Programming languages
Revnivykh, A.V., Velizhanin, A.S. (2019). Methods for automated formation of a disassembled listing structure. Cybernetics and programming, 2, 116.
The subject of the research is the method of splitting a disassembled code into logical blocks in automatic mode, searching for software vulnerabilities without using source code (using a binary file or its equivalent, obtained by reverse engineering).The object of the research is the existing code analyzers and features of their functionality.The aim of the study is to consider the possibility of splitting a disassembled code into logical blocks in automatic mode and some of the possible difficulties associated with this.Formulation of the problem. The complexity of analyzing large software products at the level of machine code necessitates the automation of this process. The research methodology is based on a combination of theoretical and empirical approaches using the methods of static and dynamic analysis, comparison, generalization, algorithmization, modeling, synthesis. Key findings. Splitting the code into blocks by sequential in line-by-line analysis of machine code in some cases can lead to misinterpretation. In addition, the analysis of the code according to the conclusions of the functions also does not guarantee the correctness of the determination of the boundaries of the functions. However, in general, the matrix method can be applied to analyze the dependencies of functions on the blocks of code thus selected.The scientific novelty is connected with the determination of promising vectors for the study of software code for vulnerability, the rationale for the approach (building the transition matrix from integer values), which may be the initial stage of preparation for the automated analysis of the disassembled code.
Matrix method, Adjacency matrix, IDA Pro utility, FASM compiler, Disassembling, Code analyses, Vulnerabilities, Information security, Code blocks, Matrix building algorithm
Mathematical models and computer simulation experiment
Efimov, A.I., Balily, N.A. (2019). Methods of teaching control systems for unmanned aerial vehicles by immersing them in virtual reality. Cybernetics and programming, 2, 1722.
The subject of study is the implementation of control systems for unmanned aerial vehicles. As their solution, a method of teaching and testing of these systems by immersing the entire system and its individual components into a virtual reality as close as possible to real conditions is proposed. The advantages and difficulties of implementation in relation to each of the system modules involved are considered. For each of the difficulties the authors propose solutions. The most successful scopes of application are revealed, and also possibility of application of the given method to land and surface vehicles is allocated. In the framework of this work, the existing aircraft control systems and the use of virtual reality within the framework of training their individual parts are investigated and the option of extending the use of such methods to the entire control system with an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of this approach is proposed. The novelty of this article lies in the training of control systems for unmanned aerial vehicles by immersing it in virtual reality. The completeness and flexibility of such a training system is able, on the one hand, to adapt to any equipment configuration, on the other hand, to provide the highest quality training. The most important aspect is ensuring that you can use a larger proportion of the learning algorithms than is possible in other cases. In addition, this approach to the crane is useful in the framework of video navigation in connection with the possibility of better implementation of computer vision. The article shows the relevance of the research and the effectiveness of this method in the framework of aircraft control systems and proposed its application to other vehicles.
learning algorithms, computer vision, navigation, control system, virtual reality, unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), neural networks, deep learning, drone, videonavigation
Mathematical models and computer simulation experiment
Litvinov, V.A. (2019). On the influence of the method of approximation of an unknown function on the stability of numerical methods for solving the anomalous diffusion equation. Cybernetics and programming, 2, 2329.
The subject of the research is numerical algorithms for solving fractional partial differential equations. The object of the study is the stability of several algorithms for the numerical solution of the anomalous diffusion equation. Algorithms based on the difference representation of the fractional Riemann-Liuville derivative and the Caputo derivative for various orders of accuracy are considered. A comparison is made of the results of numerical calculations using the analyzed algorithms for a model problem with the exact solution of the anomalous diffusion equation for various orders of the fractional derivative with respect to the spatial coordinate. The results of the work were obtained on the basis of the analysis of the constructed difference schemes for stability, the conducted numerical experiments and a comparative analysis of the data obtained. The main conclusions of the study are the advantage of using the approximation of the fractional Caputo derivative compared to using the difference scheme for the fractional Riemann-Liouville derivative in the numerical solution of the anomalous diffusion equation. The paper also indicates the importance of choosing the method of difference approximation of the second derivative, which is a derivative of the Caputo.
derivative Of Caputo, approximation, diffusion, difference scheme, algorithm, stability, fractional derivative, numerical method, Riemann-Liouville derivative, differential equation
Automated systems of engineering process administration
Khronusova, T.V., Asanov, A.Z., Nazarenko, M.A. (2019). On-board information and control systems that automate the movement of vehicles in a column using the example of heavy vehicles. Cybernetics and programming, 2, 3043.
The subject of this article is on-board information control systems that ensure the movement of heavy vehicles in a convoy with the driver only in the first car, as well as cruise control systems, including adaptive and intelligent ones. The purpose of the article is the formation of the specified on-board system of a heavy truck, which includes both a set of algorithms and key functions that implement movement in a column, and a list of used categories of sensors. All considered functions are arranged hierarchically at three levels: strategic, tactical and operational. The study collected both theoretical and practical information provided by automakers, revealing the essential content of onboard information systems and cruise control. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that the model of intellectual cruise control has been improved, providing movement of heavy vehicles in a convoy, if there is a driver only in the first car. The proposed model includes the hierarchical architecture of the on-board information management system, key algorithms and sensors for its implementation.
airborne management information system, control algorithm, sensor, movement in the column, unmanned motion, Cruise control, adaptive cruise control, intellectual cruise control, heavy vehicle, hierarchical architecture
Educational software systems
Raeckiy, A., Shlyanin, S., Ermakova, L. (2019). The implementation of the differentiation of access rights in the "Portfolio SibGIU" information system. Cybernetics and programming, 2, 4454.
