characteristics, the system refuses to continue working.The free sample is understood as follows: the user performs text input based on his current tasks, the system in turn analyzes this work, extracts signs, learns, and in case of inconsistency of characteristics, stops access. The research method used in this work is theoretical, consisting of research, search and calculations. An empirical method is also used, which consists of experiment, comparison, and study. The novelty of this paper is as follows. To date, the most popular authentication method is the password.However, the password gradually displaces the biometric means of authentication. For example, to date, many smartphones are equipped with a fingerprint scanning feature.Nevertheless, despite the effectiveness of this method, the method of keyboard authentication has its advantages: the fingerprint scanning system has the risk of not recognizing the finger, if it is injured, hacking methods of this method already exist and, most importantly, the proposed keyboard handwriting system controls by entering continuously, which will allow first, to prevent an attacker from entering the authentication phase, and also to detect it if, for example, he could, by fraudulent means, gain access to the system.
Keywords: normal distribution, analysis, recognition, dynamic authentication, keyboard handwriting, biometry, authentication, information security, statistics, experiments
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