Gorbaneva, O.I., Murzin, A.D., Ougolnitsky, G.A. (2020). Modeling the coordination of general and private interests of the development of economic entities. Cybernetics and programming, 1, 1–8.
The article presents a dynamic socio-ecological-economic model of the synergetic development of individual economic entities, which makes it possible to reconcile their general and private interests. Maximization of specific consumption is proposed as a target parameter. Accordingly, in relation to private interests - the subject, in relation to general interests - the governing center. The model provides for the possibility of using the available resources by each entity both in the tasks of their own development and in the general development goals of other entities. The presented model can be used to form an economic development program for a separate territory, a separate industrial cluster, a municipality, a region and a macro-region. As a result of modeling, control parameters are formed for developing a strategy for economic development. A model of territorial development based on two models is presented: a dynamic model of the combination of general and private interests and a neoclassical Solow model. It is proposed to use a model for regional systems, where the elements of the system are regions within one macro-region. The parameters of the model used for the macroregion are described in terms of identification. The modification of the Solow model takes into account a) threshold limits on the volume of production in the region, emissions and discharges of pollutants from the regions; b) interaction of subjects in solving joint development problems through cross-investment for a synergistic effect; c) taking into account the influence of technical progress both on the volume of the quantity of products produced and on labor productivity. As for the use of the model of the combination of general and private interests, the sum of two terms was taken as the target function of agents (regions): the maximization of specific consumption is taken as the private interests of the region, and the specific consumption of the entire macroregion is taken as the general interest.
dynamic model, development control, combining development, private interests, social interests, combining, modeling, specific consumption, economical subjects, control center
Mathematical models and computer simulation experiment
Gorbaneva, O.I., Murzin, A.D., Lazareva, E.I. (2020). Parameters of sustainable ecological and economic development in the dynamic model of the combination of general and private interests of the development of the system of subjects. Cybernetics and programming, 1, 9–17.
The article is devoted to the development of a dynamic model for the coordination of general and private interests in the system of complex socio-ecological-economic synergetic development of a system of economic entities, the target control parameter of which is maximization of specific consumption. The parameters of the model under consideration are supposed to be supplemented with the criteria of ecological and economic sustainability of a group of subjects localized on a separate territory, within the boundaries of a separate industrial cluster, municipal formation, region or macroregion. The conditions for sustainable development (homeostasis) of the socio-ecological-economic system in the model are set by the requirements for the economic development of the agent, the maximum permissible emissions and discharges of pollutants into the environment in the process of economic activity. The resulting formalized dependencies make it possible to substantiate the environmental and social significance of the management decisions taken, as well as the effects associated with the dynamics and uncertainty of the external environment. The paper presents an algorithm for finding the Nash equilibrium in the previously presented dynamic model for combining general and private interests of territorial development. Some components of the vector of control actions are found analytically, for the rest an economical procedure is described. It is shown that in the absence of established threshold values for GRP and the concentration of pollutants in water and air, it is unprofitable for territorial entities to spend resources neither on investments in production or fixed production assets, nor on cleaning up pollution. Consequently, the expediency of introducing conditions for sustainable development, which are fulfilled by the subject in the form of equality, is shown.
maximum permissible emission, homeostasis, combined development of subjects, combining of interests, pollutant discharge, ecologico-economical influence, sustainability, socio-ecological-economical system, target control parameters, dynamic models
Mathematical models and computer simulation experiment
Gorbaneva, O.I., Murzin, A.D., Anopchenko, T.Y. (2020). Application of a dynamic model for the coordination of general and private interests of sustainable development at the regional level. Cybernetics and programming, 1, 18–28.
The article presents the results of approbation of the previously presented dynamic socio-ecological-economic model of the synergetic development of individual entities within the South Russian macro-region, which allows to harmonize the general and private interests of each region. The model is investigated on the materials of the Southern Federal District. The identification of the model for the macro-region of the Southern Federal District was carried out on the basis of the data of the website of the State Statistics Committee, which are in the public domain. For identification, the time series of 2005, 2010, 2015-2017 were taken. This choice is explained by both theoretical reasons (a step of five years was chosen for the long-term data and one year for the near-term data), and empirical (the data of the crisis periods of 2008 and 2012, as well as the years nearest to them, were not taken). As a result of the study, several controversial conclusions were drawn regarding the strategies of the subjects' behavior. Calculations show, in particular, that in the current conditions it is not profitable for any of the regions to develop its own production sphere; the optimal strategy for each of them is only to increase consumption in the hope of the production activity of neighboring regions. In view of the choice of this rational strategy by all regions at the same time, a general degradation of the production sphere and stagnation of the regional economy are predicted. At the same time, it was revealed that a further reduction in production becomes unprofitable for almost all lagging regions (the republics of the Southern Federal District), while the leading regions (the regions of the Southern Federal District) remain profitable for production inaction.
interregional interaction, management of regional development, dynamic model, combining of interests, private interests, public interests, modeling, production activity in the region, macroregion, SFD subjects
Systems analysis , search, analysis and information filtering
Pekunov, V.V. (2020). Elements of XPath-like languages in problems of constructing semantic XML models of natural language texts. Cybernetics and programming, 1, 29–41.
The subject of the research is the possibility of using XPath-like micro-languages of programming in the generation systems of programs of the PGEN ++ class for the selection and completion of XML-models describing the plan for solving the original problem, according to which the solver program is generated. It is supposed to build such models according to the description of the problem in natural language, thus, we are talking about elements of artificial intelligence technologies. XPath-like language works in the layer of regular-logical expressions (highlighting elements of the primary XML document), performing primary processing of the data obtained in the layer of grammatical parsing of the source text. In addition, XPath-like elements are used to render the final XML models. The standard natural language parsing libraries are used. Non-standard XPath query language extensions are used. For the first time, the idea of expanding the XPath query language to the level of an algorithmic language by introducing the minimum required number of syntactic elements is proposed. It is also proposed to use syntactic elements with an XPath-like structure as both generating and controlling weak constraints of the process of direct inference of final semantic XML models.
natural-language processing, algorithmic completness, model completion, weak restrictions, algorithmic XPath, program generation, artifical intelligence, sense model, direct inference, link-grammar parsing
Software for innovative information technologies
Chausov, E.V., Molchanov, A.S. (2020). Mathematical means and software for digital image processing when evaluating the linear resolution of aerial photographic systems. Cybernetics and programming, 1, 42–52.
The authors consider the issues of evaluating digital aerial photographic systems based on the modulation transfer function. Special attention is paid to the issues of synthesis of mathematical and software for processing digital images when evaluating the linear resolution of aerial photographic systems. The basis of the mathematical support is the original method for evaluating the linear resolution on the ground using the modulation transfer function, taking into account the results of the flight experiment. The software is implemented in an automated complex for image processing of digital aerial photographic systems, which automatically calculates the modulation transfer function based on the results of the flight experiment. The research methodology combines methods of systems analysis, digital image processing, probability theory, mathematical modeling and software engineering. The main conclusion of the study, confirmed by the results of determining the experimental function of modulation transfer using an automated image processing complex based on images obtained during flight tests of a digital camera of the complex from the Orlan-10 unmanned aerial vehicle, is to confirm the operability of the developed automated complex for digital image processing, which makes it possible to use it to estimate the linear resolution on the ground during flight tests of aerial photographic systems of aerial reconnaissance and surveillance.
image decryption, unmanned aerial vehicle, flight tests, digital aerial photography system, bar image, linear terrain resolution, modulation transfer function, digital image processing, automated image processing, automation of aerial reconnaissance