The object of the study is the information system for the formation of the student's electronic portfolio. The subject of the research is the organization of the differentiation of access rights for different groups of users: students, portfolio moderators and administrators. The rights, functions and interface of each user group of the information system are considered in detail. A mechanism is described that allows the Siberian State Industrial University Portfolio information system to define a new right for LMS Moodle, which gives the Moodle user the ability to view all categories of files in the portfolio, as well as a report on the group's activities. When creating an information system, the deduction method was used, in which, for a variety of particular features, a conclusion was made about the total population of the features studied, as well as a method for analyzing the existing 4portfolio software. The main result of the work is the implementation of differentiation of access rights in the information system “Siberian State Industrial University Portfolio”, due to which the plugin defines three roles: the user, the moderator of the portfolio and the administrator. The users are university students who can upload documents to the portfolio confirming personal achievements in various activities, and each of their actions is controlled by a moderator assigned to the group, which improves the quality of filling and avoids errors in the formation of the portfolio. To control the process of filling the portfolio in the information system "Siberian State Industrial University Portfolio" reports of various levels of detail are generated, reflecting the results of the work of both moderators and users. To realize the possibility of viewing the contents of a student portfolio by registered users of LMS Moodle, the Siberian State Industrial University Portfolio information system defines a new right in LMS Moodle.
distance education technology, plugin, assignments synchronization, moderator, permissions, Learning Management System, eLearning, electronic portfolio, Moodle, Information system
Telecommunication systems and computer networks
Gorlushkina, N.N., Ivanov, S.E., Ivanova, L.N. (2019). The generalized centrality method for analyzing network cyberspace. Cybernetics and programming, 2, 5564.
The subject of the research is the methods of network cyberspace analysis based on graph models. The analysis allows to find leaders of groups and communities, to find cohesive groups and visualize the results. The main methods of the graph theory used for cyberspace social networks are the methods of analyzing the centrality to determine the relative weight or importance of the vertices of the graph. There are known methods for analyzing centralities: by degree, by proximity, by mediation, by radiality, by eccentricity, by status, eigenvector, referential ranking. The disadvantage of these methods is that they are based only on one or several properties of the network participant. Based on the centrality analysis methods, a new generalized centrality method is proposed, taking into account such participant properties as the participant's popularity, the importance and speed of information dissemination in the cyberspace network. A mathematical model of a new method of generalized centrality has been developed. Comparison of the results of the presented method with the methods of the analysis of centralities is performed. As a visual example, a subgroup of cyberspace consisting of twenty participants, represented by a graph model, is analyzed. Comparative analysis showed the accuracy of the method of generalized centrality, taking into account at once a number of factors and properties of the network participant.
degree centrality, weights of vertices, definition of group leaders, social networks, graph model, centrality method, community analysis methods, network cyberspace, closeness centrality, betweenness centrality
Quality aspects and improving the margin of reliability of software systems
Ponachugin, A.V. (2019). Software Reliability definition in the modern information system structure. Cybernetics and programming, 2, 6572.
The subject of research is the use of modern approaches to determine aimed at improving the reliability of software security and quality of the information system. The object of research is a model determining the reliability of the software. The author examines in detail aspects such topics as: the use of a functional approach to the study of the reliability of the software component is the sum of the aggregate reliability to achieve each function block; Use a systematic approach to the study of the reliability of the software in the information system structure. Particular attention is paid to the comparison of existing models and methods of determining the reliability. The proposed method of estimating software reliability based on the allocation of the function blocks and to guarantee quality and reliability of the final result of software development. Key findings of the study: the use of a systematic approach makes it possible to identify the quality of the following interconnections between the constituent elements of the program, which define modern ways to improve software reliability. The paper proposed to adapt the major principles of the system improve the reliability of software proved useful effect of their introduction. The novelty of the research lies in the joint use of the functional and systemic approach in order to identify ways to increase the quality and reliability that takes into account the characteristics within the structural elements of the program and their interaction.
improving reliability, software reliability, reliability assessment, functional unit, the reliability of management systems, reliability of software, self-test information system, software, systems approach, functional approach
Gribanova-Podkina, M. (2019). Database Connection Technologies from JSP Pages and Java Web Application Servlets. Cybernetics and programming, 2, 7385.
The purpose of the study is to demonstrate the diversity of solutions on the issue of connecting to a database, including a description of the developed connection controller class, as well as various ways to create connection pools on a web server and application servers. The article discusses the practical issues of using JDBC technology when building a Java web application. In the examples, the presentation and business layer of the application are developed using JSP-pages and servlets, the database operates on the MySQL platform. The described methods for creating and configuring a connection pool are shown on the example of the ApacheTomcat web server and the GlassFish application server. The question of optimizing database connections in Java applications remains open, despite the diversity of solutions. The study examines and proposes methods for constructing classes of connectors, various methods for creating pool connections, and describes the results of solving problems arising from the implementation of the described techniques. A detailed classification of ways to connect to the database is given.
GlassFish, MySQL, application server, web server, connection pool, JDBC, database, web application, connection controller, data source